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To lords and ladies of Byzantium Of what is past, or passing, or to come
The article presented various examples of suicides committed in ancient times, as well as its assessment – outlined in accordance to contemporary politics, culture, ethics and philosophy. Despite the fact that opinions about it were different, the most important role of suicide was to prove one’s honour, dignity and value of undertaken decisions. Among the reasons, which made an individual end their own life, it is necessary to mention e.g. devotio – one’s own sacrifice in order to ensure victory over enemies; taedium vitae – tiredness of physical and mental pain in old age, and desperata salus – the lack of rescue options. Moreover, ancient literature provided numerous cases when individuals committed suicide in the face of insult or failure. It was common among soldiers to end their own life instead of being captured or killed by their enemies. Thanks to the analysis of the chosen ancient authors’ texts (e.g. Livy, Florus, Tacitus) it was possible to evaluate the cultural backgrou...
Acta Iuris Stetinensis, 2020
The purpose of this paper was to show how the ecclesiastical and secular societies protect human life against a specific danger posed by one's own hand. The authors, basing on the formal-dogmatic approach, researching literature and analysing appropriate norms of canon and Polish law, demonstrate that both canon and Polish criminal law provisions on suicide protect human life only circumstantially. In the first part, we present the issue of suicide from the point of view of moral teachings of the Catholic Church, which are a fundamental law-making factor for the ecclesiastical community. Reception of the ethical doctrine by canon law was reflected in two Codes of Canon Law, those of 1917 and 1983. In these codifications, we traced gradual reduction of prohibitions or sanctions for suicides (especially regarding right to Christian burial), which however does not refer to all self-killers, because of the need for protecting other spiritual goods (suicide attempt as irregularity in the case of receiving or exercising holy orders). In the second part, we presented the problem of suicide
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 2008
There has been limited study of suicide in Islamic countries. This paper marks the first study of suicide notes in Turkey, an Islamic country. Using a classification scheme, 49 suicide notes (a rate of 34.5%) were studied. The results show that note writers do not differ greatly from other suicides. Further analysis of younger (<40) and older (>40) suicide note writers reveal few significant differences. Our results, together with the results of classification studies in different countries, suggest that caution is in order in transposing findings from one country to other countries. Future study of suicide notes should, in fact, focus on cross-cultural investigation.
Adevelop the Concept of Suicide in a Philosophical Context, 2023
Suicide-related issues are among those that have been the focus of philosophers of all time. The attitude to the problem of suicide as a social phenomenon from biblical times to the present should also be talked about by today's students, so the research work with gifted students will be effective, because today's children wonder who they are, what their mission is and the meaning of life and death raises the question of the social meaning of suicide. Philosophy and religion, law and duty, social and public are intertwined here. Christianity considers suicide a sin. Although there are examples in the Old Testament where cases of voluntary death look like heroic deeds. Suicide becomes an absolutely sinful act at a certain historical time, when it has become too frequent. Adjustments to Christian ethics with its prohibitions were made by the Enlightenment and the right to shorten one’s life became one’s personal choice. The article presents the research of gifted students on the question of attitudes towards suicide from ancient times to the Middle Ages (group 1); attitudes towards suicide from the Middle Ages to the present (group 2); attitudes towards suicide from the New Age to the present (group 3). The research work is carried out for the purpose of condemning any manifestations of suicidal behavior, deep understanding of this problem from the most ancient times to the present.
However, the problem of suicide is a continuous problem of the ethical theories from the beginning of the history of the moral philosophy; it has usually just a secondary significance as an application of a moral teaching in marginal occasions. The extreme moral case of suicide can have a central position in a discourse in the times of moral and cultural crises, connected to the turning points of the theories, which interpret this situation. The texts of moral philosophy analysed below were written in 1921, in a typical situation of the postwar moral crisis. Experiences of the WWI have shocked the society, and provoked the common concepts of the human body and death. Killed humans and destroyed bodies have become a visible mass phenomenon for a significant number of people in forms never seen before: soldiers died of gas-attack, mass of veterans with amputated legs and hands, departments of psychiatry fulfilled with soldiers suffering of new kinds of "neuroses of the frontiers." In the same time, at least in the Hungarian case, there was a tension in the intellectual life, concerning the influence of the different answers for the moral crisis offered in the same time by the anthropologies of the Positivism and the different tendencies of Neo-Idealisms. Significant figures of the Hungarian intellectual life have alienated from their ideals before the war that is the irrational tendencies of the fin de siècle "philosophies of life", accused of the preparation for the war-hysteria of the European societies. 1 In this situation, under circumstances of the postwar trauma and a special turning point of the philosophical life the inauguration lecture of a correspondent member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Jenő Posch, focussed on the problem of the suicide was published on the pages of the most significant Hungarian literary periodical, entitled Nyugat (West); and has provoked a vivid debate. Suicide is not a usual topic for an academic inauguration lecture, and a literary periodical is not a usual forum for an academic paper; circumstances of publication mirrors the actuality of the question in the Hungarian thought of this time. The Intellectual Atmosphere 1 A famous example of this intellectual trend is an essay of a significant figure of the Hungarian literature in the interwar period, Mihály Babits (1883-1941), entitled A Dangerous Worldview (Babits 1917). By the opinions of Babits, the anti-intellectual, irrational climate of the philosophies of the previous century has prepared the European thought for the war-hysteria.
Acta Universitatis Sapientiae Legal Studies, 2019
This paper analyses the issue of suicide in the sources of Roman law, primarily criminal law. In the course of that, it will focus on the following key points: after a few introductory remarks outlining the Roman custom of committing suicide, first, it will discuss the judgement of suicide in criminal law in general; then, it will examine the appearance of the culprit’s suicide as grounds for exclusion of culpability (and the limits thereof) in sources in imperial law; finally, it will briefly analyse the legal position of suicide in military criminal law.
Women's History Review , 2015
This article examines the growing concern about female suicide in early Republican Turkey. It shows that debates about modernization intersected in various and complex ways with the scientific and more popular discourse about female suicide. And informed by the work of amongst others Judith Butler, Saba Mahmood and Rosi Braidotti it argues that the women who committed suicide exerted an agency which the new regime denied them and that it was largely for this reason that female suicide became such a public debate in Turkey in the 1920s and 1930s. Keywords: Turkey, suicide, secularization, women’s rights, health and medicine.
last update: 9 July 2015 How to use this bibliography 1. Suicide in western societies to the present day: bibliographies, comprehensive and epoch-spanning studies 2. Suicide in the Middle Ages 3. Suicide in early modern western societies (including European colonies) 4. Suicide in the modern period (Europe, European colonies and the fledgling United States) 5. Suicide in non-European countries and cultures Thanks to Cheryl Petreman for her helpful comments.
Archives of Suicide Research, 1997
A preliminary investigation of the widespread nature of completed suicides in the Kemerovo region from 1980 to 1995 is presented. It is stated that the number of suicides in Kuzbass exceeds the all-Russia indices by more than 1.5 times. The possible reasons for this phenomenon are discussed. The most at-risk age groups of the region population are also examined.
The Achievement of David Novak: A Catholic-Jewish Dialogue, 2021
4. By speaking of "physicians killing their patients, " I am not engaging in provocative hyperbole but am being overly benevolent. I am merely employing the traditional definition of "murder, " namely the killing of innocent persons, which seems to have recently gone out of fashion. By "innocent, " I am again using the standard meaning, that of a person who has done nothing to deserve being killed. Canada has now given its explicit blessing for an employee of the state to euthanize (murder) people, and some provinces have contemplated mandating murder by their physicians if they wish to keep their medical licenses. Since "euthanasia" and "killing" (much less "murder") are such unpleasant terms, Canada has resorted to using the acronym "MAID, " that is, medical assistance in dying. When the state decides people should be killed, it is no surprise that they would want an acronym that makes direct killing sound like garden-variety palliative care. The corruption of the Canadian judiciary is shown in its creating an acronym where every word is a falsehood. Euthanizing persons is not a medical treatment; euthanizing persons is not merely "Assisting In" their death; while we all have to Die, which of us want to be killed? 5. Novak, Suicide and Morality, x.
Academia Green Energy, 2024
REBEH, 2021
In Voskos-Kloukinas-Mantzourani 2023 - Prehistoric Lifeways in Cyprus from the Early Holocene to the Middle Bronze Age, 2023
Sexuality and Disability, 2000
The Journal of Transcendental Philosophy
Śmierć w literaturze dziecięcej i młodzieżowej, 2018
Dinamika : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Mesin
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2017
Current Issues in Auditing, 2015
Monatsschrift Kinderheilkunde, 2017
Ambiente & Sociedade, 2019
The McMaster Journal of Communication, 2010
Coleção Meira Mattos, 2022