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2019, The Globalized Governance of Finance
21 pages
1 file
AI-generated Abstract
The paper discusses the potential for economic collapse due to various interrelated factors, particularly focusing on the implications of energy consumption and oil prices. It references historical analyses, including the collapse of the Soviet Union and current issues faced by oil-exporting and importing countries, emphasizing the risks posed by low wages, high debt, and decreasing energy consumption. The paper argues that a decline in energy consumption per capita can hinder economic productivity and lead to significant political and financial instability.
Based on a documentary inquiry aimed at reconstructing the processes of denunciation of imperialism associated with the Congolese Rally for Democracy (RCD)'s war in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), by the maï-maï militia of Maniema, the article examines under the lens of historical criticism (heuristic and hermeneutic) the politico-ideological contents of the essential documents whose impact on the rural masses remains crucial: their over-politicization of the latter. The study shows how a political mobilization that initially targeted awareness-raising for the recruitment of new combatants among rural Congolese youths has reactivated the protesting reflex of the rural populations both towards the rebels and their Rwandan allies, and maï-maï combatants. The repeated abuses of the maï-maï militias have thus brought down the nationalist mask which their ideological propaganda maintained until then. The pervasive activism of youths and especially the emergence of radicalized groups confirm the thesis of political violence as an indicator of democratic deficiencies of a weakened state through processes of globalization badly assumed in the African Great Lakes area. Résumé Basé sur une enquête documentaire visant à reconstituer les processus de la dénonciation, par les milices maï-maï du Maniema, de l'impérialisme associé avec la guerre du Rassemblement Congolais pour la Démocratie (RCD) en République démocratique du Congo (RDC), l'article examine sous le prisme de la critique historique (heuristique et herméneutique) les contenus politico-idéologiques des documents essentiels dont l'impact sur les masses rurales demeure crucial : la politisation à outrance de ces dernières.
Los fenómenos de la comunicación invaden todos los aspectos de la vida cotidiana, el acontecer contemporáneo es imposible de comprender sin la perspectiva de la comunicación, desde su más diversos ámbitos. En esta colección se reúnen trabajos académicos de distintas disciplinas y materias científicas que tienen como elemento común la comunicación y el pensamiento, pensar la comunicación, reflexionar para comprender el mundo actual y elaborar propuestas que repercutan en el desarrollo social y democrático de nuestras sociedades. La colección reúne una gran cantidad de trabajos procedentes de muy distintas partes del planeta, un esfuerzo conjunto de profesores investigadores de universidades e instituciones de reconocido prestigio. Todo esto es posible gracias a la labor y al compromiso de los coordinadores de cada uno de los monográficos que conforman este acervo.
and contemporary China. Hao conveys in chapter after chapter that the reading of Milton and Western literature has played a significant role in the development of Chinese literature, thoughts, and culture. As the author proves his central thesis convincingly, the book stands as a case study of the original theoretical model put forward by Hao: cross-cultural knowledge production, based on Hans-George Gadamer's "Vorurteil" (prejudice) and William James's "selective attention" (52), focusing on cross-cultural texts, and aiming at cultural exchange between China and the West. Thus, the book may serve as a useful source of rare primary texts (collected from archives, chronicles, university syllabi, diaries, memoirs, and more), commented and contextualized with contemporary discourses, and listed in the appendix on Chinese translations of Milton's works from 1854 to 2019 and in the works cited, which is about thirty pages long. This book brings fresh air to the broader way we look at the meaning and significance of Renaissance and comparative studies. The book is included in the Renaissance Studies Series published by the Center of Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Zhejiang University, an associate organization of the Renaissance Society of America, in collaboration with Zhejiang University Press. As it embraces cross-cultural production, the book clearly expresses the hope that the Chinese perspectives it offers will prompt new avenues of inquiry and suggest directions for future research into the domain of early modern and comparative studies. This impressive book gives us a deeper, more varied appreciation of Milton's works in China, and is a valuable study for everyone interested in Renaissance and comparative literature.
Jeudi 10 septembre -TEDx et MOOC sur smart cities J'ai décidé de me renseigner pendant une bonne heure et demi sur les smart cities, j'ai tout d'abord regardé les vidéos d'un mooc sur les smart cities qui s'est déroulé en début d'année. Il était donc impossible de le regarder en entier mais des extraits sont disponibles sur youtube.
The widespread notion that Athens went into a steep decline in the furth century was prompt-ed in no small part by Claude Mossé. For her, this decline had a clear military dimension: the disastrous setbacks and losses in both materiel and manpower during the Peloponnesian War caused a general defeatism among fourth-century Athenians, reduced drastically their willingness to serve in the armed forces and undermined the performance of such armies or fleets as they were able to mobilise. This seemed to fit the traditional idea that postwar Athens had increasingly to turn to mercenaries to fight her wars. This paper argues that the efforts of Athenian hoplites after 404 cast doubt on this notion. Throughout the fourth century, Athenians continued to enrol in the hoplite arm and to serve regularly in wars. When Athens was victorious, it was often due to the courage of these hoplites. What is more, the postwar dēmos initiated military reforms to facilitate Athenian hoplite success: in the 370s or 360s, they introduced a new conscription method for hoplites, which speeded up mobilisation and ensured that the burden of military service was shared more equitably. And in the 330s, the dēmos backed a substantial increase in the public training of future hoplites. This new training, as well as a new public subsidisation of equipment for hoplites, resulted in an increase in the proportion of Athenians willing and able to serve. This further undermines the downbeat assessment that Mossé had of fourth-century Athens at war.
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