Um Laboratório no Espelho

1996, Ciência & Sociedade (CBPF)

Um Laboratório de pesquisas e, sobretudo, o conjunto de pesquisadores que o compõe, cuja harmonia reside, na verdade, muito mais na diversidade do potencial criativo de seus integrantes, na pluralidade e liberdade de pensamento expressas em suas publicações, do que na mera divisão formal de linhas de pesquisa. Foi a partir desta convicção pessoal que resolvi esboçar o perfil do LAFEX/CBPF, a partir do registro, em um único documento, de toda a produção técnico-científica dos 27 pesquisadores e engenheiros que integravam o quadro permanente do Laboratório em 1996.

CBPF-CS-017/97 Um Laboratorio no Espelho F. Caruso Centro Brasileiro de Pesquisas Fsicas - CBPF Rua Dr. Xavier Sigaud, 150 22290-180 - Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil APRESENTACA~ O Um Laboratorio de pesquisas e, sobretudo, o conjunto de pesquisadores que o comp~oe, cuja harmonia reside, na verdade, muito mais na diversidade do potencial criativo de seus integrantes, na pluralidade e liberdade de pensamento expressas em suas publicaco~es, do que na mera divis~ao formal de linhas de pesquisa. Foi a partir desta convicc~ao pessoal que resolvi esbocar o per l do LAFEX/CBPF, a partir do registro, em um unico documento, de toda a produc~ao tecnico-cient ca dos 27 pesquisadores e engenheiros que integravam o quadro permanente do Laboratorio em 1996, a saber: Adolfo Pedro de Carvalho Malbouisson, Alberto Correa dos Reis, Alberto Franco de Sa Santoro, Arthur Kos Antunes Maciel, Bartolomeu Donatila Figueiredo, Carla Ostho de Barros, Edgard Correa de Oliveira, Francisco Caruso, Gilvan Augusto Alves, Helio da Motta Filho, Ignacio de Bediaga y Hickman, Ivano Dami~ao Soares, Jo~ao Carlos Costa dos Anjos, Jose Martins Salim, Jussara Marques de Miranda, Luiz Alberto Rezende de Oliveira, Maria Elena Pol, Mariano Sumrell de Miranda, Mario Novello, Mario Vaz da Silva Filho, Moacyr Henrique Gomes e Souza, Nami Fux Svaiter, Nelson Pinto Neto, Renato Portugal, Ronald Cintra Shellard e Sergio Joly. A todos agradeco a paciente colaborac~ao no trabalho de revis~ao das refer^encias; em especial, gostaria tambem de agradecer a Simone Santana Franco pelo longo e dedicado trabalho de digitac~ao. As publicaco~es, incluindo as teses de Mestrado e Doutorado, est~ao apresentadas em ordem cronologica e referem-se ao perodo de 1969{1996. Para facilitar a consulta, a bibliogra a foi separada em grupos de areas a ns. A partir desse espelho, em que se v^e re etida toda a produc~ao de um grupo, que ha alguns anos trabalha junto, espero que o olhar livre do leitor lhe permita buscar uma imagem mais ntida do LAFEX. Francisco Caruso Chefe do LAFEX {2{ CBPF-CS-017/97 1 Fenomenologia, Teoria de Campos e Fsica Nuclear 1.1 Artigos Publicados em Revistas Especializadas 1. \The role of the mass in the theory of fermions" - M. Novello & J. Leite Lopes Rev. Mex. de Fsica, XVIII, p.425, (1969). 2. \Dirac's equations in a Weyl space" - M. Novello - Nuovo Cimento, 164A, 654, (1969). 3. \Gauge transformations and generalized multipole moment operators" - J. Leite Lopes & M. Novello - Revista Mexicana de Fsica, 19, 229-239, (1970). 4. \Phenomenologie - Poles de Regge - Dualite" - J. Anjos, A. Santoro & M. Souza Rapport de Stage - CEN/Saclay, Franca, (1970). 5. \Bound States for Spin 1/2 Particles in General Relativity" - A. Santoro, C. G. Oliveira & N. Arbex - Acad. Bras. de Ci^encias 43,(1) 45, (1971). 6. \Dynamical Model for the ABC E ect" - A. Santoro, J. Anjos & D. Levy - Nucl. Phys. B67, 37, (1973). 7. \A Tight Connection Between the High Energy t-Behaviour and the Low Energy Amplitudes in Pion Scattering" - M. Souza - Nucl. Phys., B66, 305, (1973). 8. \Poles of the S-Matrix for a Complex Potential", S. Joly, Nucl. Phys. A 215, 301-313 (1973). 9. \On the Scattering of Heavy Ions at Low Energy in the Framework of Molecular Orbitals", F. Becker, S. Joly, C. Beccaria & G. Baron, Nucl. Phys. A 221, 474-508 (1974). 10. \Secondary Contributions in Di ractive Dissociation; The Q Cross-over Puzzle" A. Santoro, G. Cohen-Tannoudji & M. Souza - Nucl. Phys., B95, 445, (1975). 11. \A Double Nucleon Exchange Model for the ABC Production in p + n ! d + ()0 - Reaction" - A. Santoro, J. Anjos & D. Levy - Nuovo Cim., 33A, 23, (1976). 12. \The three-Component Dual Deck-Model, Factorization and Double Di ractive Dissociation" - G. Cohen-Tannoudji, D. Levy & M. Souza - Nucl. Phys., B129, 286, (1977). 13. \Deck-Model and Mass-Slope Correlation" - A. Santoro, F. Hayot, A. Morel & M. Souza - Lett. Nuovo Cim., 18, 185, (1977). 14. \Duality and Mass-Slope Correlation in Di ractive Dissociation" - A. Santoro, G. Cohen-Tannoudji & M. Souza - Nucl. Phys., B125, 445, (1977). 15. \Dynamical Symmetry Breakdown at the Two Loop Level and Beyond" - R. C. Shellard & J. M. Cornwall - Phys. Rev., D18, 1216 (1978). {3{ CBPF-CS-017/97 16. \Double Regge Model for non Di ractive A1 Production - A. Santoro, J. Anjos, A. Endler & F. Sim~ao - Nuovo Cim., 57A, 70, (1980). 17. \Path Integrals for Arbitrary Canonical Transformations" - Luiz Alberto R. de Oliveira, T. Kodama & F. C. Santos - Nuovo Cim., 58B, no. 2, 251-256, (1980). 18. \Backward Elastic p + d Scattering in the Ressonance Energy Region" - A. Santoro, J. Anjos, F. Sim~ao & D. Levy - Nucl. Phys. A356, 383, (1981). 19. \Application of the three Component Deck Model to the Lambda-Kaon in pp Reaction" - A. Santoro, M. A. Monteiro & M. Souza - Zeitschrift fur Physik, C7, 137, (1981). 20. \Hadronic Production of Heavy Quark-Antiquark Bound States" - A. Santoro, C. Escobar, A. Malbouisson, R. C. Shellard & M. Souza - Zeitschrift fur Physik, 29, 461, (1981). 21. \Heavy Quark Fusion and Recent Data on Charm Muon-Production" - A. Santoro, C. Escobar, A. Malbouisson & M. Souza - Lett. Nuovo Cim. 31, 638, (1981). 22. \Search for Diquark Substructures in Charmed Baryons Spectroscopy" - A. Santoro, I. Bediaga & E. Predazzi - Phys. Lett., 105B, 71, (1981). 23. \Theoretical and Phenomenological Problems Concerning J p = 1+ -Mesons" - A. Santoro, I. Bediaga & J. Pires - Rev. Bras. de Fs., 11, 997, (1981). 24. \Is Parity Violation a Cosmological Evolution E ect?" - A. Santoro, M. Novello & H. Heintzmann - Phys. Lett., A89, 266, (1982). 25. \Production Cross Sections from Phenomenological Constraints" - A. Santoro, J. Anjos, M. Souza & E. Predazzi - Nuovo Cim., 68A, 191, (1982). 26. \Monte Carlo study of the phase diagram for the two dimensional Z(4) model" - G. M. Carneiro, M. E. Pol & N. Zagury - Phys. Lett., 92A, 258 (1982). 27. \The Gauge Hierarchy Problem" - R. C. Shellard & A. Natale - J. Phys. Nucl. Phys., G8, 635 (1982). 28. \pp Production Cross-Sections and Constraint Method" - A. Santoro, J. Anjos, M. Souza & E. Predazzi - Lett. Nuovo Cim., 36, 491, (1983). 29. \Di ractive Dissociation in pp ! ++ ; p. I- Slope-Mass-Cos()G.J. Correlation" - A. Santoro & A. Antunes - Rev. Bras. Fs., 13, 415, (1983). 30. \Di ractive Dissociation in pp ! ++ ;p, II- Slope Mass Partial Wave Correlation" - A. Santoro, A. Antunes & M. Souza - Rev. Bras. Fs., 13, 601, (1983). 31. \Comment on Scattering with Absorptive Interactions", S. Joly, Phys. Rev. C27, 1830-31 (1983). {4{ CBPF-CS-017/97 32. \Pseudoscalar Meson and Scalar Diquark Decay Constants" - A. Santoro, I. Bediaga, E. Predazzi, M. Souza & J. Tiomno - Nuovo Cim., 81A, 485, (1984). 33. \Glueballs in ;p ! n" - A.Santoro, F. Caruso, C. Escobar & M. Souza - Phys. Rev. D30, 69, (1984). 34. \Systematics of the Slope-Mass-Correlations in Di ractive Dissociation Reactions" - A. Santoro, A. Antunes & M. Souza - Rev. Bras. Fs., 14, 397, (1984). 35. \Phase diagram of the Z(4) model" - V. L. V. Baltar, G. M. Carneiro, M. E. Pol & N. Zagury - J. Phys., 17A, 2119 (1984). 36. \Migdal-Kadano renormalization group for the Z(5) model" - V. L. V. Baltar, G. M. Carneiro, M. E. Pol, N. Zagury - Rev. Bras. Fsica, 14, 48 (1984). 37. \Deuteron Di ractive Dissociation" - A. Antunes & F. Caruso - Rev. Bras. Fs., 14 (2), 143-162, (1984). 38. \A Phenomenological Approach to Angular Momentum Transfer in Deep Inelastic heavy Ion Collisions" - V. C. Barbosa, P. C. Soares, E. C. de Oliveira & L. C. Gomes - Revista Brasileira de Fsica, 14, 3 (1984). 39. \Angular Momentum Transfer in Deep Inelastic Heavy Ion Collisions" - V.C. Barbosa, P. C. Soares, E. C. de Oliveira & L. C. Gomes - Revista Brasileira de Fsica, 15, 3 (1984). 40. \Numerical Simulation of 44" - R. C. Shellard, M. G. do Amaral & C. A. Arag~ao de Carvalho - Rev. Bras. de Fs., 14, 24-42 (1984). 41. \Vacuum Decay in a Soluble Model" - R. C. Shellard, A. F. de Camargo & G. C. Marques - Phys. Rev. D29, 1147 (1984). 42. \Angular Momentum Transfer in Deep Inelastic Heavy Ion Collisions" - V. C. Barbosa, P. C. Soares, E. C. de Oliveira & L. C. Gomes - Revista Brasileira de Fsica, 15, 3 (1984). 43. \A Phenomenological Approach to Angular Momentum Transfer in Deep Inelastic Heavy Ion Collisions" - V. C. Barbosa, P. C. Soares, E. C. de Oliveira & L. C. Gomes - Revista Brasileira de Fsica, 14, 3, (1984). 44. \Variational Coupling Between q-number and c number Dynamics", C. Marcio do Amaral & S. Joly - Revista Brasileira de Fsica, 14, 477, (1984). 45. \Vector Meson and Axial-Vector Diquark Decay Constants" - A. Santoro, I. Bediaga, E. Predazzi, M. Souza & J. Tiomno - Lett. Nuovo Cim., 42, 54 (1985). 46. \+c Lifetime in a Quark-Diquark Scheme" - A. Santoro, I. Bediaga, E. Predazzi, M. Souza & J. Tiomno - Lett. Nuovo Cim., 42, 92 (1985). {5{ CBPF-CS-017/97 47. \Monte Carlo study of the Z(5) model" - V. L. V. Baltar, G. M. Carneiro, M. E. Pol & N. Zagury - J. Phys., 18A, 2017 (1985). 48. \42 at nite temperature" - M. G. Amaral, C. A. Arag~ao de Carvalho, M. E. Pol & R. C. Shellard - Phys. Lett., 165B, 117 (1985). 49. \Reaction p ! F +F ;p as a possible test for 0++ Glueball State" - A. C. B. Antunes & F. Caruso - Physical Review, D 31 (7), 1743-1745 (1985). 50. \On the Z(4) spin model" - V. L. V. Baltar & M. E. Pol - J. Phys., 19A, 743 (1986). 51. \A Monte Carlo study of nite temperature 42 3" - M. G. Amaral, C. A. Arag~ao de Carvalho, M. E. Pol & R. C. Shellard - Zeit. Phys., C 32, 609 (1986). 52. \Sulla Origine Della Condizione di Quantizzazione Delle Cariche Dei Dioni" - F. Caruso - Giornale di Fisica, XXVII (2), 149-152 (1986). 53. \Gluon and qq Mixing in the  ; 0 ; G ((1440)) System" - F. Caruso, A. C. B. Antunes, E. Predazzi & J. Tiomno - Zeitschrift fur Physik C { Particles & Fields, 30 (3), 493-500 (1986). 54. \The Process F  ! P  as a mean of Determining the Strange Content of 0() and the Nature of the  Meson" - F. Caruso, I. Bediaga & E. Predazzi - Nuovo Cimento, 91A (3), 306-316 (1986). 55. \On the Dirac Monopole Mass Scale" - F. Caruso - Revista Brasileira de Fsica, 16 (2), 188-193 (1986). 56. \The Continuum Limit of 44 in the Broken Phase" - R. C. Shellard & M. G. do Amaral - Phys. Lett., B171, 285-288 (1986). 57. \Resolution of the 95Zr ground state into a doublet" - E. Frota-Pessoa & S. Joly - Nuovo Cim. 91A, 370 (1986). 58. \States in 94Zr from 94Zr(d; d0 )94Zr at 15.5 MeV" - E. Frota-Pessoa & S. Joly - Nuovo Cim. 96A, 347 (1986). 59. \Quark and Gluon Content of Neutral Tensor Mesons f ; f 0 ; " - F. Caruso & E. Predazzi - Zeitschrift fur Physik C { Particles & Fields, 33 (4), 569-578 (1987). 60. \Is There Flavour Independence in Tensor Glueball Decay?" - F. Caruso & E. Predazzi - Europhysics Letters, 3 (6), 677-680 (1987). 61. \A new hadronization model: the case of implicit charm decay" - J. L. Basdevant, I. Bediaga & E. Predazzi - Nucl. Phys., 294B, 1054, (1987). 62. \Phase diagram of the Abelian Higgs model" - M. G. Amaral, M. E. Pol & R. C. Shellard - J. Phys. 14G, 1013 (1988). 63. \The Decay  ! pp in a Quark-Diquark Scheme" - F. Caruso, M. Anselmino, S. Forte & B. Pire - Physical Review, D 38 (11), 3516-3521 (1988). ; c {6{ CBPF-CS-017/97 64. \Thermal Expansion and Critical Temperature in a Geometric Representation of Quark Decon nement" - I. Bediaga, M. Gasperini & E. Predazzi - Phys. Rev., D38, 1626, (1988). 65. \Predictions over the Decays of B Mesons" - I. Bediaga, A. Correa & E. Predazzi Phys. Lett., 215B, 166, (1988). 66. \Descriptions of Geometric Hadronization in Curved Space-Time" - I. Bediaga, M. Novello, M. Gasperini & E. Predazzi - Modern Physics Letters, 4A, 169, (1988). 67. \A comparasion of the Gaussian Approximation and Lagevin's Simulation in Deep Inelastic Heavy Ion Collisions" - M. P. Pato, E. C. de Oliveira & L. C. Gomes - Z. Phys. A, 329, 189-193, (1988). 68. \A comparasion of the Gaussian Approximation and Lagevin's Simulation in Deep Inelastic Heavy Ion Collisions" - M. P. Pato, E. C. de Oliveira & L. C. Gomes Zeitschrift fur Physik A, 329, 189-193 (1988). 69. \Vortices in the superconducting transition of the 2 + 1 Abelian Higgs model" - M. G. Amaral & M. E. Pol - Zeit. Phys., C 44, 515 (1989). 70. \Spin E ects and Vector Diquarks: c Decay Into Baryon-Antibaryon" - F. Caruso, M. Anselmino, S. Forte & B. Pire - Particles and Fields Series, 37, 838-846 (1989). 71. \Two Photon Annihilation into Proton-Antiproton in a Quark-Diquark Scheme" - F. Caruso, M. Anselmino, P. Kroll & W. Schweiger - International Journal of Modern Physics, A 4 (19), 5213-5234 (1989). 72. \Equivalence of the propagator of Quasi-statical solutions and the Quantum Harmonic Oscillator" - A. P. C. Malbouisson, C. A. Bonato & M. T. Thomaz - Phys. Rev., A39, 2225, (1989). 73. \Some Results form a Mellin Transform Technique for the Heat Kernel Expansion" - A. P. C. Malbouisson, F. R. A. Sim~ao & A. Ferraz de Camargo Filho - J. Math. Phys., 30 (6), 1226, (1989). 74. \A Mellin Transform Technique for the Heat Kernel Expansion" - A. P. C. Malbouisson, F. R. A. Sim~ao & M. A. R. Monteiro - J. Math. Phys., 30 (9), 2016, (1989). 75. \Separable Coordinates and Particles Creation III: Accelerating Observers, Rindler's and Milne Vacuum" - I. Costa & N. F. Svaiter - Rev. Bras. Fsica, 19, 271, 1989. 76. \The Phase Transition Diagram of the 63 Theory" - R. C. Shellard & M. G. do Amaral - Revista Brasileira de Fsica, 19, 190 (1989). 77. \Hadron Production in a Fireball Radiation Model for e;e+ Collisions" - I. Bediaga, S. Joly & E. Predazzi - Zeitschrift fur Physik, 46C, 169, (1990). {7{ CBPF-CS-017/97 78. \The Bounce and its Negative Eigenvalue { A New Approach" - A. P. C. Malbouisson, C. A. Bonato & M. T. Thomaz - Phys. Rev., D41 (6), 1939, (1990). 79. \Comment on Some Results from a Mellin Transform Technique for the Heat Kernel Expansion" - A. P. C. Malbouisson - J. Math. Phys., 31 (5), 1144, (1990). 80. \Quantum Field Theory in Non-Stationary Coordinates System and Green's Functions" - B. F. Svaiter & N. F. Svaiter - Rev. Bras. Fs., 20, 15, (1990). 81. \Evidence for Vector Diquarks: c Decay into Baryon-Antibaryon" - F. Caruso, M. Anselmino, S . Forte & B. Pire - Eds. A.O. Barut, Y. Onel, A. Penzo, Spin and Polarization Dynamics in Nuclear and Particle Physics, World Scienti c, Singapore, pp. 98-107, (1990). 82. \Problems with Hadronic c Decays and the Perturbative QCD Scheme for Exclusive Reactions" - F. Caruso, M. Anselmino & F. Murgia - Physical Review, D 42 (9), 3218-3220 (1990). 83. \Diquark Contributions to the Nucleon Deep Inelastic Structure Functions" - F. Caruso, M. Anselmino, E. Leader & J. Soares - Zeitschrift fur Physik C { Particles & Fields, 48 (4), 689-692 (1990). 84. \Attractive or Repulsive Nature of Casimir Force in D-Dimensional Minkowski Spacetime" - F. Caruso, N. P. Neto, B. F. Svaiter & N. F. Svaiter - Physical Review, D 43 (4), 1300-1306 (1991). 85. \The Casimir E ect in a D-Dimensional Flat Space-Time and the Cut-o Method" - B. F. Svaiter & N. F. Svaiter - J. Math. Phys., 32, 175, (1991). 86. \A New Kontorowith-Lebedev Like Transformation" - B. F. Svaiter & N. F. Svaiter - J. Phys., 24, 3199, (1991). 87. \The c ! pp Decay and a Quark-Diquark Model of the Nucleon: The Contribution of Scalar-Vector Diquark Transition" - F. Caruso, M. Anselmino, S. Joly & J. Soares - Modern Physics Letters, A 6 (15) 1415-1420 (1991). 88. \On the Scalar Casimir Energies in Spacetimes with M d T q Structure" - F. Caruso, N. P. Neto, B. F. Svaiter & N. F. Svaiter - Modern Physics Letters, A 6 (20) 18551861 (1991). 89. \Charmonium Decays into Proton-Antiproton and a Quark-Diquark Model for the Nucleon" - F. Caruso, M. Anselmino & S. Forte - Physical Review, D 44(5) 14381448 (1991). 90. \The equivalent Schrodinger problem for the Bounce Solution" - A. P. C. Malbouisson - Journal of Physics A - Mathematical and General, 24, 901, (1991). 91. \Gottfried and Bjorken Sum Rules: The R^ole of Vector Diquarks" - F. Caruso, M. Anselmino, V. Barone & E. Predazzi - Zeitschrift fur Physik C { Particles and Fields, C55 (1) 97-100 (1992). {8{ CBPF-CS-017/97 92. \Polarization of the 2c IN pp Annihilation: Massless QCD Versus Diquarks" - F. Caruso, M. Anselmino & R. Mussa - Physical Review, D 45 (11) 4340-4341 (1992). 93. \The Analytic Regularization Zeta Function Method and the Cut-o Method in the Casimir E ect" - N. F. Svaiter & B. F. Svaiter - J. Phys. A, 25, 979, (1992). 94. \Inertial and Non Inertial Particle Detectors and Vacuum Fluctuations" - B. F. Svaiter & N. F. Svaiter - Phys. Rev. D, 46, 5267, (1992). 95. \Spin and Mass E ects in Charmonium Decays" - F. Caruso, M. Anselmino & F. Murgia - in Frontiers of High Energy Spin Physics, Edited by T. Hasegawa, N. Horikawa, A. Masaike & S. Sawada, Tokyo, Universal Academic Press and Yamada Science Foundation, pp. 625-628, (1993). 96. \Diquarks in Deep Inelastic Scattering and the Gottfried Sum Rule" - F. Caruso & E. Leader - Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ci^encias, 65 (3), 229-232 (1993). 97. \Macroscopic Models for Fusion of Very Heavy Ions" - C. E. Aguiar, Barbosa V. C., E. C. de Oliveira & S. R. Souza - Physical Review C, 47, 5 (1993). 98. \Zero Point Energy and Analytic Regularizations" - B. F. Svaiter & N. F. Svaiter Phys. Rev. D, 47, 4581, (1993). 99. \E ects of Surface Enhancement on Fluctuations Induced Interaction" - M. Kardar, M. L. Lyra & N. F. Svaiter - Phys. Rev. E, 47, 3451, (1993). 100. \On D+ doubly suppressed charm decays", I. Bediaga, A.F. Santoro & E. Predazzi, Phys. Lett. B326, 181 (1994). 101. Reply to \Commment on `Macroscopic Models for Fusion of Very Heavy Ions" - C. E. Aguiar, V. C. Barbosa, E. C. de Oliveira & S. R. Souza - Physical Review, C 49, 4, 2253-2253, (1994). 102. \The Stress Tensor Conformal Anomaly and Analytic Regularizations" - B. F. Svaiter & N. F. Svaiter - J. Math. Phys., 35, 1840, (1994). 103. \Radiative Properties of a Two-Level System in the Presence of Mirrors" - L. H. Ford, N. F. Svaiter & M. L. Lyra - Phys. Rev. A, 49, 1378, (1994). 104. \Finite temperature one-loop renormalization of '4 and Gross-Neveu model- the search for triviality", A. P. C. Malbouisson and N. F. Svaiter CBPF report CBPFNF-044/94. 105. \Charmonium State Creation and Decay: pp !1 D2 !1 P1 " - F. Caruso, M. Anselmino, F. Murgia & M. R. Negr~ao - Physical Review, D 51 (5), 2478-2481 (1995). 106. \Higher Twist Corrections to Bjorken Sum Rule" - F. Caruso, M. Anselmino & E. Levin - Phys. Lett., B358 (1,2), 109-112 (1995). {9{ CBPF-CS-017/97 107. \Di raction Dissociation of Nuclei in +=k+ p Collisions with Au and Al at 250 GeV/c" - EHS/NA22 Collaboration - HEN-73 January 1995. 108. \One-Loop Renormalization of Self-Interacting Scalar Field in Non-Simply Connected Spacetime" - L. H. Ford & N. F. Svaiter - Phys. Rev. D, 51, 6981, (1995). 109. \Di ractive Production of bb in Proton- Antiproton Collision at the Tevatron" - G. Alves, E. Levin & A. Santoro - FNAL - Pub-96/242-T, Hep-ph 9608443, CBPF/NF046/96, Phys. Rev. D55, 2683 (1997). 110. \How the Callan-Gross Relation May Survive in the Presence of Spin 1 Diquarks" - F. Caruso, M. Anselmino, E. Leader & J. Soares - Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ci^encias, 68, 2, pp. 155-159 (1996). 111. \Scale Dependence of Polarized Deep Inelastic scattering asymmetries" - D. Florian, C. A. Garcia Canal, S. Joly & R. Sassot - Phys. Rev. D35, 73-79 (1996). 112. \Next to Leading Order Semi-Inclusive Spin Asymmetries" - D. de Florian, L. N. Epele, H. Fanchiotti, C. A. Garcia Canal, S. Joly & R. Sassot - Phys. Lett. B389, 358-366 (1996). 113. \A new derivation of the Coleman-Weinberg mechanism in massless QED", A. P. C. Malbouisson, F. S. Nogueira and N. F. Svaiter, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 11, 749 (1996). 114. \On the nite temperature '4. Is there a rst order phase transition in ('4)3? A. P. C. Malbouisson and N. F. Svaiter, Physica A 233, 573 (1996). 115. \On the Vacuum stability in the e mov-fradkin model at nite temperature", A.P.C. Malbouisson and N.F. Svaiter, Jour. Math. Phys. 37, 4352 (1996). 116. \Dimensional transmutation and symmetry breaking in Maxwell- Chern-Simons scalar QED", F. S. Nogueira and N. F. Svaiter, Mod. Phys. Lett. A 20, 1627 (1996). 117. \Gravitons and light cone uctuations II - the correlation functions" , L. H. Ford & N. F. Svaiter, Phys. Rev. D 54, 2640 (1996). 118. \Stress tensor detectors and radiative processes for Rindler and accelerating observers", R. De Paola & N. F. Svaiter, CBPF preprint CBPF-NF-018/96. 119. \Radiative processes for accelerating observers", R. De Paola and N. F. Svaiter, a ser publicado no Anais do XVII Encontro Nacional de Fsica de Partculas e Campos, SBF, (1997). 120. \The ('4 + '6)D=3 model at nite temperature and the tricritical phenomenon" G. N. J. A~na~nos & N. F. Svaiter, a ser publicado no Anais do XVII Encontro Nacional de Fsica de Partculas e Campos, SBF, (1997). 121. \The tricritical phenomenon in ('4 + '6)D=3 at nite temperature ?" G. N. J. A~na~nos & N. F. Svaiter, a ser publicado em Physica A (1997). { 10 { CBPF-CS-017/97 122. \Analytic regularization of the Yukawa model at nite temperature", A. P. C. Malbouissson B.F. Svaiter & N.F. Svaiter, a ser publicado no J. Math. Phys. (1997). 123. \Radiative processes for Rindler and accelerating observers", R. De Paola & N. F. Svaiter, CBPF preprint CBPF-NF-018/96, a ser publicado no Class. Quant. Grav.(1997). 1.2 Livros 1. \Leite Lopes Festschrift" - N. Fleury, S. Joly, J. A. Martins Sim~oes & A. Troper - Ed. World Scienti c, Singapore (1988). 2. Field Theory and Particle Physics - V Jorge Andre Swieca Summer School - A. Santoro (Ed.) - World Scienti c, 1989. 3. Field Theory and Particle Physics - VI Jorge Andre Swieca Summer School - O. T. P. E boli, M. Gomes and A. Santoro (Eds.) - World Scienti c, 1991.  4. Do Atomo Grego a Fisica das Interac~oes Fundamentais - F. Caruso & A. Santoro (Eds.), Editora AIAFEX, Rio de Janeiro, 1994 (ISBN 85-85806-01-X), pp. viii + 301. Primeira edic~ao com 500 exemplares (esgotada). 1.3 Captulos em Livros 1. \Interactions between Classical and Quantum Systems and the reduction of the wave packet" - C. M. do Amaral & S. Joly - in Leite Lopes Festschrift (op. cit.), World Scienti c, (1988).  2. \Dividindo o Indivisvel" - F. Caruso - em Do Atomo Grego a Fsica das Interac~oes Fundamentais, op. cit., pp. 49-59 (1994). 3. \Origens Historicas da Mec^anica Qu^antica" - F. Caruso & E. Predazzi - em Do  Atomo Grego a Fsica das Interac~oes Fundamentais, pp. 61-70, (1994). 4. \O Desenvolvimento da Fsica de Partculas" - F. Caruso, M. Begalli & E. Predazzi  - em livro Do Atomo Grego a Fsica das Interac~oes Fundamentais, pp. 71-85, (1994) 2 Fsica Experimental de Altas Energias 2.1 Artigos Publicados em Revistas Especializadas 1. \Experimental Study of the A Dependence of J= Photoproduction" - E691 Collab. - Phys. Rev. Lett., 57, 3003, (1986). 2. \Measurements of the D+ and D0 Lifetimes" - E691 Collab. - Phys. Rev. Lett., 58, 311, (1987). { 11 { CBPF-CS-017/97 3. \Measurement of the Ds+ Lifetime" - E691 Collab. - Phys. Rev. Lett., 58, 1818, (1987). 4. \Measurement of the D0 , D+ and Ds+ Lifetimes" - E691 Collab. - Phys. Rev., D37, 2391, (1988). 5. \Measurement of Ds+ Decays and Cabibbo Supressed D Decays" - E691 Collab. Phys. Rev. Lett., 60, 897, (1988). 6. \Study of D0 - D0 - Mixing" - E69l Collab. - Phys. Rev. Lett., 60, 1239, (1988). 7. \Measurement of the Lambdac Lifetime" - E691 Collab. - Phys. Rev. Lett., 60, 1379, (1988). 8. \Study of the Semileptonic Decay Mode D0 ! K ; e+V e" - E691 Collab. - APS (1987), Lepton-Photon - Germany, 1987 - 24th IC.HEP, 1988 - Phys. Rev. Lett., 62, 1587, (1989). 9. \Charm Photoproduction" - E691 Collab. - Phys. Rev. Lett., 62, 513, (1989). 10. \An Experimental Study of the Semileptonic Decay D+ ! K 0e+ " - E691 Collab. - Phys. Rev. Lett., 62, 722, (1989). 11. \Observation of Excited Charmed Meson" - E691 Collab. - Phys. Rev. Lett., 62, 1717, (1989). 12. \Observation of c ! c;decays" - E691 Collab. - Phys. Rev. Lett., 62, 1721, (1989). 13. \Measurement of Ds and D Decays to Non Strange States" - E691 Collab. - Phys. Rev. Lett., 62, 125, (1989). 14. \A Study of Ds and D Decays into Four-Body Final States Including  and !" - E691 Collab. - Phys. Lett., B223, 267, (1989). 15. \Measurement of the mass and width of the Z 0 particle from multihadronic nal states produced in e+ e; annihilations" - P.Aarnio et al., DELPHI Collaboration Phys. Lett., 231B, 539-547 (1989). 16. \Study of Decays of the +c " - E691 Collab. - Phys. Rev., D41, 801, (1990). 17. \Study of the Decays D ! K 0 and D ! K 0K + " - E691 Collab. - Phys. Rev., D41, 2705, (1990). 18. \Study of the Ds+ ! e+e and the Absolute Ds+ ! + Branching Fraction" E691 Collab. - Phys. Rev. Letters, 64, 2885, (1990). 19. \Photon-Gluon-Fusion Analysis of Charm Photoproduction" - E691 Collab. - Phys. Rev. Letters, 65, 2503, (1990). { 12 { CBPF-CS-017/97 20. \Measurements of the Form Factors in the Decay D+ ! K 0e+e " - E691 Collab. - APS - Vol. 35, 4, 1990 - Phys. Rev. Letters, 65, 2630, (1990). 21. \Experimental Results on the Decays D ! K 4" - E691 Collab. FNAL - PUB 90/106E, Phys. Rev., D42, 2414, (1990). 22. \Study of hadronic decays of the Z 0 boson" - P. Aarnio et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 240B, 271-282 (1990). 23. \Study of the leptonic decays of the Z 0 boson" - P. Aarnio et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 241B, 425-434 (1990). 24. \A precise measurement of the Z resonance parameters through its hadronic decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 241B, 435-448 (1990). 25. \Search for heavy charged scalars in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 241B, 449-458 (1990). 26. \Search for light neutral Higgs particles produced in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Nucl. Phys., B342, 1-14 (1990). 27. \Search for the t and b0 quarks in hadronic decays of the Z 0 boson" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 242B, 536-546 (1990). 28. \Search for pair production of neutral Higgs bosons in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 245B, 276-288 (1990). 29. \A study of intermittency in hadronic Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 247B, 137-147 (1990). 30. \Search for scalar quarks in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration Phys. Lett., 247B, 148-156 (1990). 31. \A search for sleptons and gauginos in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 247B, 157-166 (1990). 32. \A Comparison of jet production rates on the Z 0 resonance to pertubative QCD" P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 247B, 167-176 (1990). 33. \Measurement of the partial width of the decay of the Z 0 into charm quark pairs" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 252B, 140-148 (1990). 34. \Energy-energy correlations in hadronic nal states from Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 252B, 149-158 (1990). 35. \Measurement of the Decays D0 ! ;+ and D0 ! K ;K + " - E691 Collab. FNAL - Pub. 91/147 - Phys. Rev., D44, 3371, (1991). 36. \A Study of the Decay D+ ! K 0e+e " - E691 Collab. - FNAL - Pub. 91/151 Phys. Rev. Lett., 67, 1507, (1991). { 13 { CBPF-CS-017/97 37. \Some Cabibbo-Suppressed Decays of the D0 Meson" - E691 Collab. - Phys. Rev., D43, 635, (1991). 38. \The DELPHI detector at LEP" - P.Aarnio et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Nucl. Instr. Meth., A 303, 233-276 (1991). 39. \Charged particle multiplicity distributions in Z 0 hadronic decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 50, 185-194 (1991). 40. \Experimental study of the triple-gluon vertex" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 255B, 466-476 (1991). 41. \Search for low mass Higgs bosons produced in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 51, 25-35 (1991). 42. \A study of the reaction e+e; ! + ; around the Z 0 pole" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 260B, 240-248 (1991). 43. \Charged particle multiplicity distributions in restricted rapidity intervals in Z 0 hadronic decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys. C 52, 271-281 (1991). 44. \Determination of Z 0 resonance parameters and couplings from its hadronic and leptonic decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Nucl. Phys., B367, 511-574 (1991). 45. \A measurement of the lifetime of the tau lepton" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 267B, 422-430 (1991). 46. \The reaction e+e; ! ( ) at Z 0 energies" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 268B, 296-304 (1991). 47. \Study of the Doubly Cabibbo-Suppressed Decay D+ ! K + and the Singly Cabibbo-supressed Decays Ds+ ! K +" - E691 Collab. - Phys. Rev. Lett., 69, 2892, (1992). 48. \Study of the Decays D ! Ke and D ! K e " - E691 Collab. - Phys. Rev., D45, 2177, (1992). 49. \Experimental Probes of Final-State Interactions in D0 Meson Decays" - FNAL Pub. 92/80 - Phys. Rev., D46, 1, (1992). 50. \Study of the Decays D ! K 3" - E691 Collab. - Phys. Rev., D46, 1941, (1992). 51. \Feynman-x and Transverse Momentum Dependence of D;+ and D0 D0 Production in 250 GeV, p; iN ucleon Interactions" - E769 Collab. FNAL - Pub.-92/208-E Phys. Rev. Letters, 69, 3147, (1992). 52. \Searches for heavy neutrinos from Z decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 274B, 230-238 (1992). { 14 { CBPF-CS-017/97 53. \Study of orientation of 3-jet events in Z 0 hadronic decays using the DELPHI detector" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett. 274B, 498-506 (1992). 54. \Search for excited charged leptons in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 53, 41-49 (1992). 55. \Study of nal state photons in hadronic Z 0 decay and limits on new phenomena" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 53, 555-565 (1992). 56. \Measurement of the average lifetime of B hadrons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 53, 567-580 (1992). 57. \A search for neutral Higgs particles in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Nucl. Phys., B373, 3-34 (1992). 58. \Search for scalar leptoquarks from Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 275B, 222-230 (1992). 59. \Determination of s in second order QCD from hadronic Z decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 54, 55-73 (1992). 60. \Production of strange particles in the hadronic decays of the Z 0" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 275B, 231-242 (1992). 61. \Multiplicity dependence of mean transverse momentum in e+e; annihilations at LEP energies" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 276B, 254-262 (1992). 62. \A measurement of the bb forward-backward asymmetry using the semileptonic decay into muons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 276B, 536-546 (1992). 63. \A measurement of sin2 W from the charge asymmetry of hadronic events at the Z 0 peak" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 277B, 371-382 (1992). 64. \Measurement of the Z 0 branching fraction to b quark pairs using the boosted sphericity product" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 281B, 383-393 (1992). 65. \A study of the decays of tau leptons produced on the Z resonance at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 55, 555-567 (1992). 66. \Measurement of the partial width of the Z 0 into bb nal states using their semileptonic decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 56, 47-61 (1992). 67. \Charged particle multiplicity distributions for xed number of jets in Z 0 hadronic decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 56, 63-75 (1992). { 15 { CBPF-CS-017/97 68. \Bose-Einstein correlations in the hadronic decays of the Z 0" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 286B, 201-210 (1992). 69. \Evidence for B0S meson production in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 289B, 199-210 (1992). 70. \Multiplicity uctuations in hadronic nal states from the decay of the Z 0" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Nucl. Phys., B386, 471-492 (1992). 71. \Classi cation of the hadronic decays of the Z 0 into b and c quark pairs using a neural network" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 295B, 383-395 (1992). 72. \Atomic Mass Dependence of D;+ and D0 D0 Production in 250GeV  Nucleon Interactions" - E769 Collab. - FNAL - Pub.- 92/270-E - Phys. Rev. Letters, 70, 722, (1993). 73. \A Dalitz Plot Analysis of D ! K Decays - J. Anjos et al. - E691 Collab., Phys. Rev. D48, 56 (1993). 74. \A measurement of B meson production and lifetime using D`; events in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys.. C 57, 181-195 (1993). 75. \Measurement of inclusive production of light meson resonances in hadronic decays of the Z 0" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 298B, 236-246 (1993). 76. \A search for lepton avour violation in Z 0 decays - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 298B, 247-256 (1993). 77. \A study of B o ; B o mixing using semileptonic decays of B hadrons produced from Z 0 " - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 301B, 145-154 (1993). 78. \A measurement of the tau lifetime" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration Phys. Lett., 302B, 356-368 (1993). 79. \Determination of s using the next-to-leading-log approximation of QCD" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 59, 21-33 (1993). 80. \Determination of s for b quarks at the Z 0 resonance" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 307B, 221-236 (1993). 81. \Measurement of the triple-gluon vertex from 4-jet events at LEP " - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 59, 357-368 (1993). 82. \A measurement of D meson production in Z 0 hadronic decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 59, 533-546 (1993). 83. \Measurement of b production and lifetime in Z 0 hadronic decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 311B, 379-390 (1993). { 16 { CBPF-CS-017/97 84. \Determination of s from the scaling violation in the fragmentation functions in e+ e; annihilation" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 311B, 408-424 (1993). 85. \Search for Z 0 decays to two leptons and a charged particle-antiparticle pair" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Nucl. Phys., B403, 3-24 (1993). 86. \A measurement of the mean lifetimes of charged and neutral B-hadrons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 312B, 253-266 (1993). 87. \Limits on the production of scalar leptoquarks from Z 0 decays at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 316B, 620-630 (1993). 88. \Production of  and  correlations in the hadronic decays of the Z 0" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 318B, 249-262 (1993). 89. \Pomeron-Pomeron Cross Section from Inclusive production of a Central luster in Quasi-Elastic +p and k+ p at 250GeV=c" - N. Agababyan, E. C. Oliveira et al. EHS/NA22 Collaboration - Z. Phys. C, (1993). 90. \The E791 Parallel Architecture Data Acquisition System", S. Amato, J.M. de Miranda, C. James, D. Summers & S. B. Bracker, Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res. A 324, 535 (1993). 91. \D Production in 250 GeV  N Interactions" - E769 Collab. - FERMILAB Pub.- 93/081-E, Phys. Rev. Lett., 49, 4317 (1994). 92. \The D Detector" - D Collab., NIM A338, 185 (1994). 93. \Rapidity Gaps Between Jets in pp Collisions at ps = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. - D Note 2021 - FNAL - Pub. 94/005-E - Phys. Rev. Lett., 72, 2332 (1994). 94. \First Generation Leptoquark Search in pp Collisions at ps = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. - D Note 1974 - FNAL - Pub.-93/340-E - Phys. Rev. Lett., 72, 965 (1994). p 95. \Search for the Top Quark in pp Collisions at s = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. - D Note 1999 - FNAL - Pub. -94/004-E - Phys. Rev. Lett., 72, 2138 (1994). 96. \Enhanced Leading Production of D and D in 250 GeV  Nucleon Interactions" - E769 Collab. - FNAL - Pub. 93/310-E - Phys. Rev. Lett., 72, 812 (1994). 97. \Production rate and decay lifetime measurements of Bs0 mesons at LEP using Ds and  mesons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 61, 407-419 (1994). 98. \Measurement of the B 0 ; B 0 mixing using the average electric charge of hadronjets in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 322B, 459-472 (1994). { 17 { CBPF-CS-017/97 99. \Invariant mass dependence of particle correlations in hadronic nal states from the decay of the Z 0" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 63, 17-28 (1994). 100. \Interference of neutral kaons in the hadronic decays of the Z 0" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 323B, 242-252 (1994). 101. \Study of hard scattering processes in multihadron production from collisions at DELPHI", - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 62, 357-365 (1994). 102. \Measurements of the lineshape of the Z 0 and determination of electroweak parameters from its hadronic and leptonic decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Nucl. Phys., B417, 3-57 (1994). 103. \A measurement of the Bs0 meson mass" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 324B, 500-508 (1994). 104. \A precision measurement of the average lifetime of B hadrons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 63, 3-15 (1994). 105. \Improved measurements of cross sections and asymmetries at the Z 0 resonance" P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Nucl. Phys., B418, 403-427 (1994). 106. \Measurement of the e+e; ! ( ) cross section at LEP energies" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 327B, 386-396 (1994). 107. \Search for the standard model Higgs boson in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Nucl. Phys., B421, 3-37 (1994). 108. \Measurement of the B 0- B 0 mixing parameter in DELPHI" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 332B, 488-500 (1994). 109. \Search for pair-produced heavy scalars in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 64, 183-193 (1994). 110. \Charged Kaon production in Tau decays at LEP " - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 334B, 435-449 (1994). 111. \Measurement of time dependent Bd0 ; Bd0 mixing" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 338B, 409-420 (1994). 112. \J= production in the hadronic decays of the Z " - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 341B, 109-122 (1994). 113. \Angular Dependence of Factorial Moments in +=k+ p Interactions at 250 GeV/c" - N. Agababyan, E. C. de Oliveira et al. EHS/NA22 Collaboration - Phys. Lett., B328, 199-206 (1994). { 18 { CBPF-CS-017/97 p 114. \Measurement of the W W Gauge Boson Couplings in pp Collisions at s = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. S.Abach et al. - FNAL - Pub.-95/101-E - Phys. Rev. Lett., 75, 1034 (1995). p 115. \Search for High Mass Top Quark Production in pp Collisions at s = 1.8 TeV" D Collab.(S.Abach et al.) FNAL - Pub-94-354E 1994-, Phys. Rev. Lett., 74, 2422 (1995). 116. \Observation of the Top Quark" - D Collab. (S.Abachi et al.) FNAL - Pub-95028-E 1995 - Phys. Rev. Lett., 74, 2632 (1995). p 117. \Inclusive  and b Quark Production Cross sections in pp Collisions at s = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab., (S.Abach et al.) FNAL - Pub-94-409E 1994 - Phys. Rev. Lett., 74, 3548 (1995). p 118. \Search for Squarks and Gluinos in pp Collisions at s = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. Phys. Rev. Lett., 74, 3548 (1995). p 119. \Search for W-Boson Pair Production in pp Collisions at s = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. - Phys. Rev. Lett., 75, 1028 (1995). 120. \Search for Heavy W Bosons in 1.8 TeV pp Collisions" - D Collab. - FNAL Pub-95/283-E, Phys. Lett., B 358, 405 (1995). 121. \Transverse Energy Distribution within Jets in pp Collisions at ps = 1.8 TeV" D Collab. - FNAL - Pub-95/203-E - Phys. Lett., B 357, 500 (1995). 122. \Study of the Strong Coupling Constant Using W + Jet Processes" - D Collab. FNAL - Pub-95/219-E - Phys. Rev. Lett., 75, 3226 (1995). 123. \Second Generation Leptoquark Search in pp Collisions at ps = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. - FNAL - Pub-95/85-E, 1995 - Phys. Rev. Lett., 75, 3618 (1995). 124. \Top Quark search with the D 1992-1993 data sample" - D Collab. - Phys. Rev., D 52, 4877 (1995). p 125. \Limits on the Anomalous ZZ and Z Couplings in pp Collisions at s = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. - Phys. Rev. Lett., 75, 1028 (1995). 126. \W and Z Boson Production in pp Collisions at ps = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. Phys. Rev. Lett., 75, 1456 (1995). 127. \Jet Production via Strongly-Interacting Color-Singlet Exchange in pp Collisions" - D Collab. - FNAL - Pub-95/302-E, 1995, Phys. Rev. Lett., 76, 734 (1995). p 128. \Search for W~ 1Z~2 Production via Trilepton Final States in pp Collisions at s = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. - FNAL Pub-95/385-E, 1995, Phys. Rev. Lett., 76, 2228 (1995). { 19 { CBPF-CS-017/97 129. \A study of radiative muon-pair events at Z 0 energies and limits on an additional Z 0 gauge boson" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 65, 603-618 (1995). 130. \Production characteristics of K 0 and light meson resonances in hadronic decays of the Z 0" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 65, 587-602 (1995). 131. \Measurement of the ;bb =;had branching ratio of the Z by double hemisphere tagging" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 65, 555-568 (1995). 132. \Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of e+e; ! Z ! b b using prompt leptons and a lifetime tag" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 65, 569-585, (1995). 133. \First evidence of hard scattering processes in single tagged collisions" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 342B, 402-416 (1995). 134. \Measurement of the ;bb=;had using impact parameter measurements and lepton identi cation" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 66, 323339 (1995). 135. \Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of charm and bottom quarks at the Z pole using D mesons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 66, 341-354 (1995). 136. \Observation of orbitally excited B mesons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 345B, 598-608 (1995). 137. \First measurement of the strange quark asymmetry at the Z 0 peak" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 67, 1-13 (1995). 138. \Search for heavy neutral Higgs bosons in two-doublet models" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 67, 69-79 (1995). 139. \Measurements of the  polarisation in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 67, 183-201 (1995). 140. \Production of charged particles KS0 , K  , p and  in Z ! bb events and in the decay of B hadrons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 347B, 447-466 (1995). 141. \Inclusive measurements of the K  and p=p production in hadronic Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Nucl. Phys., B444, 3-26 (1995). 142. \Strange baryon production in Z hadronic decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 67, 543-553 (1995). 143. \A measurement of B + and B 0 lifetimes using D`+ events" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 68, 13-23 (1995). { 20 { CBPF-CS-017/97 144. \B  production in Z decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 68, 353-362 (1995). 145. \Lifetimes of charged and neutral B hadrons using event topology" - W. Adam et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 68, 363-374 (1995). 146. \Lifetime and production rate of beauty baryons from Z decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 68, 375-390 (1995). 147. \Production of strange B baryons decaying into  ; ` pairs at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 68, 541-553 (1995). 148. \Observation of short range three-particle correlations in e+e; annihilations at LEP energies" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 355B, 415-424 (1995). 149. \Search for exclusive charmless B meson decays with the DELPHI detector at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 357B, 255-266 (1995). 150. \A measurement of the  leptonic branching fractions" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 357B, 715-726 (1995). 151. \Upper limits on the branching ratios  !  and  ! e " - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 359B, 411-421 (1995). 152. \Study of prompt photon production in hadronic Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 69, 1 (1995). 153. \A measurement of the photon structure function F2 at an average Q2 of 12 GeV2=c4" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C 69, 223 (1995). 154. \Measurement of ++(1232) production in hadronic Z decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 361B, 207-220 (1995). 155. \Studies of Topological Distributions of Inclusive Three- and Four-Jet Events in pp p Collisions at s = 1:8T eV , Phys. Rev. D53, 6000 (1996). 156. \Jet Production via Strongly Interacting Color-Singlet Exchange in pp Collisions" - D Collab. - FNAL - Pub-95/302-E, 1995, Phys. Rev. Lett., 76, 734, (1996). 157. \Search for Right-Handed W Bosons and Heavy W 0 in pp Collisions at ps = 1.8 Tev" - D Collab. - FNAL Pub-95/412-E, 1995, Phys. Rev. Lett., 76, 3271 (1996). 158. \Search for W ino1; Zino2 via Trilepton Final States in pp Collisions at ps = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. - FNAL Pub-95/385-E, 1995, Phys. Rev. Lett., 76, 2228 (1996). 159. \Asymmetries Between the Production of D+ and D; Mesons from 500 GeV/c  ; - Nucleon Interactions as a Function of xf and p2t " - E791 Collab., FNAL Pub-96/001-E, 1996, Phys. Lett., B371, 157 (1996). { 21 { CBPF-CS-017/97 p 160. \J/ Production in pp Collisions at s = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. - FNAL Pub96/003-E, 1996, Phys. Lett., B370, 239-248 (1996). p 161. \Search for Light Top Squarks in pp Collisions at s = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. FNAL Pub-95/380-E, 1996, Phys. Rev. Lett., 76, 2222 (1996). 162. \Azimuthal Decorrelation of Jets Widely Separated in Rapidity" - D Collab. FNAL - Pub-96/038-E, 1996, Phys. Rev. Lett., 77, 595 (1996). 163. \The Isolated Photon Cross Section in the Central and Forward Rapidity Regions p in pp Collisions at s = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. - FNAL Pub-96/072-E, 1996, Phys. Rev., 77, 5011 (1996). 164. \Feynman-x and Transverse Momentum Dependence of D Meson Production in 250 GeV , K, and p Interactions with nuclei" - E769 Collab. - FNAL - Pub-96/084, Phys. Rev. Lett., 77, 2392 (1996). 165. \Search for Additional Neutral Gauge Bosons" - D Collab. - FNAL - Pub-96/187E, Phys. Lett., B385, 471 (1996). 166. \Measurement of the W Boson Mass" - D Collab. - FNAL - Pub-96/177-E, 1996, Phys. Rev. Lett., 77, 3309 (1996). 167. \Search for D0 D 0 Mixing in Semileptonic Decay Modes" - E791 collab. - FNAL Pub-96/109-E, accepted Phys. Rev. Lett. (1996). 168. \Search for Anomalous W W and W Z Production in pp Collisions at ps = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. - FNAL Pub-96/115-E, 1996, Submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (1996). 169. \Forward Cross-Section for Production of D+ , D0 , Ds , D+ and c in 250 GeV ;+, K;+ and p - Nucleon Interactions" - E769 Collab. - FNAL - Pub-96/083, Phys. Rev. Lett., 77, 2388 (1996). 170. \Search for Flavour-Changing Neutral Current Decays D+ ! + + + and D+ !  + e+ e; " - E791 Collab. - Phys. Rev. Lett., 76, 364 (1996). 171. \D ;  production correlation in 500 GeV ; N interaction" - E791 Collab. submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett., (1996). 172. \Mass Splitting and Production of 0c and ++ measured in 500 GeV ; N interacc tions" - E791 Collab. - Phys. Lett., B379, 292 (1996). 173. \A Search D0 D0 Mixing and Doubly Cabibbo Suppressed decays of the D0 in Hadronic Final States" - E769 Collab. - FNAL- Pub-96/214, Submitted to Phys. Rev. D, (1996). 174. \Search for Anomalous W W and W Z Production in p p collisions at ps = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. - FNAL- Pub.96/115-E, Phys. Rev. Lett., 77, 3303 (1996). { 22 { CBPF-CS-017/97 p 175. \Limits on Anomalous W W Couplings from p p ! W + X events at s = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. - FNAL- Pub.96/XXX-E, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett., (1996). 176. \Search for a Fourth Generation -1=3 Quark via Flavour Changing Neutral Current Decay" - D Collab. - FNAL- Pub.96/430-E, submitted to Phys. Rev. Lett. (1996). 177. \Search for promptly produced heavy quarkonium states in hadronic Z decays" P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C69, 575 (1996). 178. \Measurement of inclusive 0 production in hadronic Z 0 decays" - W.Adam et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C69, 561 (1996). 179. \A precise measurement of the Tau lepton lifetime" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 365B, 448 (1996). 180. \Energy dependence of the di erences between the quark and gluon jet fragmentation" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C70, 179 (1996). 181. \Performance of the DELPHI detector" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration Nucl. Instr. and Meth., A378, 57 (1996). p 182. \Charged particle multiplicity in e+e; interactions at s = 130 GeV" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 372B, 172 (1996). 183. \Measurement of the Bd0 oscillation frequency using kaons, leptons and jet charge" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C72, 17 (1996). 184. \Determination of jVcb j from the semileptonic decay B 0 ! D; `+  " - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C71, 539 (1996). 185. \Production of 0 and ; in Z decays" - W.Adam et al., DELPHI Collaboration Zeit. Phys., C70, 371 (1996). 186. \Updated precision measurement of the average lifetime of B hadrons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 377B, 195 (1996). 187. \Measurement of the partial decay width R0b = ;bb =;had of the Z with the DELPHI detector at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C70, 531 (1996). 188. \Search for exclusive decays of the b baryon and measurement of its mass" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 374B, 351 (1996). 189. \Determination of the average lifetime of b baryons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C71, 199 (1996). 190. \First measurement of f20 (1525) production in Z 0 hadronic decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 379B, 309 (1996). { 23 { CBPF-CS-017/97 191. \Mean lifetime of the Bs0 meson" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C71, 11 (1996). 192. \First study of the interference between initial and nal state radiation at the Z resonance" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C72, 31 (1996). 193. \Kaon interference in the hadronic decays of the Z " - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 379B, 330 (1996). 194. \Search for anomalous production of single photons at ps =130 and 136GeV" W.Adam et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 380B, 471 (1996). 195. \Study of radiative leptonic events with hard photons and search for excited charged p leptons at s = 130 ; 136GeV" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 380B, 480 (1996). 196. \Study of rare b decays with the DELPHI detector at LEP" - W. Adam et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C72, 207 (1996). 197. \Search for the lightest chargino at ps =130 and 136GeV in DELPHI" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 382B, 323 (1996). 198. \Search for high mass resonances in e+e; ! `+ `; ,   and qq at LEP I " - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Zeit. Phys., C72, 179 (1996). 199. p \Search for neutralinos, scalar leptons and scalar quarks in e+ e; interactions at s =130 GeV and 136 GeV" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Phys. Lett., 387B, 651 (1996). 200. \Two and three-dimensional analysis of Bose-Einstein correlations in +=K + p interactions at 250 GeV=c" - Agababyan, E. C. de Oliveira, et al. EHS=NA22 Collaboration - Z. Phys., C 71, 405-414 (1996). p 201. \Search for pair production of heavy objects in 4 jet events at s = 130 ; 136 GeV , W. Adam et al., DELPHI Collab., Zeit. Phys. C73, 1 (1996). 202. \Tuning and test of fragmentation models based on identi ed particles and precison event shape data", P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collab., Zeit. Phys. C73, 11 (1996). 203. \Measurement of inclusive K 0(892), '(1020) and K20(1430) production in hadronic Z decays", P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collab., Zeit. Phys. C73, 61 (1996). 204. \An upper limit for BR(Z 0) ! from symmetric 3-Jet Z 0 hadronic decays", P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collab., Phys. Lett. 389B, 405 (1996). { 24 { CBPF-CS-017/97 2.2 Livros 1. Proceedings of the III Simposium on Pan-American Collaboration in Experimental Physics - Rio de Janeiro - October, 1987 - Roy Rubinstein & A. Santoro (Eds.) World Scienti c, 1989. 2. Heavy Flavour Physics: cbt Workshop - Proceedings LISHEP95 - LAFEX International School on High Energy Physics - F. Caruso, M.E. Pol, A. Santoro & R. Shellard (Eds.), 6-22 Feb. 1995, Session C, Gif-sur-Ivette, Editions Frontieres, 1995, ISBN 2-86332-187-0. 3. CHEP95 - Computing on High Energy Physics - Proceedings - R. Shellard & T. D. Nguyen (Eds.), Singapore, World Scienti c, 1996, ISBN 981-02-2783-3. 2.3 Teses (Teoricas e Experimentais) 2.3.1 Mestrado 1. \Matrizes de um Espalhamento por Potencial Complexo", CBPF, (1970) - Sergio Joly - Orientador: Jose Leite Lopes. 2. \Metodo do Momento de Energia Aplicado ao Codigo 1DX (para preparac~ao de seco~es de choque multigrupo aplicaveis a reatores rapidos)", COPPE/UFRJ, (1978) - E. C. de Oliveira. 3. \Estudo sobre Possveis Evid^encias de Estruturas de Quarks nos Barions", CBPF, (1982) - I. Bediaga. Orientador: A. Santoro. 4. \Estudos de Contribuic~oes de Corrente de troca para o Espalhamento Pion-Deuteron a Energias Intermediarias", CBPF, (1983) - Stenio Wulck de Melo. Orientador: Jo~ao Carlos C. dos Anjos. 5. \Aplicac~ao do Modelo de Dupla Troca a Produca~o de A1 na Reac~ao p ! p(3); , CBPF, (1983) - Jose Maria Pires. Orientador: A. Santoro. 6. \Bolas de Gluons em ;p ! n", CBPF, (1983) - F. Caruso. Orientador: A. Santoro. 7. \Equac~oes Relativsticas de Movimento em Reac~oes Nucleares a Altas Energias", CBPF, (1985) - Alberto C. dos Reis. Orientador: Takeshi Kodama. 8. \Analise Experimental do Decaimento Fraco D+ ! k+, Duplamente Suprimido por Cabibbo", CBPF, (1991) - Jose Guilherme Lima. Orientador: A. Santoro. 9. \Depend^encia da Sec~ao de Choque de Produc~ao dos Barions Estranhos  e  com o numero de massa", CBPF, (1992) - Miriam M. Gandelman. Orientador: Ignacio A. Bediaga e Hickman. 10. \A Identi cac~ao de Eventos de Quarks b com o uso de Redes Neurais", CBPF, (1993) - Andre Sznajder. Orientador: Ronald C. Shellard. { 25 { CBPF-CS-017/97 11. \Analise Experimental do Modo de Decaimento D+ ! ++ ; com troca de Sabor do Quark c por Corrente Neutra", CBPF, (1993) - Wagner de Paula Carvalho. Orientador: Ignacio A. Bediaga e Hickman. 12. \O Decaimento D0 ! K 0 no Experimento Fotoproduc~ao de Charme (E691)", CBPF, (1993) - Marcello Santo Nicola. Orientadores: Alberto Santoro/Gilvan A. Alves. 13. \Da Contribuic~ao dos Diquarks a Descric~ao de Efeitos de \Higher Twist" Observados no Espalhamento Profundamente Elastico", CBPF, (1994) - Andre B. Penna Firme. Orientador: Francisco Caruso. 14. \Sobre o Processo de Formac~ao e Decaimento do Estado D2 do Charmonium", CBPF, (1995) - Margarida Maria R. Negr~ao. Orientador: Francisco Caruso. 15. \Estudo do Decaimento  !  no Experimento DELPHI", CBPF, (1995) - Monique K. M. Srivastava - Orientadora: Maria Elena Pol. 16. \Sobre a Contribuic~ao dos Diquarks ao Espalhamento Profundamente Inelastico Neutrino-Nucleon", CBPF, (1995) - Paulo Cesar Ribeiro Quintairos. Orientador: Francisco Caruso. 2.3.2 Doutorado 1. \E tude d'un mecanism d'echange multiple dans le reactions elastique et inelastique d'ions lourds a basse energie", Strasbourg, These D'E tat (1983) - Sergio Joly. Orientador: F. Becker. 2. \Correlac~oes em Reaco~es de Dissociac~ao Difrativa Hadr^onica", CBPF, (1985) - Antonio Carlos B. Antunes. Orientador: A. Santoro. 3. \Teoria Qu^antica de Campos em Sistemas de Coordenadas Curvilineas no EspacoTempo de Minkowski e Curvos" - Nami Fux Svaiter. Orientador: Mario Novello, CBPF, (1989). 4. \Simulac~ao de Reac~oes Profundamente Inelasticas entre Ions Pesados por Equac~oes de langevin", CBPF, (1990) - Edgar Correa de Oliveira. Orientador: Luiz Carlos Gomes. 5. \Depend^encia em \A" para Produc~ao de Mesons Charmosos", CBPF, (1992) - Gilvan Augusto Alves. Orientadores: A. Santoro & M. H. G. e Souza. 6. \Caractersticas da Produc~ao Hadr^onica de Mesons D ", CBPF, (1992) - Jussara Marques de Miranda. Orientadores: A. Santoro & M. H. G. e Souza. 7. \Medida da Seca~o de Choque de Produca~o do Barion Charmoso c em interac~oes Pion-Nucleo a 250 GeV/c", CBPF, (1992) - Alberto Corr^ea dos Reis. Orientadores: A. Santoro & Ignacio Bediaga e Hickman. { 26 { CBPF-CS-017/97 8. \Depend^encia em xF e pt da Produc~ao Hadr^onica de Mesons D0 e D 0 ", CBPF, (1992) - Jo~ao Ramos Torres Mello Neto. Orientadores: A. Santoro & M. H. G. e Souza. 9. \Produc~ao de Mesons D em Colis~oes Hadron-Nucleo a 250 GeV, observado no modo de Decaimento D0, D0 ! K  0", CBPF, (1992) - Sandra Filippa Amato. Orientadores: A. Santoro & Ignacio A. Bediaga e Hickman. 10. \Produc~ao de Mesons D em Colis~oes K  Nucleons a 250 GeV", CBPF, (1993) Helio da Motta Filho. Orientadores: A. Santoro & M. H. G. e Souza. 11. \Sobre a Contribuic~ao Generica dos Diquarks Escalares e Pseudo-Vetoriais as Func~oes de Estrutura do Nucleon", CBPF, (1995) - Jose Soares Barbosa. Orientador: Francisco Caruso. 12. \Estudos da Sec~aopde Choque de Produc~ao Inclusiva de Muons a Baixos A^ ngulos em Colis~oes pp a s = 1,8 TeV ", CBPF, (1995) - Jose Guilherme R. de Lima. Orientador: Alberto Santoro. p 13. \Produc~ao Inclusiva de Bottom em Colis~oes pp a s = 1,8 TeV na Regi~ao Central do Detector D", CBPF, (1995) - Vitor Oguri. Orientador: Alberto Santoro. 14. \A Medida de ;bb=;had com um Detetor de Vertice no DELPHI" - CBPF, (1996) Miriam M. Gandelman. Orientador: Ronald C. Shellard. 15. \Metodos Mossbauer em Teorias de Campo e Fsica da Materia Condensada", CBPF, (1996) - Flavio de Souza Nogueira. Orientadores: Adolfo Pedro C. Malbouisson & Nami F. Svaiter. 2.4 Proceedings, Confer^encias, Escolas, Workshops na area de Partculas e Campos 1. \A Dynamical Explanation of the ABC E ect" - J. Anjos, D. Levy & A. Santoro XVI Int. Conf. of High Energy, Batavia, 423, (1972). 2. \The Cross-over Phenomenon in Di ractive Q;Q Production" - G. Cohen-Tannoudji, C. Gilain & A. Santoro - II Aix-en-Provence Int. Conf. on Elem. Part. - France, (1973). 3. \Dual Triple Pomeron Vertex and Di ractive Background" - G. Cohen-Tannoudji, C. Gilain, A. Santoro - II Aix-en-Provence Int. Conf. on Elem. Part. - France, (1973). 4. \A Deck-line Model for the ABC Production in p + n ! d + ()0 reaction" - J. Anjos, D. Levy & A. Santoro - II Aix-en-Provence Int. Conf. on Elem. Part. France, (1973). { 27 { CBPF-CS-017/97 5. \Elastic and Inelastic scattering in the LCNO model" - F. Becker, S. Joly, C. Beccaria & G. Baron, Proceedings of the Workshop on Heavy Ion Scattering, F. Becker (Ed.), Strasbourg, pp. VII 1-15 (1976). 6. \A1 !  +  Resson^ancia e/ou Fundo n~ao Ressonante" - A. Santoro, Rev. Bras. Fs., Vol. Especial, 236, (1979). 7. \Orbitais moleculares nas colis~oes nucleares" - S. Joly, Anais da II Reuni~ao de Trabalho sobre Fsica Nuclear no Brasil, Cambuquira, pp. 73-74 (1979). 8. \Sistematica do Modelo a 3 Componentes para as Reaco~es de Dissociac~ao Difractiva" - A. Santoro, Proc. 10 Encontro Nacional de Fsica Partculas , p. 78 Cambuquira (MG), Brazil, Jun. (1979). 9. \Sobre os Esquemas de Calculo Neutr^onico do ANL via ETOE/MC2-2 do LASL via MINX/NJOY e seu Uso para Calculos de Reatores Rapidos" - E. S. Amorim, A. B. D'Oliveira & E. C. de Oliveira, EAV/NT 018/80, (1980). 10. \Analise de Sensitividade da Sec~ao de Choque do U em Sistemas Nucleares Termicos" - E. S. Amorim, A. B. D'Oliveira & E. C. de Oliveira - EAV/NT 017/80 (1980). 11. \Fenomenologia Hadr^onica" - A. Santoro, III Encontro Nacional de Part. e Campos - Cambuquira - Brazil, Proceedings p.85-124, (1981). 12. \Analise de Sensitividade da Sec~ao de Choque do U em Sistemas Nucleares Rapidos" - SENSEAV-R. RPEAV/023-EN/80, E. S. Amorim, A. B. D'Oliveira & E. C. de Oliveira - II ENFR, Itaipava, RJ, (1981). 13. \Dualidade e Bolas de Grude" - A. Santoro, Monogra a - CBPF - MO - 002/83 II Escola de Campos e Partculas Jorge Andre Swieca, (1983). 14. \Equac~oes variacionais para din^amicas classico-qu^anticas" - C. Marcio do Amaral & S. Joly, Anais da VII Reuni~ao de Trabalho sobre Fsica Nuclear no Brasil, Itatiaia, pp. 194-196, (1984). 15. \Estados excitados do 94Zr(d; d0 )94Zra15MeV " - E. Frota-Pessoa & S. Joly, Anais da VII Reuni~ao de Trabalho sobre Fsica Nuclear no Brasil, Itatiaia, pp. 156-158, (1984). 16. \Resoluc~ao do estado fundamental do 95Zr" - E. Frota-Pessoa & S. Joly, Anais da VIII Reuni~ao de Trabalho sobre Fsica Nuclear no Brasil, S~ao Lourenco, pp. 123-126, (1985). 17. \New Charm Results Using High Precision Vertex Detector" - E691 Collab. - VII Vanderbilt Conf. on Elem. Part. Phys., p. 34-61 (1986). 18. \Charm Physics in Photoproduction E691" - E691 Collab. - Physics in Colision, p. 283-294 - Ed. M. Derrick - Singapore, World Scienti c (1986). { 28 { CBPF-CS-017/97 19. \Early Results on Charm Photoproduction" - FTPSC - The E691 Collab. - Int. Conf. of High Energy Physics - Berkeley, 1369 (1986). 20. \Measurements on the Decay of Charm Particles: Lifetimes of the D0 , D+ and F + and Relative Branching Fractions of the D+ and F + into the Channels K 0K + and  + " - E691 Collab. - Int. Conf. of High Energy Physics - Berkeley, (1986). 21. \Study of the Decays D;+ and D;+ ! ;+;;;+ and ;;+ in FERMILAB Experiment E691" - E691 Collab. - Lepton Photon Int. Symp. H. E. Germany, July (1987). 22. \Experimental Results on Heavy Flavours Hadro and Photoproduction" - E691 Collab. - Rencontre de Morion, 1987 - FNAL, 87/82, (1987). 23. \Charm Results from Photoproduction Experiment E691" - E691 Collab. - SLAC Summer Institute - Stanford - Col., (1987). 24. \Charm Photoproduction Results from the FERMILAB Tagged Photon Spectometer" - E691 Collab. - 1987 Meeting of the DPF - Salt Lake City, Utah, Jan. (1987). 25. \Recent Results from E691" - E691 Collab. - SLAC Topical Conference, (1988). 26. \Charm Photoproduction Results from FERMILAB E691 and Prospects for Hadroproduction in E769" - E769 and E691 Collab. - Introduced in High Pt Phys. & Higher Twists - Sep., Paris - Munich IHEP Conference 675, (1988). 27. \Hadronic Charm Decay Results from E691" - E691 Collab. - Les Arcs 1988 Proceedings, Current Issues in Hadronic Physics, 505, (1988). 28. \Charm Hadroproduction at FERMILAB E769" - E769 Collab. - XXIII Rencontre de Moriond, Current Issues in Hadronic Physics 451, (1988). 29. \A Search of Flavour Changing Neutral Current Process in Decays of Charmed Mesons" - E691 Collab. - FNAL, Conf. 87/143E, 1987 - XXIV - ICHEP - Paper A249 - Munich, (1988). 30. \A Study of the Decays D0 ! K ; ++; and D+ ! K ; ++;+" - E691 Collab. - XXIV Int. Conf. on HEP - paper 402 - Munich, (1988). 31. \Results of an Anlysis of the Production of Charm by Photon from E691" - E691 Collab. - XXIV Int. Conf. on HEP - paper A270, Munich, (1988). 32. \Multiplicidade de partculas carregadas na aniquilac~ao eletron-positron" - I. Bediaga & S. Joly, Anais do IX Encontro Nacional de Fsica de Partculas e Campos, Caxambu, (1988). 33. \Spin E ects and Vector Diquarks: c Decay into Baryon-Antibaryon" - F. Caruso, M. Anselmino, S. Forte & B. Pire; in K.J. Heller (Ed.), AIP Conference Proceedings 187, Particles and Fields Series 37, 838-846 (1989). { 29 { CBPF-CS-017/97 34. \Results on Weak Decays of Charm Mesons from E691" - E691 Collab. - Les Arcs 1989 - Proceedings, Electroweak Interactions and Uni ed Theories, 255, (1989). 35. \Hadroproduction of Charm and Charm Strange States at FERMILAB E769" E769 Collab. - XXIV Rencontre de Moriond, Heavy Flavors, 375, (1989). 36. \Charmonium Decays and Diquarks" - F. Caruso, M. Anselmino & S. Forte (Torino preprint # DFTT 43/88), in M. Anselmino & E. Predazzi (Eds.), Proceedings of the Workshop on Diquarks, World Scienti c, Singapore, pp. 113-129 (1989). 37. \Produc~ao de hadrons no modelo de radiac~ao de bola de fogo em colis~oes e+ e;" I. Bediaga, S. Joly & E. Predazzi, Anais do X Encontro Nacional de Fsica de Partculas e Campos, Itatiaia, (1989). 38. \Hadroproduction of Charm at FERMILAB E769" - E769 Collab. - Proceedings of XXV International Conference on HEP, Singapore, vl. 2, 1432, (1990). 39. \Recent Results from FERMILAB E769" - E769 Collab. - Les Arcs, 1990 - Proceedings Z 0 Physics - 507, (1990). 40. \Inclusive e+e; ! hx Data with in a Simple Hadronization Scheme" - I. Bediaga & E. Predazzi - Essays in Honour of J. Tiomno - Frontier Physics - (1990). 41. \New Results on J= Photoproduction from FERMILAB Experiment E691" - E691 Collab. - Proceedings of APS Meeting, vol. 35, 4, (1990). 42. \Search for Decays of D Mesons Involving Multiple Ks0 s" - E691 Collab. - Proceeding of the APS Meeting, vol. 35, 4, (1990). 43. \DELPHI Results on the Z 0 Resonance Parameters through its Hadronic and Leptonic Decay Modes" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXV International Conference on High Energy Physics, Singapore, (1990). 44. \A Measurement of the Partial Width of the Z 0 Boson into b Quark Pairs" P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXV International Conference on High Energy Physics, Singapore, (1990). 45. \Search for Higgs Bosons Using the DELPHI Detector" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXV International Conference on High Energy Physics, Singapore, (1990). 46. \Search for Non-Standard Z 0 Decays in Two-Particle Final States" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXV International Conference on High Energy Physics, Singapura, (1990). 47. \Can a Scalar-Vector Diquark Transition Improve the QCD Prediction for the c ! pp Decay Width?" - F. Caruso, M. Anselmino, S. Joly & J. Soares - in Encontro Nacional de Fsica de Partculas e Campos, 11.: 1990 setembro 26-30: Caxambu Anais, S~ao Paulo, Sociedade Brasileira de Fsica, pp. 264-268, (1990). { 30 { CBPF-CS-017/97 48. \Casimir Energy in Compact and Non-Compact Flat Space-Time" - F. Caruso, N. P. Neto, B. F. Svaiter & N. F. Svaiter - in Encontro Nacional de Fsica de Partculas e Campos, 11.: 1990 setembro 26-30: Caxambu, Anais, S~ao Paulo, Sociedade Brasileira de Fsica, pp. 438-442, (1990). 49. \Feynman-x - Dependence of D Production in ; - Nucleon Interactions" - E691 Collab. - Proceedings of the 3rd. Tropical Seminar on Heavy Flavours - Nuclear Physics B. Proceedings Supplements Section, (1991). 50. \Search for Scalar Leptoquarks from Z 0 Decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Joint International Lepton-Photon Symposium & Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Genebra, (1991). 51. \Search for Excited Charged Leptons in Z 0 Decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Joint International Lepton-Photon Symposium & Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Genebra, (1991). 52. \Interjet Correlations in Hadronic Jets from Z 0 Decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Joint International Lepton-Photon Symposium & Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Genebra, (1991). 53. \Bose-Einstein Correlations at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration Joint International Lepton-Photon Symposium & Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Genebra, (1991). 54. \A Measurement of the Lifetime of the Tau Lepton" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Joint International Lepton-Photon Symposium & Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Genebra, (1991). 55. \Production of K 0 and K  in the Hadronic Decays of the Z 0" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Joint International Lepton-Photon Symposium & Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Genebra, (1991). 56. \Charged Multipicity and Rapidity Distributions in Z 0 Hadronic Decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Joint International Lepton-Photon Symposium & Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Genebra, (1991). 57. \Measurement of the Average Lifetime of B Hadrons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Joint International Lepton-Photon Symposium & Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Genebra, (1991). 58. \Search for Neutral Higgs Particles with Mass Below 45 GeV/c2 Produced in Z 0 Decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Joint International LeptonPhoton Symposium & Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Genebra, (1991). 59. \Study of Orientation of 3-Jet Events in Z 0 Hadronic Decays Using the DELPHI Detector" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Joint International LeptonPhoton Symposium & Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Genebra, (1991). { 31 { CBPF-CS-017/97 60. \Charged-Particle Multiplicity Distributions in Restricted Rapidity Intervals in Z 0 Hadronic Decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Joint International Lepton-Photon Symposium & Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Genebra, (1991). 61. \The reaction e+e; ! ( ) at Z 0 energies" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Joint International Lepton-Photon Symposium & Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Genebra, (1991). 62. \Study of Final-State Photons in Hadronic Z 0 Decay and Limits on New Phenomena" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Joint International Lepton-Photon Symposium & Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Genebra, (1991). 63. \Search for Low-Mass Higgs Bosons produced in Z 0 Decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Joint International Lepton-Photon Symposium & Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Genebra, (1991). 64. \Charged-Particle Multiplicity of Quarks and Gluon Jets in Z 0 Hadronic Decays" P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Joint International Lepton-Photon Symposium & Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Genebra, (1991). 65. \Determination of Z 0 Resonance Parameters and Couplings from its Hadronic and Leptonic Decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - Joint International Lepton-Photon Symposium & Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Genebra, (1991). 66. \Charm Physics at FERMILAB - E791" - E791 Collab. - XXVII Rencontres de Moriond - Electroweak Interactions and Uni ed Theories - UMS/HEP/92-020, (1992). 67. \FERMILAB E791" - E791 Collab. - Proceedings of the XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 68. \Charm Production in 250 GeV/c Hadron-Nucleon Interactions" - E769 Collab. Annals of the Vancouver Meeting - Particles and Fields, 91, D. Axen et al., ed., World Scienti c, 690, (1992). 69. \Update on Hadroproduced Charm at TPL" - E769 Collab. - XXVI Rencontre de Moriond, QCD and High Energy Interactions - Les Arcs, France - Preprint FERMILAB Conf. 92/174, (1992). 70. \A Study of Beauty and Charm Production at 250GeV +-Nucleon Interaction Using Semi-Electronic Decays" - E791 Collab. - Proceedings of the A.P.S. - Div. of Particles and Fields, Batavia, (1992). 71. \Risc Architecture Microprocessor Farm for Oine Analysis" - ACP Collab. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing in High Energy Physics, 467, Annecy, France, (1992). { 32 { CBPF-CS-017/97 72. \W and Z Decays to Electrons in D;" - D; Collab. - Proceedings or the A.P.S. Div. of Particles and Fields, Batavia, 1992-FERMILAB-Conf.93/055-E, (1992). 73. \The D; Upgrade Silicon Tracker" - D; Collab. - Proceedings or the A.P.S. - Div. of Particles and Fields, Batavia, 1992-FERMILAB-Conf.93/046-E, (1992). 74. \Direct Photon Production from D;" - D; Collab. - Proceedings or the A.P.S. Div. of Particles and Fields, Batavia, 1992 - FERMILAB-Conf. 93 /044-E, (1992). 75. \The e= and 0= Ratios Measured, and Monochromatic and 0 Beams Explored in the D Test Calorimeter" - D Collab. - FERMILAB-Conf-92/273 (1992) 3rd. International Conference on Advanced Technology and Particle Physics, Como, Italy, 1992. 76. \D Trigging and Data Acquisition" - D Collab. - FERMILAB-Conf-92/303 (1992) - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, Texas, 1992. 77. \The D Monte Carlo" - D Collab. - FERMILAB-Conf-92/306 (1992) - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, Texas, 1992. 78. \Highlights from D" - D Collab. - FERMILAB-Conf-92/365 (1992) - American Physical Society, 1992. 79. \Production of Jets in Association with W Vector Bosons in the D; Detector" - D; Collab. - Proceedings of APS 7th Meeting, FERMILAB Conf-93/042-E, 10-14 nov. (1992). 80. \A Study of B 0B0 Oscillations Using Dileptons from Semileptonic Decay of b Quark Produced from Z 0" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 81. \A Study of Radiative Muon-Pair Events at Z 0 Energies" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 82. \High Precision Relative Luminosity Measurement with a Very Small Angle Tagger (VSAT) in DELPHI" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 83. \A Measurement of B Meson Production and Lifetime Using Dl; Events in Z 0 Decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 84. \Neutral Higgs Bosons in a Two Doublet Model" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 85. \Evidence for b Productions and Lifetime in Z 0 Hadronic Decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). { 33 { CBPF-CS-017/97 86. \Leptonic Events with Energetic Isolated Photons in Z 0 Decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 87. \Re ned Measurement of the Average Lifetime of B Hadrons Using High pt Muons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 88. \A search for Z 0 ! e+e;V " - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 89. \Interjet Correlations in Z 0 Decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 90. \Production of K 0 and  at small x in the Hadronic Decays of the Z 0" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 91. \Determination of s for b Quarks at the Z 0 Resonance" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 92. \The DELPHI Microvertex Detector" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 93. \A Measurement of the Tau Lifetime" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 94. \A Measurement of the B B Mixing Parameter Using Muons and the Charge of a Jet" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 95. \Search for Z 0 Decays into S-Leptons and Neutralinos Using the DELPHI Detector" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 96. \Measurement of the Forward Backward Asymmetry of e+e; ! Z 0 ! bb Using Prompt Leptons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 97. \B 0 Tagging at LEP Energies Using D and Delta Mesons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 98. \An Update on the Search for Neutral Higgs Particle in Z 0 Decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). { 34 { CBPF-CS-017/97 99. \Limits on the Production of Scalar Leptoquarks from Z 0 Decays at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 100. \Measurement of the Charged Particle Multiplicity in Tau Decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 101. \Inclusive Measurement of the Average Lifetime of B -Hadrons Produced at the Z 0 Peak" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 102. \Determination of s from the Scaling Violation in the Fragmentation Functions of the Process e+ e; ! h + X " - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 103. \Search for an Excited Neutrino Using the DELPHI Detector" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 104. \On the Determination of the Longitudinal Component of the Fragmentation Function of the Process e+e; ! h + X " - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 105. \Preliminary DELPHI Results on the Z Resonances Parameters and its Electroweak Couplings" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVI International Conference on High Energy Physics, Dallas, (1992). 106. \Vector Diquarks: Bjorken and Gottfried Sum Rules" - F.Caruso, M. Anselmino, V. Barone, E. Predazzi - in Proceedings of the Adriatico Research Conference on Polarization Dynamics in Nuclear and Particle Physics, Trieste 7-10 de janeiro, (1992). 107. \Spin and Mass E ects in Charmonium Decays" - F.Caruso, M.Anselmino & F. Murgia - in Frontiers of High Energy Spin Physics, Edited by T. Hasegawa, N. Horikawa, A. Masaike & S. Sawada, Tokyo, Universal Academic Press and Yamada Science Foundation, pp. 625-628, (1993). 108. \Search for the p Top Quark from (e, ) and (e, e) Events in the D; Detector in pp Collisions at s = 1.8 TeV" - D; Collab. - Presented at the Rencontres de Physique de la Vallee D'Aoste, la Thile, Italy, march 7-13 - FERMILAB-Conf.93/143-E (1993). 109. \Search for the Top Quark at D- D Collab. - Moriond Conference, Les Arcs, March 24, 1993 - FERMILAB-Conf.93/273-E, (1993). 110. \Search for the Top Quark and Other New Particles at D- D Collab. - International Conference on Elastic and Di ractive Scattering, Vth Blois Worshop, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, June 8-12, 1993 - FERMILAB-Conf.93/279E, (1993). { 35 { CBPF-CS-017/97 111. \SUSY Searches at D" - D Collab. - SUSY 93 International Workshop on Supersymmetry and Uni cation of Fundamental Interactions, Boston, MA, March 29-April 1, 1993 - FERMILAB-Conf.93/172-E, (1993). 112. \A Search for Scalar Leptoquarks in D" - D Collab. - 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields, FERMILAB, November 10-14, 1992 - FERMILAB-Conf.93/045-E, (1993). 113. \Inclusive Jet Cross Sections at the D Detector" - D Collab. - 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields, FERMILAB, November 10-14, 1992 - FERMILAB-Conf.93/047-E, (1993). 114. \Inclusive Single Muons at D" - D Collab. - 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields, FERMILAB, November 10-14, 1992 FERMILAB-Conf.93/048-E, (1993). 115. \A Scintillating Fiber Detector for the D Upgrade" - D Collab. - 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields, FERMILAB, November 10-14, 1992 - FERMILAB-Conf.93/043-E, (1993). 116. \Electron Identi cation in the D Detector" - D Collab. - 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields, FERMILAB, November 10-14, 1992 - FERMILAB-Conf.93/054-E, (1993). 117. \Top Quark Search in D from the Lepton + Jets Mode" - D Collab. - 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields, FERMILAB, November 10-14, 1992 - FERMILAB-Conf.93/051-E, (1993). 118. \Two Jet Energy and Rapidity Distributions" - D Collab. - 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields, FERMILAB, November 10-14, 1992 - FERMILAB-Conf.93/050-E, (1993). 119. \Triggering the D Experiment" - D Collab. - 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields, FERMILAB, November 10-14, 1992 - FERMILAB-Conf.93/052-E, (1993). 120. \Upgrade D Calorimeter Electronics for Short Tevatron Bunch Space and the E ect of Pile-up on the W Mass Measurement" - D Collab. - 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields, FERMILAB, November 10-14, 1992 - FERMILAB-Conf.93/053-E, (1993). 121. \Low Energy Response of the D Calorimeter and Jet Energy Measurement" - D Collab. - 7th Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields, FERMILAB, November 10-14, 1992 - FERMILAB-Conf.93/049-E, (1993). 122. \Electroweak Results from D " - D Collab. - XXVIIIth Rencontres de Moriond, Electroweak Interactions and Uni ed Theories, Les Arcs, Bourg Saint Maurice, March 13-20, 1993 - FERMILAB-Conf.93/127, (1993). { 36 { CBPF-CS-017/97 123. \The D Software Trigger" - D Collab. - Proceedings of Computing in High Energy Physics, 1992, Annecy, France, September, 1992 - FERMILAB-Conf.93/308, (1993). 124. \Inclusive Jet and Direct Photon Production at the D Experiment" - D Collab. - 9th Workshop on Proton-Antiproton Collider Physics, Tsukuba, Japan, October 18-22, (1993). 125. \Measurement of the W Mass in the D Detector" - D Collab. - 9th Workshop on Proton-Antiproton Collider Physics, Tsukuba, Japan, October 18-22, (1993). 126. \Study of B 0 ; B 0 Mixing in D " - D Collab. - 9th Workshop on ProtonAntiproton Collider Physics, Tsukuba, Japan, October 18-22, (1993). 127. \Recent Results on QCD at the Tevatron (CDF and D )" - D Collab. - Proceedings of XIII Particles and Nuclei International Conference, Perugia, Italy, June 28-July 3, 1993 - FERMILAB - Conf.-93/314-E, (1993). 128. \Search for the Top Quark in the Electron-Electron and Electron-Muon Channels at D- D Collab. - 9th Topical Workshop on Proton-Antiproton Collider Physics, Tsukuba, Japan, October 18-22, 1993 - FERMILAB- Conf. 93/385-E, (1993). 129. \Search for Supersymmetry and Leptoquark States in D- 9th Topical Workshop on Proton-Antiproton Collider Physics, Tsukuba, Japan, October 18-22, 1993 FERMILAB - Conf. 94/036-E, (1993). 130. \Measurements of the lineshape of the Z 0 and determination of electroweak parameters from its hadronic and leptonic decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July, (1993). 131. \A study of radiative muon-pair events at Z 0 energies" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July, (1993). 132. \Update of the DELPHI tau lifetime measurements" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July, (1993). 133. \Measurements of the tau polarization in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July, (1993). 134. \Measurement of the branching ratio of the Cabibbo suppressed decay  ! K " - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July, (1993). 135. \Measurement of  ! 3 branching ratio and P with the DELP HI detector" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). { 37 { CBPF-CS-017/97 136. \A study of Kaon production in Tau decays with the DELPHI detector at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics , Marseille (France), July (1993). 137. \Search for the standard model Higgs boson in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 138. \A search for a high mass resonance in photonic nal states" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 139. \An update of the study of Z 0 decays to two leptons and a charged particleantiparticle pair" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 140. \Invariant mass dependence of particle correlations in hadronic nal states from the decay of the Z 0" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 141. \Determination of ;bb and BR(b ! l) using semi-leptonic decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 142. \Measurement of the Z 0 ! bb branching ratio by hemisphere double tagging" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 143. \In uence on the Bose-Einstein e ect by decaying long-lived states" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 144. \Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of e+e; ! Z 0 ! bb using prompt muons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 145. \Inclusive measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry in Z ! bb events at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 146. \Measurement of the B 0 ; B 0 oscillation strength using the average electric charge of hadron-jets in lepton-tagged Z 0 decays into bottom-quarks" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 147. \Update of the measurement of B 0 ; B 0 mixing parameters in DELPHI" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). { 38 { CBPF-CS-017/97 148. \A measurement of the Bd0 oscillation frequency using the time evolution" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 149. \Note on DELPHI measurements of the B-hadrons lifetime" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 150. \An update to the measurement of the average lifetime of B hadrons from Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 151. \A measurement of B-hadron lifetimes using secondary vertices in hadronic events at DELPHI" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 152. \Inclusive J/Psi production in Z 0 hadronic decays with DELPHI" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 153. \Production rate and decay lifetime measurements of Bs0 mesons at LEP using Ds and phi mesons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 154. \Measurement of Bs0 meson lifetime" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 155. \Measurement of beauty baryons production and lifetime in Z 0 hadronic decays using 1990-92 data" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 156. \Study of hard scattering processes in multihadronic collisions at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 157. \First evidence of hard scattering processes in very low Q2 single tagged collisions using the DELPHI VSAT detector" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 158. \Measurement of ;bb =;had using microvertex and lepton double tags" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 159. \An update to the measurement of the lifetimes of charged and neutral B-hadrons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 160. \Search for strange-B baryon production at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). { 39 { CBPF-CS-017/97 161. \Determination of the semi-leptonic branching ratio of the b quark using single and di-lepton events" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 162. \Limits on the production of scalar leptoquarks from Z 0 decays at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 163. \A search for radiative rare B decays with the DELPHI detector at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 164. \Study of   events using the DELPHI detector at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 165. \DELPHI data on electroweak parameters for the Marseille and Cornell Conferences 1993" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 166. \Four jet events with long-lived particles" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 167. \Measurement of the 1992 tau-lepton cross-section and charge asymmetry" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 168. \Summary of tau branching ratios submitted to Summer conferences 1993" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 169. \Recent results of the forward ring imaging Cherenkov detector of DELPHI" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 170. \A measurement of the Bs0 meson mass" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 171. \First measurement of B 0 ; B 0 Mixing using Lambda Lepton correlations" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - European Conference on High Energy Physics, Marseille (France), July (1993). 172. \Single Di ractive Process in +p and K + p interactions at 250 GeV=c" - E. C. de Oliveira, IV Reuni~ao de Trabalho sobre Inteac~oes Hadr^onicas, BPF, Rio de Janeiro, abril de (1993). 173. \Charge and Strangeness Flow in Difractive Dissociation of Mesons + and =K + at 250GeV =c" - E. C. de Oliveira , EHS/NA22 Colaboration - XIII ENFPC, Caxambu, MG. (1993). { 40 { CBPF-CS-017/97 174. \Search for exclusive decay channels of the 0b baryon with DELPHI" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 175. \Inclusive K  and p=p production in Z 0 decays measured with the DELPHI Detector" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 176. \A study of radiative muon-pair events at Z 0 energies, and limits on an additional Z 0 gauge boson" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration, XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 177. \Search for pair-produced heavy scalars in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 178. \Charged Kaon production in Tau decays at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 179. \J= Production in the Hadronic Decays of the Z" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 180. \First evidence of hard scattering processes in single tagged collisions" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 181. \Production characteristics of K 0 and light meson resonances in hadronic decays of the Z 0" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 182. \Measurement of the ;bb=;had branching ratio of the Z by double hemisphere tagging" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 183. \Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of e+e; ! Z ! bb using leptons and lifetime tag" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 184. \Measurement of the mean charged multiplicity in Z 0 ! bb events" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 185. \Measurement of the triple-gluon vertex from 4-Jet events at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). { 41 { CBPF-CS-017/97 186. \Z 0 decays to two leptons and a charged particle- antiparticle pair" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 187. \Study of multihadronic production in collisions at DELPHI" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 188. \A study of single tagged multihadronic  events at a < Q2 >' 90 GeV 2" P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 189. \A measurement of the photon structure function F2 (x) at an average Q2 of 12 GeV 2" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 190. \A study of di erences in quark and gluon jet fragmentation" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 191. \Excited Beauty at DELPHI" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 192. \Measurement of exclusive 0 production in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 193. \Study of prompt photon production in hadronic Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 194. \Strange baryons production in Z 0 hadronic decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 195. \Preliminary results on the search for l+ l; ,   and qq events in 1993" P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 196. \Update on the search for the Standard Model Higgs boson" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 197. \Search for long lived neutral heavy particles using the DELPHI Detector at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 198. \The DELPHI silicon strip microvertex detector with double sided readout" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). { 42 { CBPF-CS-017/97 199. \A study of   events using the DELPHI detector at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 200. \New measurement of ;bb =;had with lifetime tag technique" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 201. \Measurement of ;bb =;had using micro-vertex and lepton tags" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 202. \New measurement of ;bb =;had branching ratio of the Z minimal model dependence" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 203. \Production of charged particles, Ks0, K  , p and  in Z 0 ! bb events and in the decay of B hadrons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 204. \Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of charm and bottom quarks at the Z pole using D mesons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 205. \First measurement of the strange quark asymmetry at the Z 0 pole" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 206. \A topological measurement of the lifetimes of charged and neutral B hadrons" P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 207. \Measurement of the production of l pairs in jets at LEP and interpretation of their origin in terms of strange-beauty baryon decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 208. \Measurement of time dependent Bd0-Bd0 mixing" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 209. \New measurements of time dependent Bd0-Bd0 mixing with D -hemisphere charge correlations" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 210. \Study of D, D, and D production in Z 0 hadronic decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). { 43 { CBPF-CS-017/97 211. \Search for exclusive charmless B meson decays with the DELPHI detector at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 212. \Investigation of the splitting of quark and gluon jets" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 213. \Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetry of e+e; ! Z ! bb using prompt leptons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 214. \Experience with the Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector at DELPHI" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 215. \DELPHI results on electroweak physics with quarks contributed to the Glasgow conference" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 216. \Analysis techniques for the DELPHI Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 217. \Precision determination of the Z 0 resonance parameters" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 218. \Search for monojet events using the DELPHI detector at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 219. \Measurement of Bs lifetime using Ds -lepton and inclusive Ds samples" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 220. \Lifetime and production rate of beauty baryon from Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 221. \Measurement of the Bd0 oscillation frequency using kaons, leptons and jet charge" P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 222. \A search for the Z 0 decay into a Higgs boson and a photon with the DELPHI detector" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). { 44 { CBPF-CS-017/97 223. \Summary of  branching ratio results from DELPHI for Glasgow94" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 224. \Measurements of the  polarisation in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 225. \Improved measurements of cross sections and asymmetries at the Z 0 resonance" P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 226. \Measurement of the e+e; ! ( ) cross section at LEP energies" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 227. \A measurement of the Bs0 meson mass" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 228. \A precision measurement of the average lifetime of B hadrons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 229. \Measurement of the B 0-B 0 mixing parameter in DELPHI" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 230. \Search for the Standard Model Higgs boson in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 231. \Invariant mass dependence of particle correlations in hadronic nal states from the decay of the Z 0" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 232. \Interference of neutral Kaons in the hadronic decays of the Z 0" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 233. \Study of hard scattering processes in multihadron production from collisions at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 234. \Search for pair produced neutral Higgs bosons using b tagging" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, U.K., (1994). 235. \H-712. First test of E781 photon calorimeter readout" - V. Steiner, E. C. de Oliveira et al. - E781/Fermilab. (1994). { 45 { CBPF-CS-017/97 236. \H-702. Classical mirror tests and the E781 RICH" - E781/Fermilab. J. Lach and E. C. de Oliveira, (1994). 237. \Photon Production at CDF and D " - D Collab. - XXIXth Rencontre de Moriond, Meribel, France, March 19-26, 1994 - FERMILAB - Conf. 94/101-E, (1994). 238. \Search for Top Quark: Results from the D Experiment" - D Collab. - Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, Scotland, 1994 - FERMILAB-Pub-94/277 (1994). 239. \Inclusive B Production at CDF and D" D Collab. - XXIXth Rencontre de Moriond on QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions, Savie, France, 1994 FERMILAB-Pub-94/300-E (1994). 240. \Search for Top Quark in D using the Electron + Jets Channel with Soft  Tagging" - D Collab. - Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, Scotland, 1994 - FERMILAB-Pub-94/327-E (1994). 241. \Modeling Higher Twist Contributions to Deep Inelastic Scattering with Diquarks" - F. Caruso, M. Anselmino, J. R. T. de Mello Neto, A. Penna Firme & J. Soares - in Proceedings of the XV Brazilian National Meeting on Particles and Fields - Angra dos Reis, SBF, pp. 177-180, 4 a 8 de outubro, (1994). 242. \Current Issues in Open Charm Hadroproduction and New Preliminary Results from FERMILAB E769" - E769 Collab - LISHEP95 LAFEX International School on High Energy Physics, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Feb. 6-22, 1995 - FERMILAB Conf-95/053-E, (1995). 243. \W=Z + Jets Production at the Tevatron pp Collider" - CDF and D Collab. Proceedings XXXth Rencontres de Moriond, QCD and High Energy Interactions, Les Arcs, France, 19-26 mar. 1995 - FERMILAB - Conf-95/146-E, (1995). 244. \Photon Production at CDF and D" - CDF and D Collab. - Proceedings 10th Topical Workshop on Proton-Antiproton Collider Physics, FERMILAB, Batavia, Illinois, 9-13 mai. 1995 - FERMILAB Conf-95/174-E, (1995). p 245. \Results on Soft Gluon Resummation and Color Coherence in pp Collisions at s = 1.8 TeV" - D and CDF Collab. - Proceedings 10th Topical Workshop on ProtonAntiproton Collider Physics, FERMILAB, Batavia, Illinois, 9-13 mai. 1995 - FERMILAB Conf-95/181-E, (1995). 246. \Tests of Proton Structure Functions Using Leptons at CDF and D: W Charge Asymmetry and Drell-Yan Production" - CDF and D Collab. - Proceedings 10th Topical Workshop on Proton-Antiproton Collider Physics, FERMILAB, Batavia, Illinois, 9-13 mai. (1995). 247. \Electroweak Measurements from CDF and D" - D Collab. - Europhysics Conference, Brussels, Belgium, July 1995 - FERMILAB - Conf-96/153-E, (1995). { 46 { CBPF-CS-017/97 248. \Search for First and Second Generation Leptoquarks at D" - D Collab. International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (HEP95), Bruxels, Belgique, July 27 to Aug. 2, 1995 - FERMILAB - Conf-95/184-E, (1995). 249. \Inclusive Jet Production at Tevatron" - CDF and D Collab. - Proceedings 10th Topical Workshop on Proton-Antiproton Collider Physics, FERMILAB, Batavia, Illinois, 9-13 mai. 1995 - FERMILAB Conf-95/192-E, (1995). 250. \Search for Squarks and Gluions in pp Collisions at the D Detector" - D Collab. - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (HEP95), Bruxels, Belgique, July 27 to Aug. 2, 1995 - FERMILAB - Conf-95/193-E, (1995). 251. \Rapidity Gaps Between Jets at D and CDF" - Proceedings 10th Topical Workshop on Proton-Antiproton Collider Physics, FERMILAB, Batavia, Illinois, 9-13 mai. 1995 - FERMILAB Conf-95/198-E, (1995). 252. \Measurement of the ; Cross Section at D Using Dimuons" - D Collab. International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (HEP95), Bruxels, Belgique, July 27 to Aug. 2, 1995 - FERMILAB - Conf-95/206-E, (1995). 253. \Inclusive Dimuon and b-quark Production Cross Sections in pp Collisions at ps = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (HEP95), Bruxels, Belgique, July 27 to Aug. 2, 1995 - FERMILAB - Conf95/207-E, (1995). 254. \Search for New Gauge Bosons Using the D Detector" - D Collab. - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (HEP95), Bruxels, Belgique, July 27 to Aug. 2, 1995 - FERMILAB - Conf-95/210-E, (1995). 255. \Single Photon, Photon-jet and Diphoton Production at D- D Collab. - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (HEP95), Bruxels, Belgique, July 27 to Aug. 2, - FERMILAB - Conf-95/215-E, (1995). 256. \Rapidity Correlations Between High pT Intermediate Vector Bosons and Jets in pp p Collisions at s = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (HEP95), Bruxels, Belgique, July 27 to Aug. 2, 1995 FERMILAB - Conf-95/218-E, (1995). p 257. \Limits on the Anomalous ZZ and Z Couplings in pp Collisions at s = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (HEP95), Bruxels, Belgique, July 27 to Aug. 2, 1995 - FERMILAB - Conf-95/249E, (1995). 258. \Tests of QCD in W and Z Production at Tevatron" - D Collab. - in International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics (HEP95), Bruxels, Belgique, July 27 to Aug. 2, 1995 and 17th International Symposium on Lepton-Photon Interactions (LP95), Beijing, China, 10-15 Aug., 1995 - FERMILAB - Conf-95/259-E, (1995) { 47 { CBPF-CS-017/97 259. \Hard di raction and Rapidity Gaps" - D Collab. - 15th International Conference on Physics in Collisions, Cravow, Poland, June 8-10, 1995 - FERMILAB - Conf95/299-E, (1995). 260. \Electroweak Results from the Tevatron" - CDF and D Collab. - XV International conference on Physics in Collision, Cracow, Poland, June 8-10, 1995 - FERMILAB - Conf-95/347-E, (1995). 261. Object Based Data Access at the D Experiment - D Collab. - Computing in High Energy Physics (CHEP95), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, September 18-22, 1995 FERMILAB - Conf-95/357-E, (1995). 262. \Limits on New Particle Production in pp Collisions from D " - D Collab. - 1995 International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, july 27-August 2, 1995 - FERMILAB - Conf-95/387-E, (1995). 263. \Search for New Physics with the D Detector" - D Collab. - 10th International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory, Zvenigorod, Russia, September 20-26, 1995 - FERMILAB - Conf-95/393-E, (1995). 264. \Top Quark Physics at the D Experiment" - D Collab. - 10th International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory, Zvenigorod, Russia, September 20-26, 1995 - FERMILAB - Conf-96/009-E, (1995). 265. \The Top Quark and More: Some Highlights of Physics from the D Experiment" D Collab. - XVI Encontro Nacional de Fsica de Partculas e Campos, Caxambu, MG, Brazil, October 24-28, 1995 - FERMILAB - Conf-96/043-E, (1995). 266. \A study of radiative muon-pair events at Z 0 energies with the DELPHI detector" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 267. \Precision determination of the Z 0 resonance parameters" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 268. \First evidence of transverse spin correlations in Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 269. \Performance of the new high precision luminosity monitor of DELPHI at LEP" P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 270. \Study of prompt photon production in hadronic Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). { 48 { CBPF-CS-017/97 271. \Study of charm mesons production in Z 0 decays and measurement of ;c =;h " P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 272. \Search for charmless decays of B hadrons with the DELPHI detector at LEP" P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 273. \Determination of jVcb j from the semileptonic decay B ! D; l+ " - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 274. \Measurement of the partial decay width Rb = ;bb=;had with the DELPHI detector at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 275. \Measurement of the forward-backward asymmetries of e+e; ! Z ! bb and e+ e; ! Z ! cc " - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 276. \Measurement of the ss forward-backward asymmetry with the DELPHI detector at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 277. \Inclusive measurements of the K  and p=p production in hadronic Z 0 decays" P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 278. \Measurement of inclusive o production in hadronic Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 279. \Measurement of ++(1232) production in hadronic Z decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 280. \Inclusive production of the (1020) in the Z hadronic decays at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 281. \A measurement of the photon structure function F2 at an average Q2 of 12 GeV2/c4" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 282. \Improved measurement of the oscillation frequencies of B 0 mesons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). { 49 { CBPF-CS-017/97 283. \Test of CP-violation in e+e; ! Z 0 !  +  ;" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 284. \Inclusive measurement of the b fragmentation function" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 285. \Updated precision measurement of the average lifetime of B hadrons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 286. \Update of the Standard Model Higgs boson search" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 287. \Search for a high mass resonance in l+l; ,   and qq events" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 288. \An updated analysis of the e+e; ! ( ) reaction at LEP energies" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 289. \Search for lepton avour number violating Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 290. \Update to the search for the Z 0 decay into a Higgs boson and a photon" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 291. \Search for new phenomena using single photon events in the DELPHI detector at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 292. \Search for monojets and isosinglet neutral heavy leptons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 293. \Strange baryon production in Z hadronic decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 294. \Search for promptly produced heavy quarkonium states in hadronic Z decays" P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). { 50 { CBPF-CS-017/97 295. \Measurement of the quark and gluon fragmentation functions of the process e+e; ! h + X from DELPHI data" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 296. \Energy dependence of the di erences between the quark and gluon jet fragmentation" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 297. \Tuning and test fragmentation models based on identi ed particles and precision event shape data" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 298. \Measurement of the triple gluon vertex from double quark tagged 4-jet events" P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 299. \Scaling violation in e+e; annihilation" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 300. \Multiparton angular correlations in e+ e; interactions" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 301. \An upper limit for Br(Z 0 ! ggg) from symmetric 3-jet Z 0 hadronic decays" P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 302. \Production of 0 and ; in Z decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 303. \ Bs0 meson lifetime " - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 304. \Search for exclusive hadronic decays of the b baryon with the DELPHI detector at LEP" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 305. \B  production in Z decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 306. \Observation of orbitally excited B and Bs mesons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 307. \Beauty-baryons production properties and lifetimes" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). { 51 { CBPF-CS-017/97 308. \First evidence for b and b baryons" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 309. \Observation of short range three-particle correlations in e+e; annihilations at LEP energies" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 310. \Kaon interference in the hadronic decays of the Z " - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 311. \A measurement of quark spin correlations in hadronic Z 0 decays" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 312. \The DELPHI silicon strip microvertex detector with double sided readout" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 313. \Performance of the DELPHI detector" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 314. \A precise measurement of the  lifetime" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 315. \Summary of  branching ratio results" - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 316. \Upper limits on the branching ratios  !  and  ! e " - P. Abreu et al., DELPHI Collaboration - International Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, Brussels, Belgium, (1995). 317. \Studies of the Top Quark with the D Detector" - D Collab. - IInd Rencontres du Vietnam, Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam, October 21-28, 1995 - FERMILAB Conf-96/018-E, (1995). 318. \Diquark and Higher Twist E ects: Recent Results", in - F. Caruso , V.C. Aguilera{ Navarro, D. Galetti, B.M. Pimentel & L. Tomio (Eds.), Topics in Theoretical Physics: Festschrift for Paulo Leal Ferreira, S~ao Paulo, Editora IFT, 1995, pp. 66-77 Proceedings of the Theoretical Physics Symposium in honor of Paulo Leal Ferreira, held in S~ao Paulo from 7 to 11 August, (1995). 319. \H-763. E781 Hyperon Target Magnet Field Map. E781/Fermilab" - J. Lach and E. C. de Oliveira (1995). { 52 { CBPF-CS-017/97 320. \Electroweak Measurements from the Tevatron" - D Collab. - Les Rencontres de  , La Thuile, Italy, March 3-9, 1996 - FERMILAB Physique de La Vallee DAoste Conf-96/143-E, (1996). 321. \Onia and Heavy Flavor-Production at the Tevatron Collider" - D Collab. - Les  Rencontres de Physique de La Vallee DAoste, La Thuile, Italy, March 3-9, 1996 FERMILAB - Conf-96/110-E, (1996). 322. \Jet Decorrelation and Jet Shapes at the Tevatron" - D Collab. - Les Rencontres  , La Thuile, Italy, March 3-9, 1996 - FERMILAB de Physique de La Vallee DAoste - Conf-96/162-E, (1996). 323. \Future Top Physics at the Tevatron and LHC" - D Collab. - XXXIst Rencontres de Moriond, QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions, Les Arcs, Savoie, France, March 23-30, 1996 - FERMILAB - Conf-96/116-E, (1996). 324. \Electro weak Results from D " - D Collab. - XXXIst Rencontres de Moriond, QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions, Les Arcs, Savoie, France, March 2330, 1996 - FERMILAB - Conf-96/149-E, (1996). 325. \D Top Analyses: Recent Results on the Properties of the Sixth Quark" - D Collab. - XXXIst Rencontres de Moriond, Electroweak Session, Les Arcs, Savoie, France, March 23-30, 1996 - FERMILAB - Conf-96/151-E, (1996). 326. \New Particle Searches at the Tevatron (I)" - D Collab. - XXXIst Rencontres de Moriond, QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions, Les Arcs, Savoie, France, March 23-30, 1996 - FERMILAB - Conf-96/114-E, (1996). 327. \Preliminary Measurement of the Inclusive Jet and Dijet Cross Secrion in pp Collip sions at s = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. - XXXIst Rencontres de Moriond, QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions, Les Arcs, Savoie, France, March 23-30, 1996 FERMILAB - Conf-96/132-E, (1996). 328. \New Particle Searches at Tevatron (II)" - D Collab. - XXXIst Rencontres de Moriond, QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions, Les Arcs, Savoie, France, March 23-30, 1996 - FERMILAB - Conf-96/106-E, (1996). 329. \Rapidity Gaps in Jet Events at D" - D Collab. - XI Topical Workshop on Proton-Antiproton Collider Physics - Abano Terme, Italy, May 26-June 1, 1996 FERMILAB - Conf-96/185-E, (1996). 330. \Multijet Production at D" - D Collab. - XI Topical Workshop on ProtonAntiproton Collider Physics - Abano Terme, Italy, May 26-June 1, 1996 - FERMILAB - Conf-96/182-E, (1996). p 331. \The Inclusive Jet Cross Section in pp Collisions at s = 1.8 TeV" - D Collab. XI Topical Workshop on Proton-Antiproton Collider Physics - Abano Terme, Italy, May 26-June 1, 1996 - FERMILAB - Conf-96/174-E, (1996). { 53 { CBPF-CS-017/97 332. \Search for a Fourth Generation Charge - 1/3 Quark via Flavor Changing Neutral Currents" - D Collab. - 28th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Warsaw, Poland, July 25-31, 1996 - FERMILAB - Conf-96/163-E, (1996). 333. \Direct Photon Measurements by the D Experiment" - D Collab. - 28th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Warsaw, Poland, July 25-31, 1996 FERMILAB - Conf-96/183-E, (1996). 334. \Rapidity Gaps Between Jets at D" - D Collab. - 28th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Warsaw, Poland, July 25-31, 1996 - FERMILAB - Conf96/178-E, (1996). 335. \A Measurement of the Ratio of W + Jet to W 0 Jets Cross Sections and Comparisons to QCD" - D Collab. - 28th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Warsaw, Poland, July 25-31, 1996 - FERMILAB - Conf-96/172-E, (1996). 336. \The Dijet Mass Spectrum and Angular Distributions with the D Detector" - D Collab. - 28th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Warsaw, Poland, July 25-31, 1996 - FERMILAB - Conf-96/168-E, (1996). 337. \Summary of the Performance Working Group at the 34th Eloisatron Work - Proceedings fo the 34th Eloisatron Workshop, Erice, Italy, 1996 - Large Hadron Collider Project and LHC Project Report 88. 338. \Measurement of  Branching Fractions" - M. E. Pol - Meeting of the American Physics Society, DPF96, Minneapolis, USA, 1996. 339. \Selected Topics on D Physics" - J. M de Miranda - XVII Brazilian National Meeting on Particles and Fields, Serra Negra, Brasil, 1996. 340. \Kinematical Dependence of NLO corrections to semi-inclusive spin" - D. de Florian, C A. Garcia Canal, S. Joly & R. Sassot, Proceedings of the Spin96 Conference, Singapore, Wolrd Scienti c (1996). 341. \A Client/Server Scheme for Parallel Execution at Remote Sites with Reliable Data Transfer over the Internet" - G. Alves, M. Joly, M. Miranda, A. Santoro & M. Souza - to be published in the Proceedings of CHEP97 - Computing on High Energy Physics, Berlin, 1997. 342. \The LAFEX Risc Based Farm Solution for CPU Intensive Applications in HEP" G. Alves, M. Joly, M. Miranda, A. Santoro & M. Souza - to be published in the Proceedings of CHEP97 - Computing on High Energy Physics, Berlin, 1997. 2.5 Artigos Didaticos, de Divulgac~ao e de Poltica Acad^emico{ Cient ca 1. \A Materia Indivisvel" - R. C. Shellard & J. A. Mignaco - Ci^encia Hoje, 3, no. 14, pg. 42 (1984). { 54 { CBPF-CS-017/97 2. \O proton revela sua estrutura" - J. Anjos - Ci^encia Hoje, 12, 68, (1990). 3. \Science and Technology in Brazil: Where are we heading for?" - F. Caruso - Ci^encia e Cultura, 43 (6), 406 (1991). 4. \Fsica das Altas Energias: Ha Espaco para o Brasil?" - R. C. Shellard - Ci^encia Hoje, 13, numero 74, pg. 26-35, Julho, (1991). 5. \Em defesa da Licenciatura" - F. Caruso - Scientia, 6 (1) pp. 93-98 (1995). 6. \Do Eletron ao Quark Top: Como Ver uma Partcula Elementar" - G. Alves, A. Santoro & M. Souza - Ci^encia Hoje 19 (13) pp. 34-42 (1995). 7. \A Fsica Experimental de Altas Energias e sua Import^ancia para a Economia: Para n~ao dizer que n~ao falei de ores" - A. Santoro, a ser publicado nos Proceedings LISHEP95-LAFEX International School on High Energy Physics, 6-22 Feb. (1995). 8. \Enrico Predazzi: 25 anos colaborando com o Brasil" - I. Bediaga & F. Caruso Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Fsica, 18 (1) pp. 24-29 (1996). 2.6 Publicaco~es na serie Ci^encia e Sociedade do CBPF 1. \Re ex~oes sobre Ci^encia, Tecnologia e o papel da Universidade em um Pas em Desenvolvimento" - F. Caruso - Ci^encia e Sociedade, CS-001/91, Rio de Janeiro, (1991). 2. \Possveis Contribuico~es da Fsica de Altas Energias a Integraca~o e Desenvolvimento do Pas" - A. Santoro - Ci^encia e Sociedade, CS-003/93, Rio de Janeiro, (1993). 3. \Large and Small Science" - A. Santoro - Ci^encia e Sociedade - CBPF-CS-004/94 (1994). 4. \Em Defesa da Licenciatura" - F. Caruso - Ci^encia e Sociedade - CS-005/95, (1995). 5. \Universidade e Educac~ao Basica: uma nota sobre uma vocac~ao adormecida" - F. Caruso - Ci^encia e Sociedade, CS-011/95, setembro, (1995). 6. \Enrico Predazzi: 25 anos colaborando com o Brasil" - I. Bediaga & F. Caruso Ci^encia e Sociedade, CS-013/95, outubro, (1995). 7. \Trote e valores acad^emicos: uma antinomia dos tempos modernos" - F. Caruso Ci^encia e Sociedade, CS-003/96, marco, (1996). 8. \Processo e Transformac~ao: para alem da Ci^encia" - F. Caruso - Ci^encia e Sociedade, CS-007/96, maio, (1996). 9. \A Eterna Busca do Indivisvel: do A tomo Filoso co aos Quarks e Leptons" - F. Caruso & Vitor Oguri - Ci^encia e Sociedade, CS-008/96, maio, (1996). { 55 { CBPF-CS-017/97 2.7 Notas Tecnicas e Relatorios n~ao publicados 1. \Phenomenologie - Poles de Regge - Dualite - J. Anjos, A. Santoro & M. Souza Rapport de Stage - CEN/Saclay - France (1970). 2. \Uso dos Dados da Biblioteca Yftah no Codigo 1DX" - F. Eildelman, E. C. de Oliveira - IEN/NT 010/77 (1977). 3. \Determinac~ao das Concentrac~oes para o Calculo Neutr^onico de uma Celula de Reator" - H. F. B. N. Bastos, E. C. de Oliveira, J. Soto - IEN/NT 005/77 (1977). 4. \Analise de Sensitividade da Sec~ao de Choque do U em Sistemas Nucleares Termicos" - E. S. Amorim, A. B. D'Oliveira, E. C. de Oliveira - EAV/NT 017/80 (1980). 5. \Sobre os Esquemas de Calculo Neutr^onico do ANL via ETOE/MC2-2 do LASL via MINX/NJOY e seu Uso para Calculos de Reatores Rapidos" - E. S. Amorim, A. B. D'Oliveira, E. C. de Oliveira - EAV/NT 018/80 (1980). 6. \Analise de Sensitividade da Seca~o de Choque do U em Sistemas Nucleares Rapidos, SENSEAV-R" - E. S. Amorim, A. B. D'Oliveira, E.C. de Oliveira - RPEAV/023EN/80. II ENFR, Itaipava, RJ, (1981). 7. \Sur une theorie de transfer resonant pour les di usions d'ions lourds: application aux cas des reactions 17O(16O,16O)17O (g.s. et 0.871 s1=2)" - F. Becker, S. Joly & G. Baron, Rapport d'Activite - CRN 82-01 (1982). 8. H-702. \Classical mirror tests and the E781 RICH". E781/Fermilab - J. Lach and E. C. de Oliveira (1994). 9. H-712. \First test of E781 photon calorimeter readout". - V. Steiner et al. E781/Fermilab (1994). 10. H-763. \E781 Hyperon Target Magnet Field Map". E781/Fermilab - J. Lach and E. C. de Oliveira (1995). 11. \Di raction Dissociation of Nuclei in +=k+ p Collisions with Au and Al at 250 GeV/c" - E. C. de Oliveira, EHS/NA22 Collaboration - HEN-73 January (1995). 12. \MAILBOOK: An email address handling tool" - M. Joly, A. Nigri, M. Miranda & A. Santoro - CBPF-NT-006/95 - CHEP95: Computing on High Energy Physics, Rio de Janeiro, 1995. Proceedings, Singapore, World Scienti c, p. 592. 13. \A First Use of a Tracking in D Upgrade Detector" - H. da Motta, A. Santoro & S. Yepes - D Note 2893 (1996). { 56 { CBPF-CS-017/97 2.8 Artigos em Jornais 1. \Ci^encia, Tecnologia e a Universidade" - F. Caruso - UERJ em Quest~ao, Rio de Janeiro, Ano III, No. 1, abril de 1991, Sec~ao Opini~ao, p. 7, (1991). 2. \(...) e derrota da Ci^encia nas Bolsas?" - F. Caruso - carta publicada no Jornal da Ci^encia Hoje, Ano IX, N  303, p. 1, de 5 de agosto de 1994. 3. \A Atual Poltica de Bolsas de Pos-Graduac~ao: Cr^onica de uma Morte Anunciada" - F. Caruso - artigo publicado em duas partes: Naca~o Brasil, Ano I, N  32, p. 14, de 26 de setembro de 1994, Rio de Janeiro (tiragem 5.000 exemplares) e ibid N  33, p. 4, de 10 de outubro de 1994. 4. \Um momento para repensar a licenciatura" - F. Caruso - Naca~o Brasil, Ano 2, N  63, p. 6, 15 de maio de 1995. 5. \Brutalizac~ao do Rito" - F. Caruso - Jornal do Brasil, Ano CV, No. 366, Caderno Opini~ao, p. 9, de 8 de abril, (1996). 3 Cosmologia e Gravitaca~o 3.1 Artigos Publicados em Revistas Especializadas 1. \An Exact Solutions of the -Equation" - M. Novello - Helvetica Physica Acta, 44, 6, 697-702, (1971). 2. \Gravitation as a consequence of the Self-Interaction of the Fields" - M. Novello - Journal of Mathematical Physics, 12, 6, 1039, (1971). 3. \The Origin of the Neutrino Mass" - M. Novello - Lett. Nuovo Cimento, 1 (6), 252-254, (1971). 4. \The cosmological dependence of weak interaction" - M. Novello & P. Rotelli Journal of Physics A, 5, 1488, (1972). 5. \Weak and Electromagnetic Forces as a Consequences of the Self-Interaction of the -Field" - M. Novello - Phys. Rev., D8, 2398, (1973). 6. \Beyond the cosmological Singularity" - M. Novello & Ligia M. C. S. Rodrigues Lett. Nuovo Cimento, 13, 2, (1975). 7. \Spherically Symmetric Neutrino Radiation Stars" - I. Dami~ao Soares, M. Novello - Phys. Lett., 55A, 5, (1975). 8. \Generalization of Einstein's Theory of Gravity in the presence of tensions in SpaceTime" - M. Novello - International Atomic Energy Agency, IC/75/61, MiramareTrieste, (1975). 9. \Neutrino Cosmology" - M. Novello & I. Dami~ao Soares - Phys. Lett., 56A, 431, (1976). { 57 { CBPF-CS-017/97 10. \Eletric and Magnetic Gravitational monopoles: the equation of motion of poles" M. Novello, C. A. P. Galv~ao, I. Dami~ao Soares & J. M. Salim - Jour. of Phys. A, 9 (4) 547, (1976). 11. \Scalar and Massless Vector Fields in Cartan Space" - M. Novello - Physics Letters, 59A (2) 105-106, (1976). 12. \Ghost Basis for Neutrino" - M. Novello - Phys. Letters, 58A (2) 75-76, (1976). 13. \Cartan frames and rotating universes" - I. Dami~ao Soares - Jour. Phys., A9, 555, (1976). 14. \On Jacobi Fields" - M. Novello, I. Dami~ao Soares & J. M. Salim - GRG Journal, 8 (2) 95, (1977). 15. \Static Inhomogeneous Cosmological Model" - M. Novello - Phys. Lett., 61A, 293, (1977). 16. \Eigenvalue Treatment of Cosmological Models" - M. Novello, I. Dami~ao Soares Phys. Lett., 64A (2), 153, (1977). 17. \Absorption of Gravitational Waves by an Excited Vacuum Space-Time" - M. Novello - Phys. Lett., 61A (7), 441-442, (1977). 18. \Relativistic model of a spherical star emitting neutrinos" - I. Dami~ao Soares - Phys. Rev., D17, 1924, (1978). 19. \Anisotropic Bianchi VIII/IX cosmological models with matter and electromagnetic elds" - I. Dami~ao Soares & M. J. D. Assad - Phys. Lett., 66A, 359, (1978). 20. \Anisotropic Bianch II cosmological models with matter and electromagnetic elds" - I. Dami~ao Soares - Rev. Bras. Fs., 8, 336, (1978). 21. \Excitations of the Gravitational Field - I" - M. Novello - Rev. Bras. de Fsica, 8, 2, 442, (1978). 22. \The Stability of Rotating Universe" - M. Novello, M. J. Reboucas - Astrophysical Journal, 225, 719, (1978). 23. \Galaxy Formation and Vacuum Quantum Fluctuation of the Gravitational Field" - M. Novello - Lett. Nuovo Cimento, 24 (3), 72, (1979). 24. \A Note Concerning the Gravitational Indistinguishability of a Neutrino Field and Stokesian Fluids" - M. Novello - Phys. Letters, 69A, 5, 309, (1979). 25. \Non-linear Photons in the Universe" - M. Novello & J. M. Salim - Phys. Rev. D, 20, 377, (1979). 26. \Rotating Universe with Successive Causal and non-causal regions" - M. Novello & M. J. Reboucas - Phys. Rev. D, 19, 10, 2850, (1979). { 58 { CBPF-CS-017/97 27. \Inhomogeneous rotating universe with closed timelike geodesics of matter" - I. Dami~ao Soares - J. Math. Phys., 21, 521, (1980). 28. \Nonlinear Viscous Cosmology" - M. Novello & J. B. D'Olival - Acta Physica Polonica, B11, 3, (1980). 29. \On Dual Properties of Weyl Space" - M. Novello & J. Duarte - Gen. Rel. Grav., 12, 871, (1980). 30. \Qualitative Analysis of homogeneous universes" - M. Novello & R. Araujo - Phys. Rev. D, 22, 260, (1980). 31. \Stokesian Fluids and Cosmology" - M. Novello - Nukleonika, oct. 1980, numero especial dedicado a Memoria do fsico polon^es B.Kuchowicz, (1980). 32. \Algumas Quest~oes Cosmologicas" - M. Novello - Revista Brasileira de Fsica, 10, 3, 599, (1980). 33. \Generation and Propagation of Synchro - Cherenkov Radiation" - M. Novello, H. Heintzman & E. Schrfer - Rev. Bras. de Fsica, 11, 3, 623, (1981). 34. \Pulsar Slow-Down Epochs" - M. Novello & H. Heintzmann - Rev. Bras. de Fsica, 11, 611, (1981). 35. \Gravitational coupling of neutrinos to matter vorticity" - I. Dami~ao Soares - Phys. Rev., D23, 272, (1981). 36. \Is parity violation a cosmological evolution e ect?" - M. Novello, A. Santoro & H. Heintzmann - Phys. Lett., 89A, 266, (1982). 37. \Cosmic Repulsion" - M. Novello - Phys. Lett., 90A, 347, (1982). 38. \Action Principle for a hot plasma in curved space-time" - M. Novello & H. Heintzmann - Phys. Rev. A, 27 (5), 2671, (1983). 39. \Weyl Integrable Space-Time: A Model of our Cosmos?" - M. Novello & H. Heintzmann - Physics Letters, 98A, p.10-11, (1983). 40. \Non Equilibrium Relativistic Cosmology" - M. Novello & J. M. Salim -Fundamentals of Cosmic Physics, 8, 201-342, (1983). 41. \Geodesic motion and con nement in Godel's universe" - M. Novello, I. Dami~ao Soares & J. Tiomno - Phys. Review D, 27 (4), 779, (1983). 42. \Anisotropic Bianchi VIII/IX, L.R.S. Cosmologies" - I. Dami~ao Soares & M. J. D. Assad - Phys. Rev., D28, 1858, (1983). 43. \Bifurcation in the Early Cosmos" - M. Novello & L. M. C. S. Rodrigues - Lett. Nuovo Cimento, 40 (10), 317, (1984). { 59 { CBPF-CS-017/97 44. \An Eternal Universe" - M. Novello & H. Heintzmann - General Relativity and Gravitation, 16, 6, p.535-539, (1984). 45. \Nonlinear Photons in the Universe" - M. Novello & J. Salim - Lett. Nuovo Cimento, 40 (8), 232, (1984). 46. \Gravitational coupling of scalar and fermion elds to matter vorticity: Microscopic asymmetries" - I. Dami~ao Soares & J. Tiomno - Rev. Bras. Fs. Supl., 14, 374, (1984). 47. \On the stability of the Einstein universe" - I. Dami~ao Soares & J. R. T. Mello Neto - Rev. Bras. Fs., 14, 377, (1984). 48. \Gravitational coupling of neutrinos to matter vorticity: microscopic asymmetries in angular-momentum modes" - I. Dami~ao Soares & L. M. S. Rodrigues - Phys. Rev. D, 31, 422, (1985). 49. \The Hall E ect in a Unipolar Inductor: a possible dynamo or anti-dynamo" - M. Novello & H. Heintzmann - Revista Brasileira de Fsica, 15, p.394, (1985). 50. \A Uni ed Model for Gravity and Electroweak Interactions" - M. Novello & L. M. C. S. Rodrigues - Lettere al Nuovo Cimento, 43, p.292, (1985). 51. \Stochastic Behaviour of the Sitter Universes" - M. Novello & L. A. R. Oliveira Physics Letters, 109A, p.454, (1985). 52. \Homoclinic phenomena in the gravitational collapse" - I. Dami~ao Soares, J. Koiller, J. R. T. Mello Neto - Phys. Lett., A110, 260, (1985). 53. \Pulsar Procession: a Nod is not as Good as a Wink!" - M. Novello & H. Heintzmann - Revista Brasileira de Fsica, 16, p.413, (1986). 54. \A Marionete Universe" - M. Novello & L. A. R. Oliveira - Journal of Modern Physics A, 1, 4, (1986). 55. \Systeme conforme regulier pour les equations d'Einstein" - M. Novello & Y. ChoquetBruhat - Comptes Rendu Academie de Science - Paris, 305, p. 155, (1987). 56. \Nonminimal Interaction of Gravity with other Physical Fields: An Overview" - M. Novello & L. A. R. Oliveira - Revista Brasileira de Fsica, 17, 3, p.432, (1987). 57. \Nonminimal Gravitational Coupling: The Spectrum of Cosmic Solutions" - M. Novello, C. Romero - General Relativity and Gravitation, 19, 0, (1987). 58. \The Connection Between General Observers and Lanczos Potential" - M. Novello & A. L. Velloso - GRG Journal, 19, 12, p.1251-1265, (1987). 59. \Magnetohydrodynamics Cosmologies with a Bertotti-Robinson-Like Limit" - R. Portugal & I. Dami~ao Soares - Astrophys. Journal, 316, 483, (1987). { 60 { CBPF-CS-017/97 60. \First Order Formalism for Quantum Gravity" - N. Pinto Neto, M. Gleiser & R. Holman - Nuclear Phys. B, 294, 1164, (1987). 61. \Non-Equilibrium Friedmann Cosmologies" - J. M. Salim & H. P. Oliveira - Acta Polonica B, 19 (7), 373, (1988). 62. \Geometric Description of Hadronization in Curved Spacetime" - I. Bediaga, M. Gasperini, M. Novello & E. Predazzi - Modern Phys. Lett., 4A, 2, 169-174, (1988). 63. \Bulk-Viscosity-Driven Asymmetric In ationary Universe" - R. Portugal, J. A. S. Lima & I. Waga - Phys. Rev. D, 37, 2755, (1988). 64. \Quantum Gravity, Classical Geometry : a Coherent Treatment" - M. Novello & E. Elbaz - Revista Brasileira de Fsica, 19, 4, p. 591-597, (1989). 65. \Does there exists a Cosmological Horizon Problem?" - M. Novello & S. Jorda Modern Physics Letters, 4A, 19, p. 1809-1813, (1989). 66. \Is the number of photons conserved in an expanding universe?" - M. Novello, L. A. R. Oliveira & J. Salim - Class. Quantum Grav., 6, (1989). 67. \A new Short Range Gravitational Force in the leptonic world?" - M. Novello & E. Elbaz - LYCEN, 8911, (1989). 68. \Black hole decay and topological stability in quantum gravity" - I. Dami~ao Soares, L. Rodrigues, J. Zanelli - Phys. Rev. Lett., 62, 989, (1989). 69. \On the Detection of Matter Vorticity and Spacetime Torsion" - B. D. B. Figueiredo, I. Dami~ao Soares & J. Tiomno, Phys. Lett. A137, 99 (1989). 70. \Viscous Causal Cosmologies" - M. Novello, H. P. Oliveira, J. M. Salim & J. Torres - Acta Physica Polonica, B21, 7, (1990). 71. \Gravitationally Self-Induced Phase Transition" - M. Novello & S. L. Duque - Physica A, 168, 1073-1081, (1990). 72. \Quantum Fields in Cosmological Space-Time: a Soluble Example" - M. Novello, I. Costa, N. Deruelle & N. F. Svaiter - Classical and Quantum Gravity, 6, 1893-1907, (1990). 73. \Is the Number of Photons Conserved in an Expanding Universe?" - M. Novello, L. A. R. Oliveira & J. M. Salim - Classical and Quantum Gravity, 7, 51-65, (1990). 74. \Spinning Fluids in General Relavity: a variational formulation" - J. M. Salim & H. P. Oliveira - Class. Quant. Grav., 8, 1991. 75. \Quantization of Spin-Two Field in Terms of Fierz Variables: the Linear Case" M. Novello, N. P. Neto, L. R. de Freitas & N. F. Svaiter - Fortschrifte der Physik, 39, 8, 1991. { 61 { CBPF-CS-017/97 76. \Magnetohydrodynamics Cosmologies" - R. Portugal & I. Dami~ao Soares - Astrophysical Journal, 380, 330, (1991). 77. \Gravitational coupling of Klein-Gordon and Dirac particles to matter vorticity and spacetime torsion" - I. Dami~ao Soares, B. D. B. Figueiredo & J. Tiomno - Clas. Quant. Grav., 9, 1593, (1992). 78. \Dissipative Cosmologies with Decaying Vacuum Energy" - J. M. Salim, M. O. Calv~ao, H. P. de Oliveira & D. Pavon - Phys. Rev. D, 45, 3869, (1992). 79. \Extended Thermodynamic Approach to Friedamnn-Robertson-Walter Models in the Landau-Lifshitz Frame" - J. M. Salim & M. O. Calv~ao - Class. Quantum Grav., 9, 127, (1992). 80. \Electrodynamics, Gravity and the Corresponding Short-Range Fermi Forces" - M. Novello & E. Elbaz - Fortschr. Phys., 40 (8), p. 651, (1992). 81. \Theory of Gravity in Fierz Variables (The Linear Case)" - M. Novello & N. P. Neto - Fortschr. Phys., 40 (8), p. 173, (1992). 82. \Backwards time travel induced by combined magnetic and gravitational elds" - M. Novello, N. F. Svaiter & M. E. X. Guimar~aes - Modern Phys. Lett., 7 (5), 381-386, (1992). 83. \On the in uence of Spin on Entropy Production in curved spacetimes" - J. M. Salim & H. P. Oliveira - Phys. Lett. A, 170, 370, (1992). 84. \Double Parametrisation en Relativite Generale" - N. Pinto Neto & J. Fabris Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences de Paris, 317 (11), 1383, (1993). 85. \The Search for New Representations of the Wheeler-De Witt Equation Using the First Order Formalism" - N. Pinto Neto & A. F. Velasco - Gen. Rel. and Grav., 25 (10), 991, (1993). 86. \Thermodynamic Constraints on a Time-Dependent a Model" - J. M. Salim & I. Waga - Class. Quant. Grav., 10, 1767-1774, (1993). 87. \Dynamics and Collision of Massim Shells in Curved Backgrounds" - J. M. Salim, D. Nunez & H. P. de Oliveira - Class. Quant. Gravity, 10, 1117, (1993). 88. \Geometrized Instantons and the Creation of the Universe" - M. Novello, L. A. R. Oliveira, J. M. Salim & E. Elbaz - International Journal of Modern Physics, 1, no. 3, 641, (1993). 89. \Solutions to a Spheroidal Wave Equation" - B. D. B. Figueiredo & M. Novello - J. Math. Phys., 34, 7, (1993). 90. \Phase Transition in Nonlinear Viscous Cosmology" - M. Novello, S. L. S. Duque, R. Triay & H. H. Fliche - Phys. Rev., 47D, 8, 3165, (1993). { 62 { CBPF-CS-017/97 91. \Synchronized Frames for Godel's Universe" - M. Novello, N. F. Svaiter & M. E. X. Guimar~aes - General Relativity and Gravitation, 25, 2, (1993). 92. \Spectral Density of Quantum Field in Cosmic Strings Spacetime" - N. F. Svaiter Il Nuovo Cim., 108B, 705, (1993). 93. \Quantum Fluctuations, Noise and the Quantum Equivalence Principle" - N. P. Neto & N. F. Svaiter - Europhys. Lett., 24, 7, (1993). 94. \Exact Solution for the Gravitational Field of a String with Non-Zero Cosmological Constant" - M. Novello & M. C. Motta da Silva - Phys. Rev. D, 48, 10, 5017 , (1993). 95. \Antisymmetric Tensor Field Interactions and Neutron Star Models" - N. Pinto Neto & T. Damour - Classical and Quant. Grav., 11, 6, 1565, (1994). 96. \Cosmic Spinning String and Causal Protecting Capsules" - M. Novello & M. C. Motta da Silva - Phys. Rev. D, 49, 2, 825, (1994). 97. \Modelling the black hole interior" - J. M. Salim & H. P. Oliveira - Class. Quantum Grav., 11, (1994). 98. \Nonlinear theories of spin-2 eld in terms of Fierz variables" - L. R. de Freitas, M. Novello & N. Pinto Neto - J. Math. Phys., 35, 2, 734, (1994). 99. \On the generation of electromagnetic elds in the universe" - M. Novello & E. Elbaz - Phys. Letters A, 187, 356-358, (1994). 100. \Soft-Big-Bang Model Induced by Non-Minimal Coupling" - M. Novello & E. Elbaz - Nuovo Cimento, 109B, 741, (1994). 101. \The Milne Coordinates System is a Good One?" - R. C. Arcuri, B. F. Svaiter & N. F. Svaiter - Mod. Phys. Lett., A9, 19, (1994). 102. \Quantum Processes: Stimulated and Spontaneous Emission Near Cosmic Strings" - B. F. Svaiter & N. F. Svaiter - Class. Quantum Grav., 11, 347, (1994). 103. \The Gravitational energy in asymptotically anti-DeSitter spacetimes" - I. Dami~ao Soares & N. P. Neto - Phys. Rev., D52, 10, p. 5665, (1995). 104. \Antipodal universes in the topology H3xR and S3xR" - I. Dami~ao Soares, F. D. Sasse & J. Tiomno - Braz. J. Phys., 25, 204, (1995). 105. \Non-Local Theory of Gravity" - M. Novello & S. L. S. Duque - International Journal of Modern Physics D, 4, no. 10, 79 - 96, (1995). 106. \Non linear non local theory of Gravity" - M. Novello & V. A. Lorenci - Modern Physics Letters A, 10, no.10, 807 - 812, (1995). { 63 { CBPF-CS-017/97 107. \Minimal Closed Set of Observables in the Theory of Cosmological Pertubations" M. Novello, J. M. Salim, M. C. Motta da Silva, S. E. Joras & R. Klipper - Physical Rewiew D, 51, no. 2, 450, (1995). 108. \Minimal Closed Set of Observables in the Theory of Cosmological Pertubations II: Vorticity and Gravitational Waves" - M. Novello, J. M. Salim, M. C. Motta da Silva, S. E. Joras & R. Klipper - Physical Review D, 52, no.2, 730, (1995). 109. \A variational approvach to changed spinning uids in general relativity" - J. M. Salim & H. P. de Oliveira - Phys. Lett. A, 201, 381-386, (1995). 110. \Exact Solutions in Multidimensional Cosmology with Bulk Viscosity" - V. R. Gavrilov, V. N. Melnikov & M. Novello - CBPF-NF-036/95, (1995), submitted. 111. \Nonminimal Coupling and Quantum Cosmology" - M. Novello, V. M. C. Pereira & N. Pinto Neto - International Journal of Modern Physics, 4, no. 4, 5, 673, (1995). 112. \Numerical Investigation of Integrable Weyl Geometry in Multidimensional Cosmology" - M. Yu Konstantinov, V. N. Melnikov & M. Novello - International Journal of Modern Physics D, 4, no. 3, 339-355, (1995). 113. \The Static Gravitational Field of a Spherically Symmetric Body" - M. Novello, L. R. de Freitas & V. De Lorenci - CBPF-NF-086/95 (1995). 114. \Stochastic Equations for Spin-2 Fields in the Quasi-Maxwelllian Formulation" - L. R. de Freitas, R. C. Arcuri, J. M. Salim, M. Novello, L. A. Oliveira & R. Klipper Phys. Lett. A, 211, 1-4, (1996). 115. \Non linear non local theory of gravity - II" - M. Novello & V. A. De Lorenci Grav. Cosmol., 2, 1(5), 501, (1996). 116. \Minimal Closed Set of Observables in the Theory of Cosmological Pertubations III: Quantum E ects" - M. Novello, J. M. Salim, M. C. Motta da Silva & R. Klipper Phys. Rev. D, 54, 4, 2578, (1996). 117. \Canonical Formulation of Standart Cosmology: Direct Quantum Approach" - M. Novello, J. M. Salim, M. C. Motta da Silva & R. Klipper - Phys. Rev. D, 54, 10, (1996). 118. \Direct Eletroctrogravitational Couplings and the Behavior of Primordial LargeScale Magnetic Fields" - M. Novello, L. A. R. Oliveira & J. M. Salim - Class. Quant. Grav., 13, 1089, (1996). 119. \Fluctuations in a Primordial Anisotropic Era" - M. Novello & L. R. de Freitas - to appear in Int. Jour. Mod. Phys., (1996). 120. \Does the Gravitational Waves travel at Light Velocity?" - M. Novello, L. R. de Freitas & V. A. De Lorenci - Annals of Physics, 254, 83 (1997). 121. \Note on Stochastization of Free Linearized Gravitational Field" - L. R. de Freitas et al., Phys. Lett. A 225, 364 (1997). { 64 { CBPF-CS-017/97 3.2 Livros 1. \Cosmos et Contexte" - M. Novello - Ed. Masson, Paris, (1987). 2. \Vth Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation" - M. Novello (Ed.) - Ed. World Scienti c, Singapore, (1987). 3. \Cosmos e Contexto" - M. Novello - Ed. Forense Universitaria, Rio de Janeiro, (1989). 4. \Cosmologie" - E. Elbaz & M. Novello - Ed. Ellipses, Paris, (1992). 5. \VIIth Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation" - M. Novello (Ed.) - Ed. World Scienti c, Singapore, (1994). 6. \VIIIth Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation" - M. Novello (Ed.) - Ed. World Scienti c, Singapore, (1996). 3.3 Captulos em Livros 1. \The Program of an Eternal Universe" - M. Novello - in Vth Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation, World Scienti c, 245, (1987). 2. \Perturbations of the Friedmann Universe" - M. Novello & J. M. Salim - in Leite Lopes Festshrift (op. cit.), World Scienti c, (1988). 3. \Fundamentos da Cosmologia" - M. Novello - in Particles and Fields, Ed. Sociedade Brasileira de Fsica, S~ao Paulo, (1990). 4. \Dynamical Eternal Universe Scenario" - M. Novello - in Frontier Physics, Essays in Honour of Jayme Tiomno, Ed. World Scienti c, Singapore, (1991). 5. \Scalar-Vector Theory and Electrodynamics" - M. Novello & J. M. Salim - in Cesar Lattes, 70 Anos, (1994). 6. \Cosmology and Gravitation" - M. Novello - in Proceedings VII Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation, (1994).  7. \Cosmologia" - M. Novello - in Do Atomo Grego a Fsica das Interac~oes Fundamentais, op. cit. (1995). 8. \Crtica da Raz~ao Cosmica" - M. Novello e L. R. de Freitas - A Crtica da Raz~ao, varios autores, (1996). { 65 { 3.4 3.4.1 CBPF-CS-017/97 Produc~ ao de Teses Mestrado 1. \Teoria das Distribuico~es no Eletromagnetismo Classico", CBPF, (1968) - Mario Novello - Orientador: Jose Leite Lopes. 2. \Um modelo de soluc~ao cosmologica n~ao singular", CBPF, (1974) - L. M. C. S. Rodrigues - Orientador: Mario Novello. 3. \Criac~ao de Partculas em um Universo em expans~ao: a quest~ao da isotropizac~ao do cosmos", CBPF, (1974) - C.A.P. Galv~ao - Orientador: Mario Novello. 4. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: Jose Martins Salim - \Monopolos Gravitacionais", CBPF, (1976). 5. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: M.J.Reboucas - \Cosmologia fora do equilbrio: Universo com Rotac~ao", CBPF, (1977). 6. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: Ruben Araujo - \Analise Qualitativa de Modelos Cosmologicos", CBPF, (1979). 7. Orientador: I.D. Soares, Orientando: M.J. Delgado Assad - \Modelos Cosmologicos Anisotropicos Bianch VIII/IX com Materia e Campo Magnetico" CBPF, (1980). 8. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: J.Duarte - \Propriedades duais do tensor de Weyl", CBPF, (1980). 9. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: R.Arcuri - \Buracos Brancos", CBPF, (1981). 10. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: E.Ruckert \Fotons n~ao lineares", CBPF, (1981). 11. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: Nelson Pinto Neto \Equac~oes Alternativas de Gravitac~ao", CBPF, (1983). 12. Orientador: I.D.Soares, Orientando: Renato Portugal \Modelos Cosmologicos Tipo Bianchi I,II,VIII, IX e Kantows-ki-Sachs com Fluidos Perfeito e Campos Eletromagneticos com Corrente de Condutividade", CBPF, (l984). 13. Orientador: J.M.Salim, Orientando: Claudia Pombo Costa - \Analise de Geometrias Conformalmente Planas no Formalismo das Equac~oes Quase-Maxwellianas", CBPF, (l984). 14. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: Abilio Valerio Tozini - \Modelos do Universo em Rotac~ao", CBPF, (1984). 15. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: Nami Fux Svaiter - \Fotons n~ao Lineares no Universo de Bianchi-I", CBPF, (1984). { 66 { CBPF-CS-017/97 16. Orientador: I.D.Soares, Orientando: Jo~ao M.Neto, \Din^amica de pertubac~oes Exatas em Modelos Cosmologicos do Tipo Bianchi IX", CBPF, (1985). 17. Orientador: J.M.Salim, Orientando: Gilvan Augusto Alves - \Fotons n~ao Lineares: Uma Soluc~ao Cosmologicas n~ao Singular", CBPF, (1986). 18. Orientador: I.D.Soares, Orientando: Fernando Deeke Sasse, \Simetrias, Problemas de Causalidade e Campos de Neutrinos em Universos Antgodas", CBPF, (1986). 19. Orientador: J.M.Salim, Orientando: H.P. de Oliveira \Um Estudo em Cosmologia e Termodin^amica Causal", CBPF. (1987). 20. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: Stefan Dieter Jorda - \Os diversos modos de acoplamento n~ao-mnimo entre eletromagnetismo e gravitac~ao", CBPF, (1988). 21. Orientador: J.M.Salim, Orientando: Edison de S.Moreira ordem e suas Aplicac~oes para Quantizac~ao Can^onica da Gravitaca~o", CBPF, (1991). 22. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: Vincius Moll de Castro Pereira - \Acoplamento N~ao Mnimo e Cosmologia Qu^antica: Um Modelo", CBPF, (1991). 23. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: Maria Emlia Xavier Guimar~aes - \Sistemas Sincr^onicos de Coordenadas no Universo de Godel", CBPF, (1991). 24. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: Martha Cristina Motta da Silva - \Construc~ao de Modelos para um Universo Globalmente Causal a partir da Soluca~o de Godel", CBPF, (1992). 25. Orientador: N.P.Neto, Orientando: Vitor E.R.Lemes - \Rumo a uma Teoria Unitaria Alternativa para a Gravitac~ao: Novas Interac~oes e semelhancas com a EinsteinHilbert", CBPF, (1993). 26. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: Sergio Eduardo de Carvalho Joras - \Perturbac~oes escalares no universo de Friedman Robertson Walker", CBPF, (1994). 27. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: Renato Klippert Barcellos - \Teoria de perturbac~oes vetoriais e tensoriais no universo de Friedman", CBPF, (1994). 28. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: Vitorio Alberto De Lorenci - \Teoria n~ao local de um monopolo magnetico", CBPF, (1994). 29. Orientandor: I.D.Soares, Orientando: M.C. de Lima - \O Espaco-Tempo de um Monopolo Magnetico", CBPF, (1995). 30. Orientador: N.Pinto Neto, Orientando: Paulo Israel Trajtenberg, em andamento, (1996). 31. Orientador: J.M. Salim, Orientando: Ricardo Mattos Martins, em andamento, (1996). 32. Orientador: J.M. Salim, Orientando: Flavia Maximo, em andamento, (1996). { 67 { 3.4.2 CBPF-CS-017/97 Doutorado 1. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: I.D.Soares - \Um estudo da Interac~aoGravitac~ao Neutrino", CBPF, (1976). 2. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: C.A.P. Galv~ao - \Gravitac~ao e Cosmologia em Espacos com Torc~ao"CBPF, (1987). 3. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: Luiz Alberto Rezende de Oliveira - \Acoplamento N~ao-Mnimo com a Gravitac~ao e Espacos de Weyl Integraveis", CBPF, (1988). 4. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: Carlos Augusto Romero Filho - \Analise Qualitativa de Mod^elos Cosmologicos na Teoria de Brans-Dicke", CBPF, (1988). 5. Orientador: I.D.Soares, Orientando: B.D.B.Figueiredo - \Um Estudo da Interac~ao Gravitacional de Campos Escalares e Espinoriais com a Torca~o do Espaco-Tempo e com a Vorticidade da Materia", CBPF, (1988). 6. Orientador: I.D.Soares, Orientando: Renato Portugal - \Modelos Cosmologicos em Regime Magnetohidrodin^amica", CBPF, (1988). 7. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: Nelson Pinto Neto - \Teoria da Gravitaca~o em termos das Variaveis de Fierz-Lanczos", CBPF, (1989). 8. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: Luciane Rangel de Freitas - \Campos de Spin-2 Variaveis Fundamentais: A Proposta de Fierz", CBPF, (1991). 9. Orientador: J.M.Salim, Orientando: H.P.Oliveira - \Fluidos com Spin em Relatividade Geral: Formulac~ao Variacional, Aspectos Termodin^amicos e Modelos Cosmologicos", CBPF, (1991). 10. Orientador: J.M.Salim, Orientando: Maurcio O.Calv~ao - \A Riqueza Termodin^a mica das Cosmologias de Robertson-Walker: Uma Opera em Tr^es Atos", CBPF, (1991). 11. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: Sergio Luiz Schubert Duque - \Formulac~ao Integro-Diferencial para a Gravitac~ao", CBPF, (1994). 12. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: Martha Cristina Motta da Silva, em andamento, (1996). 13. Orientador: J.M. Salim, Orientando: Sandra Sautu, em andamento, (1996). 14. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: Renato Klippert Barcellos, em andamento, (1996). 15. Orientador: Mario Novello, Orientando: Vitorio Alberto De Lorenci, em andamento, (1996). { 68 { 3.5 CBPF-CS-017/97 Proceedings - Confer^ encias, Escolas, Workshops... 1. \Non-linear Lagrangian and Cosmology" - M. Novello - 1o. Congresso LatinoAmericano de Gravitac~ao, Montevideo, (1972). 2. \Behaviour of matter near a singularity" - M. Novello - 1o. Congresso LatinoAmericano de Gravitac~ao, Montevideo, (1972). 3. \Creation of Particles in an expanding Universe" - M. Novello, C. A. Galv~ao - IV Congresso de General Relativity and Gravitation, Canada, (1977). 4. \Mirror Universes" - M. Novello, J. M. Salim - General Relativity and Gravitation, 9th Conference, (1980). 5. \Towards the Uni cation of Gravity and Electro-weak Interactions" - M. Novello, H. Heintzmann - Proceeding of the Fourth Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relavity, (1986). 6. \Stochastic Methods in Cosmology" - M. Novello - IV Escola de Cosmologia e Gravitac~ao, Rio de Janeiro, (1987). 7. \The Program of an Eternal Universe" - M. Novello - Vth Brazilian School of Cosmology and Gravitation, World Scienti c, 245, (1987). 8. \L'Univers, de L'In niment Petit a L'In niment Grand" - M. Novello - Certitudes et Incertitudes de la Science, Lyon - Franca, (1988). 9. \O Programa Cosmologico de Eistein: Sucessos e Di culdades" - M. Novello - Encontro de Fsica Teorica do Rio de Janeiro, (1988). 10. \Do we live in an Eternal Universe?" - M. Novello - The Origin and Evolution of the Universe and Mankind, Lima - Peru, (1989). 11. \Une Composante Gravitationelle a Courte Portee?" - M. Novello, E. Elbaz Reuni~ao Anual da Sociedade Francesa de Fsica, Lyon - Franca, (1989). 12. \Variables Bootstrap dans la Relativite Generalle" - M. Novello - Reuni~ao Anual da Sociedade Francesa de Fsica, Lyon, Franc ca, (1989). 13. \Variaveis de Fierz e a Quantizac~ao da Gravitac~ao" - M. Novello - V Escola de Cosmologia e Gravitac~ao, Rio de Janeiro, (1989). 14. \Quantizaca~o de Campos de Spin-2 em Termo das variantes de Fierz - caso linear" - M. Novello, L. R. Freitas, N. P. Neto, N.F.Svaiter - XI Encontro Nacional de Partculas e Campos, SBF, (1990). 15. \Fundamentos da Cosmologia" - M. Novello - XI Encontro Nacional de Partculas e Campos, SBF, 162, (1990). 16. \Sistemas de Coordenadas Gaussianas no Universo de Godel" - M. Novello, N. F. Svaiter - XI Encontro Nacional de Partculas e Campos, SBF, (1990). { 69 { CBPF-CS-017/97 17. \70 anos de Jayme Tiomno" - M. Novello - Confer^encia Plenaria, XI Encontro Nacional de Partculas e Campos, SBF, Caxambu, (1990). 18. \Fundamentos da Cosmologia" - M. Novello - Confer^encia Plenaria, XI Encontro Nacional de Partculas e Campos, SBF, Caxambu, (1990). 19. \Transic~ao de Fase Auto-Induzida pela Gravitaca~o" - M. Novello, S. L. S. Duque XI Encontro Nacional de Partculas e Campos, SBF, 424, (1990). 20. \Sistema de Coordenadas Gaussianas do Universo de Godel" - M. Novello, N. F. Svaiter, M. E. X. Guimar~aes - XI Encontro Nacional de Partculas e Campos, SBF, 428, (1990). 21. \Creations de Photons dans un Univers en Expansion" - M. Novello - Institut Henri Poincare, Paris - Franca, (1991). 22. \Cosmologia: Uni cac~ao das Interac~oes Fundamentais?" - M. Novello - LAFEX International School on High Energy Physics, Rio de Janeiro, (1993). 23. \Cosmologia e partculas elementares: uma sntese" - M. Novello - XV Encontro Nacional de Partculas e Campos, (1994). 24. \Gauge Independence of the theory of Pertubation of Friedman Universes" - M. Novello - New trends in Geometrical and Topological Methods, Funchal, Madeira, (1995). 25. \Uma nova teoria de Campo da Gravitaca~o" - M. Novello - XV Encontro de Fsica de Partculas e Campos, (1995). 3.6 Artigos Didaticos, de Divulgac~ao, de Poltica Acad^emico{ Cient ca e Notas Tecnicas: 1. \On the mass di erence of the electron and the muon" - M. Novello, M. Armony CBPF NF-XIX, 3, (1972). 2. \A new model of gravitational interaction" - M. Novello - Notas de Fsica, CBPF, (1973). 3. \On a new formulation of the hamiltonian theory of gravity" - M. Novello - CBPFNF-045/83, (1983). 4. \On the way to a large uni cation theory" - M. Novello & L. M. C. S. Rodrigues CBPF-NF-074/83, (1983). 5. \O Universo Eterno" - M. Novello & H. Heintzmann - CBPF-CS-001/83, (1983). 6. \A Scheme to Unify Gravity and Electro-Weak Interactions" - M. Novello & H. Heintzmann - CBPF-NF-058/85, (1985). { 70 { CBPF-CS-017/97 7. \On the propagation of Einstein's equations with quasi-maxwellian equations of gravity" - M. Novello, J. M. Salim - CBPF-NF-021/85, (1985). 8. \Qual a origem das Galaxias?" - M. Novello & H. Heintzmann - Ci^encia Hoje, 24, p. 16, (1986). 9. \New feature for an old large number" - M. Novello & L. R. A. Oliveira - CBPFNF-020/86, (1986). 10. \A New Cosmological Scenario" - M. Novello - CBPF-NF-025/86, (1986). 11. \A modi ed theory of gravity" - M. Novello & N. P. Neto - CBPF-NF-002/87, (1987). 12. \Entre Fsica e Filoso a" - M. Novello, L. A. Oliveira & J. M. Salim - Folhetim Folha de S~ao Paulo, 1o. de outubro, (1988). 13. \Does there exist a gravitational analoque of the electro-weak uni cation?" - M. Novello - CBPF-NF-009/89, (1989). 14. \Bootstrap variables in Einstein's general relativity (the role of the cosmological constant)" - M. Novello & E. Elbaz - CBPFNF020/89, (1989). 15. \Em Homenagem aos 70 anos de Jayme Tiomno" - M. Novello - CBPF-NF-004/90, (1990). 16. \Formac~ao de galaxias: uma teoria em crise" - I. Dami~ao Soares - Ci^encia Hoje 13, 75, 11, (1991). 17. \Totalidade: Uma Vis~ao Cient ca" - M. Novello - Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanalise, 1993. 18. \Direct Electrogravitational Couplings and the Behavior of Primordial Large-Scale Magnetic Fields" - M. Novello, L. A. R. Oliveira & J. M. Salim - CBPF-NF-034/94, (1994). 19. \Fluctuations in a Primordial Anisotropic Era" - M. Novello, L. R. de Freitas CBPF-NF-047/94, (1994). 20. \A Energia do Universo" - I. Dami~ao Soares - Ci^encia Hoje, 17, 98, 18, (1994). 4 Historia e Filoso a da Fsica 4.1 Artigos Publicados em Revistas Especializadas 1. \On the Physical Problem of Spatial Dimensions: An Alternative Procedure to Stability Arguments" - F. Caruso & R. Moreira Xavier - Fundamenta Scientiae, 8 (1), 73-91 (1987). { 71 { CBPF-CS-017/97 2. \Causa Formalis Versus Causa Eciens: Origens da Discuss~ao Moderna sobre a Dimensionalidade do Espaco Fsico" - F. Caruso & R. Moreira Xavier - Cadernos de Historia e Filoso a da Ci^encia, Serie 3, v. 4, n. 2, pp. 43-64, jul. - dez. (1994). 3. \Notas sobre o problema da dimensionalidade do espaco e da extens~ao no primeiro texto do jovem Kant" - F. Caruso & Moreira Xavier - Scientia, 7, (2), pp. 13-22 (1996). 4. \Sull'in uenza di Cartesio, Leibniz e Newton nel primo approccio di Kant al problema dello spazio e della sua dimensionalita" - F. Caruso & R. Moreira Xavier CBPF-NF-047/96, aceito para publicac~ao na revista Epistemologia.