The Psychology of
The Psychology of
Concepts, Theories
and Application
Lajos Göncz
The Psychology of Multilingualism: Concepts, Theories and Application
By Lajos Göncz
This book first published 2021
Cambridge Scholars Publishing
Lady Stephenson Library, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE6 2PA, UK
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data
A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library
Copyright © 2021 by Lajos Göncz
All rights for this book reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,
stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means,
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without
the prior permission of the copyright owner.
ISBN (10): 1-5275-7062-2
ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-7062-7
Preface ........................................................................................................ vi
Chapter I ...................................................................................................... 1
Psychology of multilingualism as a field of research: its topic(s), tasks,
place in the system of sciences, development, methods of research,
characteristics, and domains
Chapter II ................................................................................................... 17
The concepts of the psychology of multilingualism
Chapter III ................................................................................................. 57
Types of bilingualism: Psychological analysis of balance-dominant
and coordinate-compound bilingualism
Chapter IV ................................................................................................. 82
Multilingualism from the standpoint of developmental psychology
and psychology of personality (including multilingual memory research
and metalinguistic development in multilinguals)
Chapter V ................................................................................................ 123
The social psychology and sociolinguistics of multilingualism
Chapter VI ............................................................................................... 162
Educational aspects of the psychology of multilingualism
Additional sources that were used in the writing of this book but are not
cited in the References: A short selection................................................ 207
Index of authors ....................................................................................... 226
Index of subjects ...................................................................................... 235
Forty-five years ago the author of this book examined the worldviews of
children entering school. He noticed that some of them considered words
to be an invisible property of the objects they denoted. Because they were
guided by the properties of objects when judging the length of words, they
thought that the word ox was longer than the word mosquito or ladybug.
After the author asked them to explain why they think so, some children
answered: It is because an ox is big, a mosquito is small. At the same time,
however, he noticed that this phenomenon, known as nominal realism in
the context of Piaget's theory of cognitive development, was beginning to
decay earlier in children who had experience with two or more languages.
This random observation directed the author's interest in multilingualism
and related phenomena, and he has been investigating their impact on
individuals and groups ever since. Here are some interesting questions that
aroused his interest: How does someone become bilingual or multilingual?
What relationships are built up between the language systems of
multilinguals, and what are the impacts of these systems on each other?
What are the consequences of long-term linguistic contact between
different languages, and when or how much can one language modify the
typological features of another language that is intensely related to it?
What are the mechanisms that allow bilinguals and multilinguals to use
their languages alternately in different life situations? How does the
personality of children educated in linguistically, ethnically, culturally and
religiously heterogeneous communities develop, and what are the
psychological effects of bilingualism or multilingualism in these, more or
less additive or subtractive situations? What problems occur in the
pedagogical practice of such communities? Since many bilinguals and
multilinguals are in a dominated or minority position, and the functions of
their first language (mother tongue) are limited, how can they best be
provided with human linguistic rights? These are just some of the
intriguing questions that have attracted the author's attention over the past
four decades devoted to studying the phenomenon of multilingualism.
Parallel to his interest, public interest in multilingualism has also grown.
Namely, multilingualism (including bilingualism) has become an
internationally important issue not only for the reason that more than half
The Psychology of Multilingualism: Concepts, Theories and Application
of the world’s population lives in some form of a bilingual or multilingual
linguistic environment, but also because of the increasing interdependence
between countries, regions and continents, and, more recently, because of
increasing concern about preserving linguistic and cultural diversity.
Investigations in many sciences concerning different aspects of
multilingualism and discussions in the public arena on issues related to
multilingualism are constantly increasing.
This book is a comprehensive introduction to the research on multilingualism,
and attempts to define the psychology of multilingualism as a distinct field
of study. Although psychological aspects prevail, it provides a
multidisciplinary perspective on individual and societal multilingualism,
including insights from linguistics, pedagogy, cognitive neuroscience,
sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics. Similar to Beatens Beardsmore’s
(1986) book, “it underlines the normality of speaking and using more than
one language and aims to dispel many myths and fears”. The book
approaches multilingualism as a cognitively challenging experience.
Besides theoretical issues, practical recommendations are also abundant on
how to promote multilingualism in children from dominant language
groups, and especially on how to maintain both/all languages of children
from ethnic communities through education as well. It is primarily based
on the results of investigations conducted by the author and his associates
over the past four and a half decades in heterogeneous regions in Central
and Eastern Europe, but these results are placed into the context of
worldwide research on the topic.
The content of every book can be structured in many ways. This book
contains six chapters, followed by references, and an index of authors and
subjects. Chapter I is devoted to general questions of the psychology of
multilingualism (tasks, subject matter, development, methods of research,
and domains). Chapter II contains the basic concepts of the psychology of
multilingualism and scientific knowledge related to these concepts. They are
derived from the psychology of language, from the sciences of bilingualism
and multilingualism, and other sources, mostly from developmental and
educational psychology, cognitive neurosciences, and sociolinguistics. The
psychology of multilingualism utilises psychology of language definitions
and basic knowledge concerning speech, language, the psychophysiology
of speech, language acquisition, theories of language development, and
views about the relationship between language or speech and thought. The
sciences of bilingualism and multilingualism have enriched the
psychology of multilingualism with the definitions and knowledge related
to the mother tongue, to bilingualism/multilingualism, and the types of
bilingualism/multilingualism. Definitions and related knowledge on
linguistic minorities/majorities; linguicism; assimilation/integration;
concepts related to the speech and intellectual development of bilinguals
and multilinguals (like semilingualism, or the relation between language
systems in simultaneous language acquisition, surface and cognitive
language competence, Cummins’ threshold hypothesis, and the hypothesis
of the interdependence of language proficiency); concepts related to social
psychological connections of bilingualism and multilingualism, like
diglossia, or functions of speech and language; or concepts related to such
pedagogical questions as the optimal age to start with the institutional
teaching of a second language, were taken mostly from developmental and
educational psychology, cognitive neurosciences, and sociolinguistics. The
third chapter of the book deals with a psychological analysis of the
balance-dominant and coordinate-compound types of bilingualism,
integrated with research on associations and meaning, and models of
bilingual and multilingual functioning. Chapter IV discusses multilingualism
from the perspective of developmental psychology and personality
psychology and is devoted to the relation of multilingualism and intellectual
development, multilingualism and memory research from a developmental
perspective (storing, retaining and recalling information), and to
multilingualism and metalinguistic development. Chapter V is about the
social psychology of multilingualism. Issues of biculturalism and
multiculturalism, multiple acculturation, contact variants of bilinguals’ and
multilinguals’ languages, and the decrease of linguistic and cultural
diversity and their consequences are discussed in this section. The sixth
and final chapter is devoted to the educational aspects of the psychology of
multilingualism. It contains knowledge about glottodidactics and theories
of transfer, and about models (typologies) of bilingual/multilingual
education. This portion ends with dilemmas on choosing and changing the
language of instruction in the education of (indigenous) minority and
majority students.
A short notice concerning the structure of the book chapters might be of
interest to the readers. In this book, I tried not to break the basic flow of
the main text with digressions. However, since this field of research is
very fragmented and diverse, and the readers may also have an unequal
level of earlier information from certain fields, at the end of each chapter,
notes are given—sometimes even in more detail than the main text. These
notes are especially important for those who already have basic knowledge
in this field but are interested in putting it in a broader theoretical context.
So, the notes are primarily for readers who intend to deal more thoroughly
with the psychology of multilingualism. References are also included at
The Psychology of Multilingualism: Concepts, Theories and Application
the end of each chapter. In addition, across the whole text, the term
multilingual (meaning more than one language) is used, except in cases
where the source cited explicitly refers to the number of languages. The
book ends with three things: a selection of sources which were used in its
composition but which were not cited in the References; an author index;
and a subject index.
The work may be of interest to researchers and university students in
psychology, linguistics (theoretical and applied) and education, at all
levels of study. It may be useful for professionals, language teachers,
translators and interpreters, school leaders, programme designers,
policymakers, and also for parents, because more and more children grow
up multilingually in our globalised world.
Also, as a psychologist by training, in the preface I wish to emphasise the
following: the psychology of multilingualism is, in my view, today one of
the sciences of psychology, which can be defined as the study of one’s
inner life, experiences and behaviour in different multilingual settings—be
they familial, neighbourly, educational, professional, regional or national.
My approach investigates the processes of transforming messages into
thoughts and thoughts into messages, receiving and sending messages, and
all the related phenomena (associated with a myriad of internal and
external determinants), but in situations when more than one language is at
stake. As Marian and Shook (2012, p. 1) state: “We are surrounded by
language in nearly every waking moment of our lives. We use language to
communicate our thoughts and feelings, to connect with others and
identify with our culture, and to understand the world around us. And for
many people, this rich linguistic environment involves not just one
language but two or more. In fact, the majority of the world’s population is
bilingual or multilingual”. All this is reason enough for this intriguing
segment of reality to become the subject of study of a particular
psychological field.
Novi Sad, December 2019
The author
Baetens Beardsmore, H. (1982). Bilingualism: Basic Principles. Clevedon,
Avon: Tieto Ltd.
Marian, V., & Shook, A. (2012, September). The cognitive benefits of
being bilingual. In Cerebrum: the Dana forum on brain science (Vol.
2012). Dana Foundation.
The view that monolingualism is the basic field of research was dominant
for a long time, considered by many scientists to be the natural linguistic
arrangement. But nowadays in literature on multilingualism (including
bilingualism), multilingualism is viewed as the usual state and monolingualism
is treated as a peculiar, uncommon phenomenon, given that half of the
world’s population lives in some form of a bi- or multilingual linguistic
environment1 and uses more than one language. A very informative
illustration concerning the use of more than one language in the European
Union and some of its member states, and using other languages besides
English at home in the USA can be found in Marian and Shook (2012).
They refer to a survey conducted by the European Commission in 2006:
fifty-six percent of respondents reported being able to speak in a language
other than their mother tongue. In some European countries that percentage is
even higher—for instance, ninety-nine percent of Luxembourgers and
ninety-five percent of Latvians speak more than one language. The same
authors state, that “Even in the United States, which is widely considered
to be monolingual, one-fifth of those over the age of five reported
speaking a language other than English at home in 2007, which is an
increase of 140 percent since 1980. Millions of Americans use a language
other than English in their everyday lives outside of the home, at work, or
in the classroom. Europe and the United States are not alone, either. The
This chapter is a revised and updated version of the authors’ article: A
kétnyelvűség pszichológiája mint tudományos diszciplína: tárgya, feladata,
felépítése, sajátosságai [Psychology of bilingualism as a scientific discipline: its
topic, tasks, structure and characteristics] published in the journal Kétnyelvűség
[Bilingualism], 1995, 4, 1-10.
Chapter I
Associated Press reports that up to sixty-six percent of the world’s
children are raised bilingual” (Marian & Shook, 2012, p. 1).
Multilingual communities are not only linguistically but usually also
ethnically, culturally and religiously heterogeneous. The members of these
communities face, on a daily basis, the phenomena—that is, the most usual
manifestations—of multilingualism and multiculturalism, bilingualism and
biculturalism: in other words, they face the alternate use of two languages
and the problem of adjustment to the different system of values and norms
often existing between the cultures in question. The study of such
situations presents a serious challenge for a large number of sciences
(linguistics, psychology, pedagogy, sociology, history, demography, and
neurology; as well as the hybrid sciences, like cognitive neuroscience,
sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, etc., which were created on the
boundaries between some of these sciences). Although a vast amount of
information has been gathered on the most diverse aspects of the
abovementioned phenomena, within what is proven by the extent of
literature on bilingualism and multilingualism2 today we can only speak of
an integral science that studies multilingualism and the related phenomena
hypothetically. The reason for this is that it is a broad field of research
which is much divided: it is comprised of different disciplines and fields of
research, from which the science of multilingualism as an independent and
integrating discipline is slowly emerging. There are some palpable signs of
this synthesis: some fields of research devoted to multilingualism can use
findings from other fields with similar interests more and more frequently
for expanding or checking their findings.
One of these fields of research is the psychology of multilingualism. Its
task is to answer the following questions: Who and under what kind of
circumstances will become multilingual? How do the different types of
multilingualism come into being? What are the psychological aspects of
multilingualism and multiculturalism? How do early multilingualism and
other developing psychological functions relate to each other? Why do the
various types of multilingualism cause the personality to develop in
different ways, and for certain dispositions to emerge in different extents
and directions? Beyond these general questions, some more specific ones
are also present, for example, what are anomie, double semilingualism,
surface and cognitive linguistic competence, bilingual and multilingual
education/instruction in two or more languages, and what are their
psychological effects? How does the chosen language of instruction affect
students’ development of personality in culturally and linguistically
heterogeneous communities? Why does the exchange of language used at
Psychology of multilingualism as a field of research
home when a different language is used at school have unequal
consequences for students belonging to the linguistic majority and the
linguistic minority, respectively? Why do students with a low cognitive
linguistic preparedness underachieve in school? It becomes evident from
the questions that the topic of the psychology of multilingualism3 is the
study of the psychological regularities of multilingualism and the related
phenomena, especially their effects on one’s inner life, experiences, and
behaviour. If we emphasise in the given definition these psychological
aspects, then we separate the psychology of multilingualism from the
disciplines which also deal with these phenomena, but which do not deal
with their psychological components. At the same time, we separate it
from other psychological disciplines if we determine as its emphasis the
study of multilingualism, given the distinct interests of other psychological
From the perspective of the system of sciences, the psychology of
multilingualism is bivalent, as it closely relates to the sciences of
multilingualism as well as psychology. Its development underlines this
claim. Even before the advent of the psychology of bilingualism and
multilingualism, numerous psychological disciplines were faced with the
phenomena specific to heterogeneous communities. However, because of
their subject, their focus was not on bilingualism or multilingualism, they
rather studied it along their way towards seeking the answers to other
psychological problems which were of greater importance to them. (One
of these problems is the relationship between thought and speech; another
is the influence on development of a more diverse multilingual and
multicultural social environment, which is different from a monolingual
and monocultural one. For the study of these issues, bi- and multilingual
individuals are very convenient subjects, because possible changes
occurring in their thinking when they switch from one language to
another—which they may speak at a different level of proficiency—can be
scrutinized. This is something that monolingual individuals are not, or are
less, suitable for.)
Among the psychological disciplines, both developmental psychology and
developmental psycholinguistics have studied the effects of early
multilingualism, mostly bilingualism, on the development of personality
(especially cognitive development, i.e. speech development and the
development of general intelligence), while social psychology has dealt
with the types of bilingual and multilingual situations and their influence
on socialization. Educational psychology has been concerned with the
curricula of heterogeneous communities and their consequences, experimental
Chapter I
psycholinguistics has focused on verbal behaviour occurring in bilingual
and multilingual situations and the relationship between linguistic systems,
and both psychophysiology and neuropsychology have studied the
physiological and neurological basis of bi- and multilingualism. The
psychology of multilingualism systematized and synthesized the knowledge
of these disciplines, concentrating its research on multilingualism and its
related phenomena, and taking into account what other non-psychological
disciplines—primarily linguistics and, more recently, sciences—claim
about multilingualism.
In this sense, the psychology of multilingualism can be characterised as an
interdisciplinary field of research situated at the intersection of the
domains of several sciences; it is a field in which the psychological
viewpoint dominates, and it uses in its research methods applied in
psychology. Its essential method is observation, from accidental
observation through systematic observation to natural and laboratory
experiments. The psychology of multilingualism also applies transversal
and longitudinal research, but experiments using control groups are
especially frequent. In these experiments, monolingual groups that have
been equalized in terms of the relevant factors with bilingual or
multilingual groups, or equalized groups that belong to different bi- or
multilingual levels are compared to reveal the possible differences
attributable to multilingualism that exist between them (Hornberger et al.,
1997; Sanz & Lado, 2008).
Thus, the psychology of multilingualism does not deal with a new subject
that has not been looked into by other sciences, but facilitates the more
detailed understanding of a group of phenomena that is also dealt with in
other sciences by analyzing the mutual subject of their interest from the
psychological point of view. Since its subject is defined, it uses a relatively
structured body of knowledge and has an appropriate methodology and
terminology; it deals with solvable problems; and it possesses all the
characteristics which are usually typical of empirical scientific disciplines
or fields of research.
Apart from the aforementioned general questions (topics, tasks, development,
methods and tools of research, and the terminology [which is presented in
the next chapter of this book devoted to the concepts used in the
psychology of multilingualism]), the following domains belong to the
system of the psychology of multilingualism:
Psychology of multilingualism as a field of research
1. The psychological analysis of the types of bilingualism and
multilingualism, focusing on the relationship between the
languages spoken by multilingual individuals and on the
connections between the language systems. This field of the
psychology of multilingualism has developed from research in
experimental psychology and experimental psycholinguistics, and it
studies multilingualism from the point of view of these two
2. The investigation of multilingualism from the perspective of
developmental psychology and the psychology of personality.
These perspectives study the manifold aspects of personality
development in heterogeneous environments and have many
common features with developmental psycholinguistics.
3. The social psychology of multilingualism, which looks into
multiculturalism and also addresses the psychological aspects of
contact linguistics.
4. The educational psychology of multilingualism. This domain
analyses the pedagogical questions in heterogeneous communities,
i.e. it mainly concerns the issue of bilingual and multilingual
This book, after two introductory chapters, follows the domains of the
psychology of multilingualism in the order listed here.
1 It was one of the pioneers of sociolinguistics (Mackey, 1967) who greatly
contributed to the prevalence of this view. He divided the number of languages in
the world (about 7000) with the number of countries (about 200). The result
convincingly proved that bi- and multilingualism, by its scope alone, deserves the
due attention of science. Ever since then many researchers have referred to the fact
that the number of languages spoken in the world (according to different
estimations this number has varied over time between 2,800 and 10,000) is thirty,
perhaps even forty times greater than the number of countries, which unanimously
indicates that there are a great number of bilingual or (more often) multilingual and
very few monolingual states or regions. Today's situation is very similar: the
number of states is over 200, but it is estimated that there are about 7000
languages, and their exact number is still impossible to determine because of the
lack of precise linguistic criteria for distinguishing between languages and dialects.
(Besides the linguistic criteria, some other criteria are also used, but they are
equally very problematic. One of these is the possibility of mutual communication:
if the mutual communication between speakers is successful, according to some
researchers they speak variants of the same language. However, this criterion
Chapter I
cannot always be applied. For example, Danish and Norwegian are nowadays
considered to be different languages, although speakers of these languages can
understand each other's language fairly well [the Norwegians especially claim that
they understand the speech of the Danish]. However, today it is widely accepted
that these are different languages, with the explanation that behind them there is a
different cultural heritage. For the distinction between language and dialect, the
name of the language has also been proposed, but with a similar lack of success. It
is considered that there are about 40,000 names for different languages, but for
some languages, there are several names. The same language is called something
different by its speakers and their neighbours. A good example for this is India: in
1961 it was registered 1652 different languages or different languages names
[Mallikarjun, 2002], although, according to the Central Institute of Indian
Languages—an Indian research and teaching institute based in Mysore, founded in
1969—there are ‘only’ about 400.)
Today the most useful source on languages of the world can be found on the
Ethnologue website (, see also Skutnabb-Kangas,
2004, and Phillipson & Skutnabb-Kangas, 2013). This catalogue holds different
statistical data on world languages, even though it also contains many
insufficiently verified pieces of information, some of which are not questioned by
most researchers. So, there is a consensus on the estimate that there are, as
mentioned, around seven thousand spoken languages. (Due to lack of sources, the
number of sign languages is not possible even to estimate. Skutnabb-Kangas
[2002] believed their number to probably be the same as the number of spoken
languages.) Also, there is an agreement on the following facts: most languages are
spoken by only five to six thousand people (estimation made by Posey, 1999); the
number of languages spoken by over ten million speakers is not higher than 80;
most languages (over 80%) are spoken within one country; around 95% of
languages are spoken by fewer than a million speakers; around five thousand
languages are used by fewer than 100 thousand people; and three thousand
languages have fewer than ten thousand speakers. As many as 500 languages are
used by fewer than 100 people (Phillipson & Skuttnab-Kangas, 2013; SkuttnabKangas, 2004). If we group languages according to the number of mother tongue
speakers, then the number of languages with more than one million speakers (these
are the so-called “big” and “medium” sized languages) is about 310, and they are
spoken by more than 95% of the world's population. The remaining several
thousand languages are shared by only 5% of the world's population (Göncz,
2016). When it comes to the geographical distribution of languages, the following
indicators are accepted: Europe 3% (around 230 languages); America 15%; Pacific
Ocean area 19%; Africa 30%; and Asia 32% (Göncz, 2014; Skutnabb-Kangas,
The most diverse area in the number of languages is Papua New Guinea with over
850 languages (11 extinct), followed by Indonesia with 670. More than 200
languages are spoken in Nigeria, India, Cameroon, Australia, Mexico, Zair, and
Brazil, while another 13 countries use over 100 languages (Skuttnab-Kangas,
Psychology of multilingualism as a field of research
2004). Europe is, linguistically, as well as in its animal and plant diversity, quite
poor compared to other parts of the world (Göncz, 2014).
2 In recent decades, few topics have become so internationally important as bi- and
multilingualism and their related phenomena. Proof for this is the numerous
journals dealing with bi- and multilingualism from very different perspectives and
with multifarious approaches. Some of these printed in English are: Journal of
Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Bilingualism: Language and
Cognition, International Journal of Bilingualism, International Journal of
Multilingualism, The Japan Journal of Bilingualism, International Journal of
Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, International Journal of the Sociology of
Language, Plurilingua, Multilingua, Bilingual Family Newsletter, Cultural
Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, Journal of Multicultural Discourse, and
Bilingual Research Journal. There is also the Bilingualism Database, compiled at
the School of Education at The University of Birmingham (as well as many other
databases with thousands of bibliographic units). In this database there is a huge
list of references concerning bilingualism/multilingualism and:
language rights
age groups
speech disorders
acquisition and development
education/special education
professional issues
and assessment and descriptions of languages.
There is also a substantial list concerning linguistic minority communities and the
teaching of English as a second foreign language.
In the past thirty-five years, in order of appearance, interdisciplinary works of
comprehensive character on bilingualism were written (or edited) by: Baetens
Beardsmore (1982), Grosjean (1982), Skutnabb-Kangas (1984), Göncz (1985),
Baker (1988), Hamers & Blanc (1989), Hoffmann (1991), Hoffmann (1992),
Edwards (1995), Romaine (1995), Baker (1998), Baker & Prys Jones (1998), Cenoz
(1998), Bartha (1999), Bialystok (2001), Pavlenko (2005), Wei (2007, 2010),
Auer & Wei (2009), Baker (2011), Field (2011), Aronin & Singleton (2012),
Bhatia & Ritchie (2012), Edwards (2012), Stavans & Hoffmann (2015), MartinJones, Blackledge & Creese (2015), Smidt (2016), Maher (2017), Martin-Jones &
Martin (2017), Wright (2017), and Horner & Weber (2018), to cite just some.
However, there were before and after this period countless books or monographlength works (or near monograph-length articles) that summed up knowledge
Chapter I
related to problems of bilingualism or multilingualism from the perspective of a
particular science (linguistics, psychology, pedagogy, and sociolinguistics) or in
connection with certain other topics. Here is a list of such publications, without
aiming at completeness, published over the past forty-five years: Lambert &
Tucker (1972), Genc [Göncz] (1976, 1981), Clyne (1982), Göncz (1982),
Taeschner (1983), Cummins (1984), Göncz (1984, 1985), Cummins & Swain
(1986), Harding & Riley (1986), Homel, Palij & Aronson (1987), De Houwer
(1990), Jacob & Jordan (1993), Mohanty (1995), Hornberger et al., (1997),
Skutnabb-Kangas (1997), Lanstyák & Szabómihály (1998), Navracsics (1999),
Deuchar & Quay (2000), Lanza (2004), Fenyvesi (2005), Brisk (2006), Garcia &
Baker (2007), Heller (2007), Yip & Matthews (2007), Garcia (2008), Sanz & Lado
(2008), Wei (2008), Cenoz (2009), Kroll & DeGroot (2009), Pavlenko (2009),
Cook & Bassetti (2010), Pavlenko (2011), Fabbro (2013), Grosjean (2013),
Hernandez (2013), Mueller-Gathercole (2013), Shin (2013), Gorter, Zenotz, &
Cenoz (2014), Marschark, Tang & Knoors (2014), Weber (2014), Andrews (2015),
Armon-Lotem, De Jong & Meir (2015), Gabryś-Barker (2016), Nicoladis &
Montanari (2016), Pauwells (2016), Vaid (2016), Cenoz, Gorter, & May(2017),
Gabryś-Barker, Gałajda, Wojtaszek, & Zakrajewski (2017), de Zarobe & de
Zarobe (2017), May & Lin (2017), Balls Organista, Marín & Chun (2018),
Altarriba & Heredia (2018), and Aronin, Hornsby & Kiliańska-Przybyło (2018).
Determining the topic of a scientific discipline, or a research field is an issue of
fundamental importance. This step has at least three functions: first, it determines
the segment of reality that will be researched, and second, the appropriate research
methods. (There are, of course, some exceptions as well. For example, the
behaviouristic approach in psychology has reversed this order: the advocates of
behaviourism drop first the introspective method as invalid for researching
psychological reality, taking objective observation as, according to them, the valid
research method, thereby defining as the subject of psychology the phenomena
which manifest themselves in a way accessible for everyone, i.e. they defined the
topic of psychology as the science of behaviour.) The third function of the precise
determination of the topic is that it allows for the delimitation of the discipline
from other sciences, that is, it places the discipline in the scientific system. This is
especially important with regards to the so-called interdisciplinary sciences, which
have the same or a similar subject of investigation. Therefore, when dealing with
science, the first step is to determine its topic.
Together with the definition of the topic of an empirical discipline, it is also
necessary to determine its tasks. The psychology of multilingualism, like every
empirical science or field of research, has theoretical and practical (applicative)
tasks. The theoretical tasks of every science, based on experience, are to find
answers to three basic questions: what, how, and why. To the question of ‘what’
the sciences offer an answer with a description. The results of the answers to this
question are the definitions of the phenomena researched by a science and the
classification of these phenomena. Applying this to the field of the psychology of
multilingualism, the question of ‘what’ can be concretized in the following ways:
Psychology of multilingualism as a field of research
What is multilingualism? What is multiculturalism? What are their most common
manifestations? What do we mean by concepts like mother tongue, second
language, double semilingualism, diglossia, anomie, surface and cognitive
linguistic competence, multilingual education, etc.? To the question of ‘how’ the
sciences formulate their answers we can also offer a description. The question can
refer to two things. First, it can refer to how the phenomena develop and change,
and second to how they are connected. In formulating answers to these questions
the results give us scientific laws. These are universal attitudes and should have
unlimited validity in space and time. Concretized on the field of the psychology of
multilingualism, the question of ‘how’ can be formulated as follows: How, or
under what circumstances does someone become a multilingual person? How do
different types of multilingualism come into being? How can we define the relation
between early multilingualism and other developing functions and processes? How
does the language of instruction affect the personality development of students
with different home languages? To the question of ‘why’ we can say that the
sciences formulate their answers through explanations. These answers refer to
causal relations, i.e., what are the necessary conditions for a phenomenon to occur?
With such answers, we are making predictions. Knowing the conditions, they can
be intentionally created provoking the phenomenon we want; in other words, we
manage phenomena. That is, in fact, the final goal of every science. (Such efficacy
raises many moral dilemmas regarding the possibility of misusing scientific
knowledge, which is more often an issue in more developed sciences. The danger
of manipulation of scientific knowledge and of its misuse is particularly present in
the sciences dealing with people.) Some of the ‘why’ questions in the psychology
of multilingualism are: Why are some types of multilingualism connected with
undesirable personality development, and why may some other types cause a more
complete realisation of human potential? Why does the change of the language of
instruction, concerning the family–school relation, have a different impact on
students from the dominant language group (who belong to the majority language
community), in comparison to students from the dominated language group (who
belong to the minority language group)? Why does surface linguistic competence
cause lower school achievement than student ability warrants?
In the psychology of multilingualism, the question of ‘what’ dominates, although
there are trials to give answers to the other two questions as well. Thanks to these
trials, scientific knowledge is structured in a similar way to in other empirical
sciences. The structure of scientific knowledge in empirical sciences can be
represented by a hierarchical model. At the lowest, first level, are the observed
phenomena, which are nearest to experience. When we observe what is common
amongst them, we get scientific concepts (the second level), as answers to the
question of ‘what’. They can have the status of an intervening variable
(operationally and unambiguously defined, with a certain stimulus and with the
response to this stimulus), or they can have the status of hypothetical constructs,
which we refer to on a hypothetical, mostly physiological basis. For example, the
construct of compound bilingualism (see Chapter II) has the status of an
intervening variable if it is operationally defined as the matching of the semantic
Chapter I
systems of two languages (because they were acquired from the same sources), and
can be determined through the overlap of profiles on the semantic differential
scales in the connotative meaning for equivalent words in the two languages.
However, if we additionally explain how the connotative meaning of words is
acquired (through the association of the same experience to the verbal signs in the
same contexts), and we hypothesize the existence of the same representational
mediational processes in the two languages as equivalents for the concept of
meaning then this concept has the status of a hypothetical construct. On the third
level are the scientific laws and the narrower theories, reached through
generalizing concepts. They can be more or less empirically grounded. In the less
empirically grounded laws or narrower theories, there is a lot of guessing, they
seek to replace the verified, tested knowledge. The same goes for the wider
theories, which constitute the fourth component (or level) of the scientific
knowledge. On the fifth level are the scientific systems which are always
hypothetical, often they only replace and do not synthesize tested knowledge.
The answers to the question of ‘what’, and especially to the questions of ‘how’ and
‘why’ in the psychology of multilingualism are far from being satisfactory and
complete. The concepts are poorly defined, operationally speaking. As for the
question of ‘how’, the answers are not in the real sense scientific laws, but more
empirical generalizations that do not have a universal character; they tend only to
be regularities which are valid under certain conditions, and only in certain
cultures or historical periods. For example, the observed regularity in the
psychology of multilingualism that in a subtractive multilingual situation (meaning
unequal evaluation of languages) there is a gradual replacement of one language
with another, and that this process is connected to the so-called balance effect or
double semilingualism (unsatisfactory knowledge of both of the languages).
Because it does not state under which conditions this association is valid, it is more
of an empirical generalisation than a scientific law. The same goes for the
Cummins’ threshold hypothesis, a kind of narrower theory, in which it is claimed
that it is necessary to overcome the beginning stages of bilingualism to endure the
negative effects of bilingualism on cognitive functioning, i.e. that it is necessary to
develop a high degree of bilingual competence before the potential advantage
comes to the fore. Regarding theories, they, as in all less developed fields, more
replace than integrate tested knowledge. Theories are rare, they are of an inductive
and functional type, and give explanations only for narrow domains.
They can explain, for example, the connections between the language systems of
bi- or multilingual individuals and the conditions which determine them, or the
effects of multilingualism. For example, besides the previously mentioned
compound bilingualism, there is a coordinate type of bilingualism as well. This
division is the result of a theory regarding the relationship between the language
systems of bilinguals on the semantic level. Namely, according to the view of
Ervin & Osgood (1954), individuals who acquire languages from separate sources
associate different experiences with them, so on the level of connotative or
Psychology of multilingualism as a field of research
affective meaning their language systems will stay relatively separated, and a
coordinate type of bilingualism is developed. (Acquiring languages from the same
sources leads to compound bilingualism.) Elements of wider theories can be
discerned in the models of multilingual education, but it is not justifiable to speak
about scientific systems in this field for now.
Based on what has been said so far, it can be concluded that one characteristic of
the recent psychology of multilingualism is that there are only a few well-defined
concepts; instead of scientific laws there are empirical generalizations, the number
of theories is small, and they are also of a narrow scale, with a lot of hypothetical
claims. It is a field of knowledge that is poorly integrated, there are many
theoretical contradictions in it, and the possibilities of its application are modest.
There are also many difficulties in the application of knowledge, and thus the
fulfilment of the practical tasks of science. First, the knowledge itself, which is
often gathered in controlled conditions is not fully compatible with real-life
situations. Second, its application most often refers to specific population groups,
and in such cases, stakeholders take into account many other circumstances, and
not only the knowledge offered by science. Despite these restrictions, today it is
already acceptable to say that the psychology of multilingualism offers certain
guidelines, which can indicate what conditions are needed to create those forms of
multilingualism that contribute to the fuller realisation of human potential.
The psychology of multilingualism has certain characteristics which are common
to all sciences, but also some specific features connected to its special subject of
study. The common feature with other sciences is the tendency to apply the
scientific method to solvable problems. (Arts are also devoted to solvable problems
but they do not apply the scientific method, whereas metaphysic disciplines raise
issues that are not solvable with normal human capacities and do not apply the
scientific method, instead using a set of formalized procedures which allow for
answers). One of the special features of the field under discussion here is its
interdisciplinarity, but with a different meaning than this notion has in certain
natural sciences, like in biochemistry or geophysics. These interdisciplinary hard
sciences have a previously unproven, new subject of interest, which has remained
unexamined between the mother-sciences. The psychology of multilingualism is
not a new subject of investigation, because multilingualism has been researched
earlier in some psychological disciplines and other sciences. This means that its
subject is not new, but that it is approached from a wider perspective, taking over
and systemizing knowledge about multilingualism from other psychological
disciplines. It also takes into account what other sciences have discovered about
multilingualism, and tries to contribute to new knowledge concerning this
intriguing phenomenon.
Chapter I
Chapter summary
The psychology of multilingualism investigates the psychological regularities
of multilingualism and its related phenomena. As an empirical discipline it
deals with the psychological aspects of different multilingual situations
and with the effects of such situations on individuals’ behaviour and
experience as well. First and foremost, though, it has directed its interest to
interactions between these two groups of phenomena. Its task is to answer
the questions of what, how, and why. Description should be used to define
and classify the mentioned phenomena and to determine basic concepts
(answering the question of what). To answer the question of how, we
should describe how the phenomena happen and are specified, using
scientific laws, and determine what kind of relationship exists among the
phenomena. Concerning the question of why means investigating causal
relationships. Although the answers to these questions are still far away
from being satisfactory, the psychology of multilingualism has arrived,
through generalising observed facts, to scientific concepts, to scientific
laws, and some theories of a narrow volume. Broader theories and the
scientific system are the missing components from the structure of
scientific knowledge which is characteristic for all empirical sciences.
Since the psychology of multilingualism has a defined area of
investigation and structured knowledge and holds possession of
appropriate procedures for collecting new knowledge, it has, like every
empirical science, as its main characteristic the application of the scientific
method to solvable problems. In this area of research, there is thus far a
huge number of weakly connected facts with little possibilities for
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2.1. Basic concepts and concept-related knowledge derived
from the psychology of language
The psychology of multilingualism deals with the application of systems
of signs and rules belonging to two or more languages in various speech
situations, and the consequences from these applications. This is why for
the interpretation of observed phenomena and the results of empirical
research on multilingualism, the use of the knowledge acquired on speech
and language by psychology and the related interdisciplinary fields of
neuropsychology, and cognitive neuroscience) is necessary. Therefore, let
us start by presenting some of this knowledge.
Speech as a system of habits is made possible through the formation of
sounds and meaningful sequences of sounds using our speech organs.
Pavlov considers speech the second signal system (Windholz, 1990), in
which words replace external signs (i.e. the first signalling system),
become the signal of signals. The first signal system (sounds, smells) is
common in humans and animals. Animals can learn the meaning of
various natural signals, but cannot learn signals that represent other
signals. According to Pavlov, speech is a specific human characteristic, an
important evolutionary attainment. While speech is related to individuals,
language is a communal phenomenon, a system of signs and rules, which
is turned into speech through the process of actualization. In terms of
Chomsky's theory of generative grammar (Nordquist, 2019), this means
Some parts of this chapter rely significantly on the monograph-length article of
the author entitled “Psychology of bilingualism”, published in Lanstyák, I., &
Vančoné Kremmer, I. (Eds.). (2005). Nyelvészetről - Változatosan. Segédkönyv
egyetemisták és a nyelvészet iránt érdeklődők számára [Multi-faceted linguistics.
Selected papers for university students and everyone interested in linguistics] (pp.
32-76). Dunaszerdahely, Slovakia: Gramma Nyelvi Iroda.
Chapter II
that during the application of language (while speaking) we operate a
system of rules which enables us to utter and understand a theoretically
infinite number of grammatical sentences which have been created using a
finite number of units—that is, the vocabulary and the grammatical rules
of a language. All of the several thousand languages existing today are
comprised of linguistic strata (Daneš, 1991): each has its sound system
(mostly 20 to 37 sounds), its syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and so forth.
(Some experts describe the structure of languages as models consisting of
two strata, vocabulary and grammar, while others define more, but not
more than six levels.) For being able to define speech and language more
accurately, it is also important to distinguish linguistic competence from
linguistic performance (Nordquist, 2018). Linguistic competence is the
grasp of grammatical rules, that is the speaker’s knowledge of the
language, which enables them to recognise grammatical mistakes. Some
refer to it as the “realm of perfection”, in opposition to linguistic
performance, which is referred to as the “linguistic fall”. Linguistic
performance refers to the actual, real use of language. During linguistic
performance, we sometimes use ungrammatical sentences, because our
memory is limited, our attention fluctuates, we make changes to our
intended sentences as we speak and, in bi- and multilingual situations the
linguistic systems of the two/or more languages may interfere with each
other (Bernáth & Révész, 1994).
The psychophysiology of speech (Saltzman & Ersner, 1951) studies the
peripheral and central organs, which control speech and their functions.
The peripheral functions that play a role in speech production and speech
perception are connected to the speech organs and the organ of hearing,
while the central control functions are ascribed to the cerebral cortex and
the sub-cortical sections. Among the speech organs, the vocal cords are
the most important. These are two very elastic bundles of muscle. Sound
production takes place when a stream of air leaves the lungs. According to
the place of their production, sounds are divided into vowels and
consonants. We produce vowel sounds when air steam comes from the
lungs unimpeded and makes the vocal cords vibrate, while for consonant
sounds other speech organs create an obstacle in the way of the air stream.
The central control of speech is performed by numerous speech centres
(Howard, 1997). The best known are the Broca motor and the Wernicke
sensory centres. If these centres are damaged, motor or sensory aphasia
will occur, that is the partial or complete loss of speech production or
speech perception (Lesser, 1978). These centres are in most cases situated
in the left cerebral hemisphere and are closely related to one’s handedness.
In the case of right-handed people, these centres are almost without
The concepts of the psychology of multilingualism
exception in the left cerebral hemisphere. In 70% of left-handed people it
is also there, while in 15% of them it is in the right hemisphere, and in
15% of them, the centres are dispersed in both hemispheres. This
phenomenon, known as cortical speech localization, is the result of
lateralization. Speech lateralization (the formation of speech centres, the
specialization of the cerebral spheres for controlling speech) takes place in
childhood and is closely related to the sensitive period.1 The sensitive (or
critical) period is the period of development when a function has to be
practised (even if it is strongly hereditary) so that it is retained and
developed. The sensitive period for speech development is from the age of
one and a half to the age of eight. If a child is exposed to human speech for
the first time only after this period, they will not be able to acquire it. (For
more information see Note 1 in this chapter.) Nowadays, our knowledge
about the physiological mechanisms of speech is still relatively modest. It
is dominated by the dynamic speech localization theory, according to
which complex psychological processes (one of which is speech) cannot
be localized in a specific part of the cortex, but instead always depend on
the combination of completely cortical zones. Their control necessitates
the synchronized functioning of these zones. The subcortical parts also
play a role in this, and all the components contribute to the functioning of
the system. While the speech specialization of the (usually left) cerebral
sphere is still in progress, the transfer of centres to the non-dominant
cerebral hemisphere is possible, if the dominant hemisphere is damaged,
which shows the flexibility (“plasticity”) of the cortex.2
Through language acquisition children acquire the rules of the language to
which they are exposed. Just like the development of every function,
language acquisition develops through stages; that is, the development
always goes through the same stages (periods, phases) in the same order.
This can refer to the development of the whole function or just some
elements of it (for example the whole of speech development or only
sentence development). Environmental factors can accelerate or slow
down these processes. There are two big stages in the process of speech
development taken as a whole: the pre-linguistic and the linguistic one.
The pre-linguistic stage lasts until the utterance of the first meaningful
word (between the 10th and 15th month). It can be divided into
vocalization (until 5th the month) and babbling. Vocalization is an
endogenous process that is universal to all children. Deaf children go
through it, just as hearing ones do. Vocalization is characterised by sound
expansion, that is the number of utterable sounds increases in the
beginning and may reach two hundred in total. Under the influence of the
language a child is exposed to, the number of sounds it utters decreases
Chapter II
(sound contraction), and only those are retained which belong to the sound
system of the language spoken in the child’s environment. During
babbling, a child uses sound combinations. It understands language before
it can speak it. The first meaningful words, holophrases, though single
word utterances, bear the meaning of a whole sentence. The number of
words is expanded quickly (by about 700 annually), thus the active
vocabulary (the number of words used actively) of a child starting school
counts 4-5,000 words, with great individual differences. By the age of 15,
this number will have increased to 10,000 (the passive vocabulary at this
age is at about 30,000), while the vocabulary of an educated adult contains
between 25,000 and 250,000 words. (The lexicon of different languages is
estimated to contain 800,000 to 1,250,000 words).
A child first uses nouns and verbs, later the other parts of speech appear,
and by the time they start school, children use every existing part of
speech. In the process of sentence formation, there are also linguistic
universals (universal rules): one-word sentences are followed by two-word
ones, which are followed by the phase of short and full sentences. One of
the characteristics of small children’s speech is that its utterances are full
of emotions (it does not express the importance of its messages using
linguistic means, but it rejoices and shouts), it is not familiar with the
notion of unknown words (it interprets every word following its
experience) and is characterised by nominal realism3.
The pace of speech development depends on the child’s sex, intelligence,
health, and family situation. Girls usually have a significant advantage.
According to some experts, this is because they are urged to speak more
by their environment since this is seen as one of the desirable female
features in our culture. According to others, the boys’ disadvantage stems
from the fact that fathers are frequently away from home, and thus they
cannot serve as models for language acquisition, while the higher number
of speech impediments among boys can be attributed to their anxiety
because they are punished more strictly and thus frustrated more often.
Another reason may be that men’s brains are more asymmetric, which can
lead to a greater degree of deviation in their behaviour. If a child starts
speaking early, it is certain that they have at least an average IQ, but a few
months’ delay does not necessarily point to mental deficiency. Prolonged
illnesses or hearing problems may slow down language acquisition.
Spoiling a child may lead to anxiety and speech impediments; according to
some authors only children who are spoken to more have an advantage,
while twins often isolate themselves in their relationship and, since they
are not good speech models for each other, then lag in speech development—a