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The paper explores the surveillance mechanisms within Hogwarts School as a reflection of dominant power structures, drawing parallels with Foucault's Panopticon theory. It analyzes how the presence of magical portraits serves as a form of omnipresent observation, compelling students to conform to societal norms. Additionally, it discusses the evolution of these portraits from passive observers to active participants in intelligence gathering, emphasizing their role in maintaining order and control amidst emerging threats in the Wizarding World.
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy
Primary and secondary schools have long engaged in surveillance practices. These include physical observation, attendance registers, classroom arrangement, uniforms, assessments and exams, and publishing of rankings or league tables. In recent years, with advancements in surveillance technologies, some primary and secondary schools have expanded their use of technology to surveil students. For example, some secondary and primary schools have introduced closed-circuit television cameras (CCTV), metal detectors, face and fingerprint recognition technology, chipped identity cards, electronic registers, cyberspace surveillance, and even electronic systems to log students' lunch choices so that parents can check their child's diet. Although reasons of health and personal safety (e.g., the reduction of bullying, theft, smoking, junk food consumption, and truancy) are sometimes cited, in general the implementation of
tions and culture of a school. Implementation of strategies and interventions that help schools monitor behavior can also play a vital role in dropout prevention by developing relationships, monitoring risky student behaviors, and providing positive support for students who are having behavioral problems. According to , disengagement in the classroom, including behavioral problems, is a key indicator of individuals who are at risk to drop out. As such, the application of strategies that monitor and manage student behavior is crucial in detecting the warning signs of a student who is at risk of dropping out.
School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 2018
Observation systems are increasingly used around the world for a variety of purposes; 2 critical purposes are to understand and to improve teaching. As observation systems differ considerably, individuals must decide what observation system to use. But the field does not have a common specification of an observation system, nor does it have systematic ways of thinking about how observation systems are similar and different. Given this reality and the renewed global interest in observation systems, this article first defines the observation system concept and then presents a framework through which to understand, categorize, and compare observation systems. We apply the framework to 4 well known observation systems that vary in important ways. The article concludes with a discussion of the results of the application of the framework and some important implications of those findings.
Surveillance Society, 2014
In training students of Infant and Primary Education programs at the University of Macerata, we designed a Workshop for Observing Children at School. The participants to the Workshop were asked to look at different videos in which children doing things at school were taped, then writing down observational written reports. From the beginning to the end of the Workshop, differences were identified in the observational texts, moving from deterministic approaches of explanation to probabilistic attitudes to comprehend children’s behaviours. Prob-abilistic approaches are as well stated as the most suitable in the current century, within the field of Developmental and Educational Psychology.
Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 2017
In this paper, we focus on monitoring, a particular aspect of reflection related to teaching. We define monitoring as a feedback mechanism which entails attending to and evaluating a multitude of cues in the envi- ronment in order to evaluate progress towards a goal. We direct our attention to monitoring because it is a way in which a teacher is able to gain understanding of how effective his/her teaching actions are. Thus, knowing what cues to evaluate (and being able to do so) is a critical skill in reflection. Further, we focus exclusively in this paper on the concur- rent monitoring of cues related to students since we believe that attention to student cues while teaching provides teachers with a window into their students' learning experiences. We call this particular type of reflection, reflection-in-action. As well as depicting multiple examples of monitoring drawn from our research, we explore the contribution of this work to the literature in higher education and to fac...
MATEC web of conferences, 2021
This paper aims to highlight the efficiency of using the method of observing student behavior in the educational environment. Observation is one of the most widely used research methods in the social sciences. The characteristics aimed at constructing the instrument were: accuracy, focus, duration of observation, awareness of the presence of the observer, the level of information of the subject. In order to observe the student's behavior in the school environment, the observation grid with standardized answers was designed on the Likert scale (scale from 1 to 10), following the degree of expression of the described behavioral manifestations. The observation grid of the student's behavior in the school environment aims at supervising 4 dimensions (each with 5 items: observable behaviors): interest in school activities, organization of activity / punctuality in the school environment, resistance to intellectual effort, socio-affective relationships. Following the application of the research tool, depending on the scores obtained, it is recommended the targeted psycho-pedagogical intervention at the level of the deficient dimension / behaviors, as well as the monitoring of the results through the periodic application.
Journal of Educational Psychology, 1976
This experiment studied the theoretical structure of two classroom observation systems and the extent to which the systems discriminated between experimentally ordered aspects of classroom situations. Both systems, Brown's Teacher Practices Observation Record and Denny's Classroom Creativity Observation Schedule, were used by trained student teacher observers in 36 classrooms in nine Northern Ireland primary schools. Results indicate that the factor structure of the observation schedule was in close agreement with the two dimensions postulated by Denny, whereas the observation record sampled several dimensions of teacher control and classroom organization. Both systems discriminated consistently between teachers, schools, curriculum areas, and curriculum content. A dimension of convergencydivergency, which distinguished math lessons, as convergent, from English lessons, as divergent, was common to both systems.
Teaching and Teacher Education , 2019
This study explores the surveillance of Israeli teachers by CCTVs, based on interviews with teachers who reported being monitored by CCTVs in their schools and with school principals using CCTVs to monitor teachers. The findings present and analyze forms of teachers' CCTV surveillance, its impact on teachers' behavior, their feelings, and their normative perceptions. We find that teachers' surveillance by CCTVs includes spatial and temporal dimensions that differ from other forms of teachers' monitoring. The findings show how surveillance demoralizes teachers, induces resistance, and produces social categorizations that exacerbate teachers' low social status.
Madera, Periódico Clandestino #3, 2023
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International Journal of Indonesian Education and Teaching (IJIET), 2020
15th Conference on Informatics in Education, 2023
Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Korporasi Dalam Tindak Pidana Pencucian Uang, 2023
Fitness & Performance Journal, 2003
Journal of Neurosurgery, 1983
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
Molecules Basel Switzerland, 2013
Cuadernos del CENDES, 2004
Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987), 2017
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Ars & Humanitas