Marketing case study

What are the some of the benefits that the Ford has achieved through reorganizing its product line? The most evident benefits Ford motors has achieved would be standardized components and efficient sales and distribution. By reducing it number of platforms like selling out Aston Martin in 2007, Jaguar and Land Rover in 2008, Volvo and Mercury in 2010 and 2011 respectively. Divesting noncore brands allowed Ford to focus more on Ford brand and making it great. This help the company to come up with new model of cars which help the company to achieve better economies of scales in the production. Also providing a stable of products more clearly defined for each market segment would help Ford sales personnel still offer customers a range of options, despite the reduction in nameplates. For instance, the Ford Focus come in five variety each of which would fit a different market segment. Another example will be new Ford Mustang which is built for racing enthusiast there are two different type of it they are Shelby GT 500 and GT 5.0. What are some examples of Ford’s product line extensions? There are many new Ford products some of the model are model focus on the working class people which was a huge success in USA and all around the world. The model was the Ford focus, it has earned many awards. Now they are coming with new update version of the focus which will have greater fuel efficiency. They also started new model that are hybrid which has electric motor and is environmental friendly. They also came up the Ford Raptor which is basically a truck it has gained a huge success in the Middle East and USA. It is the predecessor of Ford 150. What are some of the examples of Ford’s product line contractions? Ford’s production line contractions are the divestiture of noncore brands, including Aston Martin, Land Rover, Jaguar, Volvo and Mercury are some of the examples