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AI-generated Abstract
Unilever aims to launch a new vegetable and fruit-based ice cream product in response to growing health concerns over traditional ice cream's fat and sugar content. This proposal analyzes the market structure, targeting middle to high-income consumers across all age groups, and explores strategies such as branding, advertising, and continuous product improvement to maintain competitive advantages. The analysis concludes that effective pricing and non-pricing strategies are essential for success in a monopolistically competitive market.
-- Explaining why svastika are associated with brass metalcasting as detailed on selected inscriptions of Indus Script Corpora; celebration of zinc smelting process; zinc used in metalcasting to create brass alloy
Grenzgänge. Religion und die Alpen, 2024
Beim Nachdenken über alpine Religiosität wird manchmal der elementare Umstand übersehen, dass dieser Raum seit dem ersten Jahrtausend flächenhaft in die christliche Kirche einbezogen war. Das Netz der Bistümer erstreckte sich ohne Unterbruch über den grossen Gebirgsbogen hinweg. Der erste Abschnitt des vorliegenden Beitrags will dieser Tatsache ihre Selbstverständlichkeit nehmen und mit Blick auf andere Gebirgsräume der Welt als historischen Faktor hervorheben. Der zweite Abschnitt wählt einen anderen Vergleichsraster und zielt auf die innerchristlichen, konfessionellen Konflikte, in deren Verlauf die Alpen zu einer Grenzzone wurden. Insgesamt decken die zwei Argumente (flächenhafte Christianisierung, konfessionelle Grenze) wesentliche Aspekte der neuzeitlichen Kirchen- und Religionsgeschichte in diesem Raum ab.
Fenti Gustiani
Abstrak : Pembelajaran daring telah menjadi paradigma baru dalam pendidikan, terutama dalam menghadapi tantangan pandemi global. Keterlibatan peserta didik dalam konteks ini menjadi kunci keberhasilan pembelajaran. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menyelidiki berbagai strategi yang digunakan oleh guru untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan peserta didik pada pembelajaran daring. Metode penelitian melibatkan studi literatur untuk mengidentifikasi strategi yang efektif, serta analisis wawancara dengan guru yang berpengalaman dalam pembelajaran daring. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa strategi seperti penggunaan teknologi yang interaktif, desain pembelajaran yang menantang, kolaborasi sosial, umpan balik terstruktur, adaptasi kebutuhan individual, keterlibatan orang tua, dan pengembangan keterampilan metakognitif secara signifikan berkontribusi terhadap keterlibatan peserta didik dalam pembelajaran daring. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah pentingnya guru memilih dan menerapkan strategi yang sesuai untuk memastikan pembelajaran yang efektif dan berdaya guna dalam lingkungan daring. Kata Kunci : Pembelajaran Daring, Keterlibatan siswa, Strategi Guru
Scientific Research, 2020
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) remain one of the most important problems of modern urology and medicine. Infections bring great discomfort and significantly reduce the quality of life. UTIs rank second after respiratory tract infections in outpatients. The most common pathogen of UTI are E.coli. The study of the etiology of UTI has great clinical and epidemiological importance in routine practice. Objective: To assess the etiological significance of pathogens in the occurrence of urinary tract infections in the Karaganda region of Kazakhstan Methods: A total of 2378 patients presenting UTIs were enrolled and each provided a urine sample. The study was carried out in the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory Medi-TEC-NS between 2 January and 29 December 2018. Identification of isolated microorganisms was carried out on a WalkAway 96 Plus microbiological analyzer, Microcsan model manufactured by Beckman Coulter (USA). Statistical Analysis was performed using the STATISTICA-6 package. Results: Out of 2378 patients a total of 1177 (49,5%) urine samples tested positive by culture test. From these samples, 1356 strains of microorganisms were isolated, of which 84.79% were monoculture and 21% were of a mixed culture. Gram-positive bacteria 690 (50, 88%), Gram-negative bacteria 630 (46, 46%), and Candida 36 (2.65%) were identified. Gram-negative rods were represented by Enterobacterales 557 (88.41%) and nonfermenting bacteria 73 (11.59%). In the Enterobacterales group included Escherichia coli 371 (66.61%) of which 108 (29,1%) ESBL strains. The next etiologically significant
The Journal of Ayn Rand Studies, Vol. 14, No. 2, 2014
Política e Gestão Educacional, 2024
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Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Environment Management, 2024
Academy of Management Journal, 2016
Reading Religion: A Publication of the American Academy of Religion, 2019
Wiener Linguistische Gazette 97, 2024
International Journal of Advanced and Applied Research, 2024
Nutrients, 2025
British Journal of Ophthalmology, 2005
Revista Brasileira de Psicanálise, 2019
Documento de trabajo del CESOP, 2020
Proceedings of the International Conference on Rural Studies in Asia (ICoRSIA 2018), 2019