Melodic Direction’s Effect on Tapping
Amos David Boasson,*1
Roni Granot*2
*Dept. of Musicology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Behavioral response to pitch (pure tone) change was probed, using the
tapping methodology. Musicians and non-musicians were asked to tap
steadily to isochronous (2 Hz) beep sequences featuring pitch events:
rise, fall, peak, valley, step-size change, and pitch re-stabilization.
Peaks and valleys were presented in either early, middle or late ordinal
position within sequences. Two non-western melodic step-sizes were
used (144 and 288 cents). Inter-Tap Intervals (ITIs) were checked for
correlations to melodic direction and step-size.
Three contradicting predictions regarding response to melodic
direction and step-size were proposed: a) based on musicians’
tendency to ‘rush’ on ascending melodic lines, the “High-Urgent”
hypothesis predicted shortened ITIs in response to rising pitches; b)
based on approach/withdrawal theories of perception and on
ethological research showing lower pitches interpreted as more
threatening, the “Flexor/Extensor” hypothesis predicted shorter ITIs
in response to falling pitches, due to stronger activation of the flexing
muscles while tapping; c) based on previous research on temporal
judgment, the “Δ” hypothesis predicted one effect in both melodic
directions, correlated to the magnitude of pitch change.
Elicited ITIs were related to the stimuli’s melodic direction.
Following first pitch-change, the shortest elicited ITIs were to
pitch-rise in double-steps, showing a main effect to melodic direction.
Taps to rising lines maintained increased negative asynchrony
through six taps after first pitch-change. However, peaks and valleys
in mid-sequence position both yielded delays. The Urgent-High
hypothesis gained support the most, but does not account, for example,
for the delays on both peaks and valleys in mid-sequence.
Adding findings on the impact of pitch in animals’ and humans’
non-verbal communication on behavior (Morton, 1977; Ohala,
1984), to findings on links between sound and motion in the
lives of fetuses and babies, Boasson (2010) presented the
SAME hypothesis – Sound As Motion-Equivalent – suggesting
the existence of a complex set of responses and inhibitions
which uses all sound parameters, including pitch, to extract
motion from the surroundings and deduce optimal self-motion.
Searching for behavioral correlates of pitch processing, this
study harnessed the tapping methodology – used normally to
research human responses to tempo change, prediction
processes and motor preparation – as a window to the
ear-muscle, pitch-locomotion route. The action performed in
tapping is far from locomotion, and is probably propelled via a
mechanism of synchronization to external stimuli, attuned to
the temporal dimension. Nevertheless, tapping was chosen due
to the possibility to detect and inspect unintentional effects of
pitch, expressed in the muscles, in a non-verbal, non-invasive
and simple paradigm. An isochronous stimulus, to which
subjects were asked to synchronize their tapping, featured pitch
(frequency) changes. Inter-tap intervals were checked for the
effect of melodic direction and pitch step-size.
Several preceding studies imply that pitch change affects
temporal judgment. Hirsh et al. (1990) reported their subjects
performed more poorly in detecting small temporal fluctuations
in an otherwise isochronous sequence of six very fast tones
(200ms IOI) when the time-shifted tone’s pitch was deviant;
detection was poorer the larger the melodic interval was. The
effects were dependent on the perturbations’ position in the
sequence, in manners that could be related to musical phrase
structure: large upward intervals in initial positions and large
downward intervals in final positions disrupted detection more,
as time-shifts there were perceived perhaps as ‘fitting’. Tekman
(2001), in light of findings quite similar to Hirsh et al.’s, suggested that musicians’ timing deviations stem from properties
of the human auditory processing, rather than listeners shaping
their auditory strategies to fit a musical environment.
Boltz (1998) found that subjects judged melodies (set in a
Western scale) containing more pitch-contour changes or wider
pitch-intervals as having a slower tempo than comparison
melodies, though actual tempi did not differ. She offered an
interpretation according to which humans generalize from
motor experience into the auditory modality: slowing down in
order to maintain balance while locomoting in a zigzag course,
or requiring more time to traverse a longer distance, are daily
facts, intervening, according to Boltz, with a temporal judgment
of non-temporal information as pitch.
Probing Boltz’s hypothesis, Ammirante, Thompson & Russo
(2011) used the ‘continuation tapping’ paradigm; their subjects,
synchronizing initially their tapping to a given isochronous beat,
had then to maintain independently the same InterTap Intervals
(500ms), hearing from the 21st tap on a randomly changing
feedback pitch, self-generated by the tapping, which they were
instructed to ignore. Contour changes elicited longer ITIs than
contour-preserving tones; larger step-sizes elicited shorter ITIs.
The authors interpreted the results as supporting an Ideomotor
approach: a contour change requires slowing down, while
preserving direction allows building-up speed, and traversing a
larger (pitch) space in a given time implies faster motion,
expressed in tapping sooner the next tap.
We did not find studies which addressed the effect of melodic
direction on tap timing, the issue our study sought to probe. We
presented our subjects with various pitch contours, in opposing
melodic directions, and in two Non-western pitch step-sizes.
Three mutually exclusive predictions were raised as for the
results. The “High-Urgent” hypothesis predicted that ITIs
following upward pitch events will be shortened. Friberg et al.
(2006) compiled a set of ‘rules’ – the KTH model – for music
performers, based on analysis of actual performances. The
“Faster uphill” rule states: “Increase tempo in rising pitch”
(p.148). This phenomenon can also be attested by the first
author of this study, a professional performing musician.
The “Flexor/Extensor” hypothesis predicted, on the basis of
ethological research, that since lower pitches are perceived as
more threatening, in both animal (Morton, 1977) and human
(Ohala, 1984) non-verbal communication, including musical
contexts (Huron et al., 2006), more activation of flexing –
‘defending’ – muscles should occur on falling melodic lines,
resulting in an earlier tap. Rising lines should be perceived as
appeasing, incurring more extensor muscle activity.
The “Δ” hypothesis predicted larger step-sizes will result in a
larger effect-size, without dependency on the melodic direction.
Not only Ammirante et al.’s (2011) findings support this
approach. Indeed, a larger step-size resulted in a deteriorated
temporal judgment in Penel & Drake’s (2004) study as well.
Their subjects showed reduced success in reporting subtle
prolongations of inter-tone intervals when these appeared
before larger pitch intervals. The authors link the phenomenon
to music-performers’ habit to prolong such intervals, and
suggest that bottom-up auditory processing is the origin of
musicians’ biases, and not higher cognitive ‘decisions’. In the
auditory Kappa effect (Crowder & Neath, 1995; Henry &
MacAuley, 2009), subjects judge silent time intervals preceding
larger pitch intervals as longer. Repp (1995), on the other hand,
did not find support for the Kappa effect within a musical
context: although his listeners’ temporal judgment as to notes
preceding melodic jumps was poor, he did not find an interval
size effect; his stimulus, it should be added, was a musical
phrase within a tonal, metrical context. It is inconclusive, then,
whether perceptual systems encountering bigger ‘changes in the
world’ elicit a larger response, and whether the pitch domain
would influence temporal aspects of motor performance.
Each trial opened with between 7 and 12 beeps of identical
frequency (386 Hz, labeled in Table 1 as 0), followed
immediately by one of 20 different melodic contour/ step-size
combinations over the next 6 beeps (see Table 1). The number
of identical beeps at the beginning of each sequence was
randomized to prevent prior ‘knowledge’ of the moment of first
frequency change. The last frequency reached was repeated for
4 more beeps (5 beeps altogether) to test for after-effects.
Table 1: Melodic sequences used. Zero denotes the frequency, 386
Hz, which was repeated at each trial’s outset between 7-12 times.
Numbers denote steps in the Bohlen Pierce scale, equivalent to 144
cents, or 8.8%. Each trial’s last frequency was repeated five times.
A. Subjects
21 subjects volunteered to take part: 11 musicians [6M, 5F;
average age: 36, SD 7.53; 2 LH] and 10 non-musicians [6M, 4F;
average age: 37, SD 8.36; 1 LH]. Musicians had more than 15
years of musical education and were performing regularly.
Non-musicians had up to 6 years of musical education in
childhood, and were not performing music on any regular basis.
B. Apparatus and Stimuli
Isochronous beeps (sinus tone) of varying frequencies were
presented, to which subjects were asked to tap in synchrony. A
non-western scale was used to minimize tonality effects which
could be associated with a feeling of ‘arrival’ or ‘relaxation’.
Also, Prince et al. (2009) showed that atonal contexts foster
pitch-time interactions. In the Bohlen Pierce Scale, an interval
of an octave and a fifth of the Western scale (duo-decime,
twelfth) is the new ‘octave’, called Tritave. It is divided to 13
equally-spaced steps, intervals calculated as 1/13 root of 3
(between a minor and a major second on the Western scale,
equal to about 144 cents).
Short beeps of 50ms (including 5ms rise-time and 5ms decay, to
prevent clicks) were played isochronously at 2Hz (500ms IOI,
120 on the metronome). This rate is often used in the tapping
research, as it is well within the physically comfortable range,
eliciting low ITI variability (e.g. Repp, 2010, cf. his review
Repp 2005). Self-preferred, ‘spontaneous’ tempi average near
this rate (Fraisse, 1982; Van Noorden & Moelants, 1999).
to single
Continuous melodic lines
0 -1 -2 -3 -4
0 -2 -4 -6 -8
B. Melodic direction reversals
Late peak
Middle peak
Early peak
Late valley
0 -1 -2 -3 -4
Middle valley
0 -1 -2 -3 -2
Early valley
0 -1 -2 -1
Late peak
Middle peak
Early peak
Late valley
0 -2 -4 -6 -8
Middle valley
0 -2 -4 -6 -4
Early valley
0 -2 -4 -2
C. Step-size change
0 -2 -4 -6 -7
0 -1 -2 -3 -5
No frequency change
Control stimulus
The design interleaved two sub-designs (see Table 1): Eight
sequences (2 x 2 x 2) of continuous melodic line with the
variables melodic direction (MD, up/down), step size (SS,
single/double), and step-size_change (yes/no); and twelve
sequences (2 x 2 x 3) of melodic direction reversal, with the
variables MD (peak/valley), SS (single/double), and ordinal
position of reversal (early, middle, late). One more sequence
was used as a control, in which the same frequency was heard
throughout, for 17-22 beeps. Single and double steps were
presented, to test for correlation between interval size and
response. A step-size change was presented to check for the
effect of a change in the ‘rate’ of melodic ‘motion’, within a
context of an already given melodic direction.
Each trial block included all 20 contour sequences and the
control, in a randomized order. Four seconds of silence
separated between trials. There were 5 blocks, each lasting
slightly over 5 minutes followed by a 30 seconds interval.
Sequences were played and data recorded by software
developed for the authors by Mr. Kfir Behar.
C. Procedure
The experimenter described the task (“tap as accurately in sync
with the beat, whatever happens”). Subjects sat comfortably at a
table, in a quiet room, with at least part of the forearm
positioned on the table as a basis. They listened to the stimuli
over head-phones (Sony MDR 605), tapping on a touchmicrophone with the index finger of the dominant hand. The
experimenter clicked the computer mouse once to start the
experiment. The timing of the subjects’ taps, from the sixth tap
on, was recorded by the software.
Figure 1: Beeps and Taps – Terms Clarification: taps’ numbering
lags one behind beeps, as their timing is believed to express a
response to the previous beep.
A. Analysis Methods
Measures were the difference in deviations from the expected
500ms standard interval between consecutive taps. They are
referred to as InterTap Interval (ITI) fluctuations. Thus, if
following beep B1, tap T1’s timing was 497ms, and following
beep B2, tap T2’ timing was 1013ms, the difference (ITI
fluctuation) of +16ms is referred to; if T1’s timing was 497ms
and T2’s 990ms, -7ms is noted. Thus, “-5ms” does not denote
absolute asynchrony.
Taps 1, 2 & 3 were analyzed after each examined pitch event
(first_change, step-size_change and MDR). After pitch restabilization only taps 1 & 2 were analyzed, due to missing data.
All point-elevations on graphs (except Fig. 1) are in relation to
the 500ms ITI standard (the zero axis). Each pitch event was
heard approximately simultaneously with a tap. Therefore,
response to the event’s content was first expressed on the next
tap, which was tagged T1, to be followed by T2 etc. (see Fig. 1).
B. Control
A control sequence of isochronous tones with no pitch change
(see Table 1D) was introduced once every block with a random
length of 17 to 23 tones. Subjects’ ITI fluctuation averages per
control trial were averaged per subject. The average thereof,
across subjects, was 0.26ms (SD = 1.64ms). As another control,
subjects’ taps to the initial unchanging tones of each trial – from
the sixth tone until first_change – were analyzed as well. Each
trial’s ITI fluctuation averages were averaged per subject. This
averaged at 0.25ms (SD = 1.44ms). As one of the criteria used
in the following analysis of ITI responses to melodic events is
the accumulated ITI fluctuation over three taps, another control
was calculated. The first three taps to those unchanging tones
were summed, and averaged in the same way. The average
thereof was 0.81ms (SD = 5.83ms). The ITI fluctuation
variability of subjects was assessed on the taps to recurring
pitch. Results were in line with tapping literature: Repp (2010)
reports a standard deviation of 2% of InterOnset Interval for
musicians trained in tapping, and about twice as much for
non-musicians, and the present data yielded a standard
deviation of 17.5ms for musicians untrained in tapping (3.5%
of the 500ms IOI), and 26.8ms (5.35%) for non-musicians.
The results in the control sequence and of the other analysis that
was done on recurring pitch conditions show very small average
ITI fluctuations – well under one millisecond. Therefore the
following results of the different conditions analyzed, though
reporting effects on a scale of single milliseconds, are
nevertheless significant.
C. First Change
In the following analysis of the three taps (T) following the
event of first_change, data for T2 and T3 from stimuli involving
an early peak/valley on the tone following first_change (see
Table 1B) were excluded, as that additional pitch event might
have affected ITI. Consequently, each subject’s value analyzed
was the average of 20 responses: four stimuli (rather than five),
times five blocks.
A 2 X 2 repeated measures ANOVA (melodic direction [MD] –
up, down; step-size [SS] – single, double) by group
(musicians/non-musicians) of T1 showed a main effect of MD:
upward changes elicited significant negative ITI fluctuations
(i.e. shorter ITIs, mean -2.1ms, t-test vs. control: p = .032) while
downward changes elicited positive, statistically insignificant
ITI fluctuations (mean +0.6ms) (see Table 2 and Fig. 3). No
main effect of SS was found on T1. Unpacking an interaction of
MD X SS pointed to the FirstChange_up_double condition as
eliciting the strongest ITI deviation on T1 (-3.8ms, effect size
0.66 1, t-test vs. FirstChange_down_double: p = .008), while
other conditions elicited statistically insignificant responses.
Examination of the significant interaction that was found on T1
for MD X group showed, that non-musicians had shorter ITIs
than musicians on upward changes (-3.8ms, -0.6ms respectively)
and longer on downward changes (+1.6ms, -0.3ms respecttively). Thus, on T1, musicians did not respond significantly
differently according to MD while non-musicians did (t-test for
non-musicians FirstChange_up vs. FirstChange_down: p = .026)
(see Fig. 4). A t-test comparing the difference in ITIs between
FirstChange_up and FirstChange_down in musicians vs. nonmusicians on T1 proved significant (p = .041). Non-musicians’
ITI fluctuation at FirstChange_up_double T1 amounted to
-5.4ms (effect size 1.01, significance vs. 0: p = 0.02).
On a similar ANOVA of T2 only SS’s effect approached
significance, and the interaction with MD continued, still
Effect size calculated as the difference in means from the control
condition, divided by the pooled standard deviation.
largely because of FC_up_double which has ‘sunk’ by -6ms
more, to an accumulated deviation (T1+2) of -9.0ms. Probing
the main effect shown by the ANOVA for SS on T3 revealed a
reverse situation: while single steps elicited a continued
shortening of the ITI (in spite of the ongoing isochronous tones),
responses to double steps began “repent” (T3: single -0.8ms,
double +2.3ms respectively; see Figure 3). The two subconditions (up, down) elicited similar response within each SS
(see Fig. 2).
Figure 2: Responses to first_change. In the figures in this article,
values are the accumulated deviation from the expected 500ms
InterTap Interval, denoted by the zero axis; blue for rising lines
and red for falling lines; wider dashes for double step stimuli;
error bars show standard error.
Table 2: Statistically significant ANOVA results for first_change
x SS
x group
Table 3: Statistically significant ANOVA results for first_change
with tap as variable.
x Tap
x Tap
x SS
x Group
x Tap
F(2,18)= F(2,18)= F(2,18)= F(2,18)=
p=0.017 p=0.019 p=0.014 p=0.076
F(2,18)= F(2,18)=
p=0.022 p=0.046
Examining the deviations from one tap to the next reveals only
part of the picture. ANOVAs conducted on the accumulated
values of T{1+2} and T{1+2+3} (the values actually shown on
the figures), showed a strong main effect of MD, and on T{1+2}
(before the ‘repent’ of the double steps) also for SS (MD means:
T{1+2} rising -6.5ms, falling -2.4ms; T{1+2+3} rising -5.6ms,
falling -1.8ms. SS means: T{1+2} single step -2.9ms, double
step -6.0ms. For statistics details see Table 2). ANOVAs adding
the Tap factor (T{1,2,3} and T{1, 1+2, 1+2+3}) increased
MD’s effect and revealed interactions summarized on Table 3.
Effect size of ITI shortening on rising MD at T{1+2} was 0.95.
Figure 3: Responses to first_change (FC), by melodic direction
and by step size
A prominent result is the overall ITI shortening in response to
first_change, gathering significance (vs. 0) on the ITI
fluctuation accumulations T{1+2} and T{1+2+3} (mean ITIs
and significance vs. 0 – T{1}: -0.8ms, p = .337; T{1+2}:
-4.4ms, p = .001; T{1+2+3}: -3.7ms, p = .002).
Figure 4: First_change by MD, in musicians and non-musicians
FCU – first change up; FCD – first change down.
D. Melodic Direction Reversals
a) Overall: An ANOVA on the pooled data for melodic
direction reversals (MDR: peaks and valleys in all three withinsequence ordinal positions; see Table 1B) did not show a main
effect of MD on Tap 1, but two similar ANOVAs of the
accumulated T{1+2} and of T{1+2+3} did show main effects
of MD: peaks elicited longer ITIs than valleys (T{1+2}: F(1,19)
= 5.804, p = .026, means – peaks: +2.4ms, valleys: -0.3ms;
T{1+2+3}: F(1,19) = 7.357, p = .014, means – peaks: +2.7ms,
valleys: -1.5ms) (see Fig. 5).
b) Ordinal position: a 2 X 2 X 3 repeated measures ANOVA
(MD – peak, valley; SS – single, double; Ordinal position –
early, middle, late) of Tap 1, by group, showed a main effect of
ordinal position (F(2,18) = 8.768, p = .002): a significant ITI
shortening was elicited by early MDRs (-2.7ms, p value vs. 0:
0.029), while middle ones (and to a lesser degree late) produced
delays (middle: +3.0ms, p value vs. 0: 0.0002). This effect,
however, is probably confounded with that of first_change: as
early MDRs were introduced on the tone following first_change,
first_change’s T2 – which, as reported, was tapped significantly
early – was also early MDR’s T1, the tap which differed most
between the three ordinal positions. An ANOVA for early
MDR’s T{2+3} did not find any main effect or interaction.
Figure 5: Responses to peaks and valleys – pooled data of all
ordinal positions and step sizes.
For middle MDRs neither main effects of MD or SS, nor an
interaction were found in the 2 x 2 repeated measures ANOVA.
In general, in middle MDR, both peaks and valleys yielded
significantly positive ITI fluctuations (effect size on T1: 0.66;
on T{1+2}: 0.71; effect size on T{1+2} in non-musicians: 1.37.
P values vs. 0 for middle MDRs’ T{1+2} and T{1+2+3} <0.05;
for T1 p = .06). On T1 peaks elicited somewhat milder delays,
but from T{1+2}, peaks tended to elicit (even) longer ITIs than
valleys (see Figure 6).
As a mirror image to the suspected confound of first_changes
on early MDRs, an interference was suspected between late
MDRs and pitch re-stabilization, being adjacent events in this
experiment’s design. Therefore an ANOVA was run to monitor
differences between T2 of late MDRs (i.e.: T1 of pitch restabilizations in those stimuli) and T1 of pitch re-stabilizations
in other stimuli. No main effects or interaction were found.
Thus, late MDRs’ T1 and T2 could be analyzed similarly to
middle MDRs.
In a 2 x 2 x 2 ANOVA (MD – peak, valley; SS – single, double;
Tap – T1,T2) by group of late MDRs, a main effect was found
for MD (F(1,19) = 8.441, p = .009). Peaks elicited longer ITIs
than valleys (Peak means T1, T2: +0.6ms, +3.8ms; Valley
means T1, T2: 0.0ms, -1.9ms). No main effect was found for SS
and no interaction was found.
Running the ANOVA on the pooled middle- and late-MDR
data (T1 and T2, not accumulated), by group, showed a main
effect of MD (F(1,19) = 7.484, p = .013) and an interaction of
MD and Tap (F(1,19) = 6.450, p = .020): on T2, peaks elicited
significantly longer ITIs than valleys (means: +3.7ms, -0.7ms,
paired t-test: p = .006; T{1+2} means: +5.0ms, +1.2ms, paired
t-test: p = .014).
E. Continuous Melodic Lines
Although there were only four stimuli which did not contain any
MDR or step-size_change over beeps 1 to 6 (see Table 1A), for
the subjects, other stimuli were similar up to the point of change,
which due to randomization was unknown. Thus, more data
could be pooled to examine longer-term response development.
A repeated measures ANOVA 2 x 2 x 6 (MD – up, down; SS –
single, double; Tap – 1 thru 6) was run, with data discarded
gradually for each stimulus type only from the moment its
melodic direction changed. On each tap, the accumulated ITI
fluctuation up to that tap was calculated per subject.
A main effect of MD was found (F(1,20) = 9.174, p = .007). As
shown in Figure 7, upward continuous lines elicited earlier taps
(means: Up -5.1ms; Down -0.8ms). No main effect was found
for SS. The group variable was not significant.
Figure 7: Responses over six taps to continuous melodic lines.
Figure 6: Responses to peaks and valleys in mid-sequence position
F. Step Size Change
In four stimulus types, after setting an MD at a certain pace (SS),
that pace was modulated – single-to-double, or double-to-single
(see Table 1C). A repeated measures ANOVA (2 x 2 x 3: MD –
up, down; SS – single-to-double, double-to-single; Tap {1},
{1+2}, {1+2+3}; by group) showed no main effects of MD or
SS, but interactions with group. Separate similar ANOVAs
were run for musicians and non-musicians.
A main effect of SS (F(1,10) = 5.712, p = .038) was found
among musicians only (see Figure 8): while single-to-double
remained near the standard ITI with a peak delay on T{1+2} of
+1.5ms, the double-to-single condition elicited already on T1 a
delay of +2.6ms, to become +6.7ms on T{1+2} and 5.9ms on
T{1+2+3}, where significance vs. single-to-double peaked
(paired t-test T{1+2+3} single-to-double vs double-to-single: p
= .009). Of the two sub-conditions of double-to-single – rising
and falling – it was the later that elicited a stronger ITI deviation:
T1 +4.8ms, T{1+2} +7.5ms, T{1+2+3} +5.7ms.
In the non-musicians’ ANOVA, no main effects were found of
MD or SS, but a significant interaction MD x SS (F(1,9) =
6.475, p = .031). While the Rising step-size_change (SSC)
single-to-double condition averaged -4.3ms and double-tosingle +3.7ms, the situation was opposite in Falling SSC:
+4.8ms and +1.6ms respectively. Thus, in single-to-double in
non-musicians, MD played a crucial role (paired t-test: p
= .002). Interestingly, SSC elicited a strong response from nonmusicians already on T1 in two of the sub-conditions: an ITI
prolongation was recorded in rising SSC double-to-single, and
in falling SSC single-to-double (+4.3ms and +5.7, respectively).
These two sub-conditions may imply an increasing tendency
A bewildering result is the mirror image between the two
groups results within the falling MD by T{1+2+3} (single-todouble: non-musicians +4.8ms, musicians -1.6ms; double-tosingle: non-musicians +1.2ms, musicians +5.7ms). In rising
lines, on the other hand, a 2 x 3 ANOVA (SS x Tap) of all
subjects showed a main effect of SS (F(1,20) = 5.611, p = .028):
on taps T{1+2} and T{1+2+3} double-to-single elicited longer
ITIs than single-to-double (means: T{1+2}: +5.9ms, -0.6ms;
T{1+2+3}: +3.6ms, -4.0ms; paired t-tests: p = .056, p = .017).
In the analysis of pitch re-stabilization results, data were pooled
from all sequences, but those featuring a late MDR, which was
presented only one tone before re-stabilization. Consequently,
each value analyzed was the average of 20 responses: four
stimuli (rather than 5 of same MD and SS) times five (blocks).
ANOVAs (2 x 2: MD – up, down; SS – single, double) of T1,
T2, and T{1+2} following pitch re-stabilizations, did not reveal
any main effects or interaction. However, ITIs to all four
sub-conditions [up single/double; down single/double], were
significantly prolonged on T1 (mean: +1.6ms, p value of
collapsed results vs. 0: .037). The delay continued on T2 (mean
+2.4ms, p value vs. 0: .015). (see Figure 9).
Examining this significant prolongation revealed, that for
musicians, MD’s effect approached significance at T{1+2}
(F(1,10) = 4.645, p = .057): a ‘too high’ surprise elicited yet
larger ITI prolongation by the second tap (means: ‘up’ - +3.7ms,
‘down’ - +1.5ms). Though SS did not reach significance, it was
up_double which elicited the strongest prolongation - +5.4ms.
Figure 9: Pitch re-stabilization. Up & down, in single & double.
Figure 8: Mid-sequence step-size_change
single-to-double vs. double-to-single
G. Pitch Re-stabilization
The terms up and down in the pitch re-stabilization condition
denote the deviation from the expected continuation of the
melodic line: for example, at re-stabilization after a descending
line, the first frequency re-iteration is perceived as surprisingly
‘too high’, before perception of the stopped melodic motion;
therefore this condition is termed here up.
Summarizing the results, the first pitch change in the sequence
elicited a negative Inter-Tap Interval (ITI) fluctuation,
becoming statistically significant two taps after the change (T2).
At T1, Melodic direction (MD) was statistically significant
while melodic step-size (SS) was not. MD and SS interacted:
larger steps enhanced response contrast by MD, effecting rising
lines more. Rising lines elicited a stronger deviation from the
expected 500ms ITI, shortening it, while falling lines elicited a
mild ITI prolongation. First_change upwards in double steps
yielded the strongest negative ITI fluctuation response.
Non-musicians showed far more differentiated responses to
rising and falling melodic lines than musicians. Examining the
accumulated ITI deviations on T{1+2} and T{1+2+3} showed
a continued main effect of MD.
In melodic direction reversals (MDR) too, MD was more
significant than SS, valleys eliciting shorter ITIs than peaks.
Still, a tendency was noted for double step-size to elicit stronger
responses. The results for MDR, though, should be separately
examined by ordinal position, in spite of the fact that responses
to early and late MDRs proved not to be significantly affected
by first_changes and pitch re-stabilizations. In Early MDRs, an
effect of MD appeared only by T3, and late MDRs were signifi-
cantly different only on T2, where pitch re-stabilization might
have had an influence. Middle MDRs may be ‘purer’, and there
both peaks and valleys elicited a similar behavior of longer ITIs.
Thus, further research may clarify MD’s effect in MDRs.
In longer continuous melodic lines, a strong main effect was
found for MD, rising lines eliciting significantly more negative
mean asynchronies than falling lines. Shorter ITIs in rising lines
on T1 and T2 were not compensated for over the next four taps,
remaining about 5-6 ms ‘ahead’. The relatively long time-span
of this behavior (3 sec.) is remarkable. Furthermore, the similar
behavior of musicians and non-musicians lends even more
weight to this finding. SS did not prove significant over longer
continuous melodic lines.
In step-size_change, SS proved significant in musicians only,
double-to-single condition eliciting delays. In non-musicians,
changes implying a ‘downwards’ tendency elicited significant
delays: rising lines double-to-single (as if nearing a truncation
of the ascent?) and falling lines single-to-double (exaggerating
the downward inclination?). While in rising lines the two
groups behaved alike, falling lines yielded opposite results.
Pitch re-stabilizations elicited significant delays, but no main
effect of MD or SS appeared, and no interaction.
The significant ITI shortening to first_change could have been a
‘surprise’ response. As described in section 2.2, in the experiment’s design first_change events were preceded by a long
sequence of identical frequencies. But the main effect of MD
calls for attention, as a surprise should have been caused by any
change, with a bigger response for the bigger changes (double
steps). Also the interaction between MD and group, namely the
fact that musicians did not respond differently by MD while
non-musicians did, is noteworthy, and perhaps opposite to
expected. Musicians were not more ‘attuned’, ‘sensitive’, or
‘alert’ to this first_change, but rather the opposite – they seem
to have suppressed, in a ‘disciplined’, ‘professional’ way, a
‘natural’ response to pitch change. In other words they were
more able to ignore the irrelevant pitch information, suggesting
a better separation of the information streams of pitch and
rhythm. The sub-condition yielding the strongest response,
change upwards in double-steps, reminds of the most common
opening of melodies – a leap upwards, characterizing also other
non-verbal communication patterns, in humans and animals. It
is not unthinkable that the auditory system has a special
sensitivity, or ‘priority’, to a stimulus of that kind. It should be
added, that this ‘priority’ should occur in processing levels ‘low
enough’ to execute a response within less than 500ms – perhaps
much less: from the moment the stimulus is heard until the next
tap – which itself is most of the time in negative asynchrony
(several tens of milliseconds in non-musicians), minus the time
needed to commit the muscle action to target – ca. 150-200ms
(Yifat Prut and Michal Yoles, the Hebrew University of
Jerusalem Medical School, Ein Karem Medical Center,
personal communication). That gives a span of ca. 300ms.
Mid-sequence MDRs, wherein both peaks and valleys elicited
delays, seem to replicate Boltz’s (1998) findings – of subjects
judging melodies rich with contour changes as slower than
others, and Ammirante et al.’s (2011) who found longer (selfpaced) ITIs under similar conditions.
The finding of continued deviation from the standard 500ms in
the longer continuous lines condition is quite noteworthy,
because of the ongoing beep sequence which kept ‘reminding’
subjects ‘where the beat is’. Such a prolonged tapping sequence
which is several milliseconds above or under the standard
reminds of what Repp’s (2001) subjects, including his nonmusicians, could do surprisingly well: instantaneous ‘phase
resetting’ in response to subliminal timing perturbations even
when tapping in anti-phase . But why should events in the pitch
dimension, such as a continuous rising melodic line, evoke
phase resetting in the time dimension?
There are noteworthy findings in the step-size_change
condition. One is musicians’ ‘slowing’ when melodic motion
rate slows (double-to-single step condition). This may fit the
Ideomotor approach, the auditory Kappa effect and the “Δ”
hypothesis (discussion thereof follows). The second is
non-musicians’ tendency to delay taps following ‘downwardimplying’ changes – rising double-to-single, and falling singleto-double. Third, while the two groups’ behaviors converge in
rising lines, they differ in falling. Rising lines seem to elicit a
more unanimous response, independent of musical education.
The lack of main effects at pitch re-stabilization may result from
the fact that T1 already expressed the subject’s realization that a
period of no pitch-change has begun, while the different subconditions refer to a context belonging one beep ago, or, until
the tap – a second ago. Still, the positive ITIs are of interest, as
a sort of mirror image to the negative ITIs at first_change.
It is interesting to note free comments that were given by the
subjects following the experiment. Most found the task not
difficult, some found it boring. Many found synchronization to
rising lines easier; some said these lines were clearer and more
alerting. Several subjects thought the stimulus was not isochronous, and that rising lines had a faster tempo. Only a very
few referred to the falling lines. Several subjects remarked they
found it much easier to synchronize once they realized the
stimulus was in duple (or quadruple) meter; as a matter of fact,
of course, the stimulus was not in any meter whatsoever, and the
‘events’ could arrive on an odd or even position, due to
randomization of the number of first identical pitches. This
relates in an interesting manner to perception’s inclination to
impose a binary structure upon equi-tonal auditory stimuli
(‘subjective accenting’, the ‘Tick-Tock’ effect), a phenomenon
often studied in IOIs of 600ms, close to the rate in the present
study (Abecasis et al., 2005). Lastly, although the Bohlen
Pierce scale was used to minimize Western music connotations
and tonality effect, some musicians found the double step-size
sequences akin to Western diminished chords; indeed, this
step-size equaled 288 cents – quite close – too close perhaps –
to the Western minor third (300 cents), from which diminished
chords are constructed. Luckily, of all tonal connotations, the
diminished chord lends the least tonal context.
A. Assessing the Predictions
Of the three hypotheses offered in advance, this study’s results
supported the High-Urgent hypothesis most. To support the “Δ”
hypothesis a main effect should have been more often shown for
step-size (SS), especially perhaps to T1 following first_change;
a main effect, though, was shown for SS (aside later taps
following first_change) only in the condition which focused on
‘pitch motion rate’ and was devoid of novelty in MD, namely
step-size_change. To support the Flexor/Extensor hypothesis,
falling lines should have produced shorter ITIs. The results
showed the opposite: whenever a main effect of MD was
recorded, as in first_change and longer continuous melodic
lines, rising lines produced stronger ITI fluctuations, and ITIs
were shorter.
Several of this study’s findings align with the High-Urgent
hypothesis: the shorter ITIs on the three first taps to rising lines
in first_change, and the negative ‘phase shift’ on rising longer
continuous melodic lines. However, this hypothesis may not
predict response to melodic direction change, rather than to
melodic motion initiation following a stationary context. In the
pitch re-stabilization upward double-step condition – where an
expectation for continuing a ‘strongly descending’ context is
confronted with a note ‘too high’ (though of same pitch), ITI
was considerably longer (+4.6ms). Mid-sequence MDRs do not
fit the hypothesis either, because of the similar delay response,
in both groups, to peaks and valleys. The longer ITIs in some of
the sub-conditions within the step-size_change condition in
non-musicians may fit the hypothesis, depending on the interpretation of those conditions as ‘downward implying’.
The “Δ” hypothesis could have been supported more, perhaps,
if larger intervals were used in the study. Those used were small
– a single step constituted a change of around 8.8% in frequency.
More extreme intervals could have created, perhaps, the threat
impact predicted by the Flexor/ Extensor hypothesis, but not
evidenced in the present study’s results. Loudness may be a
relevant factor as well in creating threat. Also, more information is desired on the relation between flexing and extending
muscles in the tapping action: at what pre-tap latency does
activity begin? Is this latency affected by the frequency of the
just-heard stimulus? Non-invasive electromyography, applied
during tapping, could supply information on the roots of
observed behavior, and on covert behaviors otherwise inaccessible. Further, covert muscle activity during passive listening to
pitch events could thus be explored without the confounding
synchronization mechanisms involved in tapping to a beat.
B. Melodic Direction Asymmetry in Brain Research
The present results may relate to recent findings in MisMatch
Negativity (MMN) studies, exploring electric brain response to
auditory stimuli deviating from a standard. Pratt et al. (2009)
and Peter et al. (2010) found in humans larger MMN amplitudes to ascending frequencies than to descending ones, and
Astikainen et al. (2011) showed similar MMN results in rats.
These authors concluded the brain processes frequency rise and
fall differently; Pratt et al. suggested relating findings to speech
processing requirements, differing for consonants and vowels.
The typical MMN latency to frequency deviation, as reported in
these studies, ranges from 200ms post-stimulus in change
magnitudes comparable to the present study, becoming shorter
in greater change magnitudes, down to 110ms. The behavioral
response shown in the present study, specifically for rising
double-step stimuli in non-musicians, occurred less than 500ms
post-stimulus. In order to examine the dependence of this
melodic direction response on the cortical MMN pattern, the
next study, underway, explores earlier latencies of detection in
hand/arm muscle action, by electromyographic data taken while
tapping. Muscle action onset attesting a discrimination of
melodic direction in latencies earlier than ca. 140ms, may
suggest a lower level, ‘direct’, sensory-to-motor pathway.
C. Other Models
Ammirante et al. (2011), following Boltz (1998), suggested that
perception ‘infers’ from terrestrial motion. Contour Change,
therefore, inferring from ‘zigzag’ locomotion, elicits delays (i.e.
longer ITIs), and Contour Preserving elicits ‘faster’ motion (i.e.
shorter ITIs). Results of Mid-sequence MDRs in the present
study seem to corroborate this idea, delays being elicited by
both peaks and valleys. Late and early MDRs results do not
‘follow the rule’, but, as mentioned, the results might not be
clean. First_change – setting into ‘pitch motion’, and pitch
re-stabilization – setting into ‘zero pitch motion’, which elicited
ITI shortening and lengthening respectively, support the
Ideomotor approach as well. The MD main effect on
first_change does not align with the Ideomotor ‘rule’, though,
suggesting a more complex behavior. The sustained enhanced
negative mean asynchrony in longer rising continuous melodic
lines, though ‘phase-shifted’, does not constitute a continuous
reduction in ITI, as predicted for Contour Preserving sequences
by the Ideomotor approach. ‘Faster’ motion was not shown on
longer falling continuous melodic lines either.
The Imputed Velocity model (the auditory Kappa effect:
Crowder & Neath 1995, Henry & McAuley, 2009) suggests that
wider melodic intervals within an isochronous context are
‘interpreted’ perceptually as covering a wider physical distance,
therefore implying faster motion and encouraging faster
behavior. This idea produces predictions similar to the “Δ”
hypothesis. Only some of the present findings corroborate this
idea. ‘Slowing’ from double to single step size while maintaining MD did produce longer ITIs but only in musicians;
perhaps more pronounced step-size differences would have
elicited similar behavior in non-musicians as well. The contrast
between first_change and pitch re-stabilization could lend
support to the Imputed Velocity idea as well: exiting ‘stability’
yielded faster responses and re-entering it yielded delays. But
according to this model, double step-size should have elicited
shorter ITIs on both MDs, while according to the results a main
effect of SS in longer lines is absent. In other conditions as well,
SS plays a minor role, or is tied in interactions with MD, as in
FirstChange_up_double_step and in pitch re-stabilization
up_double_step. Henry & McAuley (2009) do mention a trend
which did not reach significance in their results for descending
sequences to be more prone to the Kappa effect, but only in
wider IOIs – ca. 800ms, and not in their 500ms IOI condition.
They suggest this finding supports an Auditory Gravity model,
which ‘infers’ acceleration onto falling melodic lines. In the
findings of the present study, falling lines yielded longer ITIs
than rising lines.
One more model which may explain the asymmetry between
rising and falling pitch events should be mentioned, a model
involving yet ‘lower’ mechanisms. De Cheveigné (2000)
reported that subjects listening to frequency-modulated tones
identified and discriminated better (five times better!) melodic
peaks than troughs. In that he extended previous research by
Demany and others (ibid.) about this perceptual asymmetry, in
which a ‘hyperacute’ perception for peaks was found: in
‘durationless’ tones (6ms), peaks were identified within a
modulated, ‘moving-target’ tone. De Cheveigné offers a model
of peripheral mechanisms of the auditory system that could lie
behind such a phenomenon. He concludes that the asymmetry
stems from a temporal aspect of the pitch processing. A better
discrimination could indeed ‘allow’ a faster tapping reaction,
though of course in the present study subjects’ task was not to
respond fast, but rather aim at a specific point in time.
D. Musicians vs. Non-musicians
In line with the main body of tapping literature (Repp, 2010),
musicians in the present study showed less ITI variability than
non-musicians, and responded earlier to changes, though not
always. In Repp’s study, musicians corrected their synchronization to tempo changes faster than non-musicians, while
corrections to subliminal temporal phase shifts were unusually
quick in both groups. In the present study, significant ITI
fluctuation was in some conditions delayed until T2 in nonmusicians, but in some not, most notably following first_change,
where a significant MD-related ITI difference was elicited in
non-musicians already on T1, and in musicians only in T2. The
independent variable in the present study, however, unlike in
the classic tapping research, was not in the temporal dimension,
while the responses were. In that sense, this study is novel.
It may be plausible that musicians’ smaller variability stems not
only from handling pitch ‘professionally’: sensitivity to tempo,
acquired (and perhaps innate) synchronization skills, and an
acquired ear-hand coordination may help; indeed, in the control
conditions too, musicians’ standard deviation was smaller.
Therefore, the effect of pitch (frequency) on tapping in this
study’s results could have been larger if musicians’ processing
of pitch was not masked by their other, ‘technical’ skills.
E. ‘Surprise’ and Implicit Learning
Remington (1969) showed faster reaction times to repeated
stimuli the longer the sequence; Squires et al. (1976), in an ERP
study, found amplitudes of ‘attentional’ P300 components to
deviant tones depended on the preceding sequence of standard
tones: the longer the ‘undisturbed’ preceding sequence, the
larger the amplitude on the deviant. Roeber et al. (2009) found
also, that the longer the sequence of task-irrelevant
standard-pitch stimuli, the smaller the ERP P300 component
becomes, and, for their subjects’ reaction-time main task, the
faster the response. In a research paradigm somewhat akin to
the present study, Bendixen et al.’s (2007) subjects had to
perform (manually) a discrimination task (albeit a reaction-time,
and not a synchronization task) in the duration dimension while
hearing task-irrelevant pitch changes which followed rules
unknown to the subjects. ‘Rule violating’ pitches yielded longer
reaction times – 380ms vs. 330ms (as well as MisMatch
Negativity and the attention-correlate P3a component), even
when that rule had just emerged two pitches ago (see Lange,
2009 as well).
In order to test whether our results can be explained on the basis
of a response to deviation from the expected, we examined the
correlation between the identical-pitch-sequence (IPS) length
preceding first_change (which varied randomly between 7 and
12 beeps) and between the ITI fluctuation on the deviant event.
A mechanism related to deviation from the expected would
cause a larger effect the longer the series of unchanging beeps
preceding the first_change. A Pearson correlation was calculated between (the absolute) average ITI fluctuation on deviants
following each IPS length and the integer series {7 to 12}. No
significant correlation was found (R = .013).
Another factor which could influence results is implicit learning
which may be developed along the experiment. Thus, one
would predict that if ‘deviation from the expected’ influences
ITIs, and if learning does indeed occur, then ITI fluctuation
should decrease across an experimental session. A Pearson correlation between ITI fluctuation ranking, for each first_change
type, over the 25 trials encountered in all blocks, and the integer
series {1 to 25} was nonsignificant (absolute R values < 0.11).
Implicit learning, if occurring, could also manifest itself in
reduced standard deviations of ITI fluctuations over a subject’s
complete experiment. Standard deviations for each stimulus
type were averaged in each block and ranked across blocks, per
subject, and correlated with the integer series {1 to 5}. Average
of the 441 Pearson correlations was insignificant (R < 0.1).
To summarize, ITI fluctuations on pitch events in the present
study do not seem to have been systematically affected by
‘surprise’ or implicit learning.
F. The Contribution of the Present Study
The present study probed behavioral correlates of pitch. Some
of its findings corroborate results obtained indirectly through
other research questions and other paradigms. Ammirante et
al.’s (2011) study is the closest in approach and paradigm so far,
but there are important differences between the two. First of all,
in the present design, the beep sequence to which the subjects
had to synchronize was heard throughout the trial. This differs
from Ammirante et al.’s ‘continuation tapping’ paradigm. The
effects shown in the present study, some quite robust, were
obtained therefore under a condition of a dictated isochronous
stimulus. Second, while there were only five pitches in Ammirante et al.’s design which changed randomly, creating often
only two-tone melodic patterns, most of the planned ‘events’ in
the present study were set within longer contours, providing
‘purer’ conditions, and enabling examination of longer-term ITI
developments (up to six taps), which did indeed prove
significant. The first_change condition was not analyzed in
Ammirante et al.’s study, while here it proved to yield insightful
information; and as for pitch re-stabilization, not studied by
Ammirante et al., though it did not elicit statistically significant
results, it complimented the information extracted from the first
pitch change event. Some intervals used by Ammirante et al.
were Western – 100 and 300 cents, while in our study Western
intervals were avoided. Last, musicians and non-musicians in
the present study formed more distinct groups (see IIA)
enabling examination of the influence of musical expertise.
In spite of explicit instructions to synchronize tapping with
isochronous tones sounding in their headphones, subjects
deviated from the expected standard of 500ms in non-arbitrary
manners, which were shown to be linked to pitch (frequency)
events. Melodic direction proved to be an important factor,
influencing behavior. The scale of deviations – single milliseconds – modest but robust, being averaged over thousands of
taps, is subliminal; the randomization of the stimuli, within and
between trials, and the short IOIs, assure an inability to ‘plan’.
Therefore, involuntary, subconscious mechanisms may be
involved, effecting muscle action.
The first author would like to express his thanks to Mr. Kfir
Behar who developed the software and the apparatus for the
experiment, and to Mr. Nori Jacoby and Ms. Luba Daikhin for
invaluable advice and encouragement.
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