D2.3 Networking Events Report


This deliverable reports on the networking events organized by Consortium pilot partners BIN, CMS,<br> and Dyne, as well as the local events aimed at sustainability throughout the project and particularly in<br> the second Reporting Period (RP2 - M18-M36).

NETWORKING EVENTS REPORT D2.3 Project: PIE News – Poverty, lack of Income, and un/Employment News (H2020-ICT-2015) Duration: 1st July 2016 – 30th June 2019 (36 months) Contract Number: Grant Agreement Number 687922 Partners: University of Trento, Basic Income Network Italy, Centre for Peace Studies, Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Stichting, Abertay University, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute Document Number: D2.3 Contractual Date: 30/06/2019 Work Package: WP2 Distribution /Type: PU / Report Version: 0.3 Total Number of Pages: 57 File: PIE_D2.3_V0.1 Authors: Maja Pleic (CMS), Sara Lalic (CMS), Sandro Gobetti (BIN), Rachele Serino (BIN), Andrea Fumagalli (BIN), Cristina Morini (BIN), Federico Bonelli (Dyne), Aspasia Beneti (Dyne), Maurizio Teli 1 (M-ITI) This deliverable reports on the networking events organized by Consortium pilot partners BIN, CMS, and Dyne, as well as the local events aimed at sustainability throughout the project and particularly in the second Reporting Period (RP2 - M18-M36). 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This deliverable reports on the activities carried out by pilot partners Centre for Peace Studies (CMS) in Croatia, Basic Income Network Italia (BIN) in Italy and Dyne in the Netherlands with respect to the subcontracting process and organization of bottom up PIE News/Commonfare networking events and local seminars to promote long-term sustainability. It refers primarily to the second Reporting Period (RP2 - M18-M36). In Section 1, we first present an overview of the process of the organization of networking events and seminars towards sustainability, the main goals of these events and their impact for the project. In Section 2, we describe the specific processes that each pilot partner undertook in disseminating the opportunity for Commonfare networking event organization, and the specific objectives, target groups as well as obstacles faced by the different pilot partners. In Section 3, we detail each of the networking events organized in Eastern Europe, in collaboration with CMS from Croatia, while Section 4 provides a summary of the dissemination events and seminars towards sustainability organized in Eastern Europe. Section 5 presents the networking events organized in Southern Europe, in collaboration with the Italian pilot partner, BIN; while Section 6 lists the dissemination events and seminars towards sustainability in which BIN participated or co-organized. Section 7 details the networking events organized in Northern and Continental Europe in collaboration with the Dutch pilot partner Dyne, and Section 8 lists the dissemination events and seminars towards sustainability in which Dyne participated. 3 DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY DATE VERSION AUTHOR SUMMARY OF CHANGES 29/04/2019 V0.0 Maja Pleic Table of Contents and first draft 27/06/2019 V0.1 Maja Pleic, Gobetti, Sara Rachele Lalic, Serino, Sandro Inputs and updates to all Andrea sections Fumagalli, Cristina Morini, Federico Bonelli, Aspasia Beneti, Maurizio Teli 28/06/2019 V0.2 Chiara Bassetti, Maurizio Teli, Review and proof-reading Mariacristina Sciannamblo 29/06/2019 V0.3 Federico Bonelli, Aspasia Beneti, Maja Pleić, Maurizio Teli, Chiara Bassetti 4 Final updates CONTRIBUTORS FIRST NAME LAST NAME ORGANIZATION CONTRIBUTION Chiara Bassetti UNITN Editing and revision Aspasia Beneti DYNE Sect. 7.8 Federico Bonelli DYNE Ch. 7 & 8 Andrea Fumagalli BIN Ch.5 & 6 Sandro Gobetti BIN Ch.5 & 6 Sara Lalic CMS Sect. 3.7, 3.8 Cristina Morini BIN Ch.5 & 6 Maja Pleic CMS Main author Mariacristina Sciannamblo MITI Proof-reading and revision Rachele Serino BIN Ch.5 & 6 Maurizio Teli MITI Editing and revision 5 ACRONYMS ACRONYM MEANING BIN Basic Income Network (Italy) CMS Centre for Peace Studies (Croatia) CRCB Corruption Research Centre Budapest (Hungary) DYNE Stichting (the Netherlands) MITI Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (Portugal) UNITN University of Trento (Italy) 6 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.​INTRODUCTION TO NETWORKING EVENTS AND SEMINARS TOWARDS SUSTAINABILITY 9 2. SUBCONTRACTING PROCESS AND CALLS FOR STORIES 10 3. NETWORKING EVENTS IN EASTERN EUROPE (CMS) 3.1 Networking Event # 1: Šibenik, Croatia, September 5-7,2018 13 13 3.2 Networking Event # 2: Zagreb, Croatia, October 3, 2018 15 3.3 Networking Event # 3: Ljubljana, Slovenia, November 28, 2018 16 3.4 Networking event #4: Bratislava, Slovakia, March 28, 2019 18 3.5 Networking Event #5: Prague, Czech Republic, April 15, 2019 19 3.6 Networking Event #6: Budapest, Hungary, April 18, 2019 20 3.7 Networking event #7: Pula, Croatia, June 13, 2019 22 3.8 Networking Event # 8: Osijek, Croatia, June 19, 2019 23 4. SUMMARY OF DISSEMINATION EVENTS ORGANIZED OR ATTENDED BY CROATIAN PARTNER (CMS) 25 5. SUMMARY OF NETWORKING EVENTS IN SOUTHERN EUROPE (BIN) 5.1 Networking event # 1: Lisbon, Portugal, September 26, 2017 28 28 5.2 Networking event # 2: Milan, Italy, October 4, 2017 29 5.3 Networking event # 3: Milan, Italy, October 28-29, 2017 30 5.4 Networking event # 4: Rome, Italy, November 9, 2017 32 5.5 Networking event # 5: Athens, Greece, September 12, 2018 34 5.6 Networking event # 6: Spain, Barcelona, March 28, 2019 35 5.7 Networking event # 7: Milan, Italy, April 12-14, 2019 36 5.8 Networking event # 8: Rome, Italy, June 2nd, 2019 37 6. SUMMARY OF DISSEMINATION EVENTS ORGANIZED OR ATTENDED BY ITALIAN PARTNER (BIN) 38 7. SUMMARY OF NETWORKING EVENTS IN NORTHERN CONTINENTAL EUROPE (DYNE) 7.1 Networking event # 1: Helsinki, Finland, November 26-27,2018 45 45 7.2 Networking event # 2: Groningen, Netherlands, December 2, 2018 46 7.3 Networking event # 3: Drenthe, Netherlands, December 8-9,2018 47 7.4 Networking event # 4: warsaw, Poland, February 26-27, 2019 48 7.5 Networking event # 5: Dublin, Ireland, March 16-17, 2019 49 7.6 Networking event # 6: Aalborg, Denmark, April 30, 2019 50 7.7 Networking event # 7: Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 17, 2019 51 7.8 Networking event # 7: Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 21, 2019 51 7.9 Networking event # 8: Glasgow, Scotland, June 28,2019 52 8. SUMMARY OF DISSEMINATION EVENTS ORGANIZED OR ATTENDED BY DUTCH PARTNER (DYNE) 54 9. CONCLUSION 7 57 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE TITLE PAGE Figure 1 Commonfare panel at Falis Festival, Sibenik, Croatia 14 Figure 2 Commonfare panel, Kino Europa, Zagreb, Croatia 16 Figure 3 Commonfare conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia 17 Figure 4 Commonfare workshop Internet = Common Space, Bratislava, Slovakia 18 Figure 5 Commonfare Workshop, Prague, Czech Republic 20 Figure 6 Commonfare Conference, Budapest, Hungary 21 Figure 7 Commonfare event, Pula, Croatia 22 Figure 8 Commonfare event, Osijek, Croatia 23 Figure 9 Commonfare at Basic Income Earth Network, Lisbon, Portugal 28 Figure 10 Commonfare Event, Milan, Italy 30 Figure 11 Commonfare at Macao, Milan, Italy 31 Figure 12 Commonfare event in Rome, Italy 33 Figure 13 Commonfare at Connect Athens, Athens, Greece 34 Figure 14 Commonfare Workshop Barcelona, Spain 35 Figure 15 Commonfare at Rimaflow, Milan, Italy 36 Figure 16 Commonfare at CLAP, Rome, Italy 37 Figure 17 Commonfare at Oma Ma, Helsinki, Finland 45 Figure 18 Commonfare in Warsaw, Poland 48 Figure 19 Commonfare Workshop in Dublin, Ireland 49 Figure 20 Commonfare event in Aalborg, Denmark 50 8 1. INTRODUCTION TO NETWORKING EVENTS AND SEMINARS TOWARDS SUSTAINABILITY Considering that the PIE News project was designed from the beginning to be participatory, engaging, and to connect various stakeholders and users across sectors and borders, the dissemination of research results, facilitation of collaborations and attracting new users to the platform has indeed been a Consortium-wide effort over the three year period of the project. In this Report we will detail specifically the organization of networking events, facilitated through subcontracting, and the seminars towards sustainability, referring to participation in organized events and meetings which allowed pilot partners to introduce the Pie News project and platform to those stakeholders we identified as our target audience: grassroots organizations and initiatives (NGOs, citizens, non-profits, social enterprises), policy-makers (at the local, national and EU levels), and the research community. As we progressed through our research and design phase through a participatory approach, it became clear that certain communities, those most affected by the “PIE conditions” of poverty, lack of income and unemployment, were often least informed and least mobilized to act. For example, in Croatia, a country with one of the highest rates of youth precarity, PIE focus groups uncovered that the majority of youth were not even familiar with the concept of “precarity”, and few had heard of a “universal basic income”. As a result, our target audiences grew ever larger over the project, as the unmet need for informing, organizing and mobilizing collective action to preserve the commons is an effort for all citizens. While each of the pilot partners framed their subcontracting process to meet the specific contexts in which they worked, all had the same general strategy of maximizing impact of this project, its findings, and its sustainability in the long-run, through the organization of bottom-up events that promote the Commonfare concept and platform, supporting organizations that either were or could be considered examples of Commonfare “good practices”. In addition, it was also important that the events reached out to various target groups(general public, youth, individuals experiencing financial difficulties, unemployment or living in precarious situations, decision-makers), and across sectors (academia, information technology, NGO, grassroots initiatives, media, artists), as well as across borders to facilitate information sharing and collaboration in the digital and physical world. Likewise, while the networking partners who organized bottom-up events to promote Commonfare were very diverse in nature, all networking events had the same main goals, to: ● Disseminate the research findings of the project, in particular raising awareness on the “PIE conditions”: poverty, lack of income, unemployment and precariousness. ● To familiarize target audiences with the concept of Commonfare and the platform. 9 ● To promote the various uses of the platform, its functions and potential for informing, connecting and mobilizing bottom-up initiatives that promote citizen welfare. ● To connect in real-life individuals, projects and organizations who might otherwise not have connected, thus showing them the added value of networking across sectors and disciplines, connecting with like-minded individuals who are working for the common good, while also providing them with a digital tool how to do this: the platform. In total, 25 networking events were organized in 15 different countries disseminating the results of the project and promoting the use of the platform to a wide spectrum of potential users and future collaborators who will help to ensure the sustainability of Commonfare past the project –from those we identified as “commoners”, that is people potentially living in the PIE conditions of unemployment, precariousness and lack of income, to those activist citizens that are working for the common good and the improvement of welfare societies, to the academic and research community looking at topics ranging from tech and digital solutions to social and economic problems, to the promotion of equal access to housing, legal aide, to artistic and performative expressions of “Commonfare” and the common space, to networking with the public sector and private sector in an attempt to build bridges across disciplines and sectors. 2. SUBCONTRACTING PROCESS AND CALLS FOR STORIES In Croatia, the process for inviting proposals for networking events was multi-faceted and included sending mails, sharing a “call for proposals” on the CMS website, platform and through 1 mails and Facebook, in Croatian and English language. Personal emails and informal discussions with Commonfare good practices were also used to get proposals for networking events. The criteria for selection was that the target groups would be reached, in particular youth, citizen activists, NGOs, and citizen initiatives (grassroots level), as well as the research community and policy-makers; that the proposed event would get the most significant reach in terms of disseminating our research outputs, networking and creating networks across sectors on issues related to the PIE conditions and maximizing the uptake of Commonfare concept and platform, and thus ensuring long terms sustainability. It was also important for the Croatian situation to make sure to have different geographical areas of Croatia represented, as well as to try and include international NGOs in the networking events as much as possible, in order to maximize the networking impact and opportunities ​ e-net 1 10 for future collaborations. The Centre for Peace Studies organized 8 networking events from September 2018 until June 2019. Four were in different areas of Croatia – in the capital in Zagreb, on the Dalmatian Coast in Šibenik, on the Western Istria coast in Pula, and in the East of the country in Osijek; as well as four international networking events organized in Ljubljana(Slovenia), Bratislava(Slovakia), Prague (Czech Republic), and Budapest (Hungary). From September 2017 to June 2019, the Italian pilot partner (BIN Italia) realized 8 network events in Italy and in some countries of the Southern European and Mediterranean area. Each meeting was organized with the intention of disseminating both the concept of Commonfare, promoting the PIE News project, and presenting the platform. During each networking event, the Italian pilot has always set the achievement of some objectives: to make the project known; involve different stakeholders of different levels, local, national and international and also political actors, social sector, NGO, academics etc. (good practices, local administrators, policy makers, researchers, universities and academies, collectives of precarious workers, members of civil society etc.); have exchanges with other European projects; present the platform to a wider audience so as to onboard Commoners; to introduce the theme of basic income and complementary currency; to introduce bottom-up good practices and social experiences; to build a network for the sustainability of the platform even after the end of the project. For the Netherlands, the subcontracting process was complicated by the fact that the initial pilot partner Museu da Crise left the project in July 2018, with Dyne taking on this task at that stage, yet with delays in budget until the fall of 2018, and with no contacts from previous dissemination events and best practices shared by Museu da Crise. Dyne disseminated the call to organize events within the Dutch community connected to Dyne through mailing lists, personal mails, and word of mouth. Dyne targeted the tech community within the Netherlands and across Northern and Continental Europe, making sure to invite those organizations and initiatives thought to be a good representation of the Commonfare core values. As with the pilot partners from Croatia and Italy, Dyne tried to make sure to include participants from across sectors: the digital and tech sector, academia, NGOs, activists, media, students and grassroots enterprises. Calls for stories were produced for several networking events, offering Commoners the opportunity to travel from anywhere in Europe to the location of the networking event, with Commonfare covering the costs of travel and accommodation, if they wrote the winning story as per the instructions on Here we will describe the first call for stories to detail the process that was undertaken for each of the following Call for stories. The first call for stories was organized by CMS for the Santarcangelo Festival in Santarcangelo di Romagna, Italy from July 12th to July 15th, 2018 in which Commonfare was participating, presenting, and running the Santacoin. The call for stories was 11 published on as well as disseminated via email and the CMS website.2 It offered a free trip to Santarcangelo di Romagna where the festival was taking place, and accommodation from July 12th to July 15th, 2018 so that the winning commoner could enjoy the Festival to the fullest, while networking with Commonfare project partners and others at the festival. In order to win the trip and attend the Santarcangelo festival as a travelling blogger for Commonfare, Commoners were asked to donate any amount of Commoncoin they wanted to the Commonfare account as a show of interest and to write a story answering one of the following questions: ● The kind of society I want to live in is… ● The kind of Europe I want to live in is… ● My version of a just society is one where… The criteria for selection of the winning story, and therefore as a travelling blogger were: i) relevance to the question posed, ii) representation of Commonfare values, iii) potential to help, inform or inspire others, and iv) creativity. The transaction of the Commoncoin had two purposes: first, as a show of interest, and secondly and most importantly: to familiarize and incentivize the commoner to learn to use the Commoncoin on the platform. Commonfare received one submission that had correctly followed the instructions and met the criteria.3 The story was submitted by a member of the CMS student group on precarious work that had met regularly giving feedback on the design of the platform, showing the importance real-life connections have for transferring trust online. After the Commoner attended Santarcangelo FEstival, he blogged about it on, thus further fostering a connection with Commonfare and the values of Commonfare.4 ​A call for stories was also published for the Fališ Festival in Šibenik Croatia, in English and Croatian languages and disseminated via mail. 5 Although CMS received several calls of interest, no story was posted in time. Further calls for stories were published for networking events in Prague6, Budapest7, for the final Commonfare Conference in Trento, Italy8, and in Pula, Croatia9, however despite extensive dissemination of the call, no entries were submitted. 2 h ​ ttps://​u-italiji h ​ ttps:// ​ ttps:// h 3 4 5 ; eo-blogger-for-commonfare 6 h ​ ttps:// 7 8 9 h ​ ttps:// h ​ ttps:// ​ ttps:// h 12 3​. NETWORKING EVENTS IN EASTERN EUROPE (CMS) 3.1 NETWORKING EVENT # 1: ŠIBENIK, CROATIA, SEPTEMBER 5-7,2018 The first networking event in Croatia was organized by the winning bidder, the Croatian Platform for 10 International Citizen Solidarity (CROSOL) at the yearly Fališ Festival in Šibenik(Croatia) from September 7-9​ , 2018. The focus of that year’s Festival was on sustainable tourism and protecting the th​ public good. In collaboration with CMS, networking partner Crosol organized two Commonfare-inspired panel discussions and an info booth at the Festival, which was staffed by Crosol and CMS employees from Thursday, September 5​th to Friday, September 7​th at the epi-centre of the Festival, the public square. At the info booth, Commonfare promotional material was handed out, the platform was shown via a laptop, and information was shared on good practices from Croatia, Italy and the Netherlands that are available on, encouraging Festival visitors to get informed, and to connect with others digitally to develop grassroots responses to issues of quality of life and common spaces. The first panel discussion ​on “Tou​rism: between profit and a common good” took place on Wednesday, September 5th at 21h in the John Paul II public Square, with speakers Krešimir Šakić, Director of the National Park Krk, a popular tourist destination in Croatia; Irina Zupan from the Croatian Agency for the Environment and Nature (HAOP), researchers from the Agency for Environmental and maritime research at the Institute Ruđer Bošković, with moderation by the Croatian writer and columnist, Jurica Pavičić. The roundtable discussed what happens when rentier capitalism interacts with unregulated and uncontrolled use of natural and common resources, and how to ensure that, in the search for profits from tourism, natural resources and public goods are protected and domestic citizens do not lose access and use of common spaces, such as beaches. On Friday, September 7th at 20h also in John Paul II Square, Erika Harms, an international expert on supporting global development through sustainable tourism, presented a Commonfare-inspired lecture entitled: “Sustainable tourism: Equitable distribution of satisfaction.“ Prior to the presentations, Maja Pleic introduced the Commonfare project, platform and the goals of the Project. She singled out the need to connect across borders, share experiences, and protect the commons from the grassroots level, encouraging all to get more informed about the Commonfare platform at the info booth located at the Festival. The Commonfare platform was presented as a digital space for solidarity, transnational and interdisciplinary networking and information sharing on initiatives, campaigns, organizations, and social enterprises dealing with issues of social solidarity, equality, and supporting citizen welfare from the grassroots. After this, Erika Harms discussed international experiences with tourism and presented 10 For more info on Crosol, see: ​ 13 examples of good practices of social enterprises where tourism indeed contributed to the welfare of the citizens without spoiling or restricting access to common goods. At the first Commonfare panel on Wednesday 5th, there were over 100 participants in attendance and approximately 80 participants listened to the Commonfare lecture on September 7​th​. Along with information disseminated at the info booth, approximately 500 people were exposed to the Commonfare platform and project at the Festival. Also, the festival program included a description of the Commonfare project and its goals, with a link to the platform, and a QR code to be scanned via mobile on the printed version of the Festival Program, which led to the platform, thus 11 increasing the dissemination manifold. The audience at the panel and lecture consisted of the general public, left-leaning politicians, including prominent members of the political parties New Left and Možemo, activists, researchers, artists, union members and students. Indeed, the Fališ Festival was an ideal place for the presentation of Commonfare exactly because it is frequented by those interested in new ideas and social solidarity. Also, by bringing together a digital platform, researchers working on sustainable tourism and a popular Festival of Ideas, this networking event facilitated inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral information sharing and collaboration, and most importantly, inspired people to get informed, and get involved through 12 networks. and real-life ​ FIGURE 1. COMMONFARE PANEL AT FALIS FESTIVAL, SIBENIK, CROATIA 3.2 NETWORKING EVENT # 2: ZAGREB, CROATIA, OCTOBER 3, 2018 The second networking event was organized by Solidarna: Foundation for Human Rights and Solidarity in Zagreb (Croatia) on October 3​rd​, 2018. The public panel entitled “Commonfare panel: Inequalities in the EU and the European Pillar of Social Rights” brought together stakeholders from various fields, 11 12 More info: ​ nancira-ministarstvo-kulture-a-gostuje-mitropolit-porfirije ; 14 including union members working to implement the EU Pillar of Social Rights, international NGOs working to strengthen citizen solidarity, people working to improve the lives of those with disabilities and those interested in digital tools for responding to the challenge of inequality in the 21​st century. In this way, the panel was a living expression of the Commonfare values and the goals of the platform. The panel took place in Kino Europa (Europe Theatre) a landmark cultural icon in the heart of Zagreb that draws a wide public from various sectors and disciplines, and entrance to the event was free of charge. On the panel, Maja Pleic (CMS) presented the Commonfare project, the results of the PIE research on inequality, precariousness, and the unmet needs of youth living in precarious conditions identified through PIE research. General Secretary of SOLIDAR (an international network of NGOs working for social equity, based in Brussels),Conny Reuter, discussed the similarities of the situation of precarious youth in Croatia and the experiences of young and old workers across Europe dealing with inequality, poverty, and unemployment and the need for collaboration across sectors and nations to foment citizen solidarity for improved equity. Ana Miličević Pezelj, Executive Director of the Union of Autonomous Trade Unions of Croatia, based in Zagreb, discussed the need to raise awareness around the issue of precariousness, and to get citizen support for the full implementation of the EU Pillar of Social Rights as a policy instrument to deal with the PIE Conditions. The President of the Association for Children with Disabilities, based in Karlovac(Croatia), talked about the unmet needs of particularly vulnerable populations, in particular children with disabilities, whose needs are too often neglected by the social welfare state, and the need to strengthen citizen solidarity for all. The event was moderated by Marina Škrabalo, Director of Solidarna and member of the European Economic and Social Committee of the European Union, who stressed thinking out of the box, and the need for new ideas, such as the Pillar of Social Rights, but also those promoted by the Commonfare concept: universal basic income, free access to public or “common” goods, and the use of alternative monetary circuits such as the Commoncoin, at the time being developed by In attendance at the event were 55 people, including members of local and international NGOs, trade unions, students, activists, and the scientific community. Commonfare flyers were distributed alongside flyers promoting the EU Pillar of Social Rights, and, during the panel, the moderator Marina Škrabalo highlighted the complementarity of the Commonfare project promoting social equity from the 13 grassroots and the initiative promoting the EU Pillar of Rights and social solidarity from the top-down. More info: h ​ ttps://​ , ties cijalnih-prava 13 15 FIGURE 2. COMMONFARE PANEL, KINO EUROPA, ZAGREB, CROATIA 3.3 NETWORKING EVENT # 3: LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA, NOVEMBER 28, 2018 Commonfare was proud to present the 6th National Conference on Precarious Work in Slovenia, entitled “Modern slavery: precariousness on the labour market” held on Wednesday, which took place on November 28th from 16:00 to 19:30h at Mestnega Hall, in Ljubljana(Slovenia), and attended by over 80 students, academics, union leaders, and interested citizens. 14 Organized by networking partner the Movement for Decent Work and Welfare Society , an NGO dedicated to combating precariousness through research and activism in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The event promoted the platform as a one-step place for examples of good practices of grassroots initiatives and projects fighting precariousness and unemployment, with a focus on the need for informing, empowering and mobilizing the youth precarious and unemployed. The event is an annual tradition going on for 6 years at the time, took on the Commonfare lens and through this prism tried to answer the questions: What do we have in common? What are common solutions – a livable minimum wage? Is a Universal Basic Income possible? How do we find shared solutions for the shared challenges of precarity? After introductory messages from members of unions and the NGO Movement for Decent Work and Welfare Society, the Minister of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities of Slovenia, Mrs. Ksenia Klampfer, gave a presentation expressing her solidarity with the precarious workers of Slovenia, and positively affirming that fighting precariousness and ensuring quality welfare services was the duty of the State. Dr. Srečo Dragos from the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Ljubljana and Dr. Darja Senčur Peček from the Faculty of Law at the University of Maribor presented the state of precarious work in Slovenia, while Mr. Marko Funkl, a candidate for Mayor of the city of Hrastnik and an activist for youth workers, then discussed the different methods taken in Slovenia for raising 14 ​ ttps:// h 16 awareness amongst youth about their worker’s rights, for mobilizing precarious workers and organizing actions to influence public policy. Maja Pleic presented the results of the PIE News Research Report on inequality, unemployment and precarious work in Croatia, with a focus on the common challenges faced by all EU nations, and in particular new members at the periphery. She introduced the concept of “Commonfare”, its main four pillars and the platform as an experiment in citizen solidarity, joint learning, and sharing. Finally, Mr. Dejan Decent Navodnik from Work and Movement Welfare for Society discussed the future of citizen solidarity, in particular what can be done to organize young people to improve their situations in the homeland at the periphery, whether that be Slovenia, Croatia, Greece or Spain, and encouraged all to visit, to read and write stories 15 of good practices. FIGURE 3. COMMONFARE CONFERENCE, LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA Commonfare brochures were handed out to all, and a small info booth was set up in the reception area after the conference where participants could pick up more information, and talk with Maja Pleic (CMS) about the platform, examples of best practices and opportunities for networking through 3.4 NETWORKING EVENT #4: BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA, MARCH 28, 2019 The sub-contractor, NGO digiQ organized a full-day networking event in Bratislava(Slovakia) on March 28​th​, 2019 entitled: “Internet=Common Space: Promoting a participative approach to digital citizenship via public and multisectoral consultations”. The day began with an introductory presentation from Andrea Cox (DigiQ) stressing that digital citizenship is based on citizens being engaged in public matters via digital tools, such as the Commonfare platform, and other examples of online communities. She stressed that the Internet has become a tool for participating in public life, however, it is not being used fairly for and by all. Many are consumers only, without assessing the quality and truthfulness of information, some use the Internet for leisure only and there are even some who abuse the internet to harm others, spread disinformation or hate. Following this, Maja Pleic (CMS) presented on the PIE 15 For more information, see: ern-slavery-precariousness-on-the-labour-market 17 project, the Commonfare core values and the platform, showing also the various tools available on the platform for networking and citizen solidarity. The aim of the event was to introduce interested stakeholders in Bratislava to, and also to create a space that would allow individuals from different sectors, income groups, ages, and backgrounds to participate in a stimulated discussion on digital rights and activism in the digital space, while also drafting recommendations on how Internet can be used for common good and social collaboration. After the presentations, the group was broken down into several working groups and roundtables that focused on different topics relevant for Slovakia, but also all European citizens, including: ● Will my participation at the EP elections influence my life? ● Can we stop hate online? ● Our one year of life with GDPRhas strengthened data protection brought more good or restrictions for citizens? ● Social innovations and the Internet. How to measure them? Shall we have an index of social innovations? What criteria should we measure and will it really reflect the opportunities for common good? ● How do we use the digital space for the good of the majority? FIGURE 4. COMMONFARE WORKSHOP INTERNET=COMMON SPACE, BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA The event was organized in the spirit of Commonfare, and explicitly framed to utilize: a participatory approach, reversed role modelling (young attendees led the working groups, while senior academics and experts took notes), multi-sectoral consultations – participants represented the private sector, legislators, state administrations and civil society who are experts in education, IT, economy, public policy, and international in nature – highlighting case studies from Croatia, and using as a case study of international digital cooperation. More than 50 people from the above-mentioned sectors, of different ages and backgrounds participated in the lively working groups, including the Director of Facebook for Eastern Europe. A large group discussion was about the potential for using digital spaces such as for informing, mobilizing and organizing citizens to fight for 18 their digital rights. Brochures promoting were also handed out and a tutorial on how to use the various tools of was given to interested parties following the working group conclusions, garnering great interest for such a tool to be made available in more languages. Although a 16 call for stories was published, there was no responses. 3.5 NETWORKING EVENT #5: PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC, APRIL 15, 2019 In the Czech Republic, the Faculty of Humanities at Charles University was the sub-contractor and organized a Commonfare workshop at the University. The workshop began with Maja Pleic (CMS) presenting the PIE News project (highlighting the research undertaken on unmet needs and precarious experiences) and the commonfare platform, highlighting the examples of good practices of social enterprises and citizen initiatives as well as the tools available on the platform for facilitating the development of more good practices. Next, Selma Muhic Dizdarevic from the Faculty of Humanities presented on the situation in the Czech Republic with respect to social enterprises and collaborative online platforms, stressing the need for greater collaboration across disciplines as well as borders, and the possibilities offered by tools such as Commonfare-net for facilitating such important exchanges. Next Sarka Homfrey from the State Union of State Authorities and Organizations discussed the situation of precarious work and gig work in the Czech Republic, and the possibilities as well as challenges for using digital platforms to overcome precariousness. Next, Marie Dohnalova, a Professor from the University and expert on social enterprises presented on the trends in social enterprises in the Czech Republic, and the role of social entrepreneurship as one of the many solutions required to address the most pressing issues of our time: poverty, inequality, and precariousness. Following a lively discussion between participants, Karel Schwartzs from the European Network Against Poverty presented on the challenges of rising poverty and isolationism in a time of ever greater connectivity, and how these feelings of insecurity can be addressed both digitally and through real-life mobilization of citizens. Finally, a local citizen initiative, self-organized homeless women who provide catering services, discussed their hardships in terms of precariousness, the declining welfare state and to what extent grassroots initiatives can respond to these challenges, before serving catering for all participants. 10 people in total participated in the event, representing the key stakeholders from academia, local civil society and international networks working on issues of poverty alleviation and collaborative platforms See​: nspace-conference-in-slovakia?story_locale=nl 16 19 and social enterprise. Brochures for were handed out and a tutorial on the different 17 functions of the platform was given in an informal setting after the presentations and discussions. FIGURE 5. COMMONFARE WORKSHOP, PRAGUE, CZECH REPUBLIC 3.6 NETWORKING EVENT #6: BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, APRIL 18, 2019 In Budapest, Hungary, the networking partner Corruption Research Centre Budapest organized a half day conference entitled: “Commonfare presents: Data, Public Goods, Public Interest, and Good Governance – multiple actors and several methods for transparency and good governance” on April 18​th from 9:00h to 13:30h. After welcoming remarks from Istvan Toth, Senior Research at CRCB, Maja Pleic (CMS) presented the Commonfare project and platform, with a focus on the examples of best practices on the platform which are focused on promoting good governance – of common goods and common spaces. Miklos Ligeti, from Transparency International Hungary presented on “The significance of freedom of information tools in fighting corruption” and showed some new and innovative online tools for filing freedom of information requests. Next, Andras Petho, an investigative journalist from a local NGO presented on how digital spaces can be utilized by journalists and citizen journalists to uncover and document corruption, using the case study of Hungarian residency bond scheme. Following this, Tamas Bodoky also from a Hungarian NGO, presented on “Online tools, data journalism, and data visualization to promote transparency, accountability, and freedom of information” also showcasing several examples of data visualization tools that are free for citizens to use. Martin Kasnyiak, from, an independent media news portal in Hungary discussed “The role of data journalism in enforcing the integrity of the state”, followed by Sandor Lederer, from K-Monitor, a grassroots anti-corruption NGO based in Hungary, who presented on “Civic tech solutions for transparency”. More than 20 people participated in this event, representing academia, the civil sector, grassroots initiatives and NGOs, citizen journalists, activists and members of international NGO networks to share the various digital tools available for informing citizens and impacting change in public perception and public policy from the computer screen. It was noted that although the various participants at the event were working on the same topic- corruption and good governance- and all 17 h ​ ttps:// 20 utilizing mainly digital tools – they had never all been in one place at the same time to learn what and how the others were doing. Thus this event was a great success in not only promoting the Commonfare platform and its tools, but for creating bridges across ​disciplines and sectors, bringing like-minded people together for the greater good. Commonfare brochures were also handed out at the event, and a mini tutorial on how to use the social wallet and common coin was given to participants interested following the discussions. All participants agreed that greater effort had to be made to repeat such an event, promoting sustainability for the Commonfare network as a recognized connector of individuals using digital tools for good governance. 18 FIGURE 6. COMMONFARE CONFERENCE, BUDAPEST, HUNGARY 3.7 NETWORKING EVENT #7: PULA, CROATIA, JUNE 13, 2019 This event was organized by the networking partner “Right to the city”, in collaboration with the Centre for Peace Studies and with local support from the NGO Green Istria. The event was held in Pula, Croatia, on June 13​th​, 2019, with prior dissemination of the event through web-sites of these three NGOs, social networks and local media. This networking event brought together NGOs from different parts of Croatia, the centre Zagreb and the Istrian city of Pula, together with Commonfare and the European citizen’s initiative “Housing for All” – thus a collaboration in the spirit of the Commonfare values of collaboration and grassroots networking. The event sought to bring attention to one of the most pressing unmet needs identified through Pie research in Croatia: the need for affordable housing, in particular for Croatian youth and young people, who at an average age of 32, are the oldest to leave their family home in the European Union. The topic of the discussion was the current housing crisis in Croatia. The prices of housing are getting higher and higher, and securing housing is almost impossible for the people without inheritance, as the present conditions for property loans and very hard to meet. A current European citizen initiative Housing for All was discussed. At the level of EU, experts and activists gathered to collect signatures 18 rt_190408_.pdf 21 from the citizens. The Initiative is advocating for easier financing of public housing, enabling construction of non-profit housing units, and to regulate digital platforms such as Airbnb. Pula, where the event was held is especially hit by the housing crisis, as many other cities in the Croatian coastal area. This crisis is visible through a large increase of rental costs that raise up to 40% of income of households. Tenants are a category of population that are often in risk of poverty. Not only that the rental prices are inadequate compared to levels of income, but at the coast, it is impossible to find apartments for long-term rent, due to tourism. Lack of alternatives to the market, subsidies for housing or non-profit construction of housing units additionally influence rise of prices and endangers security of housing. 22 activists, citizens and representatives of media participated at the event. Sara Lalić (CMS) presented platform and encouraged the participants to use it. After the presentation, a panel discussion followed. The speakers were Ms. Sara Lalić (CMS), Helena Sterpin (Cooperative Praxis) and Iva Marčetić (Right to the City). Dušica Radojčić (Green Istria) was the moderator of the discussion. In terms of promotion of ​ platform, this event was a success, as we had an opportunity to present it to relevant stakeholders in the region of Istria, a Western part of the country, where the housing crisis is especially strong with significant consequences for the population, especially youth, 19 the unemployed people and those in precarious working conditions. FIGURE 7. COMMONFARE EVENT, PULA, CROATIA 3.8 NETWORKING EVENT # 8: OSIJEK, CROATIA, JUNE 19, 2019 The Centre for Peace, Non-violence and Human Rights Osijek (networking partner) and Centre for Peace Studies organized a panel discussion “Legal aid institutional framework and practice – problems and challenges” on 19 June 2019 in Osijek, Croatia. The need for such a panel arose out of the research More info: ​ 19 22 undertaken as part of the Pie Project on unmet needs which identified that citizens feel that unless they have high incomes or are politically-connected, there is little legal recourse available to ordinary citizens in case they are victims of employer abuses or crimes. The speakers at the panel represented a mix of stakeholders and sectors and included: Mr Zvonimir Jelinić (coordinator of the Legal Clinic of the Faculty of Law at the University in Osijek “Pro Bono”; Ms Željka Radoš Radičević (attorney from Osijek); Ms Jasminka Bertović (Ministry of Justice); Ms Željka Kuljak (State Administration Office in the Osijek-Baranja County); Mr Mladen Stojanović – Office of the Ombudsperson; Ms Nikolina Zec (Women’s Association “IZVOR”, legal aid provider; Ms Marijana Skoko (Victims and Witnesses support service), while the moderator was Ms Natalija Havelka from the Centre for Peace, Non-violence and Human Rights Osijek. The existence of an effective and efficient institutional framework of free legal aid in each country is a guarantee of the realization of human rights. This system ensures that the rights of all citizens are equally protected, and yet there is no doubt that there is a general mistrust amongst Croatian in the legal system for protecting them and ensuring them equal rights and protection. The event highlighted that a simplified procedure for using primary legal aid by direct contact with providers has alleviated the prerequisites for obtaining primary legal aid, and legal information and counselling has been re-introduced in all jurisdictions as a form of exclusive legal aid. In this way, a wide circle of users is provided with access to general legal information and legal counselling. Each of the panellists reflected to the problems and challenges in the functioning of the legal aid system from the area of their profession. The conclusions of the event are: - High unemployment rate, precariousness, low household income and generally bad economic conditions in Croatia, additionally increase the need for strong and stable legal aid infrastructure. - Financing of legal aid providers should be amended in a way to better reflect the needs of the providers: especially when evaluating the legal aid providers that cover wider geographical areas. - Interest of attorneys to participate in the secondary legal aid providing is low as they cannot envisage the amount of legal actions to be needed in a certain legal matter. 23 FIGURE 8. COMMONFARE EVENT, OSIJEK, CROATIA 18 activists, members of general public, representatives of media, academic community, ombuds institutions and lawyers participated at the event, thus connecting across sectors and disciplines and offering an opportunity to find common ground on such an important issue for Croatian citizens. Invitations to the event were disseminated through e-mail and relevant mailing lists, websites of organizers and local media. After a presentation of platform by Sara Lalić (Centre for Peace Studies), a panel discussion was held. The event was covered by the local media: Croatian Radio local branch from Osijek was present and prior announced the event and Slavonian TV station included a footage of the event in the main 20 evening news. Also dissemination materials (brochures) for were distributed during the event and participants showed an interest to use the platform. The event was beneficial for dissemination of the platform, as the needs of this platform are especially large in Eastern part of Croatia, the region that suffers great economic difficulties. 4​. SUMMARY OF DISSEMINATION EVENTS ORGANIZED OR ATTENDED BY CROATIAN PARTNER (CMS) NAME OF EVENT #1 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE Meeting of the citizen movement “Island Movement” Brač, Croatia, August 5, 2017 Presented the Pie project and commonfare concept, and then had in-depth discussion about the possibility of introducing a local alternative currency on one or more islands, exploring the potential for a Commoncoin, and other alternative currencies. Brochures for commonfare were handed out and inputs given for improvements of design and communication. CMS and Dyne present 10 activists, social enterprises, NGOs, researchers, and a public official 20 lemi-i-izazov ​ 24 NAME OF EVENT #2 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT #3 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT #4 LOCATION AND DATES 25 Impact Conference 2018 Zagreb, Croatia, February 15, 2018 Commonfare brochures were placed in the goodie bag of the 150 participants in attendance. Maja Pleic (CMS) participated on the panel “​Movement, nonprofits or international organizations? What is more impactful?” noting that it was not an either or question, but that movements, non profits and international organizations could and should all network and find common ground, which is what Commonfare is trying to facilitate in order to maximize impact. General public - 100 Workshop "United Against Precarity” Strunjan, Slovenia, March 12, 2018 Presentation on PIE Project, research results on precarity and poverty of youth in Croatia, Italy and the Netherlands, and presentation on Commonfare platform 10 participants from NGOs working to fight precarity in Eastern Europe: Movement for Decent Work and Welfare Society (Slovenia), Walk Together (Bulgaria), Uiltemp Lazio (Italy), Asociatia Support for Youth Development (Romania), Association for Development, Education and Labour (Slovakia) and CMS (Croatia) Launch of “Good Societies” event at Nieuwland Centre Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 15, 2018 COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT #5 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT #6 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE EVENT WEBSITE Presented the Pie project and commonfare concept, and then participated in workshop about the concept of a good society. 15 participants, general public, people living in poverty and precariousness, researchers, activists “Sharing economy and resilient neighbourhoods” workshop at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences Amsterdam, Netherlands, April 18, 2018 Presented the Pie project, and led workshop on collaborative online platforms, using commonfare and others as case studies. 20 participants, members of research community interested in collaborative online platforms “​Public panel: Štite li zakoni mlade radnike i radnice u Hrvatskoj? (Is the law in Croatia protecting young workers?)” Zagreb, Croatia, November 26, 2018 Presented the findings of Pie project research on the experiences of precarious workers in Croatia, with a focus on their unmet needs. Commonfare brochure were also handed out. Trade union members, researchers, students, media, activists, youth, general public, approx. 30 dUCXgnoT75xqIvoglqmLNdkcnKhS6KCj8kKGrRjx9zpMmb dlw9k / 26 NAME OF EVENT #7 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE EVENT WEBSITE NAME OF EVENT #8 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE EVENT WEBSITE "Mladi PoZOR: glas mladih radnica i radnika u izmjenama radnog zakonodavstva“ ("Voices of youth workers in changes to labour regulation" ) Stubičke toplice, Croatia, January 1, 2019 Presented the findings of Pie project research on the experiences of precarious workers in Croatia. Commonfare brochure were also handed out. Labour unionists, youth activists, students, approx. 50 Commonfare Train-the-trainers Workshop Stubice, Croatia, January 30-31, 2019 Commonfare (Maja Pleic) organized this two-day event so that on January 30​th​, detailed training was given to four members of CMS in order for them to be able to provide on the spot training the next day, January 31st at the full train-the-trainers event. 12 people, representing various civil organizations and firms working with tech society 5. SUMMARY OF NETWORKING EVENTS IN SOUTHERN EUROPE (BIN) 5.1 NETWORKING EVENT # 1: LISBON, PORTUGAL, SEPTEMBER 26, 2017 A round table about Basic Income and Commonfare, which was held on September 26, 2017 during the 17th ​Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN) Congress in Lisbon, Portugal, Bin Italia with Basic Income 27 Portugal organized a network event to present the Commonfare project. At the meeting participated more than 40 people. Many of them were involved to discuss about the idea and the proposal of Commonfare, the proposal of Basic Income and the complementary currency. Also was presented the PIE News\Commonfare project. At the meeting was involved member representative of civil society, policy makers, researcher and academics. The Chair of the round table was Sara Bizarro (Centre for Ethics, Politics & Society, Univ. of Minho, Portugal) with the participation if Andrea Fumagalli (BIN – Italia), Gilda Farrel (ex-Head of the Social Cohesion, Research and Early Warning Division of the Council of Europe), Maurizio Teli (M-ITI, Madeira, now Alborg University), WaldirPimenta (Basic Income – 21 Portugal). FIGURE 9. COMMONFARE AT BASIC INCOME EARTH NETWORK, LISBON, PORTUGAL 5.2 NETWORKING EVENT # 2: MILAN, ITALY, OCTOBER 4, 2017 This network event, entitled “Dai programmi europei agl iinterventi metropolitani: riflessioni, pratiche e politiche di innovazione sociale” (From European programs to metropolitan interventions: reflections, practices and social innovation policies) was held in Milan, on October 4th, 2017, and was organized to present the Commonfare Project and its goals to the Municipality of Milan. The meeting was organized in three main sessions. The first session, after greetings from Cristina Tajani (councilor of the Municipality of Milan) and Loretta Anania (Project Officer of DG) by video message from Brussels, presented the first results of a socio-economic and ethnographic inquiry on the metropolitan areas of Milan and Rome. Sandro Gobetti and Cristina Morini (BIN) illustrated how PIE conditions are differently perceived among young precarious, Neets and unemployed people. The rise of fragmented poverty 21 More information at: 3074702924/?type=3&__tn__=EHH-R 28 conditions, no longer easily represented simply by a lack of income but more and more by difficulties in accessing common goods such as housing, health, relationships, education, and so on, poses new questions about institutional governance and calls for new ways of addressing precarity. From this point of view, as highlighted by Chiara Bassetti (UNITN), the can play a relevant role in connecting the different levels and shares of precarious life. Marco Sachy (Dyne) explained the role of digital coins in the Commonfare project, by illustrating possible alternative uses. The second session presented some European CAPS programs in which the Municipality of Milan is involved, opening the debate on what kind of social innovation is required to answer the present challenges. Projects such as OpenCare (on health from below, illustrated by Zoe Romano), OpenAgri (on peri-urban agriculture, ​RossanaTorri), Empatia (on the construction of a platform able to encourage participative democracy, MassimilianoSecchi) or experiences such as Sharing City (to improve liveability in the city, PieroPellizzaro) or Mare CulturaleUrbano (an interactive space for sociality, Sergio Galasso) are all working to redefine an eco-system appropriate to contemporary issues. Also Rob de Mat, who organized the catering (with really good food!), had time to explain their interesting experiences. To this question of developing social innovations to address contemporary social issues, the round table in the afternoon tried to answer. Starting from the need to recognize and value existing bottom-up good practices in the labor transformation (Sergio Bologna), of Welfare Foundation (Romano Guerinoni), of universities (Enzo Mingione, Ivana Pais, Roberto Randazzo) and of Trades Union (Melissa Oliviero) pointed out the necessity to fill the gap between a metropolitan reality full of initiatives and an unsatisfactory social protection. From this point of view, the issue of sustainability is central in order to allow more structural interventions to relieve discomfort and reduce uncertainty. FIGURE 10. COMMONFARE NETWORKING EVENT, MILAN, ITALY The presence of two councilors of the Municipality of Milan was very important, as it showed the interest generated by the Commonfare Project. PierfrancescoMajorino (Social Policies), in his speech at the end of the morning, underlined the necessity to experiment with new welfare tools, despite budget 29 constraints. Cristina Tajani (Labor and Economic Activity), who opened the Conference, concluded the meeting in the afternoon, reiterating the driving role of Milan in experimenting with various forms of social innovation, within which the project can and must be located. At the meeting 22 participated more than 150 people. 5.3 NETWORKING EVENT # 3: MILAN, ITALY, OCTOBER 28-29, 2017 On October 28th-29th 2017, a seminar on Commonfare took place in Milan, hosted by ​Macao​, as one of the project’s network and ​Bin-Italia​ under the events. The title: seminar “Social was organized jointly by the ​Effimera​ network Co-operation, Self-Determination, Commonfare: Social experimentation and autonomy of the possible.” It generated two days of intense debate and, above all, theoretical and practical elaboration of the Commonfare concept. Once again (and as it should be), it was confirmed that the theory derives from praxis and experiments in bottom-up welfare are already underway. Many local associations, best practice and collectives of precarious workers have been involved in the event, starting from some of collective experiences in Milan (such ​SMS​, ​Macao​, ​Ri-Maflow​) that have contributed to the co-research undertaken in the Commonfare project. These collective experiences directly contribute to the theoretical and political construction of our ongoing research. We have seen the participative construction of other realities, such as ​Ex-Asilo Filangieri​ in Naples, a self-organized collective experiment developing a new idea of civic and collective use of common goods in conjunction with the Municipality. Other examples include ​Smart-It​ and ​Clap​ (Chambers of Precarious and Independent Labour), both of which, in different ways, aim to represent and organize precarious and free-lance workers. Other associations that took part in the event included the Milan branch of the feminist movement “​Non una di meno​” and the association ​Attac-Milano​. Chiara Bassetti (PIE News Project Leader) introduced the seminar by describing the methodology and the goals of the project. Afterwards, the other speakers addressed the following themes: The proposal of Commonfare as a system based on four main pillars: ​More information: ​ an-october-4-2017/ df 22 30 Unconditional basic income as a means of remuneration for valuable work that normally goes ● unrecognized and uncertified, rather than as a form of assistance; Free access to the adoption of common goods as civic use, both natural goods (land, water, ● nature, housing, transport…) and intangible goods (education, knowledge, sociality, culture, art); Self-determination and the right to choose, self-care, and the ability to manage our own time ● and our own dreams, in order to create the preconditions for an alternative production ecosystem; The creation of an alternative monetary system based on a complementary and alternative ● currency, allowing access to sustainable and secure economic means. Technological compatibility and economic sustainability as two faces of the same problem: Commonfare is able to give positive answers to both issues by implementing an eco-system aimed at producing use-values (instead of profits) on the one hand, and at escaping the budget constraints imposed by austerity policies on the other. The possibility to promote social cooperation and new forms of mutualism: This aim is respectful of labour rights, with the right to self-determine life satisfaction and joy. in terms of income, ​ FIGURE 11. COMMONFARE AT MACAO, MILAN, ITALY The presence of Susana Martìn Belmonte (​Municipality of Barcelona​, Spain) was both important and very stimulating. Susana explained that a new experiment is going to start in the Catalan city, with the introduction of a basic income through an alternative eco-system based on a new cryptocurrency. Opportunities such as this to network with those conducting similar experiments to ​ are critical for both promotion and dissemination of the Commonfare approach. In order to go on with the analysis of such experimentation of good practices, At the meeting participated more than 120 23 people. ​More information: ommonfare-in-milan/ nfare/ clid=IwAR3XR1td4StFt2y_A_OQ4vUhHLM7hVGYhQCyoGtaP0vrbLlvGAuGeIHCJFU 23 31 5.4 NETWORKING EVENT # 4: ROME, ITALY, NOVEMBER 9, 2017 This network event has been entitled ‘Commonfare. Precariousness, emerging needs, and social innovation’ and took place on the 9th of November in Rome. The meeting was organised by Bin-Italia, the Italian partner of the PIE News / Commonfare Project. The meeting was hosted by ​Millepiani​, a co-working space which can provide space to over 80 co-workers on a daily basis and to over 30 active businesses. It also organises BarCamps, hackathons, co-design jams, accelerator programs for start-ups, job placement projects for refugees, and campaigns for common goods. The discussion during the meeting highlighted many converging ideas between Commonfare and I-Wire​, another European project that has been introduced by Francesca Pesce, vice president of ​Acta (the Freelancers Association in Italy) and ​EFIP (the European Forum of Independent Professionals), a European not-for-profit collaboration of national associations whose mission is to promote independent work. The discussion focused on the connections between the requests of freelancers and precarious workers at European level, on their common sharing needs, and on how exchange and collaborative platforms can play a significant role in this sense. From this point of view, many similarities have been highlighted in relation to the research promoted by the Commonfare project. Enrico Parisio (Millepiani) highlighted the need to continue to enhance ‘common doing’ and ‘common welfare’ before the growing supply of services that make a profit by levering the economic difficulties of precarious workers as well as young startuppers. Therefore, Commonfare can also be a space offering visibility to collective proposals and initiatives based on genuine shared values. Also, as Commonfare plays a significant role in simplifying and improving the access to the forms of institutional welfare, it is important to disseminate information about the project’s existence. Chiara Faini (​SmartIt​) stressed how, in recent years, they have had to expand the pool of professions to which they offer guarantees and protections. Commonfare can be an interesting and useful narrative space for those who turn to SmartIt. Commonfare provides a space where it is possible to meet other professionals and therefore overcome the subjective difficulties and the sense of isolation experienced by adults. Then, AmedeoCiaccheri (social centre ​La Strada​) emphasised the importance of taking part in the research and co-research experience carried out through Commonfare as it helped them to widen their gaze on the potential of their action in their territory and beyond, and to foster a new social and political debate on the need for digital common and cooperation spaces. This meeting was, therefore, an interesting and important occasion for everyone to share analyses and points of view that will lead 7368782/ ommonfare/ 32 them to meet again on the Commonfare platform. At the meeting participated more than 40 people. Thanks to these new connections, Commonfare increases its potential to meet people and stories, and 24 thus build collaborative communities. FIGURE 12. COMMONFARE EVENT, ROME, ITALY 5.5 NETWORKING EVENT # 5: ATHENS, GREECE, SEPTEMBER 12, 2018 ON ​Wednesday, September 12th, 2018, Commonfare pilot partner BIN Italia presented the Commonfare 25 project in Athens, Greece at the Connect Athens youth center. Connect Athens is a center born at the beginning of 2014 thanks to a group of volunteers with the aim of combining ideas, cultures, and values coming from all over the world through arts, sports, and culture. Connect Athens offers guitar lessons, dance theater, foreign language lessons, theater workshops, stomp, groups and programs of psychological and personal development, the Job club (for the professional preparation and development of skills), individual counseling sessions, reading rooms, and computing lab and other facilities. The center also organizes training courses, voluntary work, awareness raising actions, and street events. BIN Italia presented the Pienews Commonfare project, the research carried out in the three pilot countries (The Netherlands, Croatia and Italy), and, in particular, some results of the research “​GenerazioniPrecarie​” (Precarious Generations), with a focus on: poverty as a multi-dimensional issue, emerging needs, experiences of bottom-up welfare, and social cooperation. Additionally, the digital platform ​​ was presented, illustrating its purposes and use. At the meeting participated 30 people. Many of them were involved to use the platform and give us feedback. At the meeting was 26 involved member representative of other European project. ​More information here: ​ 017/ ocial-co-operation-in-rome/ 25 h ​ ttp:// 26 More information here: ​ 24 33 FIGURE 13. COMMONFARE AT CONNECT ATHENS, ATHENS, GREECE 5.6 NETWORKING EVENT # 6: SPAIN, BARCELONA, MARCH 28, 2019 On March 28​th​, 2019, in Barcelona, the ​workshop “New Monetary and Financial Models for New Economies” was held, organized by ​Novact ​with the collaboration of the ​Municipality of Barcelona​, Finance Watch​, the ​Universitat Oberta de Catalunya​, ​Rec – MonedaCiutadana​, ​Bin-Italia and Commonfare​, as network event to present platform to Spain. The workshop was an opportunity to present three welfare and social innovation projects: in addition to the project, whose main features and objectives were illustrated by Andrea Fumagalli, it was very interesting to hear by Bru Lain the ​experimentation of a minimum income in some neighborhoods north of Barcelona with high poverty and the experimentation of complementary currency REC in two districts of the city, by Susana Martin and Marti Olivella (REC) and Alvaro Porro (Barcelona City Hall). The presentation of the three projects was followed in the afternoon by three workshops on the relationship between these experiences and public institutions, the forms of sharing and cooperation between the various experiments and, finally, the impact of these experiences on the common and social life of citizens. In this debate, it is worth highlighting another complementary currency experiment: the ​Grama project of the municipality of Santa Coloma de Gramenet​, north of Barcelona. It is a municipal currency, established by the municipality, which can be accessed by about 120,000 inhabitants, through a digital recording, for the benefit of local trade and the solidarity economy. This experience is complementary to the REC but at the same time different. The first is in fact not a municipal currency but a city currency, unlike the second, and its introduction into society takes place through the provision of 2120855611511335 34 minimum income. These are two of the many possible examples of experimentation with new forms of welfare from below and alternative monetary circuits, which can facilitate its operation.The platform was just created to network these good practices. At the meeting 27 participated more than 50 people. FIGURE 14. COMMONFARE WORKSHOP, BARCELONA, SPAIN 5.7 NETWORKING EVENT # 7: MILAN, ITALY, APRIL 12-14, 2019 The Euro-Mediterranean network of the occupied and recovered factories, together with trade unions and political and social activists, organized the Meeting with autonomous funding from April 12th to 14th in Ri-Maflow, close to Milan, Italy. The Meeting focused on the recovery of production means and their management by workers. Representatives of the main Euro-Mediterranean experiences’ cases with a particular attention to those in the rural world and to the solidarity and alternative economy networks, have been invited. The meeting saw also the presence of researchers and members of social and political organisations, collectives and trade unions who recognise the workers’ control on society and self-management as top political imperatives. :​​ , n-barcelona-the-28th-march-2019/​, ovi-modelli-monetari-reddito-base.pdf​ , ​ 27 35 The Commonfare project actively participated this network event, bringing its own contribution of analysis and practice documentation, through the presentation of the ​ platform as a possible tool for interconnecting different experiences of social and production self-management. In addition to plenary speech, Commonfare organized the workshop titled “Practices of welfare reconstruction from below”, the 15th of April. At the meeting participated more than 200 people. 28 FIGURE 15. COMMONFARE AT RIMAFLOW, MILAN, ITALY 5.8 NETWORKING EVENT # 8: ROME, ITALY, JUNE 2​ND​, 2019 From Friday May 31st to Sunday June 2nd, the 2nd edition of the CLAP and GO Festival took place at the Casale Garibaldi in Rome. Three days of debates, cinema, theater, music, laboratories, visions, stories to support the CLAP – Autonomous and Precarious Chambers of Labor , which is since the 2013 a trade union that organizes and defends precarious workers without protection and fighting for the introduction of an unconditional basic income. The CLAPs collect different instances: from healthcare to the third sector workers, from precarious in the catering sector to reaching highly qualified, precarious and impoverished public employment. There are new challenges for the CLAPs such as representation in companies. Commonfare participated in particular the 2nd of June, from 5 pm with the presentation of the research carried out within the Commonfare project “Precarious Generations. A research on risk 29 perception, emerging needs, bottom-up welfare “(CBS nr.1) the research can be downloaded for ​More information here: _locale=en atrici/ trici/ 28 29 Research can be freely downloaded here: ​ 36 free h ​ ere​), by BIN Italia. The presentation has been introduced and moderated by Roberto Ciccarelli, speakers Sandro Gobetti and Rachele Serino. During the meeting the ​​ platform also 30 been presented. At the meeting participated more than 30 people. FIGURE 16. COMMONFARE AT CLAP, ROME, ITALY 6. SUMMARY OF DISSEMINATION EVENTS ORGANIZED OR ATTENDED BY ITALIAN PARTNER (BIN) The project and platform promotion work saw the Italian pilot BIN Italia organize or participate in various dissemination events. In organizing these, good practices were taken into consideration, groups of precarious workers and students, local administrations, policy makers, personalities from the academia and civil society associations. In some of these it was possible to carry out in-depth studies on the as it was possible to present the platform, receive feedback and organize training for the use of the platform itself. Below is the list of dissemination events with the name of the event, the city and the date, the event webpage, the commonfare contributions, the audience and the number of people. NAME OF EVENT #1 LOCATION AND DATES Workshop "La famiglia “naturale”: le sue gerarchie, le sue ambiguità, la sua violenza" Milan, October 15, 2016 ​More information here: ​ me-the-2nd-june-2019/ 30 37 COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT #2 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT #3 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE 38 Workshop on the crisis of the heterosexual family organized by Libera Università delle Donne. Intervention by Cristina Morini (BIN) about the crisis of "family welfare" and Commonfare General public - 30 Conference: Capitalismo delle piattaforme Milan, March 3-4, 2017 Conference: "Capitalismo delle piattaforme", organized by EuroNomade at Macao (Andrea Fumagalli, Cristina Morini, BIN-Italia) and Commonfare presentation General public, civil society, best practice, precarious workers and student association - 100 Presentation Commonfare/Pie News project at the Second Edition of Jobless Society Forum, 2017 “AltriLavori, AltriLavoratori”, Fondazione Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Milan, May 30 2017 Commonfare presentation at table on welfare by Cristina Morini (Bin-Italia) in presence of stakeholders (Muncipality of Milano, Credit Foundations, University of Milano Bicocca, Trade Union (Cgil), private enterprises) Organized by Feltrinelli Foundation um-seconda-edizione/ General public and policy makers - 30 NAME OF EVENT #4 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT # 5 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT # 6 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT # 7 39 Reddito garantito ed innovazione tecnologica Roma, June 15 2017 Presentation of the commonfare project and the "Generazioni Precarie" research at the Mille Piani Cowork. ntito-innovazione-tecnologica/ General public, civil society, best practice, precarious workers and student association - 40 National meeting of CLAP (Chambers of Workers Autonomous and Precarious) Rome, June 24 2017 Commonfare and “Generazioni precarie” presentation (Sandro Gobetti BIN Italia) research vo-combattivo-le-sfide-del-sindacalismo-sociale/ General public, civil society, best practice, precarious workers and student association - 60 "Guaranteed income and technological organized by Come Se Gallery innovation", Rome, July 11, 2017 presentation at public debate of the commonfare project e-tecnologica-algoritmi-robotica/ General public, civil society, best practice, precarious workers and student association - 30 “Social Innovation, Digital Territories and basic income” organized by CSOA La Strada LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT # 8 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT # 9 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT # 10 40 Rome, October 6 2017 Commonfare and “Generazioni precarie” research presentation (Sandro Gobetti and Giuseppe Allegri BIN Italia) General public, civil society, best practice, precarious workers and student association - 30 Workshops: “Commons and City”, organized by Ex ASiloFlangeri Naples, November 15-17 2017 Presentation of Commonfare project (Andrea Fumagalli, BIN-Italia). -tre-giorni-internazionale-sui-beni-comuni-urbani/ General public, civil society, policy makers, best practice, precarious workers- 30 Public meeting organized by Derive Approdi Rome, November 24, 2017 presentation of the commonfare project and “GenerazioniPrecarie” research (Luca Santini, BIN Italia) General public, civil society, best practice, precarious workers and student association - 70 Public debate “Free Money o… del reddito di autodeterminazione”, organized by Donne Contro la violenza LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT # 11 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT # 12 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT # 13 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS 41 Modena, January 14, 2018 Basic income and Commonfare presentation by Cristina Morini (Bin Italia) General public- 15 Workshop organizing by Centro Riforma Stato and Associazione Differenza Donna "Donne, lavoro e dritti economici e sociali" Roma, February 16, 2018 Presentation of Commonfare/Pie News Project (by Cristina Morini BIN Italia) a-delle-donne-quale-differenza/ Scientific community and general public- 20 Digital Week Milano, March 15-18, 2018 Presentation of Commonfare Platform and project Policy makers and general public- 40 Storie del possibile/STORIES OF THE POSSIBLE, COMPARISON BETWEEN PRACTICES AND RESEARCH Roma, April 21/22, 2018 Presentation of Commonfare EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT # 14 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT # 15 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT # 16 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE 42 General public, civil society, best practice, precarious workers and student association - 100 The Riot of the Cooperation MIlano, July 5th, 2018 Presentation of the book “The Riot of the Cooperation of “Generazioni Precarie” research and Commonfare project General public, civil society, best practice, precarious workers and student association - 60 Commonfare del Comune Passignano sul Trasimeno 13/16 settembre 2018 General project presentation and Commonfare platfom presentation cuola-estiva-di-euronomade General public, civil society, best practice, precarious workers and student association - 100 Public meeting Casa delle Associazioni e del volontariato Municipio 1 Milano Milano, October 10th, 2018 Commonfare platform presentaton Civil society, association - 15 NAME OF EVENT # 17 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT # 18 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT # 19 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE 43 Commonfare del Comune Passignano sul Trasimeno 13/16 settembre 2018 General project presentation and Commonfare platfom presentation cuola-estiva-di-euronomade General public, civil society, best practice, precarious workers and student association - 70 Seminar: Valorizzare la singolarità e costruire un legame individuo –società. Uscire dalla polarizzazione tra isolamento individualistico e chiusure comunitarie Milan, 12.1. 2019 Presentation of best practicies collected commonfare platform and commonfare oriject on the General public, civil society, best practice, precarious workers and student association - 70 Seminar: Valorizzare la singolarità e costruire un legame individuo –società. Uscire dalla polarizzazione tra isolamento individualistico e chiusure comunitarie Milan, 12.1. 2019 Presentation of best practicies collected commonfare platform and commonfare project General public- 70 on the NAME OF EVENT # 20 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT # 21 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE For an innovative, plural, open and supportive right to the city. Cultural work, widespread precariousness, social cooperation, collective undertaking“. Rome 9, April 2019 Presentation of the commonfare platform and project -citta-innovativa-plurale-aperta-e-solidale-lavoro-cultur ale-precariato-diffuso-cooperazione-sociale-impresa-col lettiva General public, civil society, best practice, precarious workers and students and artists association - 50 Reincantare il mondo. Incontro con S.Federici Milano, 29, May 2019 Book presentation on feminism and welfare conditions ndo-incontro-con-s-federici/ General public, civil society, best practice, feminists 7. SUMMARY OF NETWORKING EVENTS IN NORTHERN CONTINENTAL EUROPE (DYNE) 7.1 NETWORKING EVENT # 1: HELSINKI, FINLAND, NOVEMBER 26-27,2018 The first networking event organized in Northern Continental Europe was organized by networking partner Konopti International Oy and OMA MAA House of Cooperatives, and facilitated by Mikko Laajol. a PhD student at the University of Helsinki who is very involved in regenerative agriculture and commons development for many years. This networking event brought together Commonfare and a cooperative that is founding a center for Hemp research, supported officially by the local community in Finland. 44 On November 26​th​, Dyne presented on the Commonfare project and platform at the house of 31 cooperatives Helsinki. On November 27​th​, Dyne engaged a hemp farming cooperative, Konopti International Oy, and a food cooperative (OMA MAA) to work together and find common ground, organizing a workshop and networking event. 15 participants attended the workshop, while more than 40 participants were at the networking event. Amongst the participants was a good mix of artistists, students, researchers, many commoners, members of the local community and present was a strong drive to experiment within the commons through an interesting user case: Hemp and Cannabis. Oma Maa is a food co-operative based on community-supported agriculture (CSA) as well as ecologically and socially sustainable food production methods. Currently they have 5 producing members and 146 food members in the co-op. Together as a community they produce a large variety of vegetable based food products at their community farm, the Lassila family farm in Tuusula, about 30 km from Helsinki. They are looking to grow into a community that can sustain 200 food members in total. Along with the food corp they run a Communal Kitchen in their space downtown Helsinki in the 32 once popular (now gentrifying) neighbourhood of Kalliossa. Konopti International Oy is a cooperative of research over distribution and processing of derived from Hemp that is experimenting running as commons a legal plantation in Finland. As a follow up the cooperative has started a process of re-thinking of their internal organisation. Participant Marcus Pez, PhD student from England studying in Tualu has initiated a correspondence with Federico Bonelli to extend the experience to other communities. These three organizations are working together to research and develop a sustainable culture of wellbeing trough hemp and the sharing economy. The goal is to establish a research and development center, and an ecovillage. Currently, they are growing hemp on 21 hectares of land, and this is the base for the future tool they want to develop with Commonfare / This initiative believes that Cannabis should be shared and developed as a commons. F ​ IGURE 17. COMMONFARE AT OMA MA, HELSINKI, FINLAND They want to create their own tool, to create, share and govern the value they share, both material and immaterial, keep an accountancy about these values and the “cannabis commons” created and developed through the system. ​They want to incorporate the estimation of work involved and a salary system, as well as a tool for distributing the combined and produced value for distribution of services h ​ ttps:// h ​ ttps://​ , ​ ttps://​ , h 31 32 45 among shareholders and hence the collaboration with Commonfare and the commoncoin will 33 contribute to sustainability of the platform in the long run. 7.2 NETWORKING EVENT # 2: GRONINGEN, NETHERLANDS, DECEMBER 2, 2018 This networking opportunity was organized by Henry Ailles, who was involved to organise and facilitate activities in the Dutch provinces: Groningen/Drenthe and Gelderland. He reported on the platform and initiated to write articles with short video content to promote Commonfare platform use, as well as linking commonfare to his activity as an artist and educator in November 2018, and January 2019. Henry Alles is an artist with a network of national and international artists, scholars, writers and organisations. He has been building and displaying conceptual and factual works in communities since 2004. On December 2, 2018, the artist introduced Commonfare to commons themed urban park with a performance “2nd of December starting at 14.00 hours in the Pair lab in the Suiker Terrain of Groningen the curator 34 and artist Henry Alles organised a performance titled "We all have something to bury". ​In attendance were 20 participants, activists, artists and the general public. Flyers for were distributed, a general introduction to the project, idea and platform were presented, and a discussion, ritual and performance followed. The location of the event was the PAIR group's "Portable Artist in Residence" setup, a work of Henry since many years, a self sustainable off the grid house/workshop for setting up landscape project of "community art". The landscape project is now hosted in a rather problematic area of Groningen, the sugar factory. Henry challenges the shift of use of the area from a “commons oriented project” to another gentrified space for parties. In Aarnem, an example of a Commonfare best practice was identified: a very interesting place named Walter Bookshop. The owners are two women that transformed the place into something different they called a Booksh (because the shop is less important than the book-place). They dream of some schemes to transform it into a cooperative in some new way. Inspired by Communality and the Commons they have let space to tables and have a very peculiar selection on hard to find books about arts and commons they let people read (and buy eventually). Attached to this standing activities they have organised many encounters with author literally “around the table” and have become a place to go to if you are in town. A presentation of the concept of 33 ​ ore and pictures: h M ​ ttps:// Related stories: ​ 34 46 ; Commonfare and the platform was done at the Walter Bookshop, although more activities were planned there, it was not possible to follow up and the wider event was cancelled because of the intense work schedule of Krista, the owner. However, interest in the platform and for future opportunities for collaboration remain and can support the sustainability of the project in the future . 7.3 NETWORKING EVENT # 3: DRENTHE, NETHERLANDS, DECEMBER 8-9,2018 This networking event was organized by Henry Alles-Pair, at Egberts Lent and consisted of organizing a flea market on December 8th and 9th from 9.00-17.00 at Vlooienmarkt. A farmhouse that was formerly a trans-shipment place Egberts Lent.. The program included a flea market, a concert of Esther de Jong, a singer songwriter from Groningen and drinks and pancakes. In this context the presentation of Commonfare was performed using the “Le Grand Jeu” game35. Attendees included locals from the town, activists, artists, the general public and citizens that wish to relax, get involved in community, chatter, shop and exchange information in the form of stories. We did our part sharing more about the commonfare platform and project. We traveled to the location and other commoners from the circuit of Henry Alles showed up. Topics were social justice, economy, spending society and music. A tutorial about commonfare was included through a game which prompted questions and interest from the public. At this event, 3 video interviews were realized, uploaded on the platform and shared in the common sphere of the Netherlands. . More than 100 people participated in the two days of the flea market and tutorial. Also dissemination materials were distributed, and lively discussion about the 36 commons and Commonfare were had in a relaxed atmosphere. 7.4 NETWORKING EVENT # 4: WARSAW, POLAND, FEBRUARY 26-27, 2019 Networking partner SMOLNA Foundation organized a workshop on February 26​th and 27th in Warsaw, Poland. The event included a general introduction to the concept of commonfare and of the platform. Playing of the game in a workshop setting Bonelli and Rovida hold a presentation on Commonfare, a co-design session, and deep down analysis of the current Smolna practices, as well as distribution of promotional materials for the Pie project and commonfare platform. The highlight of the program was a presentation for the audience of the SMOLNA Chopin Festival, an annual week long gathering in the centre of Warsaw. Over 300 people participated in the event evening including activists, commoners and the general public. 35 Le Gran Jeu, by Federico Bonelli and Raffaella Rovida, 2016 ( ​ ttps:// More info​: h Videos:​ ​ 36 47 The event was organized through a collaboration with Smolna that started as the Association of Residents of Smolna Street. Smolna was established in 2009 as a neighborhood organization working for the integration of residents and the activation of the local community promoting civic attitudes. One of the first goals they accomplished was a model restoration of an historic staircase, as well as security and renovation of a tenement house at Smolna 14, where their office is still located today. We organized introduction to common coin and sustainable economy to participants. The hall was populated by locals, Varsavians, and members of the association in a top location downtown. Our targeted group were members of the neighbourhood and other interested people, especially youth. The project contributed to sustainability through engagement of young people through playing again “Le Grand Jeu” board game. Three video interviews about the 37 practices and problematics emerged in Poland. ​ F IGURE 18. COMMONFARE IN WARSAW, POLAND 7.5 NETWORKING EVENT # 5: DUBLIN, IRELAND, MARCH 16-17, 2019 This networking event took the form of a Train the trainers and Value flow workshop entitled “Community, Currency, Collaboration Workshop” and, hosted by The Digital Hub, in Dublin Ireland on March 16​th and 17​th​, 2019. It included 15 participants, including activists, commoners, civil society and urban designers. Participants from Amsterdam brought two fascinating new tools to help participants imagine alternative futures for Dublin. The workshop explored the connections between currencies, including alternative currencies and community space, welfare and opportunities for citizen collaboration. Commonfare flyers were distributed, the Commonfare game was placed, and in-depth discussion were had about the role of digital currencies and platform for collaboration. Following the initiative the group decided to create a coin on the Commonfare platform to experiment further: called the DUB coin, with great potential for future experimentation and collaboration on One of the participants inspired others to think outside the box, saying: “What might happen if your For more information: h ​ ttps:// Video interviews can be found at the following links:​ Interview with Jaroslav Cholodecki Neighbourhood saved by saving a house? The second part of a chat with Smolna president Jaroslav Cholodecki Some notes in the margin of a game of Le grand Jeu for 37 48 community were to rethink the “un-rethinkable”? What could we enable if, at a local, social level, we reinvented value exchange… rewrote the rules of money? As services struggle for funding and greater collaboration between citizens is required to enhance social wellbeing, Context Studio was delighted to facilitate a visit to Dublin by foundation as 38 part of the EU Commonfare project. FIGURE 19. COMMONFARE WORKSHOP, DUBLIN, IRELAND 7.6 NETWORKING EVENT # 6: AALBORG, DENMARK, APRIL 30, 2019 During the afternoon of April 30th, approximately thirty people met to listen to and talk to Maurizio Teli and Anne Marie Kanstrup 39 Foreningssamarbejdet 9220 (both at Aalborg University) who have been invited by an association involving multiple clubs engaging with sports to nurture solidarity and collaboration in Aalborg East. The event was organized by Foreningssamarbejdet 9220 with the support of Commonfare and in collaboration with Trekanten, to discuss how digital technologies can support practices of solidarity and digital technology in a neighbourhood like Aalborg East. Maurizio Teli presented on the Commonfare project with a focus on designing technologies with 40 grassroots initiatives. More than 25 residents of Aalborg East (Social Housing Neighborhood), as well as 5-6 researchers in IT 41 design attended the event. Flyers were distributed and a presentation of the Pie project was delivered. The event was promoted via Facebook, via Foreningssamarbejdet direct contacts and via Trekanten direct contacts (the space hosting the event). From the blogposts following the workshop: ublin 39 h ​ ttp:// 40 See ppt: ​ 41 See presentation here: ​ 38 49 The participants have had the chance of engaging with a presentation of Commonfare, it’s values and its technology, as well as to relate to the Move mobile app42, designed participatorily involving directly people from Aalborg East. As Commonfare has been designed involving people in Croatia, Italy, and the Netherlands, the connection between the two projects, participatory and community oriented, attracted the attention of the participant. In particular, the Commonfare group currency43 and the Move event organization features stimulated a lot of conversations. After the events, many were the inquiries and the scenarios of use people suggested and engaged with, and the organizers are looking forward to further collaborations between Aalborg East, Foreningssamarbejdet 9220, Trekanten, and 44 the residents of Aalborg East. FIGURE 20. COMMONFARE EVENT, AALBORG, DENMARK 7.7 NETWORKING EVENT # 7: AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, MAY 17, 2019 This networking event is also part of the pilot being run by Commonfare and Dyne at the Treehouse, Amsterdam, Netherlands. It involved presenting the Commonfare project and discussing potential future collaboration with ten artists, urban developers and members of civil society. Flyers were distributed to all. Hosted by Treehouse NDSM, complex of creative studios for artists, in collaboration with and developing Culto, digital coin hosted by Social Wallet API, the same one used for the common coin in the commonfare platform. Partner was not sub-contracted but is participating in its own capacity. Treehouse is a complex of containers that act as creative studios for artists that wish to rent them. The goal is to create a community not just renting facilities. The way to organize the community will be through Assembly meetings every Friday with tenants deliberating about next steps and taking decisions for the community. Dyne introduced commonfare tools, namely common coin and “Le grand ​ ​ ttps:// h 44 For more info: see h ​ ttps:// 42 43 50 jeu” to the tenants to help with the deliberation process and organization of the meetings. Tenants will have the opportunity to work on the premises in order to lower their rent and earn Cultos, digital coin developed by using Social Wallet API. Culto will be used on the Treehouse premises as a concurrent money to euro, facilitating circular economy and creation of a community. The project will include workshops organized by as a part of Assembly meetings held every second Friday for Treehouse tenants, promotion of commonfare in one of the spaces that Dyne will rent for those purposes and Culto as a digital coin using SWAPI. ​The project will take place at the Amsterdam-Noord, NDSM premises. Organizers nor participants will have to travel long distances to participate. It is a locally organized project with a goal to expand through the entire city of Amsterdam and even Netherlands by financing Artistic projects through the value of Culto. 7.8 NETWORKING EVENT # 7: AMSTERDAM, NETHERLANDS, JUNE 21, 2019 This networking event followed up on the presentation of Commonfare to the members of Treehouse described above. In this event, the Commonfare project, platform and functionalities were presented in greater detail and to a much wider audience, with the public, not only members of the Treehouse and associated activists invited to attend and learn more about Commonfare and the collaboration with Treehouse. In particular, Dyne discussed the process of implementing the Commoncoin in the Treehouse community, the potential for self-organization, developing a community-based circular economy. ​Targeted groups are tenants that include artists and all of the participants and visitors of Treehouse organized cultural events. Based on the event the numbers in the future will vary from 100-300 people. They will also have the opportunity to use Culto. Dyne will introduce Culto hosted on Commonfare platform at first to facilitate the transition and attract people to commonfare idea. Events were disseminated both on Treehouse NDSM facebook page and official website, as well as commonfare platform.45 Through this project Dyne will promote sustainability and circular economy because with Culto tenants are going to invest their earned money directly back to the community. Interdisciplinarity will be achieved through artistic collaboration with tenants during the assembly meetings and digital coin that will be developed for their needs. It will be custom made and changeable based on the desires of Assembly members. About 50 people attended this event, including the general public, artists and participants in the initiative.46 45 h ​ ttps:// t-tourists _t0z80Rws1NqRGJVuzNjs 46 51 7.9 NETWORKING EVENT # 8: GLASGOW, SCOTLAND, JUNE 28,2019 In collaboration with sub-contractor Articulate Cultural trust, (Aspasia Beneti, Ivan Jelincic and Elena Japundzic) held a Workshop in Glasgow, Scotland where they traveled from Amsterdam, for A​rticulate’s associates and a range of arts and social work professionals working with young people in the public sector. Articulate is a niche and specialist charity that has equality, diversity and inclusion at its core and designs services that benefit Scotland’s most vulnerable young people, especially those who are care experienced, at risk, seeking asylum or living in poverty in our most challenged communities.47 Through their access, participation and employability projects, Articulate improves the aspirations, attainment and well-being of young people of all backgrounds, especially those from disadvantaged areas. Articulate works with the most skilled artists in Scotland, across all the art-forms and inclusively with children of all ages and at all stages of their social, educational and creative development. ​They co-design and deliver highly creative programmes for children that focus on positive outcomes and lead to industry-standard productions, exhibitions and events. Articulate wanted to explore how to realise their recent research findings around the lack of communication, connectivity and the potential to collaborate within this specialist and niche community of interest; one of the most economically disadvantaged and digitally disenfranchised in Scottish society. Workshop was organized to explore the possible use of for future activities of Articulate with care experienced young people, their professional advocates, carers and participatory artists across Europe. To fully explore and understand the platform organised a collaborative training event demonstrating tools, Social Wallet API, used also as Common coin on and playing ‘Le grand jeu’ to explore possibilities and relationships between attendants and Articulate members. Articulate provided quality facilities (practical workshop space, catering, etc.) for up to twenty participants, accommodating young people and professional adults working in this specialist and niche field. Participants were invited to join the co-design workshop and process as a result of their input to the stage one development of Articulate’s Arts, Creativity and Employability (ACE) project with the purpose of helping create a partial solution to the organisational, project and research findings. The agenda was comprised of: ommonfare-tickets-63664321700# 47 52 - Introductions of participants and talking about their background and technological knowledge - Commonfare and Social Wallet API presentation and interaction of participants with the platform - talking about other pilots(Macao, Treehouse etc..) and open-source alternatives to paying software out of range for young Articulate members - Presentation of Articulate, goals, experiments so far, findings etc. - Le grand jeu play with attendants demonstrating the game and preparing them to lead the game the next day - Discussion following the game outcome: what is the common language? what is value? how could technology help us to achieve this? 8. SUMMARY OF DISSEMINATION EVENTS ORGANIZED OR ATTENDED BY DUTCH PARTNER (DYNE) NAME OF EVENT #1 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE Commonfare event at Waag Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 23, 2017 Presentations of Commonfare project by Dyne, MITI, UNITN, Museu da Crise and BIN​, AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT #2 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE 53 General public, researchers - 25 The Amsterdam Clojure Meetup Amsterdam, Netherlands, January 10, 2018 Presentation of Commonfare project (Dyne) e-Meetup-Group/events/244797573/?eventId=24479757 3&chapter_analytics_code=UA-32788361-1 AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT #3 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT #4 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT # 5 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE IT specialists - 25 ECRYPT-CSA Workshop on Crypto Policies Brussels, Belgium, January 22-23, 2018 Commonfare presentation by Dyne Web developers - 25 CodeMotion Amsterdam 2018 Amsterdan, Netherlands, May 8-9, 2018 Presentation Complementary toolkit (Social wallet) and Commonfare Industry- 100 Vokumokum Food Cooperative Amsterdam, Netherlands, August 31, 2018 Presentation of Commonfare project general public ,activists, 10 people WEBPAGE ​ ​ NAME OF EVENT # 6 Commonfare discussion on piloting @ NDSM Treehouse LOCATION AND DATES 54 NDSM Treehouse, Amsterdam, Netherlands, January 23, 2019 COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT # 7 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT # 8 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE NAME OF EVENT # 9 LOCATION AND DATES COMMONFARE CONTRIBUTIONS 55 Meeting proposing piloting Commonfare collaboration with NDSM Treehouse Interested future tenants and some general public, around 10 people Commonfare enlarged meeting @ NDSM Treehouse NDSM Treehouse, Amsterdam, Netherlands, January 30, 2019 Enlarged meeting with NDSM Treehouse, analysis of needs and possibilities for collaboration with Commonfare undertaken general public, 10 people 2nd presentation of Commonfare @ Vohumokun Food Cooperative Amsterdam, Netherlands, February 16, 2019 Follow up to first presentation and in depth presentation of Commonfare and possibilities for collaboration General Public, 10 people 2nd Meeting of Commoners, Treehouse Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 30, 2019 Second meeting with commoners at pilot Treehouse, discussion on piloting next steps EVENT WEBPAGE AUDIENCE TYPOLOGY AND NUMBER OF PEOPLE R3Lhy6rfevKwlNiWDIrnnf6e2CS9yQ91aOSa2BEL2qP5WUl oVsbMZkGXXI General public, 30 people, participants of the treehouse initiative 9. CONCLUSION In this Report we detailed the networking events and dissemination events, or seminars towards sustainability organized by the Croatian partner CMS in Croatia and Eastern Europe, by the Italian partner BIN in Italy and Southern Europe and by the Dutch partner in the Netherlands and Northern and Continental Europe. In total 25 networking events and 38 dissemination events were organized by the pilot partners. The networking events organized by CMS in Eastern Europe covered four cities and regions of Croatia - the centre (capital city) of Zagreb, the Dalmatian coast (Šibenik), the Istrian coast (Pula), and contitental Croatia (Osijek), as well as Slovenia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary. The networking events organized by BIN in Southern Europe covered Milan and Rome in Italy, as well as Portugal, Spain, and Greece; while the networking events organized by Dyne in Northern and Continental Europe covered three cities of the Netherlands- Amsterdan, Drenthe, and Groningen, as well as Finland, Denmark, Poland, Ireland and Scotland. In total, networking events were organized in 15 countries of Europe. In addition to the geographical coverage, the variety of networking and dissemination events is a testament to the extensive efforts taken to disseminate the Commonfare project findings and platform to both targeted populations, as well as a wide array of actors spanning sectors, disciplines, income and education levels, age, gender, It know-how, and languages. While some networking events took advantage of already existing Festivals with a large audience, as for example the well-known Fališ Festival in Šibenik which is known to introduce new social and political ideas and is frequented by early adopters of new technology and innovation, activitsts and youth- the target group in Croatia; other networking events were targeted at smaller communities who were identified as having unmet needs that could at least be partially responded to through the use of the Commonfare platform and its various functionalities, as is the case with the networking event at the Treehouse in Amsterdam, Netherlands. In terms of the different sectors and disciplines, the networking events covered a wide spectrum of audiences - from those living in precarious conditions and organizing precarious workers, as was the 56 case with the networking event organized by BIN in C ​ LAP- the Autonomous and Precarious Chambers of Labor in Rome Italy, to international research communities and policy-makers at different levels as was the case with the BIn-organized workshop in Barcelona on ​“New Monetary and Financial Models for New Economies”​. Indeed, varied disciplines of the research community were targeted from those interested and working on issues of social and economic justice to It specialists, and web developers working on using digital technologies for good governance, as was the case with the networking events organized by CMS in Bratislava on the Internet as Commonspace, or in Budapest, Hungary on IT for good governance. In addition to the research community, networking events covered different interest groups from non-governamental organizations, activists, journalists, artists, designers, urban planners, social enterprises and those researching them, food cooperatives, unions, policy-makers at different levels, human rights defenders, bloggers, satirists, youth, and citizens at large. Furthermore, networking events covered a spectrum of community sizes and government levels - from close-knit communities such as OMa Ma House of Cooperatives in Helsinki, Finland, to those that were targeted to the city level, as was the case with the BIN-organized event ​“Dai programmi europei agl iinterventi metropolitani: riflessioni, pratiche e politiche di innovazione sociale” (From European programs to metropolitan interventions: reflections, practices and social innovation policies) organized in Milan, Italy in 2017 to present the Commonfare concept, project and platform to the Municipality of Milan, others were aimed at the national level as was the case of the Commonfare Conference against Precarity in Slovenia, attended by the Minister of Labour of Slovenia, while others were European in nature, as was the case with the networking event in Zagreb, Croatia focused on the nexus of Commonfare and the EU Pillar of Social Rights. As a result, the networking and dissemination events were successful in the stated goals of disseminating the research findings of the project to the research community, policy-makers, youth and the public at large, as well as media and activists - increasing awareness about the issues of precariousness faced by an ever-growing population in the European Union, as well as sparking ideas about potential solutions at all levels through the promotion of “best practices” identified by Commonfare, and inspiring future collaborations across disciplines on this important topic, and potentially with Commonfare project partners and as it is built upon in the future. . Likewise, the extensive reach of the networking events ensured that the goal of familiarizing the target audiences with the concept of Commonfare nat the platform, and its various functionalities and potentials for informing, inspiring, and connecting individuals across disciplines, and borders for a bottom-up approach to social welfare. Indeed, we are excited to see the fruits of the vast networking undertaken in the years to come. 57