Microbiological Research 160 (2005) 429—436
Growth and siderophore production of Xylella
fastidiosa under iron-limited conditions
Maria Estela Silva-Stenicoa,, Flávia Tereza Hansen Pachecoa,
Jorge Luiz Mazza Rodriguesa, Emanuel Carrilhob, Siu Mui Tsaia
Laboratório de Biologia Celular e Molecular, Centro de Energia Nuclear na Agricultura – Universidade de São Paulo,
Piracicaba, SP, Brazil
Laboratório de Cromatografia, Instituto de Quı́mica de São Carlos – Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, SP, Brazil
Accepted 21 March 2005
Chromeazurol S;
Iron chelation;
Xylella fastidiosa;
In this study, the production of siderophores by Xylella fastidiosa from the citrus
bacteria isolate 31b9a5c (FAPESP – ONSA, Brazil) was investigated. The preliminary
evidence supporting the existence of siderophore in X. fastidiosa was found during the
evaluation of sequencing data generated in our lab using the BLAST-X tool, which
indicated putative open reading frames (ORFs) associated with iron-binding proteins.
In an iron-limited medium siderophores were detected in the supernatant of X.
fastidiosa cultures. The endophytic bacterium Methylobacterium extorquens was also
evaluated. Capillary electrophoresis was used to separate putative siderophores
produced by X. fastidiosa. The bacterial culture supernatants of X. fastidiosa were
identified negative for hydroxamate and catechol and positive for M. extorquens that
secreted hydroxamate-type siderophores.
& 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
Microorganisms need iron, which is an essential
element for life (Loper and Buyer, 1991) and plays
an important role in some host–bacteria interactions (Mila et al., 1996). Iron is a cofactor of several
enzymes and acts in transport processes and redox
reactions (Van Vliet et al., 1998). In addition, iron is
required for a variety of functions in microorgan-
isms that grow under aerobic conditions such as
reduction of oxygen during ATP synthesis, reduction
of ribonucleotide precursors of DNA, formation of
heme (Neilands, 1995), oxidation–reduction in
cellular reactions, which involve the activities of
cytochromes, hydroperoxidases, non-iron nitrogenases, and ribonucleotide reductases (Robson
et al., 1986). A concentration of, at least, 1 mM of
iron is needed for optimum growth (Neilands,
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (M. Estela Silva-Stenico).
0944-5013/$ - see front matter & 2005 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
1995); however, this concentration varies for
different organisms.
In an iron-limited condition, microorganisms
produce siderophores (low molar mass biomolecules 0.5–1.5 kDa) to scavenge ferric ions, which
bind to specific outer membrane receptors with
high affinity. Some donor groups for the chelation
of Fe3+ are hydroxamates, thiohydroxamates and
catecholates (Richardson et al., 1999). Many
bacteria can synthesize their own chelator or
utilize other microbial- and plant-siderophores for
iron acquisition (Grusak et al., 1999).
The mechanism of iron acquisition is known to
be a virulence factor for human and animal
pathogenic bacteria (Neilands, 1995). In the
case of plants (e.g. Saintpaulia ionantha leaves),
studies conducted by Neema et al. (1993) confirm
that the siderophore chrysobactin produced
by Erwinia chrysanthemi was involved in the
disease process.
Xylella fastidiosa is a pathogenic bacterium
in citrus and in a large variety of other hosts. In
Brazil, this bacterium causes citrus variegated
chlorosis (CVC), resulting in losses of US $ 100
million per year to the citrus industry (Coletta-Filho
et al., 2001). Although the entire genome of X.
fastidiosa was sequenced (Simpson et al., 2000),
little is known about its genetics, pathogenesis, and
ecological significance. The presence of putative
genes in X. fastidiosa (Simpson et al., 2000), coding
for iron uptake membrane receptors suggests a
potential role for chelating agents during the
development of disease symptoms such as chlorosis
(Neema et al., 1993). Pacheco et al. (2001) have
conducted a detailed molecular study relating the
production of siderophores with the presence of
putative iron uptake receptors. They have screened
over 80 isolates by PCR-specific primers designed
for the ferric enterobactin receptor (PfeA), primers
for the hydroxamate-type ferrisiderophore receptor gene (fiuA) (pyoverdin), and also a new set of
primers for a 300 bp fragment coding for a polyketide synthase (PKS). Of the 80 isolates, 70 were
siderophore producers (chemical test) and also
yielded positive PCR amplifications for all three
putative genes tested; therefore the production of
secondary metabolites may, in part, be involved in
virulence of X. fastidiosa against host plants.
In order to compare siderophores production by
other bacteria found in contaminated citrus plants
we included the endophytic bacterium Methylobacterium extorquens isolated from healthy and
symptomatic plants of Citrus sinensis (Araujo et
al., 2002). The purpose of this work was to
investigate the effect of iron in the production of
siderophores by X. fastidiosa, which could be
M. Estela Silva-Stenico et al.
involved in the iron-stress related virulence of this
Materials and methods
Bacterial strains
X. fastidiosa (9a5c – citrus), from the Genome
Sequencing Project, was obtained from INRA –
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique et
Université Victor Ségale, Bordeaux, France. M.
extorquens was given by the Department of Genetics
from Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz
– Universidade de São Paulo (ESALQ/USP), Brazil.
Media and bacterial growth
Strains were cultured three times in an irondeficient liquid medium (MM9) according to Payne
(1994). The medium was composed of 0.3 g l 1
KH2PO4; 0.5 g l 1 NaCl; 1.0 g l 1 NH4Cl; 6.0 g l 1
NaOH, and 30.24 g l 1 PIPES. This solution was
autoclaved and supplemented with 30 ml of 10%
(m/v) deferrated casamino acids (contaminating
iron was removed with 3% 8-hydroxyquinoline in
chloroform), 2.0 g l 1 fructose, 1 ml of 1 M MgCl2
and 1 ml of 100 mM CaCl2. These solutions were
prepared and sterilized separately.
Glassware was cleaned with 6 M HCl prior to use.
Growth was measured by monitoring the optical
density at 600 nm (OD600) with a Perkin-Elmer
spectrophotometer. Bacteria were grown from a
standard inoculum (100 ml of a suspension with an
absorbance at 600 nm of 0.5) in 200 ml flasks
containing 50 ml MM9 medium and incubated at
28 1C on a rotary shaker at 150 rpm.
Iron requirement
To verify iron requirement, X. fastidiosa growth
was examined as a function of iron concentration
added to the MM9 medium. Iron (FeCl3) was added
to 200 ml flasks containing 50 ml MM9 medium at
the following concentrations: 0, 0.1, 10, 50 and
100 mmol l 1. The flasks were incubated at 28 1C for
12 days. Growth rate was measured as above.
Siderophore-type assays
The Chromeazurol S (CAS) assay (Schwyn and
Neilands, 1987) was used to detect siderophores
independent of their structure in the MM9 culture
supernatants. The CAS liquid assay was performed
as follows: a 6-ml volume of 10 mM hexadecyltri-
Growth and siderophore production of Xylella fastidiosa under iron-limited conditions
methylammonium bromide (HDTMA) solution was
placed in a 100 ml volumetric flask and diluted with
water. A mixture of 1.5 ml of 1 mM FeCl3 6H2O in
10 mM HCl and 7.5 ml 2 mM aqueous CAS solution
was added slowly under stirring. A total of 4.3 g of
anhydrous piperazine was dissolved in water and
6.25 ml 12 M hydrochloric acid was added. The flask
was completed with distilled water to obtain 100 ml
of CAS solution. The pH of the solution was 5.6.
Cells were removed by centrifugation (12,000g for
20 min). A 0.5 ml aliquot of supernatant was mixed
with 0.5 ml CAS assay solution. A reference was
prepared using sterile MM9 medium. After reaching
equilibrium the absorbance was measured at
630 nm. Positive reactions were recorded by a
change in the color of the CAS reagent from blue
to yellow or orange. CAS agar plates were also
used, and positive results were recorded as a halo
formation around the colonies. Catechol-type siderophores were measured in culture supernatants by
the Arnow assay (Arnow, 1937) and hydroxamates
were measured according to Csáky (1948), with
2,3-dihydroxybenzoic acid and hydroxylamine hydrochloride as standards, respectively. Each assay
was performed in triplicate.
Desferrioxamine B equivalent assay
This assay was developed according to Shin et al.
(2001). The CAS agar diffusion assay was performed
as follows: 60.5 mg CAS were dissolved in 50 ml
deionized water and mixed with 10 ml iron (III)
solution (1 mM FeCl3 6H2O, 10 mM HCl). While
stirring, this solution was slowly mixed with
72.9 mg HDTMA dissolved in 40 ml water. The
resultant dark blue solution was autoclaved and
mixed with an autoclaved mixture of 900 ml water,
15 g agarose, 30.24 g PIPES, and 12 g of a solution
with 50% (m/v) NaOH to raise the pH of the solution
near the pKa of PIPES (6.8). Wells of 5 mm diameter
were punched into agarose plates. Each well was
filled with 100 mM of the supernatants and the
haloes were measured. A range of desferrioxamine
concentrations (0, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000,
1500, 2000, and 2500 mM) were used to quantify
siderophore production. A blank control of MM9
medium was used to identify any interference with
the color development for this CAS agar assay. The
assay was performed in triplicate.
Capillary electrophoresis and sample
Bacteria were inoculated on agar plates containing MM9 medium plus Chromeazurol S. An agar
block (1 cm2) excised from the halo region was used
for analysis and a corresponding agar block, in
which no bacterial growth was observed, was used
as control. Samples of the CAS agar inoculated with
X. fastidiosa were extracted as shown in Fig. 3
following disruption with 2 ml 0.1 M NaOH (1 min
shaking). After centrifugation, the supernatant was
filtered (0.22 mm membrane) and injected in the
capillary electrophoresis system. Electrophoresis
separation was carried out on a P/ACE Beckman
5510 (Palo Alto, CA, USA). A fused-silica capillary
with 75 mm inner diameter and 37 cm total length
was used. The samples were injected for 5 s under
0.5 psi, the voltage was 30 kV. The temperature was
held constant at 25 1C. The separation was monitored at 214 nm using a UV-detector. The capillary
was conditioned after each run by the following
sequence: 1 M HCl (1 min), 1 M NaOH (1 min),
deionized water (1 min), 0.1 M NaOH (1 min), and
0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer pH 7 (2 min). The
peaks obtained in the electropherogram were
acquired from the P/ACE System (Beckman) software.
MALDI-TOF-MS (matrix-assisted laser
desorption–ionization time of flight mass
spectrometry) analysis
Strains were cultured three times in an irondeficient liquid medium (MM9) as described earlier.
Siderophore purification was carried out as follows:
the immobilization of Fe3+ ions in the Chelating
Sepharose Fast Flow (CSFF) adsorbent was prepared
using 3 ml of resin, which was washed twice with a
solution of 0.1 mol l 1 iron (FeCl3 6H2O), followed
by five washes with milli-Q water. The supernatant
of each culture was added to the resin and
centrifuged at 1200g for 3 min. The supernatant
was discarded and a solution of 1 ml of 0.05 mM
EDTA was added. The complex Fe–resin was
disrupted and the supernatant containing Fe–siderophore complex was lyophilized. Freeze-dried
samples were, then, prepared for MALDI-TOF on a
Voyager-DE STR Bioworkstation (PerSeptive Biosystems, Framingham, MA, USA). Samples were dissolved in 1% aqueous trifluoroacetic acid and the
matrix sinapinic acid added (a saturated solution
dissolved in acetonitrile/0.1% TFA 1:1, v/v). The
solution was then vortex mixed and aliquots of 1 ml
were applied to the Voyager Bioworkstation sample
plate. Samples were air-dried at room temperature. The spectrometer, equipped with a delayedextraction system, was operated in linear mode.
Sample ions were evaporated by irradiation with
a N2 laser at a wavelength of 337 nm, and
M. Estela Silva-Stenico et al.
accelerated at 23 kV potential in the ion source
with a delay of 150 ns. Samples were ionized with
100–200 shots of a 3 ns pulse width laser light. The
signal was digitized at a rate of 500 MHz and
averaged data was presented to a standard Voyager
data system for manipulation.
iron added to the medium. When 100 mM Fe3+ was
added to the culture, optical density increased, but
the presence of siderophores was not detected at
this concentration (Fig. 2).
The Csáky and Arnow reactions were used to
identify the most common functional groups bound
to iron in the siderophore extracts of X. fastidiosa
and M. extorquens. The supernatant of X. fastidiosa was negative for hydroxamate or catechol-type
siderophores, while M. extorquens showed a
positive result for Csáky reaction, thus indicating
that this siderophore has a hydroxamate donor
group. The CAS agar assay also revealed that
bacteria present a halo formation around the
colonies (Table 1, Fig. 3).
Cellular growth in different iron
Figure 1a shows growth rates of X. fastidiosa in
MM9 medium with different concentrations of Fe3+.
Cultures were grown to the stationary phase in
which the maximum siderophore production occurred (Fig. 1b). Siderophore production by X.
fastidiosa was regulated by the concentration of
Capillary electrophoresis profile
Electrophoretic runs were accomplished to verify
the excreted metabolite present in agar plates. The
results of Fig. 4 present differences in the
metabolites produced by X. fastidiosa in the MM9
medium. Comparing samples from CAS agar inoculated with X. fastidiosa, one can see that the agar
sample where there was no bacterial growth (CAS
agar in complex with iron) presented no peak and
was used as control, while the yellowish sample
(halo) presented three peaks (around 10, 15, and
20 min of migration time).
OD600 nm
A/Aref630 nm
µmol l-1 DFX equivalent
period (d)
Siderophore-type classification and halo
period (d)
Figure 1. (a) Growth curve of X. fastidiosa in MM9
medium containing different concentrations of iron (III):
0.0 (’), 0.1 (K), 10 (m), 50 (.) and 100 (~) mmol L 1.
(b) CAS reactivity in X. fastidiosa supernatant. Where
error bars are not shown, the standard error of triplicates
is smaller than the size of the symbol.
[Fe(III)] (µmol
Figure 2. Relative absorbance at 630 nm from X.
fastidiosa supernatant as a function of iron concentration. Values refer to the concentration before mixing
with the assay solution. Where error bars are not shown,
the standard error of triplicates is smaller than the size of
the symbol.
Growth and siderophore production of Xylella fastidiosa under iron-limited conditions
Table 1.
Siderophore classification for the evaluated bacteria.
Xylella fastidiosa
Siderophore type
(mmol l 1)
( )
( )
( )
CAS assay (halo
Absorbance (mAU)
Figure 3. Chromeazurol S agar test for X. fastidiosa. The
frames show the sample areas used to capillary electrophoresis analysis. (a) Sample used as control (no bacterial
growth) and (b) Sample showing siderophore production,
formation of a halo around the colony.
time (min)
Figure 4. Electropherograms from CAS agar plate inoculated with X. fastidiosa and its control.
MALDI-TOF profile
After purification of the siderophores in the
culture supernatant of X. fastidiosa, three fractions
were obtained and analyzed by mass spectrometry,
which confirmed the presence of the expected
molar mass for such compounds in the range of
600 Da; Fig. 5). M. extorquens presented peaks
around 1200 and 1400 Da (Fig. 6).
Little is known about the consequences of siderophore production of phytopathogens in plants.
This is due to the difficulty in establishing nutritional conditions for microorganisms that promote
the production or limit the synthesis of different
siderophore types (Teintze and Leong, 1981).
Because of extensive knowledge that siderophores
play an important role as determinants of virulence
in animal pathogens, it has been suggested that
siderophores may be important for phytopathogenic bacteria, as confirmed by the production of
chrysobactin in Erwinia chrysanthemi (Neema
et al., 1993).
The presence of putative open reading frames
(ORFs) encoding iron uptake (Table 2) in the
genome of X. fastidiosa suggests a potential role
for chelating agents in the development of the
disease symptoms. Iron sequestration might play an
important role in leaf chlorosis since this is the
initial symptom of the disease caused by X.
fastidiosa, as it occurs with other pathogens that
can also be influenced by iron, such as Colletotrichum musae in banana (Brown and Swinburne,
Using MM9 as an iron-free medium, X. fastidiosa
grew 20% less than that observed in PW medium
(Davis et al., 1981), a commonly used medium for
this microorganism, due to its fastidious requirement for some amino acids and mineral elements
for growth. Because the PW medium interferes with
CAS siderophore liquid assay, we have selected the
MM9 as the culture growth medium. Our results
corroborate with those documented by Payne
(1994), who found that growth rates for other
aerobic bacteria in iron-limited cultures were
slower than cultures containing an excess of iron.
While the iron requirement generally ranges from
0.4 to 1.8 mM for most Gram-negative bacteria, we
found that when the iron concentration was raised
M. Estela Silva-Stenico et al.
Figure 5. MALDI-TOF spectrum of X. fastidiosa siderophore.
Figure 6. MALDI-TOF spectrum of M. extorquens siderophore.
Growth and siderophore production of Xylella fastidiosa under iron-limited conditions
Table 2. Putative ORFs encoding iron uptake in the
genome of X. fastidiosa.
Genbank accession
Gene function
TonB-dependent receptor
for iron transport
Peptide synthase
PKS (polyketide synthase)
Ferric enterobactin receptor
Peptide synthase
to 100 mM the optical density of X. fastidiosa
cultures increased 66% (Fig. 1a). Siderophore
synthesis is mainly regulated by iron and can be
maximized under low iron concentration conditions, thus improving bacterial growth (Bagg and
Neilands, 1987).
The CAS assay, developed by Schwyn and Neilands (1987), is based on the chelation of iron by
any class of siderophores. Both species X. fastidiosa
and M. extorquens were tested positive for this
assay (Table 1). The CAS-reactive peak from X.
fastidiosa occurred during the late log to the early
stationary phase of growth, around 4 days (Fig. 1a
and b). The CAS assay was not intense for X.
fastidiosa (15 mM desferrioxamine equivalents)
when compared to animal and human pathogens
such as Legionella pneumophila (Liles et al., 2000),
Helicobacter hepaticus, and H. cianedi (Dhaenens
et al., 1999). This could be due to the slow growth
of X. fastidiosa, taking up to 5 days for a positive
CAS reaction to occur.
To verify the repression of siderophore production by iron availability, X. fastidiosa was grown in
the presence of several iron concentrations. The
results presented in Fig. 2 show that the optimal
chelator production was reached when no iron was
added to the medium. At 50 and 100 mM the
production was poor or no production occurred.
The supernatant of X. fastidiosa was tested
negative for hydroxamate- or catechol-type siderophores, and that was positive in the Csáky test for
M. extorquens. Negative results for X. fastidiosa
supernatant suggests that the siderophore type has
no hydroxamate- or catechol-type functional
groups (Guan et al., 2000).
Capillary electrophoresis provides a powerful
tool for the separation of charged analytes and
biomolecules at sub-picomole levels. It is applied as
a fast and efficient method for analysis of compounds and the technique was chosen due to the
low concentration of these metabolites produced
by X. fastidiosa. Mucha et al. (1999) using CE
demonstrated the presence of siderophores in the
subsurface of seawater, which makes CE a good way
to detect such molecules. In the case of X.
fastidiosa growing in agar plates, the metabolites
were analyzed in complex with iron (III) (CAS
complex) and electropherograms showed the presence of three compounds excreted by the bacteria. When the same samples were injected in HPLC,
we also found three peaks with siderophore activity
(data not shown). These compounds have not been
previously detected in X. fastidiosa supernatants.
MALDI-TOF spectra indicated a pseudo-molecular
ion with m/z 656 for X. fastidiosa (Fig. 5) and m/z
1287 for M. extorquens (Fig. 6). The appearance of
major peaks in both spectra ranging from 790 to
876 Da was also detected in the blank (culture
medium with no bacteria), possibly due to the
interference of matrix constituents. For the structural elucidation of such molecules further MS/MS
fragmentation should be carried out and it will be
pursued next. Such molecular characterization will
be fundamental in the understanding of iron uptake
metabolism and its relationship to virulence of
X. fastidiosa strains.
We thank Dr. W.L. Araújo (Department of
Genetics – ESALQ/USP) for providing us with the
endophytic bacterium and Dr. C. Bloch Jr. (Mass
spectrometry laboratory – EMBRAPA) for technical
assistance with MALDI-TOF-MS analysis. This study
was supported by Grants 00/08045-3 and 99/077481 from FAPESP (Fundac-ão de Amparo à Pesquisa do
Estado de São Paulo).
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