This is a preprint of an article whose final and definitive form will be published in
Psychology and Aging (in press)
DOI: 10.1037/a0021616; 2011 copyright. The American Psychological Association
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copy of record.
Sarah Risse and Reinhold Kliegl
University of Potsdam
Potsdam, Germany
6557 words
Running Head: Age differences in the perceptual span
Correspondence to:
Sarah Risse
Department of Psychology, University of Potsdam
Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 24-25
D-14476 Potsdam, Germany
email: sarah.risse@uni-potsdam.de
Tel.: +49 331 977 2748, Fax: +49 331 977 2793
Following up on research suggesting an age-related reduction in the rightward extent of the
perceptual span during reading (Rayner, Castelhano, & Yang, 2009), we compared old and
young adults in an N+2-boundary paradigm in which a nonword preview of word N+2 or
word N+2 itself is replaced by the target word once the eyes cross an invisible boundary
located after word N. The intermediate word N+1 was always three letters long. Gaze
durations on word N+2 were significantly shorter for identical than nonword N+2 preview
both for young and for old adults with no significant difference in this preview benefit. Young
adults, however, did modulate their gaze duration on word N more strongly than old adults in
response to the difficulty of the parafoveal word N+1. Taken together, the results suggest a
dissociation of preview benefit and parafoveal-on-foveal effect. Results are discussed in terms
of age-related decline in resilience towards distributed processing while simultaneously
preserving the ability to integrate parafoveal information into foveal processing. As such, the
present results relate to proposals of regulatory compensation strategies older adults use to
secure an overall reading speed very similar to that of young adults.
Keywords: age differences, perceptual span, N+2-boundary paradigm, preview benefit,
parafoveal-on-foveal effect, compensation strategies
Reading is a highly practiced skill, acquired early in life and used daily throughout the
lifespan. In general, eye movements during reading remain remarkably stable in adult age.
Recent studies, however, have also revealed some subtle differences pointing towards
interesting age-differential dynamics of eye-movement control. For example, old adults fixate
words somewhat longer than young adults, but they also skip words more often and perform
more regressions back into regions they already inspected (Kliegl, Grabner, Rolfs, & Engbert,
2004; Rayner, Reichle, Stroud, Williams, & Pollatsek, 2006). Increased word skipping has
been called a more risky strategy (O’Regan, 1990), an attribute usually not associated with
old age, but Rayner al al. suggested that old more than young adults might use such a strategy
to compensate for their somewhat slower overall reading rate. Old adults might engage more
in top-down processing such as guessing the upcoming word on information perceived from
not-yet-fixated words in parafoveal vision.
The key to understanding possible age-differential compensation strategies is to
determine whether, and if so how, young and old adults differ in the perceptual span, that is
in the region from which useful information is acquired during reading. The perceptual span
is usually measured with the moving window paradigm (McConkie & Rayner, 1975; Rayner
& Bertera, 1979) in which, contingent on the current gaze position, a predefined area of text is
visible while the rest of the sentence is masked. Such experiments have demonstrated that
young skilled readers use information from 3-4 letters to the left and up to 15 letters to the
right of a given fixation position to arrive at close to normal reading speed. The asymmetry
confirms that the perceptual span during reading is not (only) a visual effect, but is modulated
by attentional demands. In fact, it decreases with increasing foveal processing load
(Henderson & Ferreira, 1990).
Rayner, Castelhano, and Yang (2009) recently reported a more symmetric perceptual
span for old compared to young readers. Using the moving window paradigm, they showed
that old readers’ perceptual span was reduced in the direction of reading: Given a fixation on
word N, young adults benefited from the availability of two parafoveal words N+1 and N+2
(i.e., from a three-word window). In contrast, old adults showed no reduction in their reading
speed when only word N and the neighbouring word N+1 were visible and word N+2 was
masked (i.e., with a two-word window). In addition, old but not young readers were slowed
when word N-1 to the left of the fixated word was masked suggesting a stronger symmetry of
the old adults’ perceptual span around the fixated word N. Moreover, it seems to be reduced
in its rightward extent compared to young adults.
Following up on the rightward-reduction of the perceptual span in old adults, Rayner,
Castelhano, and Yang (in press) further investigated the amount of preview old and young
readers extract from parafoveal target words during reading. They used the boundary
paradigm (Rayner, 1975) in which – during fixations prior to an invisible boundary at the end
of word N – word N+1 is either presented as the target word (i.e., an identical preview) or as a
random string of letters (i.e., a nonword preview). When the eyes cross the invisible
boundary, word N+1 is replaced with the correct target word such that the nonword is never
directly fixated. In agreement with extensive research with the N+1-boundary paradigm (for a
review see Rayner, 2009), Rayner et al. (in press) observed shorter fixation durations on word
N+1 when the identical target word was visible throughout sentence reading. Moreover, this
N+1 preview-benefit effect was smaller for old readers, although this age-differential effect
was not significant in all fixation duration measures.
Rayner et al. (2009) suggested that the neighboring word N+1 is part of the perceptual
span in both age groups, whereas word N+2 is used only by young adults. Therefore, testing
preview benefit from the parafoveal word N+2 should show a substantial age effect. The
spatial limit of parafoveal processing in young adults was first investigated by Rayner,
Juhasz, and Brown (2007) in a study in which they introduced the N+2-boundary paradigm.
In this paradigm, while keeping the invisible boundary located after word N, an additional
post-boundary word N+1 preceded the target word N+2.
Although Rayner et al. (2007; experiment 2) used short three- to four-letter words N+1
and N+2 to increase the likelihood that both words fall into the young readers’ perceptual
span, they did not find any evidence for parafoveal processing of the target word N+2, that is
neither a preview-benefit effect on word N+2 nor any other effects in the pretarget region (see
also Angele, Slattery, Yang, Kliegl & Rayner, 2008, and Angele & Rayner, 2010, for similar
results using a slightly different paradigm). This lack of effects with the N+2-boundary
paradigm contrasts with young adults’ slower reading speed when word N+2 was masked in
the moving-window paradigm (Rayner et al., 2009). The latter result is yet in agreement with
Kliegl, Risse, and Laubrock (2007) who reported effects of previewing word N+2 in the N+2boundary paradigm, using only three-letter words in position N+1.
Given Rayner et al.’s results (2009) one might argue that N+2 preview effects should
not be obtained for old adults. However, one could also argue that the chance of finding N+2
preview effects for old adults may actually be higher in the N+2-boundary paradigm. In the
moving window paradigm, every word in the sentence may appear as a possible word N+1
relative to the currently fixated word N. As word lengths vary within a sentence, word N+2
will often be deferred further into parafoveal vision. In contrast, in the N+2-boundary
paradigm, only very short words are used as pretarget words N+1 to minimize the distance
between the pre-boundary fixation and the target word N+2.
In the present study our goal was to investigate age differences in parafoveal
processing under conditions of the N+2-boundary paradigm. Therefore, we compared young
and old adults using an experimental setup identical to Kliegl et al. (2007). Word N+2 was
either presented as an identical or as a nonword preview with the invisible boundary located
at the end of the pre-boundary word N (see Figure 1 for an illustration). The post-boundary
word N+1 preceding the target word N+2 was always three letters long and varied in its
lexical status. In half of the sentences, word N+1 was a function word (i.e., a preposition or
conjunction) and in the other half it was a content word (i.e., a noun). The short three-letter
function words were of higher printed word frequency than content words. The confound of
frequency and type of word is, however, of no concern in the present experiment, because we
were only interested in an effective manipulation of processing difficulty of word N+1.
- Figure 1 about here The manipulation of processing difficulty of word N+1 allows us to investigate
preview effects of parafoveal processing of both words N+1 and N+2 with a single display
change. Since preview of word N+1 is not varied across subsequent fixations, identical
preview of word N+1 is gained on every fixation. Therefore, we can examine effects of the
parafoveal processing difficulty of word N+1 in the pre-boundary fixation on word N. Effects
of a parafoveal preview (i.e., of word N+1 or even word N+2) on fixation durations on the
currently fixated word N are referred to as parafoveal-on-foveal effects. They are different
from preview-benefit effects, which are experimentally induced during fixations on word N,
but are measured by definition when the target word N+2 is fixated.
If old adults’ perceptual span is more symmetric and significantly reduced in the
direction of reading, they should exhibit no or much weaker effects of manipulating preview
of word N+2 than young adults. Similarly, parafoveal-on-foveal effects of word N+1 should
be attenuated for them as well. Formulated from the perspective of young adults, if their
perceptual span is more asymmetric than that of old adults comprising the two parafoveal
words N+1 and N+2, they should exhibit effects of previewing word N+2 somewhere within
the three-word target region of word N, N+1, or N+2.
Forty young and 40 old adults participated in the present study. Young adults were 9
male and 31 female Potsdam University students (age: M = 23 years, SD = 4) receiving either
course credit or 7 ! for their one-hour participation. Old adults were 17 male and 23 female
members of the Potsdam community (age: M = 71 years, SD = 4) who were paid 10 !. All
participants provided informed consent before the start of the experiment.
Subjects wore their glasses to achieve corrected-to-normal vision. Old adults’ visual
acuity corresponded on average to the normal 20/20 Snellen ratio (M = 1.01, SD = 0.49), but
young adults typically reached higher than normal values (M = 1.36, SD = 0.40). Based on
acuity data for 30 of 40 old and 13 of 40 young adults, the older participants visual acuity was
significantly reduced (t(41) = 2.44, p < .05). The two groups showed the usual pattern of
higher scores for young than old adults in a psychometric measure of processing speed
(Tewes, 1991; young: M = 61, SD = 10; old: M = 48, SD = 7; t(65) = 6.42, p < .001) and
slightly but significantly higher scores for old than young adults in a test of vocabulary
(Schmidt & Metzler, 1992; young: M = 32, SD = 2; old: M = 33, SD = 2; t(75) = -3.23, p <
.01). Psychometric data were missing from three young adults but were available for all 40
old adults.
A three-word target region (i.e., word N, word N+1, and word N+2) was embedded in
simple-structured main clauses without intra-sentential punctuation. Word N ranged from 4 to
13 letters (M = 7) in length, averaging in word frequency to 295 per million. In half of the
sentences, the neighbouring word N+1 was a function word (i.e., prepositions or
conjunctions) and in the other half a content word (i.e., nouns). In either case, word length
was restricted to three letters. Mean frequency of function words averaged to 5,141 per
million, and content words were less frequent with 32 per million. Length of word N+2
ranged from four to seven letters (M = 5), with an average frequency of 769 per million.
Word-frequency norms were based on the DWDS corpus (Geyken, 2007; Heister et al., 2010)
using a reference set of texts of 125 million words.
Participants were seated 60 cm in front of the video monitor with their heads
positioned in a chin rest to minimize head movements. Reading was binocular and both eyes
were monitored with an Eye-Link II system (SR Research, Osgoode, Ontario, Canada). Eye
movements were recorded with a 500 Hz sampling rate and an instrument spatial resolution of
0.01º. Sentences were presented on an Iiyama Vision Master Pro 514 monitor (resolution:
1024 x 768 pixel; 21 inch; refresh rate: 150 Hz) using regular Courier New 12 as font
resulting in 2.2 characters per degree of visual angle.
Participants were calibrated using a standard 9-point grid and recalibrated every 15
sentences. Additional calibrations became necessary if detection of the eyes at the initial
fixation point prior to each sentence presentation failed within a time window of 2 seconds
two times in succession. Participants read 6 practice and 160 test sentences for comprehension
and were naive concerning the experimental manipulations. Single sentences were displayed
horizontally on the center line of the monitor with a fixed sentence offset from the left
monitor border. Before sentence presentation an initial fixation point was displayed
designating the word centre of the initial word in each sentence thus varying in its vertical
position conditional on the first word’s length. Valid detection of the gaze on the fixation
point triggered sentence presentation which participants then terminated by fixating a point in
the lower right corner. Sentence comprehension was tested on average every third trial by
displaying a three-alternative multiple-choice question after completion of sentence reading.
A gaze-contingent display-change technique was implemented for the 160 test
sentences. An invisible boundary was placed at the right end of the last letter of a prespecified word N followed by a three-letter post-boundary word N+1. During pre-boundary
fixations, the identical target word N+2 (i.e., identical preview) was presented or a random
string of letters (i.e., nonword preview). Nonword previews were generated online. Each letter
of the target word N+2 was replaced with a different letter randomly chosen from a set of
similar letters matched according to visual similarity in their spatial alignment. As soon as
one of the eyes exceeded the boundary location (see below for further details), word N+2 was
replaced by the correct target word, being replaced by itself in the identical preview condition.
Experimental conditions were counterbalanced across participants. At the end of the
experiment, participants were asked whether they had noticed any changes during reading the
Data selection
Data from two young adults were excluded from analyses, one set of data due to
technical problems during recording, and the other set because the subject reported to have
noticed some display changes during the experiment. For the second reason, we also excluded
two old adults. From the remaining 38 young and 38 old adults, 11% of the sentences were
lost due to blinks and signal losses. Binocular saccades were detected offline using the
algorithm introduced by Engbert and Kliegl (2003; modified by Engbert & Mergenthaler,
2006). While reading was binocular, only right-eye data were analyzed. Data were selected on
two levels according to criteria for sentences and individual fixations.
On the sentence level, all sentences were removed in which an invalid display change
was detected. Due to system delays within the eyetracker (SR Research Ltd., 2006) and the
refresh rate of the monitor not all display changes necessarily had been completed within the
forward saccade leaving the pre-boundary word N. To select only those trials with a valid
display change (i.e., within the saccade that crossed the boundary) we determined post hoc the
exact time of the termination of each trials display change, estimating the time left of the
monitor’s refresh cycle at the moment of the first eye crossing the boundary. The delay of the
visible display change relative to its trigger averaged to 8.3 ms, ranging from 5 to 11.7 ms.
For the analyses, we only considered trials in which the display change on the monitor
occurred between the onset and offset of the forward, binocular saccade exceeding the
boundary, excluding an additional 18% of the sentences.
On the fixation level of each valid sentence, within-letter refixations (reading
microsaccades) were identified and the preceding and following fixation duration were
combined. Moreover, invalid fixations within the target region were defined as (i) being
shorter than 50 ms or longer than 750 ms, (ii) being the first or last fixation in the sentence, or
(iii) when the left eye fixated a different word than the right eye. This last criterion was added
in order to exclude cases in which the left eye was ahead of the right eye and might already
fixate the parafoveal target word. The dependent measures were generated before excluding
invalid fixations. For cumulative fixation duration measures such as gaze durations (see
below) we excluded the data point if one of its constituent fixations was invalid. Including
both sentence and fixation level criteria, a total of 40 % of the recorded word-based fixations
in the target region were excluded (33 % for word N, 53 % for word N+1, 39 % for word
N+2) still leaving 6,896 valid GD on word N, 3,289 on word N+1, and 5,988 on word N+2.
Data analysis
Separate linear mixed models (LMMs) were estimated for each of the three words in
the target region using the lmer program (lme4 package; Bates & Maechler, 2010) in the R
system for statistical computing (version 2.11.1 R Development Core Team, 2010). Age
group was specified as a between-subjects factor (young vs. old adults). The experimental
variables such as processing difficulty of word N+1 (easy/function word vs. difficult/content
word) and preview of word N+2 (identical vs. nonword preview) were included as withinsubject factors. Since the three-letter post-boundary word N+1 was frequently skipped, we
also included the binary variable skipping of word N+1 (fixated vs. skipped) in the LMM for
fixation durations on the pre-boundary word N and in the LMM for fixation durations on the
target word N+2.
All fixed effects were specified with sum contrasts. Therefore, the LMMs return the
grand mean dependent variable as intercept and the fixed-effect parameters as deviations from
the grand mean. Fixed-effect parameters can be interpreted according to the corresponding
main effects and interactions in an ANOVA. Subjects, unique words (i.e., counting the same
word in the same and in different sentences only once), and sentences (items) were included
as random factors. For each analysis we report the regression coefficients (b), the standard
errors (SEs) and t values. A fixed effect is considered significant with absolute t values > 2.0
reflecting at least two SEs. Fixation durations were log-transformed to achieve near normal
distribution of the dependent variables (see Kliegl, Masson, & Richter, 2010).
We report LMMs for log-transformed gaze duration (GD; the sum of all first-pass
fixations on a word before the eyes leave to another word). Analyses with untransformed GD
revealed the same pattern of effects. The pattern of first fixation durations (FFD; the first
fixation of a word during left-to-right reading) was also similar to the one for GD. LMM
results with GD as dependent variable are described for each of the three target words. Means
for GD and FFD are reported in Table 1 for young and Table 2 for old readers1.
- Table 1 and Table 2 about here –
Target word N+2
N+2 preview benefit and experimental effects. As illustrated in Figure 2, the N+2
preview benefit was 18 ms when word N+1 was skipped but decreased to a 5 ms preview cost
when word N+1 was fixated (interaction of preview N+2 and skipping N+1: b = .07, SE = .02,
t = 4.10). The main effects contributing to this interaction were also significant (i.e., N+2
preview benefit: 6 ms; b = .03, SE = .01, t = 3.28; N+1 skipping cost: 35 ms, b = .25, SE =
.01, t = 25.2). The N+2 preview benefit depended also on the processing difficulty of word
N+1. N+2 preview benefit amounted to 4 ms after function words N+1 and increased to 9 ms
after content words (interaction of preview N+2 and processing difficulty N+1: b = .04, SE =
.02, t = 2.13). Spillover of N+1 processing difficulty on the target word N+2 was also
significant as a main effect (b = .03, SE = .02, t = 2.02). Finally, skipping cost on word N+2
was larger after easy function words rather than difficult content words N+1 (interaction of
skipping N+1 and processing difficulty N+1: b = -.13, SE = .02, t = -7.52). The three-factor
interaction involving all experimental variables was not significant (with t = -.40). Main
effects of skipping cost and spillover of processing difficulty are well established by previous
research. The important result here is the reliable N+2 preview benefit after skipping of word
N+1 shown in Figure 2, documenting that parafoveal information up to word N+2 is
effectively used during reading.
- Figure 2 about here No significant age difference in N+2 preview benefit. The significant N+2 preview
benefit when word N+1 was skipped (see above) was not further modulated by age. Neither
the critical three-factor interaction (b = -.05, SE = .03, t = -1.37) nor the subordinate twofactor interaction of age group and preview N+2 (b = -.004, SE = .02, t = -.23) was
significant. In fact, post-hoc contrasts in the LMM for the N+2 preview-benefit effect
conditional on skipping word N+1 nested within age groups revealed that both young and old
adults showed significant N+2 preview benefit if word N+1 was skipped. Young adults
showed a 20 ms N+2 preview-benefit effect after skipping word N+1 (b = .07, SE = .02, t =
4.06) which reduced to a non-significant 9 ms preview cost if word N+1 was fixated (b = -.02,
SE = .02, t = -.96). Old adults’ preview benefit was 16 ms after skipping word N+1 (b =.05,
SE = .02, t = 2.62) and not significant if word N+1 was fixated (b = -.01, SE = .02, t = -.56).
No other effects reached significance (all absolute t values < 1.23). In summary, age revealed
no reliable influence on the N+2 preview benefit, which in turn was strongest if word N+1
was skipped. It is important to emphasize that this lack of an age difference occurred in the
presence of a significant preview benefit for old adults.
Age difference in N+1 skipping cost. Old adults’ GD on the target word N+2 were on
average 14 ms longer than those of young adults, but this main effect was not significant (b =
.04, SE = .04, t = 1.13). The main age-differential result was significantly smaller N+1
skipping cost for old (30 ms) than young adults (42 ms; interaction of age group and skipping
N+1: b = -.06, SE = .02, t = -3.36). This interaction is shown in Figure 3. Old adults appear to
not modulate their fixation durations as strongly conditional on whether word N+1 was
fixated or skipped as young adults.
- Figure 3 about here Pre-boundary word N
Parafoveal-on-foveal effects of N+1 processing difficulty. GD was 28 ms longer when
the upcoming word N+1 was a low-frequency content rather than a high-frequency function
word (b = .11, SE = .02, t = 5.48). This is a canonical parafoveal-on-foveal effect of the
processing difficulty of word N+1, measured in fixations on the pre-boundary word N.
Skipping the upcoming word N+1 significantly modulated pre-boundary GD (b = .04, SE =
.01, t = 4.44) and further interacted with processing difficulty of word N+1 (b = .04, SE = .02,
t = 2.56). GD on word N prior to function words was 229 ms if word N+1 was then fixated
and 226 ms if it was skipped. For content words N+1, this skipping benefit on word N was
slightly larger amounting to 7 ms2. Finally, preview of word N+2 did not affect GD on word
N (b = .002, SE = .01, t = .27).
Age difference in parafoveal N+1 processing difficulty. Old adults’ GD on word N
was 18 ms longer than those of young adults; again, not resulting in a significant age main
effect (b = .06, SE = .04, t = 1.52). There was, however, one age-differential effect: The
parafoveal-on-foveal effect of the processing difficulty of word N+1 was more pronounced in
young than in old adults (b = -.06, SE = .02, t = -3.87). As can be seen in Figure 4, this was
mainly due to young adults showing a disproportionate decrease in GD prior to a
neighbouring function word N+1. Again, old adults appear to respond less flexibly to nonlocal processing demand than young adults, that is they were less affected by the processing
difficulty of the upcoming word N+1. No other effects were significant (all absolute t values <
- Figure 4 about here -
Post-boundary word N+1
N+2 preview effect. GD on the intermediate word N+1 was 4 ms longer when word
N+2 was presented in correct preview compared to a nonword preview (b = .04, SE = .01, t =
3.69). Processing difficulty of word N+1 was not significant (b = -.01, SE = .03, t = -.20) and
this factor did not interact with preview of word N+2 (b = .03, SE = .02, t =1.47). This result
replicates Kliegl et al. (2007) who interpreted the N+2 effect on the post-boundary word N+1
either as a preview benefit in a fixation that was intended for word N+2 (i.e., fixation on word
N+1 is a mislocated fixation) or as a parafoveal-on-foveal effect of word N+2 on word N,
appearing with delay on the next fixation on word N+1. We will return to this effect in the
Age-differential N+2 preview effect. GD on word N+1 was 23 ms longer for old than
young adults (b = .08, SE = .04, t = 2.08). The interaction between age group and N+2
preview was not significant (b = -.02, SE = .02, t = -1.01). Nevertheless, as illustrated in
Figure 5, the N+2 preview effect was numerically larger for young than old adults. Post-hoc
LMMs for the two age groups suggested that for young adults the 8 ms N+2 preview effect on
word N+1 was significant (b = .05, SE = .01, t = 3.41), but the 3 ms effect for old readers was
not (b = .03, SE = .02, t = 1.72). With all precaution due to the absence of an age group x N+2
preview interaction, the pattern, again, is consistent with reduced flexibility of old adults’ GD
with respect to non-local processing demand.
- Figure 5 about here Discussion
We investigated age differences in the perceptual span during reading in the N+2boundary paradigm. Given a significant rightward-reduction in old adults’ span size (Rayner
et al., 2009) and previous evidence for N+2 preview effects for young adults (Kliegl et al.,
2007) the hypotheses were straightforward: Testing the limits of parafoveal information
extraction, young adults should benefit from previewing word N+2 whereas old adults should
not. In contrast to this prediction, we found significant preview benefit on the target word
N+2 for both age groups. The apparent age-invariance in the rightward extent of the
perceptual span (given a short word in position N+1) was further corroborated by old adults
showing decreased rather than increased “cost” on word N+2 if the previous word N+1 was
skipped. Age-differential effects in parafoveal processing were, however, evident in the size
of the parafoveal-on-foveal effect of word N+1 in fixations on word N (prior to the boundary)
and in the N+2 preview effect on word N+1 (significant only in a post-hoc test) —both effects
were smaller for old than young adults. Thus, Figures 3 to 5 present three examples of a
smaller age difference for conditions with longer gaze durations. These interactions are
opposite to the canonical pattern of larger absolute age differences for longer response times.
Comparison with earlier age-comparative research
The present research was partly motivated by two earlier studies on age differences in
the perceptual span (Rayner et al., 2009; Rayner et al., in press). The lack of an age difference
in processing the parafoveal word N+2 differs from a recent finding in a moving window
experiment (Rayner et al., 2009) where old adults did not benefit from the availability of word
N+2. Since the length of word N+1 varied widely in the Rayner et al. experiment, word N+2
was much more likely to fall outside the perceptual span than in the present study where word
N+1 was always three letters long. In this condition, both old and young adults showed some
benefit of previewing word N+2. Our results suggest that the word metric by itself does not
adequately characterize age differences in the size of the perceptual span; it probably needs to
be described both in terms of number of words and number of letters.
The comparable N+2 preview benefit for old and young readers is also difficult to
reconcile with a smaller N+1 preview-benefit effect for old adults’ GD as reported by Rayner
et al. (in press). Since word N+1 is even closer to the pre-boundary fixation, age-related
differences should be more pronounced for N+2 than N+1 preview benefit. In the present
study, we used long pre-boundary words N to increase the likelihood of fixations and to
ensure previewing the target word as an N+2 preview. Indeed, the word length eliminated the
typical age difference in skipping word N, which is generally higher in old than young adults
(Laubrock, Kliegl, & Engbert, 2006; Rayner et al., 2006). Rayner et al. (in press) also
reported an overall age difference of 5% in skipping. If old adults skipped the pre-boundary
word N more often by this amount than young adults, the N+1 preview benefit may have
collated with some proportion of N+2 preview instead. Age differences in pretarget skipping
rates could have compromised the otherwise equally effective preprocessing of word N+1
between age groups.
No support for age difference in the rightward-extent of parafoveal processing
With increasing age, visual acuity decreases disproportionately for peripheral vision
relative to regions that are closer to the location that is fixated (e.g., Cerella, 1985). In
addition, old adults spend somewhat more time in fixating on words (Kliegl et al., 2004;
Rayner et al., 2006), possibly reflecting old adults’ additional processing demand for
encoding a word in foveal vision. The well-established asymmetry of the perceptual span
during reading implicates a further contribution of attentional processes, again a domain in
which age differences are the rule. Thus, age differences in visual and attentional processing
both predict a reduction of the old adults’ span size in the direction of reading.
In contrast to this prediction, in our experiment, there was no reliable support for the
expectation that old readers were less sensitive to parafoveal information of word N+2 than
young readers. In fact, old adults exhibited the same amount of preview benefit on the target
word N+2 as young adults. As word N+2 was only separated by a 3-letter word from the
current fixation, N+2 was still in the parafoveal range with possibly negligible effects of agerelated differences in eccentricity-related drop of visual acuity. The N+2 preview benefit was
quite small, averaging only to about one third of what is typically observed for previewing
word N+1. However, given word N+2 is more eccentric than word N+1, the size of the N+2
effect in the present study is yet a plausible value. Moreover, the value is in the range of a
previous finding (Kliegl et al., 2007). As effects of previewing word N+2 have not been found
in other studies (Angele et al., 2008; Angele & Rayner, 2010; Rayner et al., 2007), replicating
N+2 preview effects for two age groups was an important goal in itself. Differences between
German and English script or in reading strategies may be a source of the discrepant results.
Old adults’ preserved processing of word N+2 was also indicated in their
comparatively small skipping cost on word N+2. Longer fixation durations after skipping the
previous word are typically attributed to reduced preview during the last fixation prior to
skipping (Vitu, McConkie, Kerr, & O’Regan, 2001; Radach & Heller, 2000; McDonald,
2005; Reichle, Rayner, & Pollatsek, 2003). If old adults had a smaller span size and thus a
disadvantage in processing the parafoveal word N+2, this should result in larger rather than
smaller post-skipping cost on word N+2 compared to young adults. Conversely, the agedifferential reduction of skipping cost could reflect a lack of resilience in old adults’
modulation of fixation durations in response to distributed processing demand during reading.
Thus, we propose that there may not be much of an age difference in the rightward extent of
the perceptual span, but there may be an age difference in the functional range of fixation
durations that are deployed to respond to processing demands or processing opportunities in
the perceptual span. We elaborate on this proposal in the next section.
Age-related differences in modulation of distributed processing demand
Processing of parafoveal words can manifest itself at two locations. Traditionally, with
the boundary paradigm, preview benefit is linked to shorter fixations on the target word after
the boundary. In addition, preview processing may also show up as a parafoveal-on-foveal
effect on the pre-boundary word. We found no significant age differences in the preview
benefit on word N+2, but old adults exhibited a weaker parafoveal-on-foveal effect of word
N+1. We propose that this counterintuitive effect pattern is due to two qualitatively different
phenomena of parafoveal processing.
Preview benefit is assumed to reflect facilitation due to integrating parafoveally
extracted information into later identification processes when a saccade eventually moves the
word into foveal vision (Inhoff, 1990; Inhoff & Tousman, 1990). It may reflect a highly
automatic process, similar to small or even absent age differences documented for lexical
processing (e.g., Lima, Hale, & Myerson, 1991; Mayr & Kliegl, 2000).
In contrast, parafoveal-on-foveal effects are often interpreted in terms of crosstalk due
to overlap in parafoveal and ongoing foveal word recognition processes (Kennedy, 1998,
2000). From this latter view, our results seem to indicate that old adults suffer stronger
interference from processing words in parafoveal vision, but paradoxically from easy function
words N+1. An alternative perspective is that previewing difficult content words in position
N+1 affects young adults’ foveal word N processing more strongly than that of old adults’.
From this perspective older adults’ smaller parafoveal-on-foveal effect can be construed,
again, as a lack of resilience in adjusting fixation durations to distributed processing demands.
There is another piece of evidence in support of this interpretation, although the effect
was only significant in a post-hoc analysis: Preview of word N+2 shortened fixations on word
N+1; the amount of shortening was smaller for old than young adults. Kliegl et al. (2007) had
reported this effect and offered two explanations: First, the effect could reflect an N+2
preview benefit in a fixation that fell short of its intended target; that is the fixation was
actually planned for word N+2, but due to failed skipping is observed on word N+1. Such
mislocated fixations – if not immediately corrected – should then reflect processing the
attended rather than the fixated word (Drieghe, Rayner, & Pollatsek, 2008; for contrary results
see Kennedy, 2008).
The second explanation is in terms of a delayed parafoveal-on-foveal effect spilling
over into fixation durations on word N+1. Given the word N+2 distance, availability of
processing difficulties might be delayed (Lee, Legge, & Ortiz, 2003) leading to later effects
than word N+1. This might be a parsimonious explanation for why we did not observe a
parafoveal-on-foveal effect of word N+2 in fixations on word N although word N+2 was
apparently previewed during those fixations. At this point, the nature of this very reliable N+2
effect is not clear, but results from ongoing research are in support of a delayed parafovealon-foveal effect (Risse & Kliegl, in preparation)3. Importantly for the present context, the
tendency towards an age-related reduction of a delayed parafoveal-on-foveal effect of word
N+2 is compatible with the proposition of an age-differential lack of resilience. Old adults
may not exploit the processing opportunity to the same extent as young adults.
Our proposal of age-related lack of resilience in modulating fixation durations in
response to processing opportunities in the perceptual span, shown in the three non-canonical
age by condition interactions displayed in Figures 3 to 5, can also be linked to an age
difference in the inhibition parameter of the SWIFT model (Laubrock et al., 2006). In this
study, the authors argued that weaker inhibition in older adults leads to less modulation in
their fixation durations compared to young adults. In turn, this age difference is also roughly
compatible with the assumption of impaired inhibitory control processes with aging (Hasher
Stoltzfus, Zacks, & Rypma, 1991).
Two perspectives: Low-level and high-level compensatory strategies
The joint observation of an apparent age invariance and a significant age difference
invites speculations about compensatory strategies in cognition. Our proposal of an age
difference in modulation of distributed processing demands in the perceptual span offers
bridges to two areas of research in which the pursuit of age-differential compensatory
strategies has taken center stage. How do old adults compensate for well-documented
disproportionate decline in peripheral visual acuity? And how do old adults maintain a
reading and comprehension rate comparable to that of young adults despite disproportionate
decline in working-memory related executive control?
The present results suggest age invariance in the rightward-extent to which parafoveal
information is accessed during reading (i.e., up to word N+2 for both age groups). Although
young adults had higher values in a standard visual acuity test, old readers’ perceptual span on
average also included word N+2. Therefore, the perceptual span in reading is probably more
closely related to the distribution of attention (Engbert & Kliegl, 2010; Henderson & Ferreira,
1990; Rayner & Pollatsek, 1987) than to physiological constraints of visual acuity. Indeed,
dynamical modulation of attention deployment may help to compensate for age-related
limitations of visual acuity, particularly in parafoveal vision. Exactly how individual
differences in visual acuity, specifically in parafoveal vision, contribute to the perceptual span
is an important topic for further research. As a first step, standard Snellen-chart tests should
probably be supplemented with refined assessments of foveal, parafoveal, and peripheral
visual acuity. A 20/20 score for both young and old adults certainly does not establish equal
visual acuity for the two age groups.
Age-comparative reading research has delivered several examples how old adults
maintain the same overall reading rate as young adults despite deficits in low-level
processing. Old adults are better in detecting a letter in syntactically intact compared to
scrambled sentences (Allen, Stadtlander, Groth, Pickle, & Madden, 2000). Since old adults
were slower in recognizing individual words, the authors argued that stronger sentence-level
codes, possibly mediated by parafoveal processing, allowed them to maintain a reading rate
comparable to those of young adults. In reading sentences with ambiguous relative clauses,
old adults exhibited more regressions than young adults while maintaining the same overall
reading times (Kemper, Crow, & Kemtes, 2004). There are also tradeoffs between early wrapup processing in old and late wrap-up processing in young adults at salient clause boundaries
(Stine-Morrow et al., 2010). Their strategy may allow old adults to reduce their burden on
memory and facilitate their success of comprehension. Of course, age differences in the
perceptual span are likely tied up with such compensatory strategies.
In conclusion, how acuity differences, specifically in parafoveal vision, on the one
hand, and presumably high-level regulatory strategies, on the other, interact with age
differences in modulation of distributed processing demands in the perceptual span remains a
promising topic for future research.
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This research was supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (grants no. KL
955/6-1 to Reinhold Kliegl and Ralf Engbert) as part of Research Group 868 “Computational
Modeling of Behavioral, Cognitive, and Neural Dynamics” as part of the first author’s
dissertation. Correspondence: Sarah Risse, Department of Psychology, University of
Potsdam, Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 24-25, 14476 Potsdam, Germany; sarah.risse@unipotsdam.de.
1. Condition means for all tables and figures were computed over all respective data
points. In contrast to ANOVAs in which effects are estimated on the level of
aggregated condition means, differences between subjects are captured in the
simultaneously estimated LMM variance component. Although not identical, the
condition means computed here more closely reflect the LMM approach.
2. This result contributes positive evidence to the discussion of skipping benefit rather
than cost prior to short words (Kliegl & Engbert, 2005).
3. The finding of N+2 preview benefit mainly after skipping word N+1 in the present
study favours the argument that failed skipping “mimics” an N+2 preview benefit in
mislocated fixations on word N+1. However, the preview benefit on the target word
N+2 was also larger if the previous word N+1 was a more difficult content word rather
than a high-frequent function word, contrary to the evidence for parafoveal load
reducing N+2 preview benefits in Chinese (Yan, Kliegl, Shu, Pan, & Zhou, in press).
With respect to a related discussion, this finding is difficult to reconcile with serial
attention shifts during reading. Overall, our results are consistent with Wang, Inhoff,
and Radach (2009) who also observed non-locally distributed preview effects arguing
against a strict confinement to processing only one word at a time.
Table 1.
Young adults’ means and standard deviations on word N, N+1, and N+2.
Difficulty Preview
of word
of word
Skipping of word N+1
Skipping of word N+1
Measured on word N+2
Measured on word N+1
Measured on word N
Note. FW: function word; CW: content word; FFD: first fixation duration; GD: gaze duration;
M: mean value; SD: standard deviation
Table 2.
Older adults’ means and standard deviations on word N, N+1, and N+2.
Difficulty Preview
of word
of word
Skipping of word N+1
Skipping of word N+1
Measured on word N+2
Measured on word N+1
Measured on word N
Note. FW: function word; CW: content word; FFD: first fixation duration; GD: gaze duration;
M: mean value; SD: standard deviation
Figure 1. Illustration of the N+2-boundary paradigm and its three-word target region. Below a
German example sentence with an English translation for the two N+2 preview conditions.
Relative to the gaze position (asterisks) the display change of word N+2 is triggered.
Figure 2. Difference in N+2 preview benefit conditional on skipping word N+1. Plotted is the
mean GD on the target word N+2 for the N+2 preview conditions by skipping the preceding
word N+1. Error bars represent the 95 % confidence interval.
Figure 3. Age difference in post-skipping costs. Plotted is the mean GD on the target word
N+2 conditional on skipping the preceding word N+1, both for young and old adults. Error
bars represent the 95 % confidence interval.
Figure 4. Age difference in the parafoveal-on-foveal effect of the neighbouring word N+1.
Plotted is the mean GD on the pre-boundary word N depending on the processing difficulty of
word N+1, both for young and old adults. Error bars represent the 95 % confidence interval.
FW: function word; CW: content word.
Figure 5. N+2 preview effect on the post-boundary word N+1. Plotted is the mean GD on
word N+1 conditional on the preview condition of word N+2 for young and old adults. Error
bars represent the 95 % confidence interval.