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2021, International journal of engineering research and technology
4 pages
1 file
fingerprints are studied and analyzed from a long duration of time and it has been identified that it has a vital role to play in the upcoming and future applications. However matching two fingerprints is quiet a complex process and can go wrong due to different reasons or problems in the method used for matching. In this project we are going to compare the various fingerprint matching algorithms. We are going to compare three matching techniques are direct matching, minutiae matching and matching based on Ratios of distance. We are going to test various datasets and identify which is the best out of the three algorithms that we are going to study based on various parameters such as cost, time complexity and accuracy.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology (IJERT), 2021 fingerprints are studied and analyzed from a long duration of time and it has been identified that it has a vital role to play in the upcoming and future applications. However matching two fingerprints is quiet a complex process and can go wrong due to different reasons or problems in the method used for matching. In this project we are going to compare the various fingerprint matching algorithms. We are going to compare three matching techniques are direct matching, minutiae matching and matching based on Ratios of distance. We are going to test various datasets and identify which is the best out of the three algorithms that we are going to study based on various parameters such as cost, time complexity and accuracy.
Biometric matching involves finding similarity between fingerprint images.The accuracy and speed of the matching algorithmdetermines its effectives. This researchaims at comparing two types of matching algorithms namely(a) matching using global orientation features and (b) matching using minutia triangulation.The comparison is done using accuracy, time and number of similar features. The experiment is conducted on a datasets of 100 candidates using four (4) fingerprints from each candidate. The data is sampled from a mass registration conducted by a reputable organization in Kenya.Theresearch reveals that fingerprint matching based on algorithm (b) performs better in speed with an average of 38.32 milliseconds as compared to matching based on algorithm (a) with an average of 563.76 milliseconds. On accuracy,algorithm(a) performs better with an average accuracy of 0.142433 as compared to algorithm (b) with an average accuracy score of 0.004202.
In today's computerized world, it has become more important to authenticate people in a secure way. Therefore biometric authentication methods provides a unique way to authenticate people. A secure and confidential biometric authentication technique is the utilization of fingerprints .In recent years, fingerprint recognition technique is the dominant technology in the biometric sector. A number of fingerprint recognition methods have been used to perform fingerprint matching. This paper discusses the existing algorithms, limitations, and future research directions in each of the recognition phase. The main objective of this paper is to review the extensive research work that has been done over the past few years and discuss the various techniques proposed for fingerprint matching.
Abstract: Now a day’s recognition of persons is performed by using biometric technologies like facial recognition, fingerprint recognition, voice recognition, iris recognition and hand geometry. Among all these recognition technologies fingerprint recognition is most popular technique because of its simplicity. Fingerprint technology was simple because of two reasons. First one, it requires very less effort from the person, does not require other information than necessary for the recognition process and provides relatively good performance. Second one, the cost of fingerprint sensors was relatively less which enables easy integration into wireless hardware like PC keyboards. Fingerprint is the combination of ridges and valleys. There are two types of fingerprint matching technologies, namely correlation based and minutiae based. Between these two technologies minutiae based matching is most widely used one. In fingerprint terms, minutiae point is defined as ridge ending point or ridge bifurcating point. Ridge ending is the point at which the ridge ends abruptly and ridge bifurcation is the point at which the ridge divides into two. This means each fingerprint consists of a number of minutiae points and the combination of minutiae points is known as minutiae descriptor. Each minutiae is represented by the particular properties like orientation, location and minutiae type(whether ridge ending or ridge bifurcating). Decision is made on the match between a pair of minutiae depending on the similarity of these properties. This paper focus on the three types of minutiae matching technologies, named Jiang, Novel and Modified. Keywords: Minutiae, similarity level and matching score
In this paper, present the classification and comparatives study of the different finger print matching techniques. Number of algorithms are proposed like local correlation based, ridge flux based, SIFT based matching techniques. Local correlation based algorithm has two main advantages since the gray level values of the pixels around a minutia point retain most of the local information, spatial correlation provides an accurate measure of the similarity between minutia regions. Secondly, no hard decision is made on the correspondence between a minutia pair. Ridge flux techniques reduce the computation time and in SIFT based approach which detect SIFT descriptor ,is invariant to scale and affine transform.
Computer Science & Information Technology ( CS & IT ), 2013
In this paper, a minutiae-based algorithm for fingerprint pattern recognition and matching is proposed. The algorithm uses the distance between the minutiae and core points to determine the pattern matching scores for fingerprint images. Experiments were conducted using FVC2002 fingerprint database comprising four datasets of images of different sources and qualities. False Match Rate (FMR), False Non-Match Rate (FNMR) and the Average Matching Time (AMT) were the statistics generated for testing and measuring the performance of the proposed algorithm. The comparative analysis of the proposed algorithm and some existing minutiae based algorithms was carried out as well. The findings from the experimental study were presented, interpreted and some conclusions were drawn.
A fingerprint is a pattern of ridges and valleys that exist on the surface of the finger. The uniqueness of a fingerprint is typically, determined by the overall pattern of ridges and valleys as well as the local ridge anomalies e.g., a ridge bifurcation or a ridge ending, which are called minutiae points. Designing a reliable automatic fingerprint matching algorithm is quite challenging. However, the popularity of fingerprint sensors as they are becoming smaller and cheaper, automatic identification based on fingerprints is becoming not only attractive but an alternative complement to the traditional methods of identification. The critical factor in the widespread use of fingerprints identification is, satisfying the performance e.g., matching the speed and accuracy requirements of the application. The widely used minutiae-based representation utilizes this discriminatory information available in a fingerprint for a matching. However, we extend this process of matching through a tr...
Journal of Medical Informatics, 2009
This study presents advantages of the most important methods of minutiae-based matching algorithm in fingerprint recognition systems. Minutia matching is the most popular approach to fingerprint identification and verification. Fingerprint matching usually consist of two procedures: minutia extraction and minutia matching. The performance mostly depends on the accuracy of the minutia extraction procedure. Minutiae matching designate the time complexity of applied solution.
Biometrics is one of the most proficient authentication techniques and provides a method to validate a person to protect from any misleading actions. It can be used for personal authentication using physiological and behavioral features which are presumed to be characteristic for each individual. Due to its security-associated applications currently biometrics is the subject of intense research by academic institutions and private. However, each trait has its specific challenges and particular issues. Though various biometric techniques have certain concerns fingerprint is accepted by many researchers because fingerprint recognition systems has received a great deal of its easiness and believed to give effective solution to person authentication. It provides a powerful tool for access control, security and for real-world applications. Fingerprints are developing as the most common and trusted biometric for individual identification. The major objective of this study is to review the wide research that has been done on automatic fingerprint identification system based on minutiae extraction and matching algorithms. Minutiae features have most of a fingerprint's individuality, and furthermost important fingerprint feature for authentication systems. Minutiae extraction, matching algorithms, and identification/verification performance are discussed in detail with open problems and future directions acknowledged.
International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology IJRASET, 2020
The significance and usage of biometrics for the authentication purpose, has been increasing consistently, because of, numerous security threats, and the fact that fraudsters are discovering methods to slip each and every safety wall previously developed by cyber defenders. They crack PINs (Personal Identification Number), passwords, and tokens with various types of attacks. To curb this problem, Fingerprint Recognition System has been made available in the market, because of its security and feasibility, it became popular in recent years and has been integrated even with the mobile phones. However, the processing speed depends on the algorithm used, image quality, etc. To improve the image quality several image pre-processing techniques have been used. Many Minutiae-based algorithms have been proposed but there must be a region of interest (ROI) on which matching or verification algorithm has to focus on improving the computing speed. In this paper, an approach has been proposed to find the region of interest (ROI) which is based on dividing the image into blocks. Blocks of 8 images (images of the same fingerprint) are compared in terms of 'Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) Descriptor' and the error is calculated. The group of error points in each block is considered to be a cluster. The cluster which is less scattered would be the region of interest (ROI). Usually, two to three ROIs will be taken for better results.
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