Chapter 9
Archeological and biological relative sea-level indicators
Université Aix-Marseille, IUF, CEREGE UMR 7330, Europôle de l’Arbois, BP 80, 13545, Aix-en-Provence, France
Laboratoire Chrono-Environnement, UMR 6249 CNRS, Université de Franche-Comté, UFR ST, 16 route de Gray,
25030, Besançon, France
The great antiquity of human occupation in the
Mediterranean has left rich archeological evidence along its coastlines, including harbors
and fish tanks. Within this context, it has long
been recognized that certain archeological
structures can provide interesting insights into
the direction and amplitude of relative sealevel changes since Antiquity. Over the past
century, a number of authors have investigated
the use of archeological markers to probe relative sea-level changes (e.g., Negris, 1903, 1904,
1921; Cayeux, 1907, 1914; Flemming 1969,
1979–80; Schmiedt, 1972; Pirazzoli, 1976a, b;
Blackman, 1973, 1982a, b; Galili et al., 1988;
Galili and Nir, 1993; Antonioli and Leoni, 1998;
Stiros, 1998; Morhange et al., 2001; Sivan et al.,
2001, 2004; Lambeck et al., 2004; Auriemma
and Solinas, 2009; Faivre et al., 2010; Anzidei
et al., 2011, 2013; Evelpidou et al., 2012;
Mourtzas, 2012, among many others). Relative
sea level (RSL) archeological evidence is particularly rich in the ancient worlds, including
Atlantic Europe with the pioneering development of waterfront archeology (e.g., Milne and
Hobley, 1981; Van de Noort and O’Sullivan,
2006), the Mediterranean and the Near East
(e.g., Marriner, 2009; Carayon et al., 2011; Hein
et al., 2011), India (e.g., Rao, 1988; Gaur, 2006)
and China (references in Chinese). In a general
context of RSL stability since 6000 cal. BP (van
Andel, 1989; Lambeck and Bard, 2000), archeological heritage provides a unique opportunity
to refine RSL variations in the highly diversified crustal context of the Mediterranean
(Stewart and Morhange, 2009). In this chapter,
we emphasize the use of fixed bioindicators in
archeological contexts to further the precision
of relative sea-level variations and trends during the mid–late Holocene. Archeological indicators on their own may be problematic in
referencing RSL, but when combined with fixed
bioindicators their value can be greatly
One of the advantages of archeological structures
relates to their great antiquity. For instance, the oldest harbor structures have been dated to the Old
Kingdom c. 2600–2300 BC at Ayn Soukhna in the
Red Sea (Tallet, 2009). By contrast, the oldest maritime installations in the Mediterranean seem to be
more recent and have been attributed to the Iron
Age. For example, radiometric dating has constrained the Phoenician mole at Athlit to the 9th
century BC (Haggi and Artzy, 2007). A similar
example is also known from the Syrian coast
at Tabbat el-Hammam, where the archeological
evidence supports a 9th/8th century BC age
(Braidwood, 1940). For the Mediterranean, this
restricts the use of archeological remains to the last
c. 3000 years although drowned coastal sites dating
from earlier periods can provide insights into broad
sea-level tendencies during the early–mid Holocene
(Galili et al., 1988; Sartoretto et al., 1995).
Analysis of harbor works and the fixed and boring marine organisms attached to waterfront structures has long been recognized as a potential
source of sea-level data, for example the Roman
columns of the market of Pozzuoli in southern
Italy (Lyell, 1830; Fig. 9.1) or the Roman harbor of
Marseille in France (Pirazzoli and Thommeret,
1973). Such data are fundamental to understanding the vertical distribution of coastal remains.
Where precise vertical relationships can be established between archeological structures and past
biological sea levels, it has been possible to
Handbook of Sea-Level Research, First Edition. Edited by Ian Shennan, Antony J. Long, and Benjamin P. Horton.
© 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Published 2015 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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Archeological and Biological Relative Sea-Level Indicators
Lefkada, and Aegina). For Negris, the observed
meter-scale submergence was not to be linked with
localized phenomena but was rather a ubiquitous
basin-wide rise in sea level. By contrast, Cayeux,
who was very close to Suess, suggested that the
general level of the Mediterranean had not varied
significantly since Antiquity. At delos, Cayeux
identified archeological examples of sea-level
changes that he interpreted as being the result of
sediment compaction. He ignored the welldocumented example of Phalasarna’s uplifted harbor (western Crete), refusing to concede the
possibility of regional sea-level changes since
Antiquity. Around the same time, the seminal
archeological synthesis of Lehmann-Hartleben
(1923) furnished one of the most comprehensive
and authoritative early studies on Mediterranean
port infrastructures, but with the noticeable absence
of any discussion of relative sea-level changes.
Much of this RSL debate ended from the 1950s
onwards, when high-resolution archeological
excavations and the advent of radiometric dating
techniques ushered in much greater temporal control. during the 1970s and 1980s, scholars such as
Flemming (1969), Pirazzoli (1976b), Blackman
(1982a, b), and Raban (1985) resuscitated sea-level
geoarcheological research as an aid to understanding ancient sites. In a similar vein, Schmiedt
(1972) used Roman fish tanks to precisely reconstruct sea-level changes during the past 2000 years
along the western coast of Italy.
Fig. 9.1. Frontispiece of the three pillars of the Roman
market at Pozzuoli (southern Italy) which have become an
icon of uniformitarianism since their publication in Lyell’s
Principles of Geology (1830). Lyell argued that the rise and
fall of these coastal archeological remains showed that the
land had undergone significant vertical movements since
accurately reconstruct relative sea-level trends
since Antiquity at a number of Mediterranean sites
(Marriner and Morhange, 2007). Paradoxically,
this simple methodology is rarely used.
Since the early 20th century, a number of scholars
have undertaken systematic surveys of submerged
port structures (e.g., in Egypt, Jondet 1916; in
Greece, Paris 1915, 1916; and in dalmatia, degrassi
1955). At the beginning of the 20th century – in a
scientific context dominated by the dogma of a stable sea level during historical times as advocated
by Suess (1885–1908) – a debate opposed the Greek
Negris (1903, 1904, 1921) and the influential
French geologist Cayeux (1907, 1914) regarding the
position of submerged archeological remains
around the coasts of the Mediterranean (e.g., delos,
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Auriemma and Solinas (2009) recently presented
a very complete synthesis of archeological sealevel proxies. Many different archeological structures that were originally emerged, or in contact
with seawater, today lie below mean sea level and
therefore attest to a relative change in the position
of the sea surface and the structure. Following the
work of Flemming (1969, 1979–80) and Flemming
and Webb (1986), the methodology consists of
finding the original and functional position of the
analyzed remains and their relationship to sea
level. Sensu stricto, in the absence of fixed biological fauna archeological structures can rarely
be used as precise index points; rather, they are
employed to generate an indicative meaning.
The “functional height” of an archeological
benchmark corresponds to the elevation of
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Part 1: Field Techniques for Sea-Level Reconstruction
Supratidal zone
Modern coastal quarry
(Egnatia, Italy)
Submerged tomb
(Egnatia, Italy)
Ancient fish tank
(Lampusa, Cyprus)
Intertidal zone
Water table
Supratidal zone
Intertidal zone
Subtidal zone
Roman Anchor
(Marseille, France)
Subtidal zone
Roman dredging wreck
(Marseille, France)
Roman quay
(Marseille, France)
Hellenistic slipway
(Marseille, France)
Fig. 9.2. Archeological RSL indicators adapted from Flemming and Webb (1986) (photographs by the authors) organized
into three categories from base to top: (1) submerged archeological zone including wrecks and harbor foundations (subtidal);
(2) interface structures zone comprising harbor installations (quays, piers, breakwaters, slipways, etc.) and fish tanks (intertidal); and (3) emerged structures zone including buildings, tombs, and quarries (supratidal).
specific architectural parts with respect to an
averaged sea-level position at the time of their
construction. Functional elevations define the
minimum elevation of the structure above the
highest local tides (Lambeck et al., 2004;
Antonioli et al., 2007). In practical terms this is
very difficult to achieve because the functional
heights and the error bars are estimated on the
basis of present analogs, which are not always
related to past archeological structures. A good
example of this approach is provided by recent
work on Lechaion harbor in the Corinthian Gulf
(Mourtzas et al., 2014) and delos harbor in the
Aegean Sea (Mourtzas, 2012).
A variety of archeological remains can be used
to reconstruct sea-level changes with varying
degrees of precision. An archeological zoning
exists that can be organized into three categories
from base to top (Fig. 9.2):
0002202091.indd 148
(1) Submerged structures including harbor foundations and wrecks. These remains give an
indication of the direction of sea-level change
but are generally low-precision indicators for
the amplitude of movement.
(2) Interface structures constitute harbor installations proper (quays, piers, breakwaters,
equipped banks, slipways, etc.) and fish tanks
(Higginbotham, 1997; Evelpidou et al., 2012).
For instance, excavations of the Roman and
Medieval harbors of London unearthed a wide
variety of this type of proxy in a meso-tidal
context (Milne, 1985, 2003). This type of
remain tends to yield quite precise RSL data
because their function is directly related to sea
level. The vertical error is usually speculated
from present-day analogs.
(3) Emerged structures comprise residential units:
villae maritimae (Lafon, 2001), buildings, or
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Archeological and Biological Relative Sea-Level Indicators
Establishing the functional heights of archeological indicators is key to estimating local sea-level
change. This parameter is defined as the elevation
of specific architectural parts of an archeological
structure with respect to an estimated mean sea
level at the time of its construction by comparison
to present contexts. The assumed functional
height is dependent on the type of structure, its
use, and the geomorphological and coastal hydrodynamic contexts (exposure, tidal amplitude,
river discharge, etc.). As outlined in the previous
section, functional heights define the minimum
elevation of the structure above the mean high
water mark (Fig. 9.2). Nonetheless, there is a great
diversity of ancient coastal remains and many of
these have undergone significant erosion due to
wave dynamics in the intertidal zone. It is often
the estimation of the functional height that can
pose a problem of precision. The error bar in tens
of centimeters is often greater than the absolute
Some research has also used more indirect
proxies such as well bottoms (e.g., Sivan et al.,
2004 in Caesarea, Israel), sewage outlets (e.g.,
Toker et al., 2012 in Akko, Israel) and flooring in
churches (e.g., St Nicholas Basilica, Bari, Italy;
Pagliarulo et al., 2013) to reconstruct water table
changes in coastal areas. The RSL measurements
are always indirect and imprecise because they
are linked to the mobility of the coastal aquifer,
which is affected by climate variability, groundwater extraction, and sea-level changes.
In order to use these indicators, the archeological interpretation must ensure the “maritime”
function of the interface structure, and clarify the
typology. Further considerations include the
building techniques, which are important markers
of height or depth at the time of construction
(foundation versus elevation, e.g., Papageorgiou
et al., 1993 for the elevated harbor of Aigeira on
the uplifted coast of fault-controlled North
Peloponnesia), as well as the “functional” elements, namely the relationship between the
emerged part of the archeological remains compared to past and present mean sea level
(Auriemma and Solinas, 2009). It is therefore
important to determine the time of construction,
its period of use, and the dynamics of its abandonment or destruction (Marriner and Morhange,
2006). These can be established using archeological excavation of the study area and high-resolution
emphasis is on multidisciplinary work to establish the precise functional depth in relation to
present mean sea level and strong chronological
brackets using dates based on both the typology of
pottery and archeological structures (Fig. 9.2).
9.4.1 Difficulties in establishing the former
functional height
town quarters (flooring, roads, and pavements,
etc.), tombs, and quarries. Again, this type of
indicator can provide information on the direction of sea-level changes. For instance, Late
Roman tectonic movements in south Lebanon
have led to the drowning of town quarters on
the southern portion of the paleo-island of
Tyre (Marriner et al., 2008).
The use of RSL archeological indicators is at the
origin of two main uncertainties that can bias the
precision of sea-level index points.
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9.4.2 Difficulties in estimating the amount
of submersion
Many archeological structures are poorly preserved due to tidal wave action and subtidal bioerosion. Some examples of archeological features
include (Fig. 9.2) fish tanks and harbor structures,
as described in the following sections. Fish tanks
Fish tanks are assumed to be the most reliable
types of archeological indicators because they
have a relatively precise relationship with sea
level at the time of construction between the 1st
century BC and the 1st century Ad (Higginbotham,
1997). For instance, fish tanks have been widely
used to reconstruct sea-level variations on the
Tyrrhenian coast of Italy by Schmiedt (1972),
Pirazzoli (1976a, b), Lambeck et al. (2004), and
Evelpidou et al. (2012).
Fish tank remains can yield information on past
sea-level positions. The external perimeter of fishpond walls cannot provide precise data on the
ancient sea level because: (1) its summit is not
directly linked to mean sea level; and (2) there is a
great plethora of architectural types (Carre et al.,
2011). By contrast, analysis is usually more precise
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Part 1: Field Techniques for Sea-Level Reconstruction
The archeological indicators described in the
previous section are by no means independent.
For example, ancient harbors are important
stratigraphical archives (e.g., Marriner and
Morhange, 2007) and many Mediterranean sealevel studies typically combine sedimentological,
geomorphological, and archeological indicators.
However, few of these indicators are valuable without associated biological proxies.
Traditionally, biological proxies provide dateable radiocarbon material from which to establish
sea-level histories, but it is notably their precision as reference markers for former sea levels
that are of particular interest. Over the last two
decades or so, the use of biological sea-level
indicators in the study of Mediterranean sealevel changes has gradually evolved from a
descriptive to a multidisciplinary approach integrating many of the proxies outlined above
(Laborel and Laborel-deguen 1994). It is an
approach based on the recognition that the vertical distribution of the fauna and flora of rocky
shores shows a pattern of juxtaposed ecological
belts, known as biological zonation (Stephenson
and Stephenson, 1972; Péres 1982; Kelletat,
1988; and Chapter 18).
RSL biological proxies are mediated by physical
factors. According to biological zonation, marine
benthic animals and plants are finely adapted to
very precise ecological conditions such as light
intensity, turbidity, water salinity, temperature,
tidal, and surf exposure. However, biological
interactions can be important. Littoral flora and
fauna are organized in three subhorizontal belts
(Péres and Picard, 1964; Stephenson and
Stephenson, 1972; Laborel and Laborel-deguen,
1994; Stewart and Morhange, 2009). Marine
biological studies have shown that on archeological structures (including harbor quays) there
exists a precise biological zonation. Consequently,
changes in local ecological conditions such as
(1) Walkways are narrow paths running along the
inner basins. Originally they were used for
maintenance purposes and are therefore often
considered to lie above mean sea level.
Unfortunately, these structures are not very
common and only indicate the direction of
RSL movement. In some cases, such as the
Lucullus fish tank (Circeo National Park,
Italy), lower foot-walks were built below the
openings for water arrival (Chiappella, 1965;
Pirazzoli, 1976a).
(2) Canals were used to refill and empty the
basins with water. They can correspond to
mean sea level when they function as sluice
gates, but can also be immersed fixed gates
such as at Fréjus (Morhange et al., 2013a) and
should therefore be studied with great care.
(3) In situ intertidal closing gates, which are precise indicators of RSL change, are exceptionally rare due to their original location in the
wave-breaking zone.
harbor), Marseille, or Naples. As we demonstrate in
the following section, archeological approximations can only be resolved using a multidisciplinary
approach that integrates the use of biological
indicators (Morhange et al., 2013b, c; also see
Chapter 18).
when confined to the reference heights gathered
from walkways, canals, and intertidal closing gates.
150 Harbor structures
In conclusion, archeological RSL proxies must
be used with great care in fish tank contexts. Most
publications are overconfident with regards to the
precision of these structures, often quoted as being
±5 cm (Lambeck et al., 2004). Corrections for present tides and pressure do not overcome these
Harbor contexts are interesting due to the diversity
of their waterfront interface structures. In most
cases however, they present an important margin of
vertical error due to the poor state of preservation of
most remains (intertidal dismantlement by natural
and human processes over several millennia) and
uncertainties with regards to functional heights in
relation to former sea level. These sea-level markers
are pier and quay surfaces with three important elements to determine: (1) the draught of ancient ships,
which was smaller than present-day vessels (Boetto,
2010); (2) the tidal range, which varies depending
on the study area; and (3) harbor function and their
hierarchy (Auriemma and Solinas, 2009). In most
circumstances, the original work surfaces are not
preserved due to long-term wave action. By chance,
in silted areas excavations can unearth well-preserved interface structures such as at Portus (Rome’s
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Archeological and Biological Relative Sea-Level Indicators
Rain water
sea spray
Dissolution karst
Dissolution karst
Upper midtidal
Upper midtidal
Biological mean
sea level
Biological mean
sea level
Cyanobacteria, limpets
algal rim
Lower midtidal
Lower midtidal
Rain water
sea spray
Cyanobacteria, limpets
Protection from
brown algae
Sea urchins
Sea urchins
Boring molluscs
Western Mediterraean
Eastern Mediterraean
upper part of this subtidal zone is densely populated by brown algae (Cystoseira), Coralline
Rhodophytes, fixed vermetid gastropod molluscs (such as Dendropoma sp.), and cirrhipeds, for example Balanus spp. Active erosive
agents, such as clionid boring sponges, seaurchins, and rock-boring mussels (Lithophaga,
Hyatella, Coralliophaga spp.), are responsible
for rapid underwater erosion of the limestone
outcrop such as the Roman columns of the market of Pozzuoli (Morhange et al., 2006).
relative sea-level change are followed by a concomitant quantitative and qualitative modification of the organisms with replacement by more
tolerant forms. Laborel (1986, 1987) has discussed
this biological zonation in detail, and demonstrated its scope in measuring past sea levels.
Several parallel zones can be recognized (Fig. 9.3)
and these are outlined as follows.
Fig. 9.3. Coastal profile showing the main characteristics of bioconstruction and biodestruction on limestone coasts in (a)
the western Mediterranean; and (b) the eastern Mediterranean (adapted from Laborel and Laborel-deguen, 1994).
(1) A supratidal zone, wetted by surf but never or
rarely submerged, in which the biomass is
very low and mainly represented by boring
(2) An intertidal zone submerged by tides and waves
on a regular basis, which displays a pattern of
parallel algal and faunal belts, with biomass
and species diversity increasing downwards.
Cyanobacteria, limpets (Patella spp.), and
Chitons are the main bio-eroders in this zone.
Constructional elements such as the rim-building
coralline rhodophyte Lithophyllum byssoides
may develop in the northwest Mediterranean. A
submerged intertidal notch can be carved into
archeological structures such as in the ancient
harbor of Aegina in the Saronic Gulf (N.d.
Mourtzas, pers. comm., 2013). This erosional
form is very useful in accurately determining a
past sea level but very difficult to date.
(3) A subtidal zone whose upper limit is marked
by a sudden increase in biodiversity, thus
defining a biological sea level that ranges down
to the lower limit of marine phanerogams
(Posidonia oceanica) and photophilous algae,
that is, to a mean depth of about 35 m. The
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The limit between the intertidal and the subtidal
zones corresponds to the “biological sea level” or
mean sea level (Laborel, 1986). Biological MSL
corresponds to the base of the tidal zone. The
influence of local variations in coastal morphology upon surf exposure explains why this biological limit undulates locally, reflecting the level of
energy. Aperiodic sea-level oscillations linked to
atmospheric pressure or wind variations are
included in the “average” biological signal, translated by a precise marine zoning of living organisms with a lifespan of more than one year.
Biological zonation is the cumulative expression
of all these parameters at different timescales. In a
harbor context, it is particularly interesting to
note that the environment is artificially protected
and that, as a result, the biological zonation is
very precise and not significantly affected by
high-energy events such as storms. Although species corresponding to such zones may differ
between the western and eastern Mediterranean,
biological zonation has the potential to yield very
precise RSL index points.
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Part 1: Field Techniques for Sea-Level Reconstruction
(1) Sea-level indicators proper: The most appropriate organisms for RSL studies are those
with a very narrow vertical life range, near
sea surface. For example, in the Mediterranean
Sea, biological sea level is best characterized
by the development of a few marine species
with a very narrow depth range, located
immediately above (e.g., Lithophyllum rim)
or below (e.g., Dendropoma) the mean
(2) Biological indicators of submersion: (a) Boring
species: boring mussels include Lithophaga
lithophaga and several species of Petricola
and Coralliophaga. (b) Subtidal builders;
these building species have a wide ecological
there is a clearly distinguishable upper limit
(Baker and Haworth, 2000). The excavation of
silted harbors allows this type of preservation.
Laborel and Laborel-deguen (1994) believed
that, in sheltered environments, it is possible to
accurately determine paleo-sea level to within
±5–10 cm.
If sea-level changes due to crustal effects, such
as coseismic movements, biological zoning will
be concomitantly modified (Stiros and Pirazzoli,
2008). Coastal species adapt to the new mean sea
level, abandoning bands of rocks or archeological
structures on which they were previously living.
In many instances, such as uplifted or silted harburs, these bands are fossilized and can be used as
precise sea-level indicators (Pirazzoli, 1991;
Morhange et al., 1998).
depending on the type of species, comparison of active and fossil biological zoning permits accurate identification of former sea levels
(Morhange et al., 2001). In some instances,
estimates for the velocity of the movement can
even be obtained (episodic or slow movement,
e.g., Laborel and Laborel-deguen, 1994;
Pirazzoli et al., 1996). Marrying archeological
and biological proxies gives the most precise
insights into the real marine conditions and
RSL changes.
Biological markers can be grouped on the basis
of their bathymetric relationship to mean sea
Although they do not show a precise relationship with sea level, they can yield interesting
information about paleobathymetry. The upper
limit of biological perforations by Cliona and
Lithophaga (Laborel and Laborel-deguen, 1994)
are excellent proxies with a centimeter-scale
indicative range in the case of artificially protected coastal environments such as ancient harbors. Consequently, bioconstructions and the
upper limits of bioerosive elements (marine burrows and perforations), and fixed invertebrates
(oysters, barnacles, solitary vermetids) are commonly used as biological sea-level indicators on
archeological structures (Fig. 9.4).
The long-term stability of biological belts results
from the fact that the zones are defined by species
living at least a few years; they therefore tend to be
confined to horizontal belts permitting their longterm survival. Consequently, if no significant
changes in the relative sea level occur (as well as in
the currents, temperature, and other characteristics
of seawater), the biological zoning remains stable.
There are some further important methodological points to note. (1) Generally, sampling
should be avoided at sites of strong exposure to
surf because of the upward displacement of
species zones. This is not usually the case in
archeological contexts, which are well sheltered. (2) Measurement should occur between
relic and current species (e.g., the upper limit
of fossil and living balanids). (3) The precision
of the height measurements depends on whether
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Tectonic uplift (e.g., the port of Phalasarna in
western Crete probably around 365 Ad) and
silting up of sedimentary basins such as ancient
harbors is particularly conducive to the preservation of fixed or boring marine organisms on
archeological remains and their subsequent use
as precise sea-level index points. The precision
of the measurements depends upon the definition of a reliable benchmark (e.g., present biological sea level). Recent geoarcheological work
embracing bioindicators and archeological
remains has allowed progress to be made in the
measurement of relative sea-level changes at
archeological sites such as Marseille (Morhange
et al., 2001) and Fréjus in France (devillers
et al., 2007; Morhange et al., 2013a), Pozzuoli
(Morhange et al., 2006) and Portus of Rome in
Italy (Goiran et al., 2009), Vis in Croatia (Faivre
et al., 2010), Seleucia Pieria in Turkey (Erol
et Pirazzoli, 1992), and Alexandria in Egypt
(Goiran, 2001), among others.
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Archeological and Biological Relative Sea-Level Indicators
Upper limit
of Balanus sp.
Present posts in Toulon (France)
Upper limit
of Balanus sp.
Planking notch
Upper limit of Balanus sp.
Infratidal bioerosion
of Teredo navalis
Roman post in Marseille (France)
Fig. 9.4. Biological zones on stakes from the ancient harbor of Marseille and present-day Toulon.
In terms of understanding mid–late Holocene
coastal environments and archeological contexts in
the Mediterranean, RSL modifications are generally a minor agent of change when compared with
the important role of sedimentary budgets at base
0002202091.indd 153
level, especially at sites on or close to deltaic systems. Today, it is widely recognized that close
interaction between archeologists, geomorphologists, and biologists is needed to obtain the most
robust RSL results.
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Part 1: Field Techniques for Sea-Level Reconstruction
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