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Η μέτρηση της οπτικής οξύτητας, της ικανότητας δηλαδή ν' αναγνωρίζουμε γράμματα, σύμβολα ή αριθμούς (που ονομάζουμε οπτότυπα), αποτελεί αναπόσπαστο και σημαντικό κομμάτι κάθε οπτομετρικής και οφθαλμολογικής εξέτασης. Χρησιμοποιείται για... more
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      OpticsEye trackingGreek LanguageReading
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      Experimental LinguisticsEye Movements During Reading
Praca doktorska napisana pod kierunkiem prof. dra hab. Adama Kulawika Kraków 201 5 W swoich pracach z rosnącym naciskiem dowodzę lub staram się do wieść, że wszelka postawa, jaką krytyk, uczony czy nauczyciel może zająć wobec wiersza,... more
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      Eye trackingCognitionPoeticsVersification
Reading requires the orchestration of visual, attentional, language-related, and oculomotor processing constraints. This study replicates previous effects of frequency, predictability, and length of fixated words on fixation durations in... more
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      Eye Tracking (in reading)Eye Movements During ReadingPerceptual span
This paper argues for an arabesque vision as a way to perceive postmodern and contemporary dance in particular, as such I investigate newer theories of ornament (Jean-Claude Bonne) which conceptualize the ornamental as a modus operandi... more
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      Comparative LiteraturePhilosophyPerceptionArt History
Brain-electric correlates of reading have traditionally been studied with word-by-word presentation, a condition that eliminates important aspects of the normal reading process and precludes direct comparisons between neural activity and... more
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      Eye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlEye Tracking (in reading)Eye Movements During ReadingEEG and Eye Movements
A powered wheel chair is a mobility-aided device for persons with moderate/severe physical disabilities or chronic diseases as well as theelderly. In order to take care for different disabilities, various kinds of interfaces have been... more
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      Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)Image AnalysisMedical Image AnalysisEye Movements (Psychology)
For a young reader. I wrote this when applying for some job. It was one of those ads where just to apply you had to do work for them. For all I know they accumulated everything submitted and published it.
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      Human PhysiologyEye trackingEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlElementary Education
We use modern eye-tracking technology to scrutinize the process of sense and equivalent selection in polysemous bilingual entries. Our study subjects, intermediate and advanced Polish learners of English, consulted 26 Polish-to-English... more
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      Information RetrievalLanguages and LinguisticsUsabilityEye tracking
Eye movement is key to helping us understand how the brain creates meaning with print. As you read this page your eyes do not move from left to right, letter-to-letter, word-to-word in a straight, steady line. Your brain simply gives the... more
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      Eye trackingReadingEye Tracking (in reading)Eye Movements (Psychology)
Parole chiave: saccade, Disparità Dinamica delle Vergenze, binocularità, Reading Eye Movements, fissazione.
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      DyslexiaEye Movements During Reading
Eye fixation durations during normal reading correlate with processing difficulty but the specific cognitive mechanisms reflected in these measures are not well understood. This study finds support in German readers' eye fixations for... more
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      Eye Tracking (in reading)Eye Movements During ReadingSyntactic Parsing
Asymmetrical control areas in a continuous visual search were examined in two experiments.Two mechanisms for target detection were identified – one operating in the centre of the visual field engaged with processes requiring a high level... more
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      PerceptionHemispheric AsymmetriesVisual perceptionEye Tracking (in reading)
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      Eye Tracking (in reading)DyslexiaEye Movements During Reading
Evidence for semantic preview benefit (PB) from parafoveal words has been elusive for reading alphabetic scripts such as English. Here we report semantic PB for noncompound characters in Chinese reading with the boundary paradigm. In... more
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      Eye Tracking (in reading)Reproducible ResearchEye Movements During ReadingChinese reading
Why does English have spaces between words but not Chinese or Japanese? What did we invent punctuations? I argue in this paper that spaces and punctuations were created -- at least in part -- to guide eye movements. I call them... more
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      HistoryEye trackingEye Tracking and Oculomotor ControlCross-Cultural Psychology
Semantic processing from parafoveal words is an elusive phenomenon in alphabetic languages, but it has been demonstrated only for a restricted set of noncompound Chinese characters. Using the gaze-contingent boundary paradigm, this... more
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      Eye Tracking (in reading)Reproducible ResearchEye Movements During ReadingChinese reading
Research on eye movements in reading has made significant advances during the past few years, due to both experimental and computational research. Age effects have not been extensively studied, but the overall pattern suggests more... more
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      Computational ModelingEye Movements (Psychology)Eye Movements During Reading
Tested the effects of word length, frequency, and predictability on inspection durations (first fixation, single fixation, gaze duration, and reading time) and inspection probabilities during first-pass reading (skipped, once, twice) for... more
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      Eye Tracking (in reading)Eye Movements During Reading
Humans typically make use of both eyes during reading, which necessitates precise binocular coordination in order to achieve a unified perceptual representation of written text. A number of studies have explored the magnitude and effects... more
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      Binocular visionEye Movements During ReadingVisual CognitionVision
Reading is often cited as a demanding task for patients with glaucomatous visual field (VF) loss, yet reading speed varies widely between patients and does not appear to be predicted by standard visual function measures. This... more
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      Eye Movements During ReadingGlaucoma
SWIFT is a computational model of eye guidance in reading. It assumes (1) spatially distributed lexical processing, (2) a separation of saccade timing from saccade target selection, and (3) autonomous and parallel generation of saccades... more
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      Computational ModellingEye Tracking (in reading)Eye Movements During Reading
Preview benefits (PBs) from two words to the right of the fixated one (i.e., word N ϩ 2) and associated parafoveal-on-foveal effects are critical for proposals of distributed lexical processing during reading. This experiment examined... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceAlgorithmsSemantics
We present a replication of Levy, Bicknell, Slattery, and Rayner (2009). In this prior study participants read sentences in which a perceptually confusable preposition (at; confusable with as) or non-confusable preposition (toward) was... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceLanguages and Linguistics
As Chinese is written without orthographical word boundaries (i.e., spaces), it is unclear whether saccade targets are selected on the basis of characters or words and whether saccades are aimed at the beginning or the centre of words.... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceReadingEye Tracking (in reading)
The inclusion of information that is interesting, but irrelevant to the lesson, has been found to distract learners and diminish comprehension in a phenomenon referred to as the seductive details effect (Lehman, Schraw, McCrudden, &... more
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      Eye trackingMathematics EducationVisual attentionEye Tracking (in reading)
Four eye movement experiments investigated whether readers use parafoveal input to gain information about the phonological or orthographic forms of consonants, vowels, and tones in word recognition when reading Thai silently. Target words... more
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      ThailandEye Tracking (in reading)Eye Movements (Psychology)Eye Movements During Reading
Proposes a method based on the symbolic sequence dynamics of eye movements to reconstruct the horizontal position of the eyes while a reader blinks during reading. In eye movement research in reading, the amount of data plays a crucial... more
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      Eye trackingEye Movements During Reading
The development of theories and computational models of reading requires an understanding of processing constraints, in particular of timelines related to word recognition and oculomotor control. Timelines of word recognition are usually... more
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      Eye Tracking (in reading)Eye Movements During ReadingEEG and Eye Movements
As Chinese is written without orthographical word boundaries (i.e., spaces), it is unclear whether saccade targets are selected on the basis of characters or words and whether saccades are aimed at the beginning or the center of words.... more
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      Eye Tracking (in reading)Eye Movements During ReadingChinese readingPerceptual span
Fixation-related potentials (FRPs), neural responses aligned to the end of saccades, are a promising tool for studying the dynamics of attention and cognition under natural viewing conditions. In the past, four methodological problems... more
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      Eye trackingReadingEye Tracking (in reading)Eye Movements During Reading
The perceptual span, which is the visual area providing useful information to a reader during eye fixation, has been well investigated among native or first language (L1) readers, but not among second language (L2) readers. Our goal was... more
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      Eye Movements During ReadingSecond Language ReadingEye MovementsPerceptual span
A theory of the structure and cognitive function of the human imagination that attempts to do justice to traditional intuitions about its psychological centrality is developed, largely through a detailed critique of the theory propounded... more
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      Eye trackingVision ScienceMental ImagesImagination
To examine how readers of Chinese and English take advantage of orthographic and phonological features in reading, the authors investigated the effects of spelling errors on reading text in Chinese and English using the error disruption... more
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      Eye trackingEmbodied CognitionChinese linguisticsEye Movements (Psychology)
As children become proficient readers, there are substantial changes in the eye movements that subserve reading. Some of these changes reflect universal developmental factors while others may be specific to a particular writing system.... more
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      Developmental PsychologyCross-Cultural PsychologyChinese Language and CultureEye Tracking (in reading)
Investigated parafoveal processing of words to the right of fixation. 32 college students read sentences in which 3 critical words were found (n, n+1, n+2). Using the boundary paradigm together with a novel preview manipulation, words n+1... more
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      Eye Tracking (in reading)Reproducible ResearchEye Movements During ReadingPerceptual span
Following up on research suggesting an age-related reduction in the rightward extent of the perceptual span during reading (Rayner, Castelhano, & Yang, 2009), we compared old and young adults in an N+2-boundary paradigm in which a nonword... more
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      Cognitive AgeingEye Tracking (in reading)Cognitive AgingReproducible Research
Semantic processing from parafoveal words is an elusive phenomenon in alphabetic languages, but it has been demonstrated only for a restricted set of non-compound Chinese characters. Using the gaze contingent boundary paradigm, this... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceSemanticsAttention
MoviMenti oculari saccadici volontari controllati e autoMatici: la loro iMportanza nella lettura per dislessici e norMolettori This article underlines how the development of automatic and controlled voluntary saccadic eye movements is... more
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      Eye trackingDyslexiaEye Movements During Reading
Previous research supports the view that initial letter position has a privileged role in comparison to internal letters for visual-word recognition in Roman script. The current study examines if this is the case for Thai. Thai is an... more
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      ReadingEye Tracking (in reading)Eye Movements (Psychology)Eye Movements During Reading
Eye-movement control during reading depends on foveal and parafoveal information. If the parafoveal preview of the next word is suppressed, reading is less efficient. A linear mixed model (LMM) reanalysis of McDonald (2006) confirmed his... more
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      Eye Tracking (in reading)Reproducible ResearchEye Movements During ReadingLinear Mixed Models
During reading information is acquired from word(s) beyond the word that is currently looked at. It is still an open question whether such parafoveal information can influence the current viewing of a word, and if so, whether such... more
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      Eye Tracking (in reading)Reproducible ResearchEye Movements During ReadingPerceptual span
During natural reading, a parafoveal preview of the upcoming word facilitates its subsequent recognition (e.g., shorter fixation durations compared to masked preview) but nothing is known about the neural correlates of this so-called... more
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      SemanticsReadingEEGEye Tracking (in reading)
Task demands and individual differences have been linked reliably to word skipping during reading. Such differences in fixation probability may imply a selection effect for multivariate analyses of eye-movement corpora if selection... more
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      Cognitive AgeingReading Habits/AttitudesEye Tracking (in reading)Cognitive Aging
Semantic preview benefit from parafoveal words is critical for proposals of distributed lexical processing during reading. Semantic preview benefit has been demonstrated for Chinese reading with the boundary paradigm in which unrelated or... more
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      Eye Tracking (in reading)Reproducible ResearchEye Movements During ReadingChinese reading
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      Eye Tracking (in reading)DyslexiaEye Movements During Reading
The surprisal of a word on a probabilistic grammar constitutes a promising complexity metric for human sentence comprehension difficulty. Using two different grammar types, surprisal is shown to have an effect on fixation durations and... more
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      PsycholinguisticsParsingEye Tracking (in reading)Eye Movements During Reading
Eye movements in reading are sensitive to foveal and parafoveal word features. Whereas the influence of orthographic or phonological parafoveal information on gaze control is undisputed, there has been no reliable evidence for early... more
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      Eye Tracking (in reading)Reproducible ResearchEye Movements During ReadingPerceptual span
Introduces the SWIFT (saccade generation with inhibition by foveal targets) model of eye movement control in reading, and presents supporting results from numerical simulations. The model is based on the basic assumption that reading is a... more
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      Computational ModellingEye Tracking (in reading)Eye Movements During Reading
1. During reading information is acquired from word (s) beyond the word that is currently looked at. It is still an open question whether such parafoveal information can influence the current viewing of a word, and if so, whether such... more
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      PsychologyCognitive SciencePsycholinguisticsEvidence