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great philosophical problems
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Great Philosophical Problems | Thinktank
The purpose of this study was to identify associations among sociodemographic, physical health, anthropometric and subjective well-being data in 122 ambulatory elders of university hospital, and their motor and cognitive functional capacity, evaluated by means of the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB), the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), in accordance with gender and age group, also verifying associations between these instruments. Significant correlations were found among the scores of the three functional tests, and also between their scores and those of other indicators. Men had greater monthly income and anthropometric scores. Women had lower performance in SPPB, MMSE and FIM tests, and worse compared perceived health. Among the age groups 60 to 69, 70 to 79 and 80 or more years old, the last one had lower scores than the others in anthropometric measures, SPPB and MMSE. On the other hand, this group had higher scores of subjective well-being. The number of registered diseases was positively associated with body mass index (BMI), upper arm, waist and hip circumference, and had negative correlation with the balance component of SPPB. The number of medicines in use was positively correlated with number of diseases, body weight, BMI, upper arm, waist and hip circumference. It was concluded that the functional tests were significantly associated with other health indicators, and also that SPPB and MMSE, motor and cognitive performance measures, respectively, complemented FIM, an instrument of reported functional independence in motor, cognitive and social activities.
Археологические вести. Вып. 42. С. 219-236, 2024
During the Viking Age, Rurik’s Hillfort occupied the hill itself and a low promontory. In the southwestern part of the hill, there was a fortress consisting of an earthen and wooden rampart encircled by a moat (~1.5 ha). The construction time according to dendrochronological estimates is 858–862. Part of the settlement was situated outside the encircled area. As to the boundaries of the medieval settlement, regrettably, part of it was lost forever, especially due to the construction of Sievers’s channel. The study of the horizontal distribution of finds and the analysis of ceramics allows us to establish three tentative stages in the history of Rurik’s Hillfort during the Viking Age: (1) second half of the 9th cen.; (2) late 9th — first third of 10th cen., and (3) second third of 10th — early 11th cen. Among the finds from the first stage, there are a few complexes with handmade pottery, situated inside the fortress along the early medieval fortification line. The second stage is represented by pits in the central part of the site, dug into the virgin soil. In their lower part, only fragments of handmade pottery were found. This was the time of intense construction, extending to the entire area encircled by the moat. Also, the settlement expanded beyond the fortification line, which had been largely destroyed by the late 9th cen. The promontory too was used for construction. Structures of that period perished during the fire, which apparently occurred around 930. The third stage, spanning the second third of the 10th — early 11th cen., is represented by structures and pits, which contained both handmade and early wheel-thrown pottery. Most of those features likely date to the middle and third quarter of the 10th cen. They fall within the earlier settlement boundaries. The study of ceramics suggests that around 980, a heavy fire occurred, destroying many living and utility structures. The possible reason was feud between Yaropolk and Vladimir. After the fire, life in the hillfort becomes much less intense, and in the early 11th cen. it virtually ceases until the second half of this cen. Rurik’s Hillfort was built in the mid-9th cen. at the crossroads of two key early medieval routes of Eastern Europe — one from the Baltic to the Volga, the other ”from the Varangians to the Greeks“, primarily as a major intermediate point controlling and supplying the vivid trans-European trade, which is clearly evidenced by the material culture of this settlement over its entire lifetime during the Viking Age. Numerous imports, coins and weighing instruments attest to the settlement’s wide foreign ties with the Arab Orient, Byzantine Empire, Western and Eastern Europe.
Política industrial rural y fortalecimiento de cadenas de valor, 2017
El turismo es un fenómeno social, económico y cultural relacionado con el movimiento de las personas a destinos fuera de su lugar habitual de residencia, ya sea por motivos personales o profesionales. La estructura y gobernanza de las cadenas turísticas suelen ser muy complejas. La demanda se compone de diferentes segmentos y subsegmentos de mercado. El turista viaja por múltiples motivos y busca poder acceder a servicios cada vez más específicos. Por ejemplo, en el ecoturismo se advierte un alto grado de especificidad de la demanda de operadores turísticos, agencias de viajes, excursiones, hoteles y restaurantes. La incorporación de certificaciones y sellos de calidad ha elevado los estándares de los servicios y la exigencia de los turistas.
O tema deste trabalho, Redes sem fio WLAN em contexto do Jornal O Imparcial, descreve sobre as redes sem fio em ambientes indoor. A abordagem metodológica partiu da revisão bibliográfica sobre o tema, utilizando-se principalmente da tese de mestrado de Marcelo Najnudel, que deu base para uso de metodologias, planejamento e coleta de dados de ambientes indoor, proporcionando melhores resultados para o presente trabalho. Teve como objetivos mostrar definições, conceitos, Softwares utilizados em tarefas específicas de planejamento, a segurança, criptografia e a análise dos resultados levantados das redes sem fio de O Imparcial. Considerando o exposto, o presente estudo discutiu os principais problemas advindo de redes implementadas de forma não planejada, principalmente em locais que se precise de vários pontos de acesso necessitando-se de planejamento de cobertura, canais dentre outros abordados. Por último, considerou-se a necessidade de aplicação de site Survey, no sentido de obter-se informações para melhoramento do ambiente em estudo.
Cromohs , 2022
is a historian of manuscript cultures with a focus on Arabic North Africa and West Asia in the pre-print era. He combines social and cultural history to study what meanings different social strata and milieux ascribed to written artefacts and for what purposes they employed such artefacts. His work has focused in particular on reconstructing vanished libraries. This has led to a strong interest in the question of artefacts' trajectories and provenances. In recent years, he has become increasingly interested in the materiality of the written word. As a result, he strives to develop cross-disciplinary initiatives among various disciplines in the humanities as well as between humanities and natural sciences.
This paper describes the conceptual and operational bases of analogical problem - solving tests, placing emphasis on figural analogies. The importance of the study of such a hypothetical construct to the understanding of intellectual capacity is briefly outlined. The significance of the construct in relation to mental development and individual maturation from childhood to adulthood is also explained in a concise way. Theoretical considerations about analogical reasoning are quoted and the fundamental characteristics and cognitive mechanisms involved in the resolution of figural matrix items are described. In this respect, the nature of relations and correlations between relations of figures is elucidated taking into account the A:B::C:D proportional model which has been researched by psychometrists since the beginning of the 20th Century. This model suggests the existence of two pairs of relations between elements, where element A is to element B as element C is to a missing elemen...
Kiva, 2014
This paper analyzes the distribution of flaked-stone projectile points from southern Arizona that have previously been suggested to date to the Historic period. The locations of these artifacts within the Gila River Indian Community and other lines of evidence including ceramic data are consistent with ethnohistorically and ethnographically documented Akimel O’odham settlement patterns along the middle Gila River. The results of this analysis demonstrate that the three point types considered here were indeed produced during the Protohistoric and Historic periods, and it appears that it is possible to characterize diagnostic projectile point types from this time. These data also provide corroborating evidence for historically documented population movements during the Historic period.
Transcript of illustrated talk given at Hastings, UK, 30 th March 2023 to Explorers Egyptology www. Egyptology scholars are divided as to whether King Narmer, around 3100 BCE, belonged to Dynasty 0 or Dynasty 1. One of the few things about which there is a general consensus, is that the Narmer Palette was commissioned to show the firsttime unification of Upper and Lower Egypt. Beyond that, the experts are divided over the interpretations, some being mere daft opinions or desperate guesses, of the pictures on the palette and several related items recovered with it, which feature activities around Egypt's famous early pharaoh. At the time of my last visit to Egypt in 2019, the celebrated Narmer Palette was in the Cairo Museum (#JE32169). It may now have been moved to the GEM at Giza. The two maceheads called the Narmer/ "Bearer" macehead (#E3631) and the "Scorpion" macehead are to be seen in the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford. These particularly enduring stone artefacts were recovered, in 1898 by Quibell and Green, from an ancient temple site of Horus at Hierakonpolis (ancient Nekhen) in southern Egypt (near Edfu). The find reports are badly documented but, what was discovered were decorated large palettes, maceheads, jars, model boats and human statuettes in ivory. The Narmer Palette was on its own, between 3 to 6 feet from the main deposit. With the presence of some early hieroglyphs alongside the art images, the Hierakonpolis artefacts qualify as true documents of history. Despite progress of Egyptology, over the 125 years since the discovery of these extraordinary artefacts,
Neil, S., Montgomery, J., Evans, J., Cook, G.T. and Scarre, C., 2017. Land use and mobility during the Neolithic in Wales explored using isotope analysis of tooth enamel. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 164(2): 371-393.
Proceedings of the The First International Conference On Islamic Development Studies 2019, ICIDS 2019, 10 September 2019, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia, 2019
Biosel: Biology Science and Education
The EMBO Journal, 2003
Revista Mundi Sociais e Humanidades (ISSN: 2525-4774)
Acta Theologica, 2023
Journal of Optics
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2019
International journal of innovation and scientific research, 2017
International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics, 2015