Africa and the World


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Danilo Marcondes de Souza

Roel van der Veen studied History, Medicine and Philosophy, and is currently professor of international relations at the University of Amsterdam and an expert on historical development issues. In 2004 he obtained his doctorate from the University of Groningen on research on fragile states in Africa. He has also served in the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) for almost thirty years in various positions in The Hague and at the Royal Netherlands Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia. His work for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has focused especially on Dutch relations with Africa and Asia, and on policy development and strategy. Since 2007 he is the Academic Advisor of the Netherlands MFA. over the years he has also taken up academic work. Besides various articles, he has written a book on the development problems of Africa What Went Wrong with Africa: A Contemporary History and one on the rise of Asia Why Asia is becoming Rich and Powerful-to be translated into English. Roel van der Veen has also served as a secretary of the Dutch Advisory Council on International Affairs and researcher at the Netherlands Institute of International Relations 'Clingendael'.

Bernardo Venturi is a researcher at the Rome-based think-tank Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI-Institute for International Affairs), where he focuses on EU foreign policy, African affairs, peacebuilding and development. He holds a PhD at the University of Bologna and he worked for different think-tanks, universities and NGos. Among his jobs, he is a cofounder of the Agency for Peacebuilding (AP) and an elected member of the European Peacebuilding Liaison office (EPLo) steering committee. In the last few years, he also conducted evaluations and assessment for international NGos, mainly focused on Africa. . She has contributed chapters on aspects of India's foreign policy to several volumes published by, among others, oxford University Press and Routledge. Her work has also appeared in the journals Global Responsibility to Protect and International Review of the Red Cross. Dr Virk's research interests include the responsibility to protect (R2P) and humanitarian intervention; international peacekeeping and the protection of civilians; and emerging powers, in particular, the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa). She is currently working on edited volumes on South Africa's foreign policy; and peacemaking, peacekeeping, and peacebuilding in Africa. (Commonwealth Secretariat, 2003). Her current research areas are the debt and financial crisis, climate change and climate change financing, and gender trade and development. Dr Williams has extensive experience in the areas of sovereign debt crises, international trade policy and macroeconomics and economic development. Dr Williams is currently a member of UN Women External Advisory Group for the "Gender Equality in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" Report, and member of Caribbean Dawn.