Geoderma 100 Ž2001. 321–353
The chemistry of pedogenic thresholds
Oliver A. Chadwick a,) , Jon Chorover b
Department of Geography, UniÕersity of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, USA
Soil Science Program, Department of Agronomy, PennsylÕania State UniÕersity,
UniÕersity Park, PA 16802-3504, USA
Received 10 January 2001; received in revised form 23 February 2001; accepted 1 March 2001
Pedogenesis can be slow or fast depending on the internal chemical response to environmental
forcing factors. When a shift in the external environment does not produce any pedogenic change
even though one is expected, the soil is said to be in a state of pedogenic inertia. In contrast, soil
properties sometimes change suddenly and irreversibly in a threshold response to external stimuli
or internal change in soil processes. Significant progress has been made in understanding the
thermodynamics and kinetics of soil-property change. Even in the open soil system, the direction
of change can be determined from measures of disequilibrium. Favorable reactions may proceed in
parallel, but the most prevalent and rapid ones have the greatest impact on product formation.
Simultaneous acid–base, ion exchange, redox and mineral-transformation reactions interact to
determine the direction and rate of change. The nature of the governing reactions is such that soils
are well buffered to pH change in the alkaline and strongly acid regions but far less so in the
neutral to slightly acid zones. Organic matter inputs may drive oxidation–reduction processes
through a stepwise consumption of electron acceptors Žthereby producing thresholds. but disequilibrium among redox couples and regeneration of redox buffer capacity may attenuate this
response. Synthesis of secondary minerals, ranging from carbonates and smectites to kaolinite and
oxides, forms a basis for many of the reported cases of pedogenic inertia and thresholds.
Mineralogical change tends to occur in a serial, irreversible fashion that, under favorable
environmental conditions, can lead to large accumulations of specific minerals whose crystallinity
evolves over time. These accumulations and associated AripeningB processes can channel soil
processes along existing pathways or they can force thresholds by causing changes in water flux
and kinetic pathways. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Pedogenesis; Inertia; Threshold
Corresponding author. Tel.: q1-805-893-4223; fax: q1-805-893-8686.
E-mail addresses: ŽO.A. Chadwick., ŽJ. Chorover..
0016-7061r01r$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 1 6 - 7 0 6 1 Ž 0 1 . 0 0 0 2 7 - 1
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
1. Concepts of soil-property change
An underlying theme in pedology is related to the pattern of change in soil
properties Žcf. Bockheim, 1980; Johnson et al., 1990; McFadden and Knuepfer,
1990; Huggett, 1998; Birkeland, 1999. . Why do specific properties change
rapidly, slowly or not at all on some measurable time scale? Why do some soil
features remain constant for periods of time and then change rapidly followed by
another period of minimal change? Why do some soil properties become
prominent Žprogressive evolution. only to diminish in importance later Ž regressive evolution.? Definitive answers to these questions form a Holy Grail for
pedologists; over the past two to three decades our knowledge has grown
greatly, but a comprehensive synthesis remains elusive. Here we review pertinent soil chemical theory and present field evidence collected along climosequences and chronosequences in the Hawaiian Islands to provide a basis for
understanding the causes for rapid, irreversible change Ž thresholds. in soil
Yaalon Ž1971. categorized soil properties into those that change rapidly,
relatively slowly, and virtually not at all. Examples of properties that change
quite rapidly Ž1 to 10 2 years. are those that respond to changes in external
driving forces. Such properties include organic matter content, redistribution of
salts, clays and sesquioxides, and formation or obliteration of mottles. Examples
of properties that change slowly Ž10 2 to 10 3 years. are horizons of clay,
iron-humus, or carbonate accumulation, whereas those that do not change for
long periods of time Ž10 4 to 10 6 years. are characterized by large accumulations
of secondary phases such as carbonates and opal, or profound depletions of
soluble minerals leaving a nearly inert residue composed largely of iron oxides
and kaolinite.
Persistence of soil properties in the face of changing external environmental
factors led Bryan and Teakle Ž 1949. to define Apedogenic inertiaB as the case
where a pedogenic process, once established, continues in spite of changes in
the pedogenic environment to one that should not favor its continuation. Their
concept was based on observations in Queensland, Australia that red, highly
leached kaolinitic soils co-existed in landscapes with black, less-leached smectitic soils that formed later on sites where erosion had removed the original soil
cover. The red soils formed under a wetter climate, but their properties persist
even in the present drier climate because the pre-established chemical properties
favor continued formation kaolinite clays. The term Apedogenic inertiaB was an
unfortunate choice because it assigns a physical term to a phenomenon that is
mediated by physico-chemical processes.
In contrast, Muhs Ž1984. focused on pedogenic thresholds which he defined
Žfollowing Schumm’s Ž1979. definition for geomorphic thresholds. as Aa limit of
soil morphology stability that is exceeded either by intrinsic change in soil
morphology, chemistry, or mineralogy or by a subtle but progressive change in
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
one of the external soil forming factors.B In his paper, Muhs Ž 1984. was
particularly interested in intrinsic thresholds because they were less clearly
identified in the literature than the case of extrinsic thresholds that are driven by
external forcing factors Ž i.e., state factor analysis. . Examples of intrinsic thresholds cited by Muhs Žnot meaning to be inclusive. were: Ž 1. the need to leach
excess Ca and Mg Žpowerful flocculators. from profiles prior to initiation of clay
illuviation, Ž 2. enhanced clay illuviation because of accumulation of exchangeable Na Žpowerful deflocculator. in excess of Ca and Mg, Ž 3. calcium plugging
of pores during the transition from calcic to petrocalcic horizon leading to lateral
water movement and upward growth of laminar carbonate layers, Ž 4. requirement for a minimum level of Fe and Al accumulation prior to sequestration of
organic matter in Bhs horizons, Ž5. decrease in oxidized forms of crystalline
pedogenic Fe due to a decrease in water movement efficiency caused by
accumulation of pedogenic clays, and Ž6. change from a predominance of clay
illuviation to vertic involution processes in soil profiles with increased concentration of smectite clays.
Other examples can be added to this list of thresholds: Ž 1. rapid accumulation
of clay in soil profiles once overall particle size is decreased by eolian accession
ŽMcFadden and Weldon, 1987; McFadden, 1988; Harden et al., 1991; McDonald et al., 1996.; Ž 2. increased erosion driven by formation of petrocalcic
horizons leading to less efficient downward percolation of water Ž Wells et al.,
1987., Ž3. increase in rainwater percolation depth due to pore plugging by
carbonates and subsequent movement of water along occasional large cracks in
duripans and petrocalcic horizons Ž Torrent and Nettleton, 1978; Gile and
Grossman, 1979., Ž4. formation of vegetation-free sodic slickspots at the
expense of nearby grassland soil because of degraded structure and poor
infiltration caused by increased sodium levels and lower infiltration Ž Reid et al.,
1993., Ž5. a shift from weathering derived to rainwater derived Sr and Ca due to
rapid weathering of pumice with high surface area Ž Kennedy et al., 1998;
Chadwick et al., 1999; Vitousek et al., 1999. , and Ž 6. a rapid shift toward
greater acidity, wetness, and reduction in response to invasion of Sphagnum
ŽUgolini and Mann, 1979; van Breemen, 1995. .
Accumulation of soil properties and their subsequent susceptibility to change
is controlled to a great extent by self-enhancing feedback processes that increase
a particular property until exhaustion of one or more of the reactants brings
about a termination ŽTorrent and Nettleton, 1978. . The acceleration of soil
property accumulation driven by self-enhancing feedback processes is a major
cause of the threshold examples cited above Ž cf. Reid et al., 1993; van Breemen,
1995.. Similarly, a shift to self-terminating feedback processes can slow soilproperty change, because if reactants are in short supply, a corresponding
reaction is precluded even if the external driving factors would otherwise favor
it. The thermodynamic properties of acid–base, oxidation–reduction and mineral
synthesis reactions combine with kinetic factors such as water flux and tempera-
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
ture to control the nature of feedback processes. Here we summarize the
behavior of the relevant chemical reactions in soils and their contribution to
changing soil properties. Interestingly, parallel with soil chemical theory, intensive field studies demonstrate that threshold behavior in soil systems is much
more common than has been appreciated previously.
2. Threshold reactions in pedogenesis
Chemical reactions in soils and the probability that they will occur are
determined by the thermodynamics of the soil system. Soils are open systems;
pedogenic transformations are driven by a continuous flux of matter and energy
acting on a progressively modified parent material Ž Fig. 1. . Solar radiation is a
primary source of energy, and through photosynthesis it provides inputs of
acidity and reducing power derived to a large extent from reduced carbon
compounds. Other sources of acidity come from external sources such as
volcanic gases and industrial pollutants. The energy state of the soil system is
reduced when primary minerals, which are in disequilibrium with earth surface
conditions, are transformed to more stable secondary phases. The consumption
of protons and electrons during chemical reactions with parent material affects
the trajectory of pedogenesis by determining pathways for mineral weathering
and neosynthesis.
2.1. Acid–base reactions
A primary suite of chemical reactions in soil involves the production of acids
by biodecay and their consumption through weathering of minerals in parent
material or added as mineral aerosol. Soil development can be characterized as a
long-term acid–base reaction in which acids from the atmosphere Ž CO 2 , NO 2 ,
SO 2 . and those generated by the biota react with bases in the form of rock
minerals to form secondary minerals and soil solution alkalinity Ž Fig. 1. . These
chemical reactions are superimposed on physical weathering processes that
contribute to the availability of reactive surfaces and hydrologic flow paths.
Water flux is a primary determinant of the rate and trajectory of soil development, since it carries reactants into the profile and contributes to down-gradient
transport of solute and colloidal products. If the products of the acid–base
reactions are carried out of soil profiles by infiltrating water, the soil system is
acidified Ž i.e., its acid neutralizing capacity is decreased. and the water is
alkalinized Ži.e., its acid neutralizing capacity is enhanced. Ž van Breemen et al.,
1983, 1984.. In arid and semiarid regions, reaction products are deposited lower
in the profile rather than being flushed from the soil, leading to spatially
discretized alkalinization of the profile itself.
Under humid conditions, a progressive loss of soil acid neutralizing capacity
ŽANCŽs. , where s refers to the soil solid phase. accompanies the removal of
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
Fig. 1. Soil profiles are active mixing zones of living and dead organic matter, water, a trace gas
laden atmosphere, decaying rock minerals and the residue of their interaction. The chemistry of
pedogenesis is driven by solar energy both directly and through photosynthesis and gravitational
energy through the movement of water through soil profiles. Water acts to mediate chemical
reactions and to transport reactants and products through the profile. Mineral weathering acts as a
sink for atmospherically and biospherically derived acids; the reaction products can accumulate
within the profile or be lost through leaching. Reduced carbon compounds also provide ligands for
complexing, reducing and leaching otherwise sparingly mobile cations. Chemical reaction rates
are controlled both by the intensity of the extrinsic climatic factors and the intrinsic thermodynamic and kinetic properties of the soil system.
reaction products from the profile. The ANCŽ s. can be estimated by the
component composition of the soil solid phase as determined by total elemental
analysis Žvan Breemen et al., 1983. :
ANC Ž s . s 6 Al 2 O 3 q 2 CaO q 2 MgO q 2 K 2 O q 2 Na 2 O
q 2 MnO q 2 FeO y 2 SO 3 y 2 P2 O5 y HCl
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
where brackets denote molar concentrations Ž mol my3 soil. and stoichiometric
coefficients denote the moles of protons consumed Ž positive values. or produced
Žnegative values. during dissolution of the solid oxides. Fig. 2 sketches a
hypothetical soil titration curve showing the progressive change in soil pH in
response to addition of acid and the concomitant lowering of ANCŽ s. . This
figure, which depicts the sequence of chemical processes that buffer soil pH
with decreasing ANCŽs., can be viewed as the time-dependent acidification of
an initially alkaline parent material.
During the early stages of acid addition there is little change in the alkaline
pH because the soil contains carbonates of Ca, Mg and Na that neutralize the
added acidity. Soil pH is buffered in the alkaline range when carbonate solids
are present because of proton consumption and alkalinity generation that accompanies carbonate dissolution. This process can be generalized as:
M 1y0.5 x Na x CO 3 Ž s . q Hq Ž aq . l Ž 1 y 0.5 x . M 2q Ž aq . q x Naq Ž aq .
q HCOy
3 Ž aq .
where M represents Ca2q andror Mg 2q, and 0 F x F 2. Eq. Ž2. shows a
negative correlation between pH and the activities of Naq, Mg 2q, Ca2q and
3 in equilibrium with their respective carbonate solids. For calcite, the
most prevalent pedogenic carbonate, M s Ca, x s 0 and log K s 1.91 for Eq.
Ž2.. In this case, Eq. Ž2. shows that soil solution pH decreases from pH 10 to 8
Fig. 2. Schematic titration curve showing the loss of soil acid neutralizing capacity with increasing
addition of protons and its differential effect on pH depending on the type of chemical buffering
reaction Žmodified from van Breemen et al., 1983.. Inset shows the change in pH with increasing
Al saturation Žfraction of KCl extractable Al relative to CEC. of the exchange complex Žmodified
from Thomas and Hargrove, 1984..
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
as the activities of Ca2q and HCOy
3 set equal to each other increase from 10
to 10y3. As long as Ma 2 CO 3 and CaCO 3 are dominant soil components
consuming acidity, the soil pH will be buffered in the alkaline pH range Ž Fig. 2. .
Once the carbonates are exhausted, there is a relatively rapid decline in pH
during the weathering of primary minerals and as Hq and Al 3q ions replace the
non-hydrolyzing, so-called Abase cationsB ŽCa2q, Mg 2q, Kq, Naq ., on the
exchange complex. The weathering reactions may be congruent or incongruent,
depending largely on the aqueous speciation of soil solution.
For example, the incongruent dissolution of plagioclase, a Na–Ca–feldspar,
to form smectite or kaolinite is promoted by proton attack when elevated CO 2
concentrations result from root respiration and organic matter decay:
2Na 0.5 Ca 0.25 AlSi 3 O 8 Ž s . q 0.5Mg 2q Ž aq . q 1.5CO 2 Ž g . q 6H 2 O Ž 1 .
lCa 0.25 Si 4 Al 1.5 Mg 0.5 O 10 Ž OH . 2 Ž s . q Naq Ž aq . q 0.25Ca2q Ž aq .
Ž aq . q 2Si Ž OH. 4 Ž aq . q 0.5AlOH 2q Ž aq .
2Na 0.5 Ca 0.25 AlSi 3 O 8 Ž s . q 2CO 2 Ž g . q 11H 2 O Ž 1 .
q 1.5HCOy
Ž 3a .
l Si 2 Al 2 O5 Ž OH . 4 Ž s . q Naq Ž aq . q 0.5Ca2q Ž aq . q 2HCOy
3 Ž aq .
q 4Si Ž OH . 4 Ž aq .
Ž 3b.
Reaction Ž3a. is favored where leaching conditions are not too intense such that
cations and Si are available to form smectite, whereas reaction Ž 3b. is favored
under high leaching conditions where the soluble weathering products are
removed extensively Žsee Section 3.3 below. . For example, note the higher
consumption of water and increased removal of silicic acid and calcium in Eq.
An alternative weathering pathway prevails when biogenic organic acids
Že.g., oxalate, citrate. sequester reaction products Ž e.g., Al, Fe. into soluble
complexes, thereby preventing the formation of secondary minerals. The congruent dissolution of plagioclase, for example, may be promoted by the prevalence of complexing ligands Ž e.g., oxalate. :
2Na 0.5 Ca 0.25 AlSi 3 O 8 Ž s . q2C 2 O4 H 2 Ž aq . q 12H 2 O Ž l . q 4CO 2 Ž g .
l Naq Ž aq . q 0.5Ca2q Ž aq . q C 2 O4 Alq Ž aq . q 4HCOy
3 Ž aq .
ŽAl-oxalate complex .
q 6Si Ž OH . Ž aq .
As a consequence of reactions Ž3a,b. and Ž4., cations are leached from the
profile with charge balancing anions Ž e.g., HCOy
3 and organic acids , a process
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
that progressively lowers the ANCŽs. and pH from near neutral to ca. pH 5.5
ŽFig. 2.. Comparison of these reactions illustrates the important role of water
flux and acid production by biological activity Ž generation of CO 2 and organic
acids. in accelerating mineral transformation reactions. In addition, soil solution
chemistry, and aqueous speciation in particular, is a governing factor in weathering trajectories. For example, biogenic oxalate precludes secondary mineral
formation by forming soluble complexes with Al and removing it from the locus
of weathering. Metal–ligand complexes are mobile in percolating soil solution,
and their translocation and deposition can lead to podzolization Ž Ugolini and
Dahlgren, 1987.. Even if removal is incomplete, the presence of complexing
ligands, such as oxalate, permits the total equilibrium concentration of dissolved
Al to exceed levels that could be achieved in their absence Ž Lindsay and
Walthall, 1996..
Aqueous speciation is a critical determinant of all heterogeneous reactions in
pedogenesis, including adsorptionrdesorption and precipitationrdissolution. Indeed, incipient horizonation of the soil profile may be revealed through analysis
and speciation of soil solution even before a distinct effect is manifest at the
field scale ŽUgolini et al., 1988.. The sharp changes Ž or thresholds. in soil
solution chemistry that occur over small vertical distances in soil profiles reflect
transitions between heterogeneous reactions. For example, ligand-promoted
dissolution ŽEq. Ž4.. in surface soils can give way to dominantly carbonation
reactions ŽEqs. Ž3a,b.. at depth, where soluble organic matter concentrations are
smaller Ž Ugolini and Sletten, 1991.. As shown in Eqs. Ž 3a,b. and Ž 4. , the
transition from organic to inorganic proton donors and complexing ligands can
bear heavily on the nature of reaction products.
Mineral weathering is closely linked to the composition of the ion exchange
complex because dissolved cations compete for cation exchange sites on existing
and neo-formed soil clays. Proton adsorption to soil solids is often followed by
rapid dissolution and readsorption of Al ŽRitchie, 1995; Chorover and Sposito,
1995a.. Selective readsorption of Al relative to Si is a primary cause for
non-stoichiometric dissolution of aluminosilicates Ž Brady and Walther, 1989. .
The Al 3q cation is highly competitive with nutrient cations for exchange sites.
For example, the binary exchange of Al 3q for Ca2q on soil cation exchange
sites Žwhere X represents one mole of exchanger negative charge. is given by:
3CaX 2 Ž s . q 2Al 3q Ž aq . l 2AlX 3 Ž s . q 3Ca2q Ž aq .
Typical values for the conditional cation exchange coefficient Ž c K ex . for this
reaction are in the range of 2.5–3.5 ŽJardine and Zelazny, 1996. . Furthermore,
this reaction is more favorable at low ionic strength Ž i.e., increased throughput
of freshwater. because of the difference in activity coefficients between trivalent
Al and bivalent Ca ŽReuss and Johnson, 1986; Reuss et al., 1990. . Thus, for an
acid soil solution containing 2 = 10y6 M Al 3q and 2 = 10y5 Ca2q, at a total
solution ionic strength of 2 = 10y4 M, Eq. Ž 5. with c K ex s 3 predicts that 90%
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
of the cation exchange sites will be occupied by Al, despite a 10-fold higher
concentration of Ca2q in soil solution. This enhancement of exchangeable
acidity is especially important below pH 5, when monomeric inorganic Al is
dominantly in the form of Al 3q Žsee Eqs. Ž6a,b. below.. Indeed, Thomas and
Hargrove Ž 1984. showed that the ratio of exchangeable acidity to total CEC
increases dramatically from near zero at pH 5.5 to ca. 0.6 Ž i.e., Al saturation of
60%. at pH 4.5 for a large set of acidic US soils ŽFig. 2—inset. . This pH range,
therefore, represents a threshold transition from an exchange complex dominated
by non-hydrolyzing cations to one dominated by Al 3q, hydroxyl Al species and
Hq. Since Al is more prevalent than base cations in crystal materials Ž Sparks,
1995., complete conversion from base cation to Al-saturated exchange sites can
occur within a relatively narrow time-climate window of soil weathering Ž Section 3.3, see also Scott, 1963; Marshall, 1977; Chadwick et al., 1995; Vitousek
et al., 1997; Kelly et al. 1998..
Weathering of primary minerals and leaching of base cations and silica,
coupled with progressive conversion of soil exchange sites to dominance by Al,
ultimately enriches the solid phase Žboth inorganic and organic. in surface
polymeric species and hydroxides of Al Žparticularly gibbsite. Ž Jackson and
Sherman, 1953; Jackson, 1965.. As a result, Al plays a progressively greater
role in buffering soil solution acidity. Gibbsite solubility increases with decreasing pH below neutrality and, once released from the solid phase, soluble Al is
subjected to progressive hydrolysis. Both precipitationrdissolution of gibbsite
ŽEq. Ž6a.. and the hydrolysis of dissolved Al ŽEqs. Ž 6b and c.. are capable of
consuming or producing significant amounts of soil solution acidity Ž Lindsay
and Walthall, 1996; Nordstrom and May, 1996. :
Al Ž OH . 3 Ž s . q 3Hq Ž aq .
l Al 3q Ž aq . q 3H 2 O Ž l .
Ž 6a .
p K s y8.11 to y10.8
Al 3q Ž aq . q H 2 O Ž l . l AlOH 2q Ž aq . q Hq Ž aq .
AlOH 2q Ž aq . q H 2 O Ž l . l Al Ž OH . 2 Ž aq . q Hq Ž aq .
p K s 4.99
p K s 5.11
Ž 6b.
Ž 6c .
where the range in p K values for Eq. Ž6a. exemplifies the inverse dependence
of mineral solubility on phase crystallinity Ž Sposito, 1994, see also Section 3.2. .
The total concentration of Al in acid soils is often assumed to be governed by
gibbsite solubility as shown in Eq. Ž6a. , Ž Reuss and Johnson, 1986; Robarge and
Johnson, 1992. , although it is also clear that solid-phase Al–organic complexes
are an important source of dissolved Al in soils subjected to acidification
ŽCronan et al., 1986; Dahlgren and Walker, 1993; Mulder and Stein, 1994;
Ritchie, 1995; Vance et al., 1996.. In this case, a complexation equilibrium
governs Al solubility:
AlX 3 Ž s . q 3Hq Ž aq . l Al 3qq 3HX Ž s .
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
This reaction follows from Eq. Ž5. and, in contrast to Eq. Ž 6a. , shows a
dependence of Al dissolution on both pH and the composition of adsorption
sites. If soil organic matter controls Al solubility, then progressive acidification,
coupled with depletion of the organically bound Al pool, will diminish equilibrium Al concentrations at a given pH ŽCronan et al., 1986; Mulder and Stein,
1994.. In any case, the predominance of Al in most soils implies that it will
buffer pH against a large amount of acid input and it is not quickly exhausted. In
fact, most soils of humid environments are buffered by these reactions with Al.
Finally, in this example of progressive acidification Ž Fig. 2. , solubility and
hydrolysis of Fe can serve as a proton sink at pH - 4:
a y FeOOH Ž s . q 3Hq Ž aq . l Fe 3q Ž aq . q 2H 2 O Ž l .
Fe 3q Ž aq . q H 2 O Ž l . l FeOH 2q Ž aq . q Hq Ž aq .
FeOH 2q Ž aq . q H 2 O Ž l . l Fe Ž OH . Ž aq . q Hq Ž aq .
p K s 0.9
p K s 2.2
p K s 3.5
Ž 8a .
Ž 8b.
Ž 8c .
These reactions would buffer the soil pH near 3. However, FeŽ III. Ž oxy. hydroxide solids are much less soluble than their Al-bearing analogs. Because Al is so
prevalent in soil, Fe is seldom solubilized due to low pH conditions. However,
in contrast to Al, Fe may be removed from soil through reductive dissolution
processes, as discussed in Section 3.3.
The exact characteristic of the pHrANCŽs. curve shown schematically in Fig.
2 will differ for each soil depending on the amount of reactants Ž Eq. Ž 1.. and the
kinetics of their removal. Soils of arid regions where reaction products are not
removed will remain alkaline indefinitely, as governed by reactions Ž 2. and Ž 3a. .
In humid climates, the rate ANCŽs. consumption decreases with time, as the
kinetically labile solids are progressively depleted from the profile. Fig. 3 shows
the decreasing rate of proton neutralization that accompanies soil development
in Hawaiian basalts for a forested chronosequence subjected to 2500 mm of
annual rainfall and a mean annual temperature of 168C. The rate plotted on the
y-axis was calculated from Eq. Ž1. and the proton stoichiometry included
therein, using depth-weighted-mean total elemental analyses of the soils. High
initial rates reflect the removal of rapidly dissolving phases such as volcanic
glasses, olivines and amphiboles. Much lower rates in the older sites are
consistent with the fact that only slowly dissolving minerals remain, dominantly
kaolin and crystalline oxides of Al and Fe ŽVitousek et al., 1997; Chorover et
al., 1999. .
The acid–base buffering reactions suggest predictions of where we expect to
find pedogenic thresholds based on a consideration of acid input to soil. The
rapid drop in pH with acid input from neutral to pH 5.5 compared with the
considerable lag between acid input and a pH response in the alkaline Ž pH 7–9.
and strongly acid ŽpH - 4.5. ranges suggests that globally there should be more
soils with alkaline and strongly acid pH values than those that are neutral to
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
Fig. 3. The change in ANCs and hence the amount of Hq neutralized along a chronosequence of
soils sampled at 2500 mm average annual rainfall and 168C in the Hawaiian Islands ŽVitousek et
al., 1997; Chadwick et al., 1999; Hotchkiss et al., 2000.. The values for Hq neutralized were
calculated using Eq. Ž1., after taking into account soil collapse Žsee Vitousek et al., 1997..
slightly acid, and that the latter soils are unstable and can be expected to
undergo rapid change under either arid or humid conditions.
2.2. Mineral stability
Chemical weathering of rock occurs because of the thermodynamic instability
of primary minerals subjected to Earth surface conditions. When a parent
material comprising a known suite of primary minerals is weathered in an
aqueous environment, the composition of solid and solution phase reaction
products at equilibrium can be predicted on the basis of chemical thermodynamics. The physicochemical properties of secondary minerals, especially aluminosilicate clays, play an enormous role in determining soil behavior because of
their charge, high surface area, water and solute sorption and their colloidal
properties Že.g. tendency to shrink and swell, aggregate and disperse. . The same
environmental conditions that determine pH are largely responsible for determining the nature and amount of secondary minerals in soil profiles.
The tendency for a mineral dissolution or formation reaction to occur under a
set of chosen conditions is dictated by the Gibbs energy of reaction Ž DGr .:
DGr s RT lnQrK diss
kJ moly1
where R is the universal gas constant w8.314 = 10y3 kJ moly1 Ky1 x, T is
temperature wKx, K diss is the equilibrium constant for the dissolution reaction
Žequivalent to the value of Q at equilibrium. , and Q is the reaction quotient of
product and reactant activities, raised to the power of their respective stoichiometric coefficients in the weathering reaction. A reaction proceeds Ž DGr - 0.
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
only if QrK diss - 1. For a congruent mineral dissolution reaction Ž no solid
products formed. , the value of QrK diss is known as the saturation index Ž V .,
because it provides a measure of solution phase saturation with respect to the
solid phase ŽStumm and Morgan, 1996. . For a given soil solution composition,
values of V may be calculated for all potential solids in order to assess the
tendency for their precipitation or dissolution. The solids that control the
equilibrium solubility of major elements Ž e.g., Al, Fe or Si. under specific
pedogenic conditions may, therefore, be predicted Ž Lindsay, 1979. . For example, congruent weathering reactions for Mg-smectite, allophane, kaolinite and
gibbsite were used to construct the solubility diagrams in Fig. 4, with solid
phases assigned unit activity. These plots show the effects of soil solution silicic
acid ŽSiŽOH. 40 . and Mg 2q concentration on the identity of solid phases controlling Al solubility at three different pH values. At a constant silicic acid
concentration, the most stable solid phase is that which supports the lowest
aqueous Al concentration ŽSposito, 1994. . Evaluation of mineral stability fields
in relation to environmental factors, and seasonal and inter-annual variation in
soil solution composition provides a powerful tool for understanding present
chemical processes and evaluating past chemical Ž and environmental. conditions.
Pedogenic thresholds can be traced to the type and amount of pedogenic
products accumulated in soil profiles. For instance, the accumulation of kaolin
minerals, gibbsite and crystalline iron oxides, which has been considered a case
of pedogenic inertia ŽBryan and Teakle, 1949. , is more precisely an accumulation of solid phases that are stable thermodynamically at earth surface conditions
ŽJackson and Sherman, 1953; Jackson, 1965; Buol and Eswaran, 2000. . In the
case described by Bryan and Teakle Ž1949., prior depletion of Si precludes the
Fig. 4. Activities of dissolved Al 3q and SiŽOH.40 in equilibrium with secondary aluminosilicate
minerals Mg-smectite ŽS., kaolinite ŽK., proto-imogolite allophane ŽA., and gibbsite ŽAl hydroxide. ŽG. as a function of decreasing pH: Ža. pH 7.5, Žb. pH 6.0, and Žc. pH 4.5. Two lines for
smectite show the effects of dissolved Mg 2q, which is the exchangeable cation and a constituent
of the octahedral sheet in the smectite. At any fixed activity of silicic acid, the solid phase
supporting the lowest equilibrium activity of Al 3q is favored in the long term. However,
supersaturated solids supporting higher Al 3q activities may precipitate first if the kinetics of their
formation are more rapid.
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
transformation of a kaolinitic soil into one dominated by smectite. The solubility
diagrams shown in Fig. 4 indicate that this pedogenic AinertiaB could be
overcome only by sufficient increases in soil solution silicic acid—an unlikely
event once primary silicates have been exhausted—or solution pH. Even though
the present environmental conditions favor smectite formation from parent rock,
the soil precursors are not available in the proper concentrations and combinations. At the other extreme, synthesis of smectite clays in a favorable Ž e.g., Fig.
4a. wetting and drying environment leads to clay translocation and genesis of an
Alfisol. In time, enough clay is formed that water sorption leads to excessive
swelling, churning of the soil mass and disruption of the horizon structure. The
result is a threshold wherein the Alfisol is rapidly transformed into a Vertisol
ŽMuhs, 1982.. In this case, however, a long-term change to high leaching
conditions might lower Si and base cation levels enough to favor kaolinite or
gibbsite ŽFig. 4.. Slow weathering of the smectite would lead to a loss of
shrink–swell capability.
Mineral transformation thresholds during pedogenesis can be exemplified
using additional data from the Hawaiian chronosequence that was introduced in
Fig. 3 ŽHendricks et al., 1995; DiChiaro, 1998; Chorover et al., 1999. . Fig. 5
shows that mineral transformation of basaltic ash and lava results in formation
of short-range-ordered secondary minerals Ž e.g., allophane. and accumulation of
2:1 layer type silicates during the first 400 ka of soil development Ž Fig. 5a. .
During this time, solution pH and Si concentrations are sufficiently high to favor
these AmetastableB reaction products ŽFig. 5b.. However, after 400 ka, continued
depletion of dissolved Si and further increases in Hq concentration under high
rainfall ŽFig. 5b. force the weathering of allophane and 2:1 clays to kaolin
Žhalloysite and kaolinite. and gibbsite ŽFig. 5a. . It is noteworthy that solution Al
concentrations also decline during this time Ž Fig. 5b. , a result that follows from
increasing crystallinity Ž and decreasing solubility. of gibbsite and kaolin in the
soil ŽDiChiaro, 1998, see also the range in p K diss values in Eq. Ž6a...
A predominance diagram Ž Fig. 5c. shows that chronosequence soil solutions
migrate from smectite to kaolinite and finally to gibbsite stability fields with
increasing soil age. Although the youngest soil plots in the smectite stability
field Ž because of high pH., no smectite was found in this soil, which emphasizes
the important kinetic limitations to mineral formation Ž see Section 3. . Furthermore, Fig. 5c shows that the precise location of the lines separating the stability
domains depends upon the crystallinity of the two participating solids Ž subscripts
WC and PC refer to well-crystallized and poorly crystallized phases, respectively. . Two of the four possible lines separating kaolinite and gibbsite are
shown here to illustrate the fact that soil solutions from the four oldest soils fall
into either kaolinite or gibbsite stability fields, depending on the solubility data
employed in the thermodynamic calculations. This range in solubility characteristics that follows from a corresponding range in crystallinity is termed the
solubility AwindowB for a given mineral ŽSposito, 1994. and it underlines the
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
Fig. 5. Change of soil–mineral and soil–solution properties along a chonosequence sampled at
2500 mm of rainfall in Hawaii ŽVitousek et al., 1997; Chadwick et al., 1999; Chorover et al.,
1999.. Quantified mineral composition Ža. plotted from data contained in Vitousek et al. Ž1997.
and Chorover et al. Ž1999.. Soil solution composition Žb. plotted from lysimeter data ŽLars Hedin,
unpubl. data.. Plots Žc. and Žd. are solubility and predominance diagrams for mineral phases
potentially controlling silica and aluminum activities in soil solutions. Data points for soil
solutions in the Hawaiian chronosequence are plotted on both graphs. The smecite is a beidellite.
Graphs were generated assuming log ŽFe 3q . sy11 Žequilibrium with ferrihydrite., log ŽMg 2q .
sy4, and water and solid activities are unity. The symbols G, K, S and A refer to gibbsite,
kaolinite, smectite and proto-imogolite allophane, respectively. The subscripts PC and WC refer to
well-crystallized Žless soluble. and poorly crystallized Žmore soluble. forms.
fact that such boundaries in natural soils are not clear-cut. In addition, these
solubility windows indicate that coexistence of different minerals over a range in
soil solution conditions is consistent with thermodynamics. Thus, a complex
mineral assemblage may persist despite a change in pedogenic environment
because of shifts in stability boundaries that accompany increasing crystallinity
of constituent solid phases, a process known as Ostwald ripening Ž Steefel and
Van Capellen, 1990..
Although not stable over the long-term relative to more crystalline phases,
short-range-order solids can control the solubility of mineral-forming elements
over pedogenically meaningful time periods. Fig. 5d shows that the soil solution
chemistry data are consistent with Al and Si solubility control by proto-imogolite allophane during early stages of soil development, with older soils
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
plotting closer to the kaolinite and finally the gibbsite solubility lines. These
equilibrium solubility calculations are indeed consistent with mineral transformations observed in the field sites Ž Fig. 5a. . Allophane does not figure into
predominance diagrams such as Fig. 5c because it is not favored thermodynamically over the other three solid phases under any of the conditions depicted.
However, agreement between the solubility Ž Fig. 5d. and mineralogy Ž Fig. 5a.
data underscore the important role of such metastable phases in affecting the rate
of soil development. Inconsistencies between observed soil mineral composition
and stability-field plots of solution chemistry data is evidence of kinetic
limitations to mineral transformations ŽLindsay, 1979. . In theory, such discrepancies can be resolved through consideration of mineral transformation rates and
Ostwald ripening processes Ž see also Section 3. , but the requisite kinetic data are
often lacking Ž Bethke, 1996. .
2.3. Oxidation–reduction reactions
Along with soil solution pH, soil redox status Ž i.e., pe or Eh. is a master
variable affecting the trajectory of pedogenesis. The capacity of the soil to
buffer changes in redox status determines the rate and extent of soil morphological response to inputs of electrons Ž von der Kammer et al., 2000. . Both biotic
and abiotic soil processes result in electron transfer among soil constituents,
with disequilibrium arising primarily from the incorporation of bioavailable,
plant-derived reduced C compounds into soil Ž Fig. 1. . The oxidation of organic
matter Že.g., CH 2 O. is coupled to one of several potential terminal electron
Ž .
Ž .
acceptors present in soil Že.g., O 2 , NOy
3 , Fe III , Mn IV , SO4 , CO 2 . While
bioavailable organic matter constitutes the bulk of soil reduction capacity, the
quantity of available electron acceptors is distributed among several important
oxidizing agents whose total effective concentration represents the soil oxidation
capacity, OXCŽs. Ž Heron et al., 1994.:
OXC Ž s . s 4 O 2 q 5 NOy
3 q 2 Mn Ž IV . q Fe Ž III .
q 8 SO42y q 4 CH 2 O
Ž 10.
The meaning of OXCŽs. is, therefore, analogous to ANCŽ s. : brackets denote
molar concentrations Žmol my3 soil., but here stoichiometric coefficients denote
the moles of electrons transferred per mole of oxidizing agent in corresponding
terminal electron accepting processes Ž TEAPs. as shown in Table 1 Ž Eqs. Ž R.1. ,
ŽR.2., ŽR.3., Ž R.5. , ŽR.8., and ŽR.10... These reduction half reactions each
represent different TEAPs that proceed in the forward direction when combined
with the oxidation of organic matter Že.g., reverse of Table 1. to yield a
complete exergonic redox reaction.
Possible redox reactions are dictated by the state of the soil system and the
corresponding Gibbs energies of reaction. Among the reactions that are possible
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
Table 1
Selected reduction half-reactions important in soils a
log K
ŽR.1. 1r4 O 2 Žg.qH Žaq.qe Žaq. s1r2 H 2 O Žl.
q Ž .
ŽR.2. 1r5 NOy
Ž .
aq qey Žaq. s1r10 N2 Žg.q3r5 H 2 O Žl.
3 aq q6r5 H
ŽR.3. 1r2 MnO 2 Žs.q2Hq Žaq.qey Žaq. s1r2 Mn2q Žaq.qH 2 O Žl.
q Ž .
ŽR.4. 1r2 NOy
Ž .
Ž .
aq qey Žaq. s1r2 NOy
3 aq qH
2 aq q1r2 H 2 O l
ŽR.5. FeŽOH. 3 Žs.q3 H Žaq.qey Žaq. s Fe 2q Žaq.q3 H 2 O Žl.
ŽR.6. Fe 3q Žaq.qey Žaq. s Fe 2q Žaq.
ŽR.7. 1r2 O 2 Žg.qHq Žaq.qey Žaq. s1r2 H 2 O 2 Žaq.
ŽR.8. 1r8 SO42y Žaq.q5r4 Hq Žaq.qey Žaq. s1r8 H 2 S Žg.q1r2 H 2 O Žl.
ŽR.9. 1r2 CH 2 O Žaq.qHq Žaq.qey Žaq. s1r2 CH 3 OH Žaq.
ŽR.10. 1r4 CH 2 O Žaq.qHq Žaq.qey Žaq. s1r4 CH 4 Žg.q1r4 H 2 O Žl.
ŽR.11. 1r8 CO 2 Žg.qHq Žaq.qey Žaq. s1r8 CH 4 Žg.q1r4 H 2 O Žl.
ŽR.12. Hq Žaq.qey Žaq. s1r2 H 2 Žg.
ŽR.13. 1r4 CO 2 Žg.qHq Žaq.qey Žaq. s1r4 CH 2 O Žg.q1r4 H 2 O Žl.
Data from Stumm and Morgan Ž1996. and Bartlett and James Ž1993. for 258C.
thermodynamically, those that predominate at any given point in time are
determined by redox kinetics, the latter being governed to a large degree by soil
microbial catalysis ŽFenchel et al., 1998. . A sequence of TEAPs is observed
typically along pe gradients both spatially and temporally in soil systems
ŽPatrick and Henderson, 1981; Patrick and Jugsujinda, 1992. . This sequence
corresponds closely to progressive decreases in the Gibbs energy of the full
redox reaction. Fig. 6 shows this sequence of reactions for a hypothetical soil
containing a finite supply of bioavailable organic matter and soil oxidation
Fig. 6. A hypothetical plot showing change in terminal electron accepting processes for a soil
containing a finite supply of bioavailable organic matter and soil oxidation capacity Žafter Scott
and Morgan, 1990..
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
capacity Žmodified from Scott and Morgan, 1990. . Since O 2 is sparingly soluble
in water Ž0.25 mM at 258C. it can be depleted rapidly by microbial and root
respiration in soils subjected to limited influx of air or oxygenated water. When
that occurs, dissolved nitrate and available MnŽ IV. solids are utilized as
alternative electron acceptors during oxidation of OM Ž denitrification, Eq. Ž R.2.
and Mn reduction, Eq. Ž R.3. , in Table 1. . As these reactants become depleted,
further reduction in pe ŽEh. results in the successive use of FeŽ III. solids Ž ferric
reduction, Eqs. ŽR.5–R.6.. , SO42y Žsulfate reduction, Eq. Ž R.8.. , and eventually
organic matter itself Ž fermentation, Eq. Ž R.9.. or CO 2 Ž methanogenesis, Eq.
ŽR.11.. ŽTable 1. . In each case, depletion of reactant oxidizing agents and
accumulation of their reduced-form products Ž e.g., Mn2q, Fe 2q, HSy,
CH 3 COOy. diminishes the energy yield of a given TEAP as the Gibbs energy
for the full reaction approaches zero Žequilibrium. . Reduced Fe 2q and Mn2q are
more soluble than their oxidized counterparts, and their removal from the soil by
leaching results in a permanent loss in OXCŽ s.. As catalysts, microorganisms
can affect the rate of these reactions, but they cannot alter the energy yield,
which is governed by thermodynamics. The energetics Ž DGr . can be computed
from Eq. Ž 9., given log K data such as those in Table 1, along with known
activities of the participating chemical species Ž redox couples. and pH.
Assessment of the redox status of soils involves the measurement of Eh by
platinum electrode, its computation based on the chemical analysis of the main
redox couples, or the use of indicator dyes Ž Bartlett and James, 1993, 1995. . The
three methods often show poor agreement Ž Lindberg and Runnells, 1984. , and
this is attributed to Ž 1. misbehavior of the Pt electrode, Ž 2. slow kinetics of most
redox couple reactions and resultant disequilibrium among different redox
couples in the same system, and Ž3. the existence of mixed potentials in natural
waters Ž Langmuir, 1997.. Stable Eh measurements are only possible in wellpoised systems, which have a high redox capacity to buffer changes in Eh. The
redox capacity, which is complementary to OXCŽ s. , may be defined as the
moles of reductant ey charge required to lower the Eh of a fixed volume of soil
by 1.0 V ŽNightingale, 1958.. High redox capacity or OXCŽ s. is expected to
confer stability to redox-induced pedogenic processes such as Mn and Fe
Soils can have high OXCŽs. because of high throughflux of oxygenated
water, a high concentration of alternative electron acceptors, or both Ž Eq. Ž 10.. .
An open soil system can remain oxic despite large inputs of reduced C.
However, spatial and temporal heterogeneity in redox status is great in many
humid zone soils because of the coexistence of Ž 1. transient water saturation, Ž 2.
O 2 diffusion limitations, Ž3. high inputs of reductant and Ž 4. high microbial
biomass concentrations ŽFiedler, 2000; Teichert et al., 2000. . These characteristics can lead to rapid local fluctuations in soil Eh and disequilibrium among
redox couples. For example at the soil ped scale, O 2 depletion and denitrification is observed within soil aggregates in a soil system that is oxic overall
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
ŽSexstone et al., 1985.. This variability in redox status bears heavily on soil
weathering and morphology. Dissimilatory, reductive dissolution of FeŽ III. and
MnŽIV. hydroxides gives rise to mottling and gleying, among other redoximorphic features ŽLovley, 2000.. The rapid fluctuations in redox state combined
with problems in measurement Eh status have made it difficult to measure redox
driven pedogenesis in action. Usually it is the gleyed horizon or iron mottles that
provide the evidence for reducing conditions, and from these it is difficult to
interpret the longevity of a particular Eh condition much less the sequence of
Iron reduction–oxidation delineates an important redox threshold in pedogenesis that is illustrated cogently in a climate sequence on the island of Maui in
Hawaii ŽFig. 7.. Fig. 7a shows the decrease in Eh, measured by platinum
electrode, that corresponds to an increase in mean annual rainfall. These Eh
values represent mixed potentials in a non-equilibrium soil system and they must
be interpreted cautiously Ž Bartlett and James, 1993. , but the Pt electrode does
respond better to the Fe 3q–Fe 2q redox couple than to many others Ž McBride,
1994.. For this reason, a threshold decrease in ferric hydroxides Ž dominated in
the Maui soils by poorly crystalline ferrihydrite. is observed as soil Eh drops
below 330 mV Ž Fig. 7b.. According to Eq. ŽR.5. in Table 1, at 330 mV the
ferrihydrite–Fe 2q Žaq. equilibrium is defined by pFe 2q–pH s 1.5. Therefore,
for a soil pH of 4.5, sustaining Fe 2q concentrations of less than 1 mmol ly1 will
continue to drive the reductive dissolution of ferrihydrite until it is completely
removed from the soil profile. Indeed, sub-micromolar concentrations of Fe 2q
are maintained by the high leaching rates observed at this point in the climosequence Ž ) 3 m of rainfall, Fig. 7a. . The removal of FeŽ III. hydroxides is a
pedogenic threshold that can strongly impact ecosystem processes such as
phosphate retention ŽFig. 7c. , with consequences for the biota that may feed
back to affect soil development Ž Miller et al., 2001. .
Fig. 7. The control of long-term average redox potential Ž360 platinum electrode measurements
taken every 6 weeks over 18 months. on pedogenic Fe Žpyrophosphate, oxalate, and dithionite–
citrate extracts. and inorganic levels of P Žmodified Hedley fractionation. in upland soils sampled
on a 400 ka lava flow along a climosequence ranging from 2200 to 5000 mm of rainfall ŽSchuur et
al., 2001; Miller et al., 2001..
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
Full redox reactions Ži.e., coupling of organic matter oxidation with a given
TEAP. result in either net production or consumption of protons, depending
upon the ratio of Hq to ey in the sum of oxidation and reduction half reactions
ŽTable 1.. Proton deficit or surplus sets up chemical gradients that feed into the
acid–base reactions discussed previously. For example, nitrification Ž NHq
oxidation. and sulfide oxidation result in net proton production, whereas denitrification, dissimilatory Fe reduction and sulfate reduction are generally proton
consuming reactions. In addition to effects on soil acidity, changes in redox state
can shift the soil system among mineral stability fields, but the pedogenic
outcome is strongly dependent on fluxes of water and solutes Ž Lerman, 1990. .
For example, the reductive dissolution of FeŽIII. and MnŽ IV. solids that occurs
under suboxic conditions can lead to formation of MnŽ II. and FeŽ II. solids Ž e.g.,
MnCO 3 , FeCO 3 , FeŽOH. 2 . when water fluxes are low relative to Ž hydr. oxide
dissolution rates ŽSchwertmann and Taylor, 1989; McKenzie, 1989. . Alternatively, high water flux can prevent precipitation by maintaining solutions below
saturation limits Ž V - 1. as in the case of the Maui climate sequence discussed
above, or by affecting the kinetics of nucleation Ž Lasaga, 1998. . In either case,
the result is more efficient removal of these lithogenic metals from the soil
3. Kinetic constraints on threshold behavior
Since soils are open systems, the leaching of reaction products Ž Fig. 1. affects
the degree to which dissolution products accumulate and secondary solids
precipitate. Although a weathering reaction may be spontaneous from the
perspective of thermodynamics, it may be sufficiently slow Ž e.g., quartz dissolution. to be negligible in comparison to more rapid reactions Ž e.g., olivine,
amphibole and feldspar dissolution., even when extended over the long time
scales of pedogenesis. The same is true for precipitation reactions; despite
supersaturation Ž V ) 1. , the rate of nucleation and precipitation of secondary
solid phases Žtime scales ranging from days to years. may be slower than the
efflux of supersaturated solution ŽLerman, 1990; Lasaga, 1998. .
Adsorptionrdesorption reactions Žion exchange, surface complexation. govern base cation saturation of the exchange complex and exchangeable acidity.
These reactions are relatively rapid Žtime scales ranging from microseconds to
hours. when they occur on accessible surfaces, but a slow approach to equilibrium Ž months to years. is observed when intraparticle or surface diffusion is rate
limiting ŽScheidegger and Sparks, 1996. . Surface processes, along with rapidly
dissolving solids Žcarbonates, salts and amorphous minerals. , regulate the shortterm composition of soil solution that unfolds, for example, during large
infiltration events. Still, on a long-term basis, it is the slower dissolution and
precipitation reactions involving the solid phase that resupply the adsorptive
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
species and ultimately regulate soil solution composition. Given the large range
in time scales characteristic of soil chemical processes, Ž Amacher, 1991.
conceptual models treat all or some of the pertinent reactions as kinetically
limited. On the time scales of both water transport and soil development,
aqueous speciation and surface reactions Ž adsorption–desorption. are often
modeled as equilibrium processes, whereas precipitation–dissolution and heterogeneous redox reactions must be considered as rate-limited Ž Furrer et al., 1989;
Robarge and Johnson, 1992; Suarez and Goldberg, 1994; Yeh et al., 1995. .
Rock minerals dissolve at widely varying rates depending on their respective
resistances to chemical weathering Ž Fig. 8. . Weathering resistance is determined
by the degree of Si`O`Si bonding ŽBrantley and Chen, 1995. and ligand
exchange kinetics of the mineral-derived cations Ž Casey and Ludwig, 1995. .
Therefore, minerals with isolated Si tetrahedra that are bonded through other
cations have low molar SirO ratios, low numbers of bridging oxygens per Si
tetrahedron, and weather most rapidly Ž e.g. olivine. , whereas chain, sheet and
framework structures exhibit increasing SirO ratio and hence, increased resistance and slower dissolution kinetics Ž Fig. 8. . Weathering in such a multicomponent system is represented by a set of parallel reactions Ž cf. Eqs. Ž 2. , Ž 3a,b. and
Ž4.. comprising several different reactant solids. Soil dissolution will be dominated by the phases for which the product of Ž i. surface-normalized rate Ž e.g.,
moles of mineral dissolved per square meter of mineral surface per second. and
Fig. 8. The time in years required to dissolve a 1 mm equivalent diameter crystal for different
classes of silicate minerals at 258C, pH 5, and far from equilibrium versus the molar ratio of
silicon to oxygen in the structure. For sheet silicates, only tetrahedral sheet oxygens are
considered. Calculation of lifetime is according to Lasaga Ž1998.; t lifetime s r 0 Ž kV .y1, where r 0 is
the initial radius Žm. of the crystal Žassumed to be spherical., k is the dissolution rate constant
Žmol my2 yeary1 ., and V is the molar volume of the mineral Žm3 moly1 .. Sources of rate data:
quartz, Rimstidt and Barnes Ž1980.; smectite, Furrer et al. Ž1993.; kaolinite, Wieland and Stumm
Ž1992. and Nagy Ž1995.; muscovite, Lin and Clemency Ž1981.; microline and albite, Blum and
Stillings Ž1995.; enstatite and diopside, Brantley and Chen Ž1995.; forsterite, Lasaga Ž1998..
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
Žii. reactive surface area Že.g., square meters of mineral surface per cubic meter
of soil. is greatest. Thus, in accordance with Fig. 8, weathering in fresh rock far
from equilibrium should be dominated by dissolution of olivines, selected
amphiboles and pyroxenes, whereas micas and some feldspars, which exhibit
slower rates of dissolution, will predominate once these easily weathered phases
are depleted.
Since each mineral weathering reaction represents a unique stoichiometry and
is subject to different degrees of congruency, tendencies toward secondary
mineral formation and solute release will likewise be distinct. For example,
weathering reactions involving low SirO ratio minerals are strongly congruent
leading to supersaturation of solution with respect to short-range-ordered minerals Ž e.g., allophane. whose precipitation confers metastability prior to the
formation of more crystalline secondary phases Ž Steefel and Van Capellen,
1990.. In contrast, weathering reactions involving mica are strongly incongruent
leading to rapid formation of well-crystallized secondary minerals such as
vermiculite, smectite and kaolinite. Feldspars fall into an intermediate category
because they are framework silicates that can weather congruently along their
edges, but they can also undergo incongruent weathering leading to isovolumetric replacement by secondary minerals Ž Nahon, 1991. .
3.1. Mineral dissolution rates
Although mass action equations, such as Eqs. Ž 2. , Ž 3a,b. , Ž 4. , can be used to
determine the degree of solution saturation with respect to a given mineral
phase, they are independent of reaction mechanism and their utility in predicting
dissolution rates is limited. Significant research has been conducted since the
1960s to elucidate the kinetics and mechanisms of dissolution and precipitation
at the molecular scale. The surface reaction hypothesis asserts that the dissolution of most slightly soluble oxides and silicates is controlled by chemical
processes at the mineral surface ŽStumm and Wollast, 1990; Stumm, 1992. . The
common observation of steady-state dissolution rates for laboratory systems far
from equilibrium Ž e.g., Furrer and Stumm, 1986; Banwart et al., 1989; Bloom
and Erich, 1987; Dove and Crerar, 1990. is consistent with a surface-detachment
mechanism as the rate limiting step. Specifically, the adsorption of protons and
metal-complexing ligands at mineral surfaces is thought to result in the polarization of metal–oxygen bonds in the solid, with the rate-limiting step being the
detachment of an aquometal or ligand–metal complex. Corresponding rate laws
for proton and ligand promoted dissolution may be written as:
R H s k H C Hn ,S Ž mol my2 sy1 .
Ž 11a.
R L s k L C L ,S Ž mol my2 sy1 .
Ž 11b.
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
where R H and R L are the rates of proton and ligand promoted dissolution,
respectively, k H and k L are first order rate coefficients, C H,S is the surface
proton concentration and C L,S is the concentration of adsorbed ligands Ž e.g.,
oxalate, succinate, hydroxide. . The value of n in Eq. Ž 11a. corresponds to the
valence of the metal released from the solid Ž e.g., n s 2 for BeO, n s 3 for
Al 2 O 3 . Ž Furrer and Stumm, 1986.. This integer dependence on adsorbed proton
concentration is in contrast to fractional order dependence with respect to bulk
Hq concentration ŽLasaga, 1998.. Since mineral dissolution correlates with net
adsorption of Hq, OHy and other bond polarizing ligands, mineral dissolution
rate is often found to be minimum at the point of zero net proton charge
ŽPZNPC; pH value where net proton adsorption is zero. , and to increase at pH
values both above and below the PZNPC ŽStumm, 1992; Sposito, 1994. .
Transferring this concept to heterogeneous mineral assemblages that occur in
soils is nontrivial. However, it has been observed that highly weathered tropical
soils evolve to a minimal surface charge and that element release increases
significantly at both higher and lower pH values Ž Chorover and Sposito,
1995a,b.. The rate of mineral dissolution, expressed in terms of mass loss per
unit reactive surface area and time, is equal to R H q R L ŽEqs. Ž 11a,b.. only
when back reactions are negligible. A significant decrease in the dissolution rate
occurs when reaction products accumulate and equilibrium is approached. In soil
profiles, maximum rates occur in horizons where most products are eluviated
such as E horizons, but they plummet in illuvial Bt and Bs horizons. Furthermore, White et al. Ž1996. showed that surface-normalized dissolution rate
constants for individual primary minerals decrease with increasing soil age,
suggesting that the density of reactive, high-energy surface sites may be
diminished over long-term weathering in the natural environment. Taken together, these factors confer stability against further weathering-induced transformation, thereby attenuating a threshold response.
Comparison of soil weathering rates measured in the laboratory and estimates
derived from field-based studies indicate that laboratory rates are one to four
orders of magnitude greater than field estimates Ž Schnoor, 1990; Asolekar et al.,
1991; Swodoba-Colberg and Drever, 1993; Velbel, 1993; Sverdrup and Warfvinge, 1995; White et al., 1996.. For example, based on measures of dissolved
silica as a conservative tracer of weathering in the B horizon of a forest soil,
laboratory rates are approximately 10y12 to 10y11 mol my2 sy1, while field
rates are 10y14 to 10y12 mol my2 sy1 ŽSchnoor, 1990. . This discrepancy is
observed commonly and attributed to the difficulty of estimating a reactive
surface area of field soil minerals and to macropore water flow in structured
field soils. Indeed, the distribution of pore sizes in soils gives rise to highly
variable water flux rates at the micro scale. Depending on the degree of mixing
of soil solution between micro and macropores, distinctly different aqueous
geochemical environments may occur in different sized pores, with smaller
pores Žslower water percolation. permitting a greater build-up of reaction
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
products, which promotes the formation of secondary minerals Ž Lasaga, 1998;
Nahon, 1991. . Furthermore, laboratory studies have shown that short-time
element release corresponds to ion exchange reactions and that steady-state
mineral dissolution proceeds after this threshold removal of cations Ž Schnoor,
1990; van Grinsven and van Riemsdijk, 1992; Dahlgren and Walker, 1993. . In
natural systems, the wide variety of pore sizes and water flux leads to a complex
mosaic of ion exchange and mineral dissolution reactions that is spatially
variable within a profile.
3.2. Neoformation of secondary phases
In contrast to dissolution, in which kinetics of element release are controlled
by parallel dissolution reactions dominated by the more rapidly dissolving solid
phases, precipitation of secondary minerals proceeds in series according to
Ostwald’s Step Rule. This rule states that a thermodynamically unstable mineral
reacts over time to form a sequence of progressively more stable minerals
ŽMorse and Casey, 1988; Steefel and Van Capellen, 1990; Bethke, 1996. . If the
soil solution is oversaturated Ž V ) 1. with respect to several solid phases, the
solid that forms first will be the one for which the value of V ) 1 is closest to
unity. The remaining accessible solid phases form in order of decreasing
solubility, with a corresponding decrease in their rate of formation. This
decrease in formation kinetics with decreasing solid-phase solubility is attributed
to a corresponding increase in interfacial Gibbs energy Ž i.e., the energy required
to create the new surface. ŽStumm, 1992. .
As a result, poorly crystalline colloids with high specific surface areas and
solubilities Že.g., allophane, ferrihydrite. are often the first to precipitate from
supersaturated solutions, even though they may not be most stable thermodynamically ŽMorse and Casey, 1988; Steefel and Van Capellen, 1990. . As the V
value for the short-range-order phase is progressively diminished to unity,
Ostwald ripening Ždehydration with subsequent increase in crystallinity. leads to
its transformation to more crystalline Ž less soluble. phases. In Fig. 4b, for
example, given a solution with silicic acid activity equal to 10y3.5, we expect
that allophane will precipitate first, followed by smectite, gibbsite and kaolinite,
the latter remaining as most stable at pH 6.0 and constant silicic acid activity.
Ostwald ripening also occurs within a single mineral type Ž e.g. kaolinite or
gibbsite. if variable crystallinity confers a solubility range or AwindowB Že.g.,
Fig. 5c. . Since soils are open systems, even intermediate ŽAmetastableB . phases
may be maintained indefinitely ŽSposito, 1994. .
3.3. Water flux and solute remoÕal
The amount and timing of water flux determines the rate and trajectory of soil
evolution, since it carries reactants into the profile and contributes to down-
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
gradient transport of solute and colloidal products Ž Fig. 1. . Water flux couples
with reaction kinetics to control the distance from source to sink for soluble and
colloidal reaction products. The degree of soil solution saturation Ž V . with
respect to a given secondary mineral phase will tend to increase with increasing
rate of precursor mineral dissolution, but will decrease as increasing water flux
leaches solutes. Extensive leaching promotes a deep penetration of freshwater
that depletes the profile mass of water-soluble species Ž e.g., comprising Si, Ca,
Mg, K and Na. , whereas less soluble elements Že.g., Al, Fe, Ti. and biogenic C
and N are enriched preferentially. Conversely, at low water flux even soluble
constituents can accumulate in solid-phase weathering products Ž e.g., carbonates, opaline silica. close in proximity to the parent material source. Therefore,
precipitation and potential evapotranspiration, are critical determinants of pedogenesis.
The role of effective moisture Žprecipitation minus evapotranspiration. in
developing soil properties has been studied intensively Ž Birkeland, 1999. . Early
soil classifications focused on zonal soils or the characteristic soil for a
particular climate zone Ž Baldwin et al., 1938; Cline, 1949. , and modern soil
classifications use climate at several categorical levels Ž Soil Survey Staff, 1999. .
It is often difficult to sample a large number of sites along a climatic gradient in
order to determine the changes in profile properties that follow from relatively
small changes in climatic conditions. The Hawaiian Islands provide a unique
opportunity to overcome this problem because same age lava flows can be
followed for long distances through a number of different climate zones. To
investigate the importance of differences in effective moisture in producing
thresholds associated with changing leaching intensity, we utilize data from a
climosequence ranging from 160 to 3000 mm of annual rainfall on a 170,000year-old lava flow in Hawaii ŽChadwick et al., 1994; Hsieh et al., 1998; Kelly et
al., 1998.. Soil profiles can be separated into those that receive - 1400 mm of
rain and have an annual water deficit and those that have an annual surplus Ž Fig.
9a.. In Fig. 9b, the ratio VrVo is a measure of leaching intensity indexed at 1-m
depth where V is the average annual depth of water penetration based on the
effective annual moisture as shown in Fig. 9a and Vo is the total porosity minus
the pores filled with bound water Ž- y1500 kPa. in the top meter. Use of
VrVo as an indicator of leaching intensity provides a measure of effective
moisture that has been corrected for evapotranspiration and soil properties that
affect porosity such as rock fragments and bulk density. When VrVos 1 there
is just enough water annually to completely fill the pores in the top meter. When
VrVo s 2 all pores will be completely flushed.
In this case, VrVo s 1 occurs at about 1400 mm Ž Fig. 9b. and greater
leaching intensity Ž VrVo between 1 and 2. leads to a dramatic change in base
cation saturation of the exchange complex Ž Fig. 9c. . As rainfall increases along
the climosequence the depth-weighted Ž 1 m. average base saturation remains
) 90% until leaching begins to occur during some period of the year. When
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
Fig. 9. Quantification of the leaching intensity as a function of increased rainfall and changed soil
porosity sampled on a 170 ka lava flow along a climosequence ranging from 160 to 3000 mm of
rainfall. Annual water balance Ža. calculated based on procedures described by Arkley Ž1963.,
based on monthly rainfall values and daily pan evaporation data ŽGiambelluca et al., 1986., and
integrated over a year to determine the degree of deficit or surplus for each rainfall site. Annual
pore volumes of water Žb.; the values for V rVo is a measure of leaching intensity indexed at 1-m
depth, where V is the average annual depth of water penetration based on values from Ža. and Vo
is the available-water porosity in the top meter. Depth-weighted average base cation saturation as
a function of rainfall Žc. and leaching intensity Žd. plotted from data in Chadwick et al. Ž1994.,
Kelly et al. Ž1998. and Stewart et al. Ž2001..
leaching reaches one to two pore volumes of water, there is a rapid loss of
adsorbed base cations Žand a parallel rise in exchangeable Al. and soils with
VrVo ; 2 have base saturation of - 10%. Thus, a small increase in rainfall
leads to a threshold that follows a pattern similar to that shown in Fig. 2 except
that now it is effective moisture rather than time that is creating the proton rich
environment. Soil profiles with values of VrVo ) 2 show only minor differences in base saturation and pH because they all are being buffered by Al
hydrolysis. Although the climosequence is sampled along the same age lava
flow, there is a time-dependence to the leaching impact. Initial weathering rates
were most rapid at the highest values of VrVo, but they declined precipitously
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
Fig. 10. Initial Žopen circles. and present-day Žfilled circles. weathering rates as a function of
rainfall. Weathering rates are for Sr containing minerals in the Hawaiian lavas such as plagioclase
feldspar. The weathering rate calculation is based on the 87Srr86 Sr isotopic ratio of exchangeable
Sr and endmember contributions from lava weathering and rainwater Ždata are replotted from
Stewart et al., 2001..
as all the primary minerals were depleted Ž at the highest rainfall sites first. .
Present day weathering rates at the high rainfall sites are actually lower than
rates prevailing at sites receiving less moisture because of the depletion of
primary minerals ŽFig. 10. ŽStewart et al., 2001. . A climosequence on a younger
lava flow would probably have its base cation saturation threshold at higher
rainfall and VrVo values because of the greater buffering capacity afforded by
higher contents of primary silicate minerals in the younger soils. Soil profiles
can exist in different thermodynamically stable states at different times. In this
case as in many, it is the kinetics of the system—specifically, the coupling of
moisture flux with mineral transformation rates—that determines the properties
of each profile along the climosequence.
4. Conclusions
Soils are open systems that act as a membrane at Earth’s surface. Water and
dissolved acids are the main materials transferred into soils, whereas water and
lithogenic solutes dominate the output with the net result being depletion of
rock-forming constituents such as silica and base cations. The time-dependent
coupling of water flux and chemical reactions determines the nature of the
critically important residual products. Pedogenesis is a biogeochemical process
that is constrained by thermodynamics, but still maintains considerable flexibility as a result of parallel reaction kinetics, and a spatially heterogeneous matrix.
In the open system, there are many processes that are governed by nonlinear
response to changes in environmental variables andror internal soil properties.
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
From a thermodynamic perspective, the chemistry of pedogenesis is characterized by a number of thresholds. Over time, the reaction of atmospheric acids
with soil bases changes the acid neutralizing capacity of soil to an extent that is
controlled by the prevailing buffering reactions. The amount of proton consumption and its effect on pH depend on the nature of the reactive species, their
relative amounts, and their respective rates of reaction. Ion exchange and surface
complexation reactions consume protons in the short-term, but long-term buffering derives from mineral weathering. Mineral dissolution reactions occur in
parallel. Therefore, at any point in time, those minerals that exert the greatest
control on solution chemistry will be those for which the product of Ž 1.
surface-normalized dissolution rate and Ž 2. reactive surface area is highest.
Although values for these parameters may be obtained readily in laboratory
studies of mineral specimens, they are more difficult to quantify for the complex
mineral assemblages that occur in soils. Furthermore, a range in solubility Ž and
crystallinity. characteristics for a given mineral likely occurs within the same
soil. This should subdue stability boundaries and temper thresholds in mineral
transition that must be traversed during soil development. In so far as element
solubility is affected by redox fluctuations, removal andror translocation of
redox sensitive elements in impacted soil profiles depends on the rate of
energetically favorable reactions and the efflux of solutes in percolating water.
The conditions favorable to threshold response are best revealed by high-resolution studies across environmental gradients. For example, the stepwise nature of
terminal electron accepting processes is manifest as a threshold release of Fe
from soil profiles when the weathering environment crosses a relatively narrow
stability boundary for this redox active metal.
Threshold response is attenuated when the reaction kinetics and removal of
products are sufficiently slow, such as when the buffering capacity is large
relative to reactant inputs. Examples include the weathering of a base-cation rich
basalt in an arid climate or the buffering of reductant input by a well-poised soil
redox system. In addition, prior weathering regimes can preclude mineralogical
transformations that might otherwise be expected for a specific set of climatologicalrbiological state factors acting on a given parent material. Although
previously labeled pedogenic AinertiaB, this behavior is predictable from considerations of mineral stability in the context of soil development; it underlines the
boundary conditions that prior weathering regimes impose on subsequent pedogenic responses.
Although equilibrium calculations for soil systems readily produce stability
fields and thresholds between them, discrepancies between predicted and measured system composition occur because of kinetic limitations and spatial
disequilibrium within soils. As a result, parallel reactions predominate over
serial reactions. Hydraulic mixing between micro-, meso- and macro-porous
domains is incomplete, which leads to locally distinct aqueous geochemical
environments. In addition, short-term temporal changes in water saturationrso-
O.A. Chadwick, J. ChoroÕerr Geoderma 100 (2001) 321–353
lute concentrations and influx Žor efflux. of reactants Ž or products. and energy is
variable in time and space. Added to the myriad chemical environments and
variable environmental forcing agents is a serious problem in applying appropriate sampling techniques. Novel sampling and analytical techniques are required
to better characterize the biogeochemical heterogeneity presented by a soil
We benefited greatly from discussions with Bob Gavenda, Chris Smith, Goro
Uehara, Milan Pavich, Eugene Kelly, Peter Vitousek, Jennifer Harden, and Bob
Graham, and received helpful manuscript reviews from Alex McBratney, Alfred
Hartemink, Don Sparks, Peter Vitousek and Nico van Breemen. This work was
supported by grants to OAC from the Andrew Mellon Foundation and the NSF
Environmental Geochemistry and Biogeochemistry program and to JC from the
USDA Program 25.0 in Soils and Soil Biology Ža 97-35107-4360. and the
Andrew Mellon Foundation. The USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service
ŽChris Smith and Bob Gavenda. provided much needed logistical support for our
field sampling in Hawaii.
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