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2016, Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine
25 pages
1 file
The aim of this study was to evaluate sexual dimorphism using anthropometric measurements on mandibular images obtained by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). The sample consisted of 160 CT scans collected from a Brazilian population (74 males, 86 females) aged 18-60 years. The CBCT images were analyzed by five reviewers. Six measurements (ramus length, gonion-gnathion length, minimum ramus breadth, gonial angle, bicondylar breadth, and bigonial breadth) were collected for the sexual prediction analysis. For the statistical analysis, intraclass correlation was used to evaluate intra-and inter-reviewers, analysis of variance was used to compare the mean values of these measurements, binary logistic regression equations were created to predicts sex. Using these four variables, the rate of correct sex classification was 95.1%. After, the discriminant function was used to validate the formula built. Accuracy of 93.33% and 94.74% was found for estimating male and females, respectively. Thus, the formula developed in this study can be used for sex estimation in forensic settings.
Zagazig Journal of Forensic Medicine
The identification of skeletal remains is of fundamental value in medico-legal fields. The skeletal components most often investigated for gender determination are the pelvis and skull, with the mandible especially in cases of destroyed bodies. The purpose of this study was to define the validity of mandibular measures taken through cone beam computerized tomography in sex determination and to establish a formula for such differentiation. The sample consisted of 100 Cone beam computerized tomography (CBCT). The CBCT images were analyzed for five measurements: the distance from the inferior border of the mandibular body to the highest point of the alveolar crest (IBM-HAC), the distance between the inferior margins of the mental foramen to the inferior border of mandibular body (IMMF-IBM), the distance between the superior margins of the mental foramen to the highest point of the alveolar crest (SMMF-HAC), the distance between the superior margins of the mental foramen to the inferior border of the mandible (SMMF-IBM), and volume of mental foramen. (VMF). Data analysis was achieved using SPSS version 22. Forward stepwise binary logistic regression analysis was accomplished to predict the probability of identifying male based on one or more independent variables. The logistic regression for the different varies revealed only the distance between the superior margins of the mental foramen to the inferior border of the mandible (SMMF-IBM), and volume of mental foramen. (VMF) as the significant contributors to the regression model. The logistic regression model was statistically significant and able to 75% of the difference in sex and accurately categorized all cases. Based on the logistic regression model, an equation for prediction of sex was derived. In conclusion, the current study demonstrates the probability of sex determination employing mandibular measurements taken thought CBCT that is proved as a superior tool if compared with the other radiological techniques.
RGO - Revista Gaúcha de Odontologia
Objetive: The objective of this study was to analyze mandibular measurements obtained from 225 computed tomography scans of the Osteological and CT Biobanks of Faculdade de Odontologia de Piracicaba Universidade Estadual de Campinas, aiming to verify the existence of a relationship between these measures and sexual dimorphism and ancestry. Methods: We sought to establish a mathematical model capable of estimating sex and ancestry. Of these scans, 126 were male, 94 were female and 5 were unidentified, aged 15 to 100 years, and ancestry known for the skin color phenotype (white, black, brown and yellow). Measurements were made between the following points: right lateral condylion and left lateral condylion; right lateral condylion and pogonion; left lateral condylion and pogonion; mesial border of right mental foramen and mesial border of left mental foramen. The area delimited by the triangle formed by the measurements between right lateral condylion and left lateral condylion was al...
International journal of legal medicine, 2017
Sex estimation of skeletal parts is of great value even in the DNA era. When computed tomography (CT) facilities were introduced to forensic institutes, new possibilities for sex estimation emerged. The aim of this study was to develop a CT-based method for sex estimation using the mandible. Twenty-five CT-based measurements of the mandible were developed and carried out on 3D reconstructions (volume rendering) and cross sections of the lower jaw of 438 adult individuals (214 males and 224 females). Intraobserver and interobserver variances of the measurements were examined using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) analysis. Five discriminant functions were developed using different states of completeness of the mandible. The success rates of these equations were cross validated twice. The measurements were found to be highly reliable (for intraobserver 0.838 < ICC < 0.995 and for interobserver 0.71 < ICC < 0.996). For a complete mandible, the correct classification...
Journal of Kathmandu Medical College
Background: The determination of age and sex is required for forensic practice and medicolegal purposes. Because the mandible is typically recovered intact, it plays a crucial role in determining sex. Orthopantomogram X-rays can be used to thoroughly examine the mandible. The availability of a large number of antemortem orthopantomograms could be extremely beneficial in terms of evaluating and developing population-specific sex determination standards. Objectives: To evaluate the usefulness of the mandibular ramus in sex determination by evaluating linear and angular measurements of the mandibular ramus on digital panoramic radiographs. Methods: An analytical cross-sectional study was conducted on 216 digital orthopantomogram from March 2021 to June 2021 in Kantipur Dental College. A convenient sampling technique was used to collect the radiographs. Mandibular parameters were traced using Image J Software, and angular and linear parameters were calculated. Radiographs with high imag...
Archives of Oral Biology, 2017
The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of two craniometric methods for sexual prediction (SP) using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) in the Dutch population and to construct a formula for each method and then the two combined. Design: One-hundred sixty CBCT images were selected from a Dutch database (80 males and 80 females). The images were analyzed by two examiners taking seven measurements in the maxillary sinus (MS) region (first method) and nine in the mandibular canal (MC) region (second method). The most predictive measurements in both methods were used to develop an equation to determine the accuracy of each method. Results: All measurements showed statistical difference between genders. Logistic regression results showed two variables with greater SP index with 75% accuracy in the first method and four variables with 71.9% accuracy in the second. The two methods combined showed another four variables with 78.5% accuracy. Conclusion: All measurements showed statistically significant differences between sexes. The SP accuracy values were 75% for first 71.9% for the second method. When the two methods were combined, the accuracy increased to 78.5%. The formulas developed in this study can be applied as a complementary method for human identification in the Dutch population.
Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science, 2018
Several bones have been examined for identification and determining the sex in the corpses, such as skull bones. Nowadays, CBCT images have high importance, since they have ability to produce images in different designs, which increase the efficiency of diagnosis. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate the dimensional measurement of different anatomic skull structures in determining the sexual dimorphism accuracy in cone beam CT images in an Iranian population. In this descriptive-analytical study, 102 patients, admitted to Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Department of Tabriz Faculty of Dentistry for evaluation by CBCT were examined. For this purpose, landmarks of frontal and maxillary sinus, mandible and foramen magnum were measured and finally analyzed by SPSS software to determine the sexual dimorphism accuracy of the measurements. The results of this research revealed that in terms of difference between males and females, the greatest difference belonged to differ...
Background: Identification of sex is the first step in forensic science obtained from skeletal remains. Mandible, being a strong bone that is difficult to damage and disintegrate, is an important tool in sex determination. The present study is aimed to assess, compare, and evaluate the mandibular measurements as seen on digital panoramic radiographs to analyze their use in sexual dimorphism assessment. Materials and Methods: This retrospective study was conducted using digital panoramic images of 100 each in both genders. Mandibular measurements were carried out utilizing RadiAnt DICOM Viewer 2.2.9 (32 bit) software (Medixant Company, Poland) and subjected to statistical analysis. Results: Descriptive statistics for all the parameters on the right and left sides of mandible in both males and females were analyzed. Inferential statistics were performed using t-test to compare males and females with different variables. A statistical significance of P < 0.001 has been demonstrated for all the variables (except linear measurement of mandibular foramen). All variables showed increased measurements in males than in females. The accuracy of sex determination in mandibular ramus measurements is 79.5% on right side and 77% on left side, where as, in linear mandibular measurements it is 76% on right side and 79.5% on left side. Conclusion: Mandibular measurements on digital radiograph are useful in sex determination, and this study can be compared with other similar studies.
The manufacturing processes control is a very important activity in all companies. As this should be developed by a multidisciplinary team, it will affect all the product manufacturing process. So, it is very important that its implementation will be planned in order to be effective. If the correct methodology is used on the right time, it will be possible to prevent the majority of the potential problems and improve the manufacturing processes. The purpose of this article is to suggest a framework to control properly the processes in the automotive industry, using the right approach – FMEA-to identify the gaps in a early phase of the product and process development, and prevent these gaps to occurr during normal production. Keywords: PFD–Process Flow Diagram; DFMEA – Design Failure Mode and Effects Analysis; PFMEA – Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis; Control Plan; FTQ – First Time Quality.
A análise financeira é o estudo através da decomposição de elementos e de levantamentos de dados que consistem em relações diversas que entre si possam ter tais elementos, com o objetivo de conhecer a realidade situação da empresa ou de levantar os efeitos de uma administração sob determinado ponto de vista.
Probat experiri. Peter Fuchs zum 75. Geburtstag, 2024
Peter Fuchs hat 1999 eine Neubrandenburger vorlesung zu,,Liebe, sex und solche Sachen. Zur Konstruktion modemer Intimsysteme" publiziert (Fuchs 1999). Das ist siebzehn Jahre nach Niklas Luhmanns ,,Liebe als passion. Zur codierung von Intimittit" (Luhmann 1982) das zweite systematische Buch, das die Systemtheorie der Liebeskommunikation und der Liebesbeziehungen zusammenfassend darstellt. Deutlicher, als dies bei Luhmann der Fall ist, hat dieses Buch von Fuchs einen zweiten Teil, der die Familie als einen zweiten gesellschaftlichen ort der Institutionalisierung von Liebesbeziehungen unterscheidet und der Familie einen eigenen Typus von Liebesoperation zuschreibt, die in Familien geltende ,,obligatorische Liebe", die daraufreagiert, dass Familienmitglieder (anders als romantische Liebespartner) im Normalfall nicht unter Liebesgesichtspunkten ausgewtihlt werden (auch bei Adoptionen nicht) und bei wegfall der Liebe nicht aus der Familie ausgeschlossen werden kdnnen, also auch im Konflikt weitergeliebt werden mtissen. Familien begreift peter Fuchs als ein Funktionssystem der Gesellschaft, wiihrend er diesen Status des Funktionssystems ftir die auf wechselseitigkeit der Liebe gegriindeten Zweiersysteme (ohne Familie) zu verneinen scheint. Man kann Fuchs' Buch als eine Einfiihrung in die Luhmannsche Liebestheorie lesen. In den wesentlichen Punkten unterscheidet sich die Argumentation nicht von Luhmann. Das Buch ist sprachlich originell und argumentativ selbstiindig, aber es sucht nicht unbedingt sachliche Differenz. vielleicht unterscheidet es sich im weltstimmungsgehalt. Fuchs scheint ntichterner mit den Emphasen der Liebe umzugehen, als dies Luhmann tun wollte. Das bei Luhmann so zentrale wort ,passion' taucht, wenn ich es nicht tiberlesen habe, bei Fuchs nicht ein einziges Mal auf. Gerade dort, wo Fuchs das Moment deserneut obligatorischenverschweigens betont, geht es deutlicher um Idiosynkrasien und Defekte, die sichtbar machen, dass man oft ziemlich viel am Anderen tibersehen muss.
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Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 2017
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