Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematics & Computers in Business & Economics, Cavtat, Croatia, June 13-15, 2006 (pp24-28)
A Comparison of Secure Mechanisms for Mobile Commerce
Hann-Jang Ho 1 and RongJou Yang 2
1 Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
2 Department of Information Management
WuFeng Institute of Technology
117, Chian-Kuo Rd., Sec. 2, Ming-Hsiung , Chia-yi 621
Taiwan, R.O.C.
Abstract: - Mobile commerce has emerged as an innovative technology due to the prevailing of pervasive
computing. However, on-line secure transaction mechanisms can not be applied to the mobile commerce due to
the inadequate computing capability of mobile devices and lower security of wireless transmission than that of
wired transmission. It is mandatory how to proceed securely with the transaction of on-line ordering and, in the
meantime, to obtain proper protection of transaction issued by consumers via mobile devices. However, the
secure connection mechanisms can be modified to apply to the mobile devices. This paper focuses on the
comparison and analysis of the secure connection mechanisms in the mobile commerce.
Key-Words: - Mobile Commerce, Secure Transaction Mechanism, WTLS, KSSL, WAP, WML
1 Introduction
Since the invention of World Wide Web (WWW) by
Tim Berners-Lee in 1990, Internet has gradually been
employed to conduct the marketing activities and
change the buying behavior of consumers following
the development of EC-related technology.
E-Commerce has numerously been employed as
another virtual channel which is different from
traditional brick-and-mortar channel in order to
create business opportunity. Internet population
increases rapidly following the rising and flourishing
development of Internet. According to the
investigation by ACI-FIND, Institute of Information
Industry, Taiwan, the Internet population arrives 8
million and 920 thousands (39%) by June, 2004,
which is 80 thousands more than in 2003 and has a
1% growth rate. Commercial Internet accounts
arrived 1 million including most of the mobile
accounts [1] which means much more enterprise have
entered the EC market.
Security is still a big issue concerning Internet
shopping. According to eBrain Market Research,
Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) conducted
an investigation on the consumers’ intension of
Internet shopping so as to understand the favorites of
consumers and found that the lower price of the
product is still one of the key factors and the
convenience, privacy, and security are the next. Also,
according to the investigation on the mandatory
factors of Internet shopping from Princeton Survey
Research Associates for Consumer Web Watch, the
convenience, security, and trust are three most
mandatory factors for consumers [1]. Therefore, the
security of Internet shopping is a matter of
The development of EC is getting matured.
Nowadays, mobile EC is topical subject in the area of
mobile Internet. According to the investigation of
ECRC-FIND, III, Taiwan, the mobile phone
subscribers have arrived 23 million which is 102%, in
the second quarter, 2004, meaning the era of mobile
EC has emerged in order to get rid of the restriction
of time and space [1]. However, there exists universal
security concern in mobile EC in the environment of
wireless network which has higher security risk than
in wired network due to the data transmission in the
A digital certificate, issued by a certification
authority (CA), is an electronic "credit card" that
establishes your credentials when doing business or
other transactions on the Web. It contains applicant’s
name, a serial number, expiration dates, a copy of the
certificate holder's public key which is used for
encrypting messages and digital signatures, and the
digital signature of the certificate-issuing authority so
that a recipient can verify that the certificate is real.
The digital certificates usually conform to X.509
standard and can be kept in registries so that
authenticating users can look up other users' public
A PKI (public key infrastructure) enables users of
a basically insecure public network such as the
Internet to securely and privately exchange data and
money through the use of a public and a private
cryptographic key pair that is obtained and shared
through a trusted authority. The public key
infrastructure provides for a digital certificate that
Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematics & Computers in Business & Economics, Cavtat, Croatia, June 13-15, 2006 (pp24-28)
can identify an individual or an organization and
directory services that can store and revoke the
certificates which can be checked by Web Sentry
from Xcert based on the Online Certificate Status
Protocol (OCSP).
A PKI, known as asymmetric cryptography, uses
the public key cryptography, which is the most
common method on Internet for authenticating a
message sender or encrypting a message consists of a
digital certificate, issued by CA which is verified by
registration authority (RA), which includes the public
key or information about the public key, one or more
directories where the certificates (with their public
keys) are held, and a certificate management system.
In public key cryptography, a public and private key
are created simultaneously using the same algorithm
(a popular one is known as RSA, an Internet
encryption and authentication system that uses an
algorithm developed in 1977 by Ron Rivest, Adi
Shamir, and Leonard Adleman) by CA. Then, we can
send an encrypted message using the receiver's public
key and decrypt an encrypted message using the
receiver's private key, or send an encrypted signature
using the sender's private key and decrypt an
encrypted signature to authenticate the sender using
the sender's public key.
A digital signature is an electronic signature that
can be used to authenticate the identity of the sender
of a message (encrypted or not) or the signer of a
document in order to ensure that the original content
of the message or document that has been sent is
transportable, cannot be imitated by someone else,
and can be automatically time-stamped. The ability
to ensure that the original signed message arrived
also means that the sender cannot easily repudiate it
later. In digital signature, a message hash
(mathematical summary) of the document, sent by
the sender, is obtained by using special software and
encrypted as the signature by using a private key that
has been previously obtained from a public-private
key authority. The receiver makes a hash of the
received message (signed document), decrypt the
message hash or summary, and compares if the
hashes match.
In [7], the security of WAP WTLS was analyzed,
the most important parts of the specification of
WTLS and the reason of defects was presented, the
existing security threat of WTLS was discussed, and
an acceptable level of security was proposed. In [8],
the authors proposed a building block for
M-Commerce security platform constructed by
WTLS security mechanism and based on J2ME
MIDP and integrated with J2ME and WTLS security
technology to provide more secure mobile business.
In [9], a WTLS Crypto Module Security Policy
encapsulated (embedded) in AirBEAM Safe software
components using the WTLS layer to establish a
secure tunnel between the client and the server,
which is performed using the WTLS handshake
protocol, was presented. WAP WTLS protocol was
designed to provide privacy, data integrity, and
authentication for wireless terminals. In [10], a
number of security flaws, such as a chosen plaintext
data recovery attack, a datagram truncation attack, a
message forgery attack, and a key-search shortcut for
some exportable keys were identified and discussed.
2 Secure Transaction Mechanisms in
Mobile Commerce
The secure encryption technology of WTLS in WAP,
SSL, and SET are employed to integrate with WAP
Gateway so as to provide a platform for the payment
fulfillment for the card holders. A WAP gateway, for
instance, decrypts encrypted data sent by a WAP
phone using WTLS and re-encrypts it using SSL
before forwarding it to the eventual destination
server. The reverse process is used for traffic flowing
in the opposite direction. Such a proxy-based
architecture has some serious drawbacks. The proxy
is not only a potential performance bottleneck, but
also represents a “man-in-the-middle” which is privy
to all “secure” communications. This lack of
end-to-end security is a serious deterrent for any
security-sensitive Internet-based service to wireless
In [3], a solution using standard security
mechanisms and protocols on small wireless devices
was implemented based on the Java 2 Micro-Edition
(J2ME) platform that offers fundamental
cryptographic operations such as message digests
and ciphers as well as higher level security protocols
like SSL and their results show that SSL is a practical
solution for ensuring end-to-end security of wireless
Internet transactions even within today’s
technological constraints.
Following the vigorous development of mobile
EC, the emerging WAP moves EC forward to mobile
EC. As Internet is mentioned, computer virus,
hackers, public key, encryption, etc. come to one’s
mind. What about the security concern in mobile
devices? Some security mechanisms in mobile
devices are discussed in section 3 and 4.
3 Wireless Transport Layer Security
Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematics & Computers in Business & Economics, Cavtat, Croatia, June 13-15, 2006 (pp24-28)
WTLS is the security level for Wireless Application
Protocol (WAP) applications. Based on Transport
Layer Security (TLS) v1.0 (a security layer used in
the Internet, equivalent to Secure Socket Layer 3.1),
WTLS was developed to address the problematic
issues surrounding mobile network devices - such as
limited processing power and memory capacity, and
low bandwidth - and to provide adequate
authentication, data integrity, and privacy protection
mechanisms. Wireless transactions, such as those
between a user and their bank, require stringent
authentication and encryption to ensure security to
protect the communication from attack during data
transmission. Because mobile networks do not
provide end-to-end security, TLS had to be modified
to address the special needs of wireless users.
Designed to support datagram in a high latency, low
bandwidth environment, WTLS provides an
optimized handshake through dynamic key
refreshing, which allows encryption keys to be
regularly updated during a secure session.
WTLS is the security layer of the WAP, providing
privacy, data integrity and authentication for WAP
services. WTLS, designed specifically for the
wireless environment, is needed because the client
and the server must be authenticated in order for
wireless transactions to remain secure and because
the connection needs to be encrypted. For example, a
user making a transaction with a bank over a wireless
device needs to know that the connection is secure
and private and not subject to a security breach
during transfer (referred to as a man-in-the-middle
attack). WTLS is needed because mobile networks
do not provide complete end-to-end security.
WTLS is based on the widely used TLS v1.0
security layer used in Internet. Because of the nature
of wireless transmissions, modifications were made
to the TLS v1.0 in order to accommodate for wireless'
low bandwidth, datagram connection, limited
processing power and memory capacity, and
cryptography exporting restrictions. The Wireless
Transport Layer Security (WTLS) protocol provides
the mechanism for obtaining secure sessions using
public key cryptography. WTLS supports two public
key cryptosystems: RSA and Elliptic Curve
Cryptography (ECC).
In [4], an analytical performance model of the
WTLS handshake protocol was derived by using two
public key cryptosystems supported by WTLS: RSA
and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). ECC
provides much more security than RSA at a lower
computational cost and their experimental evidence
shows that ECC indeed outperforms RSA in realistic
wireless secure scenarios. National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST ) [5] announced a
Draft Federal Information Processing Standard
(FIPS), proposing Rijndael as AES expected to
replace Data Encryption Standard (DES). WTLS
provides related services concerning authentication,
encryption, and integrity and supports RC5, SHA-1,
IDEA, and AES algorithms. WTLS internal
architecture [6] is indicated in Table 1.
Tab. 1 WTLS Internal Architecture
Record Protocol
The Record Protocol takes care of the data
integrity and authentication and supports four
protocol clients: the full handshake protocol, the alert
protocol, the application protocol, and the changer
cipher spec protocol. External applications have
direct access to the WTLS layer using the Wireless
Markup Language (WML) Script. All the security
related parameters are agreed on during the
handshake. These parameters include attributes such
as protocol versions, cryptographic algorithms, and
information on the use of authentication and public
key techniques to generate a shared secret. There are
three descriptions of alert messages: fatal, critical,
and warning. Alert messages are sent using the
current secure state, i.e. compressed and encrypted,
or under null cipher spec, i.e. without compression or
encryption. The Change Cipher Spec is sent either by
the client or the server. By means of this message,
both parties decide that they start using the negotiated
session parameters. When the Change Cipher Spec
message arrives, the sender of the message sets the
current write state to the pending state and the
receiver also sets the current read state to the pending
state. The Change Cipher Spec message is sent
during the handshake phase after the security
parameters have been agreed on.
WAP stack protocol is indicated in Figure 1. WAE
and the application for wireless phones (Wireless
Telephony Application WTA) are the main interface
to the client device, which gives and controls the
description language, the script language of any
application and the specifics of the telephony. WSP
delivers all functions that are needed for wireless
connections. A session mainly consists of 3 phases:
start of the session, transferring information back and
forth and the end of the session. Additionally, a
session can be interrupted and started again (from the
point where it was interrupted).
Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematics & Computers in Business & Economics, Cavtat, Croatia, June 13-15, 2006 (pp24-28)
Like the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), the
WTP runs at the head of the datagram service and
supports chaining together protocol data and the
delayed response to reduce the number of
transmissions. The protocol tries to optimize user
interaction in order that information can be
received when needed. WTLS is an optional layer
or stack which consists of description devices and
contains a check for data integrity, user
authentication and gateway security. A secure
transmission is crucial for certain applications such
as e-commerce or WAP-banking and is a standard
in these days. WDP represents the transfer or
transmission layer and is also the interface of the
network layer to all the above stacks/layers. With
the help of WDP the transmission layer can be
assimilated to the specifications of a network
operator. This means that WAP is completely
independent from any network operator. The
transmission of SMS, USSD, CSD, CDPD, IS-136
packet data and GPRS is supported. The Wireless
Control Message Protocol (WCMP) is an optional
addition to WAP, which will inform users about
occurred errors.
WAE (Wireless
Environment) –
Application layer
Other Services and Applications
WSP (Wireless Session
Other Services and
Protocol) – Session layer
WTP (Wireless Transaction Protocol)
Other Services and
– Transaction layer
WTLS (Wireless Transport Layer Security) – Other
Security Layer
Services and
WDP (Wireless Datagram Protocol) –
Transport Layer
Fig. 1 WAP Protocol Stack [7]
For instance, in the transaction processing of
mobile banking, the connection is established
between mobile device and WAP gateway after
WTLS security verification and then between WAP
gateway and Web server of the bank after SSL
encryption transformation. Afterwards, Web server
issues a “navigation document” which is responded
to in reverse direction and used by mobile device so
as to commit the transaction in a private and secure
4 Wireless Transport Layer Security
Nowadays, SSL is in widespread use in secure
on-line transaction but unsuitable for mobile device
due to the inadequacy of computing capability and
memory. Therefore, WAP Forum proposed WTLS
for secure wireless transmission in which a proxy
server is mandatory for decoding and encoding
between SSL encryption and WTLS encryption.
However, there exists security vulnerabilities
exposure to intrusion in the small period of time
between decoding and encoding. J2ME MIDP
supports KSSL and provides API for secure wireless
network transaction in mobile devices. KSSL
(Kerberized or KiloByte SSL), based on SSL 3.0, is
for wireless or small devices. J2ME MIDP for
developers supports a development platform for the
information interchange between SSL and network
by providing API for secure wireless network.
An SSL client, called KSSL, was implemented on
a Palm PDA and its performance was also evaluated
in [11]. In MIDP 1.0 specification, the software
vendors are mandatory to provide HTTP support. In
MIDP 1.0.3 and above, in addition to http://urls we
can use https://urls to connect to Web server. Sun
J2ME Wireless Tool Kit 1.0.4 supports KSSL. In
WTK1.0.4, the way using HTTPS is simple and
described as follows:
String url =;
HttpConnection hc =
HttpConnection (url);
After the connection is established, HTTPS server
can verify, deny, or install the certificate.
The comparison of WTLS and KSSL security
mechanism based on privacy, integration,
identification is indicated in Table 2. In WAP,
unencrypted transmission data are inclined to
attacks. J2ME provides end-to-end security
through KSSL instead of the gateway between
mobile device and server and allows local
processing of the data instead of remote
processing in WAP, thus reduces enormously the
possibility of attacks.
Tab. 2 Comparison of WTLS and KSSL [12] [13]
Diffie-Hellman, and
RSA (key exchange)
Elliptic Curve
and RC4 (encryption)
algorithm supported
Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Mathematics & Computers in Business & Economics, Cavtat, Croatia, June 13-15, 2006 (pp24-28)
SHA-1 and MD5
MAC algorithms;
Message protected
Message protected with MD5 and SHA
with SHA-1
RSA, Elliptic Curve
Diffie-Hellman, and
Diffie-Hellman based
X.509 certificate
key exchange suites;
Verified for upper
layers of WAP
5 Conclusion
Secure payment mechanisms can set consumers’
mind at ease to conduct the on-line transactions. It
also provides the convenience for consumers by
applying it to mobile device. This paper investigates
the on-line security mechanisms and its application in
mobile EC. The on-line security mechanisms can not
completely be applied to mobile EC due to the lack of
computing capability of the mobile device. A secure
payment mechanism is an efficient instrument to
promote EC.
This paper investigates the mainstream of secure
transaction mechanism in mobile commerce:
Wireless Transport Layer Security (WTLS) and
KSSL (Kerberized or KiloByte SSL).
Under the investigation, we find that the security
level of WTLS employed in mobile device is still
inadequate at present. In recent years, WAP users
have substantially decreased. Therefore, KSSL being
employed in WAP to redeem the drawback of WTLS
and how to ensure the security in mobile EC are
future directions.
This work was supported by Taiwan NSC under
grant no. NSC-94-2622-E-274-002-CC3.
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[8]N. J. Park and Y. J. Song, “M-Commerce Security
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[9]Columbitech, “WTLS Cryptographic Module
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[10] M. J. Saarinen, “Attacks against the WAP
[11] V. Gupta and S. Gupta, “KSSL: Experiments in
Wireless Internet Security”, Sun Microsystems
1-103.pdf, 2001
[12]WAP Forum. Wireless Transport Layer Security
Specification Version 1.1, November 2, 1999,
[13]F. R. Henriqueq, C. E. LbpeEPeza, and M. A.
Analysis of Public -Key Cryptographic
Operations in the WTLS Handshake Protocol”,
1st International Conference on Electrical and
Electronics Engineering, pp. 124-129, 2004
Certificates and Wireless Transport Layer
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