Hindawi Publishing Corporation
Chemotherapy Research and Practice
Volume 2011, Article ID 839742, 12 pages
Review Article
Neoadjuvant Treatment in Rectal Cancer: Actual Status
Ingrid Garajová, Stefania Di Girolamo, Francesco de Rosa, Jody Corbelli,
Valentina Agostini, Guido Biasco, and Giovanni Brandi
Department of Hematology and Oncology Sciences “L. A. Seragnoli”, Sant’Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, University of Bologna,
via Massarenti 9, 40138 Bologna, Italy
Correspondence should be addressed to Giovanni Brandi, giovanni.brandi@unibo.it
Received 30 November 2010; Revised 20 June 2011; Accepted 28 June 2011
Academic Editor: Sandro Barni
Copyright © 2011 Ingrid Garajová et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Neoadjuvant (preoperative) concomitant chemoradiotherapy (CRT) has become a standard treatment of locally advanced rectal
adenocarcinomas. The clinical stages II (cT3-4, N0, M0) and III (cT1-4, N+, M0) according to International Union Against Cancer
(IUCC) are concerned. It can reduce tumor volume and subsequently lead to an increase in complete resections (R0 resections),
shows less toxicity, and improves local control rate. The aim of this review is to summarize actual approaches, main problems, and
discrepancies in the treatment of locally advanced rectal adenocarcinomas.
1. Indication and Benefit of
Neoadjuvant Treatment
Rectal cancer is one of the most common cancers and
accounts for approximately 1/3 of the deaths due to colorectal cancer in 2009 [1]. In well-selected patients (i.e.,
those with well-differentiated T1 cancers involving <40%
of the circumference, without lymphovascular invasion),
particularly when the only other option is abdominoperineal
resection (APR), local excision seems to be a viable option
[2]. Locally advanced rectal cancer is comprised of tumors
with extension beyond the muscularis propria (≥T3) and/or
those with clinical or pathologic evidence for lymph node
metastasis (N+); in these cases multimodality approaches
are recommended [1]. Such multimodality approaches are
applicable to patients with rectal cancers at or below the
peritoneal reflection. This designation generally represents
cancers below 12 cm from the anal verge. Generally, the treatment of tumors localized more than 12 cm from anal verge
is based on the colon cancer paradigm. The determination
of “node positivity” in patients with locally advanced rectal
cancer can be difficult. Most lymph nodes involved by rectal
cancer are less than 1 cm, but not all lymph nodes detected by
MRI or TRUS represent metastatic disease; therefore, some
patients can be understaged. Neoadjuvant CRT may also be
considered if the preoperative staging evaluation suggests the
presence of mesorectal invasion [3]. This finding is highly
predictive of residual tumor at the circumferential margin
Neoadjuvant CRT is more effective than adjuvant therapy
in reducing local recurrence and in minimizing toxicity [5].
It is associated with tumor downstaging, significantly higher
rate of pathologic complete response (pCR), significantly
less advanced pT and pN stage, and fewer cases with
venous, perineural, or lymphatic invasion, increased tumor
resectability [6]. Multivariate analyses confirmed that the
response to neoadjuvant CRT was predictive of improved OS
among the patients with locally advanced rectal cancer [7, 8].
Taking advantage of tumor downstaging after neoadjuvant
CRT is supposed to increase the chance of sphincter saving
surgery (SSS) [9]. In fact, this hypothesis is a very complex
issue involving the stage and location of the tumor, the
patient habitus and desire, and the skill of the surgeon. In
a very recent review [9], a total of 17-randomized trials were
analysed, to answer the question if neoadjuvant treatment in
rectal cancer is able to increase SSS. The authors concluded
that the analysis of the most recent and large phase III trials
does not support this hypothesis. The obvious reduction of
permanent stoma in the recent years is according the authors
mainly due to technical and conceptual improvements in the
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surgical management of rectal cancers [9]. No data concerning disease progression during treatment were reported in
the large phase III neoadjuvant trials [5, 10, 11].
makes short-course RT less expensive and more convenient
than CRT. The optimal fractionation of RT, timing of surgery,
and the best use of concomitant CT remain controversial.
2. Short- versus Long-Course
Neoadjuvant Radiation
3. Choice of Chemotherapy Regimen
There are two types of neoadjuvant radiation regimens
accepted as standard for resectable rectal cancer: shortcourse (5 × 5 Gy) RT alone with immediate surgery and longcourse combined CRT with delayed surgery (conventional
radiation doses of 1.8–2 Gy per fraction over 5-6 weeks, for a
total dose of 45–50.4 Gy) [5].
The Polish trial [12] compared neoadjuvant short-course
RT followed by total mesorectal excision (TME) within 7
days and neoadjuvant long-course CRT followed by TME
at 4–6 weeks. Neoadjuvant short-course RT had less grade
3/4 acute toxicity (3.2 versus 18%), better compliance (97.9
versus 69.2%), and similar postoperative toxicity (28.3 versus
27%). Neoadjuvant long-course CRT had higher rate of
pCR (16.1 versus 0.7%) and lower circumferential margin
involvement (4.4 versus 12.9%), which did not translate into
improved survival or recurrence at a median follow up of
48 months. 98% of the patients receiving short-course RT
completed prescribed treatment compared with only 69.2%
of patients receiving CRT [13].
The optimal time interval between RT and surgery is
unknown. There is a trend towards greater downstaging and
complete response with increasing interval between longcourse CRT and surgery [14]. The Lyon 90-01 trial [15]
randomized patients with T2-3 mid- and low-rectal cancer to
neoadjuvant 13 × 3 Gy RT (not short-course RT) followed by
short interval (within 2 weeks) or long interval (6–8 weeks)
to surgery. Long interval arm demonstrated better tumor
response (72 versus 53%) and pathological downstaging
(26 versus 10%). There was a trend towards increased
sphincter preservation in the long-interval group (76 versus
68%) which was not statistically significant. There was no
significant difference in 3-year OS (81 versus 73%), local
recurrence (10.3 versus 9.9%), early postoperative mortality
(3 versus 4%), or morbidity (18 versus 17%). In another
multicenter trial, patients were randomized to either shortcourse RT (5 × 5 Gy) and surgery within 1 week, short-course
RT and surgery after 4–8 weeks or long-course RT (25 × 2 Gy)
and surgery after 4–8 weeks. Compliance was acceptable and
severe acute toxicity was low, irrespective of fractionation.
The patients receiving short-course RT with surgery 11–
17 days after the start of RT had the highest complication
rate. These results indicate that surgery should be performed
immediately after short-course RT, within approximately
5 days after the last RT fraction, or be delayed for more
than 4 weeks [16, 17]. A nonsignificant improvement in
SSS was reported in a French study which randomized
patients to surgery within two weeks after the completion
of RT, compared with six to eight weeks. The long interval
between neoadjuvant RT and surgery provided increased
tumor downstaging with no detrimental effect on toxicity
but did not result in significant differences in long-term local
control or survival [18, 19]. The small number of fractions
For patients with clinical stage II and III rectal cancer,
neoadjuvant treatment with RT and 5-FU-based CT is
recommended. The integration of newer chemotherapeutic
and targeted agents in patients with advanced colorectal
cancer have led to further improvements in DFS and
OS. These agents are now being studied with RT in the
neoadjuvant therapy of rectal cancer.
Infusional versus bolus 5-FU: infusional rather than
bolus 5-FU during RT increases the likelihood of a pCR in
patients with locally advanced rectal cancer [20].
Orally active fluoropyrimidines versus infusional 5-FU:
recently, results of NSABP R-04 trial have been published.
In the study, 1680 patients were randomly assigned to
the four treatment groups: continuous intravenous infusion
of 5-FU (225 mg/m2 5 days per week) with or without
oxaliplatin (5 cycles of 50 mg/m2 weekly), or capecitabine
(1650 mg/m2 5 days per week) with or without oxaliplatin.
The authors conclude that the administration of capecitabine
with neoadjuvant RT achieved rates similar to continuous
infusion 5-FU for surgical downstaging, SSS, and pCR.
Further results of the study, including DFS and OS, should be
available by fall 2013 [21]. In another phase III trial comparing capecitabine with 5-FU for adjuvant or neoadjuvant CRT
for locally advanced rectal cancer [22], results demonstrated
that capecitabine may replace 5-FU in the perioperative
treatment of locally advanced rectal cancer because of the
advantageous safety profile, improved nodal downstaging,
and more favorable survival outcomes seen in the study.
Overall, 392 patients were randomly assigned, 197 to the
capecitabine group and 195 to the 5-FU group. Of these
groups, 81 patients received capecitabine as neoadjuvant
therapy and 80 received 5-FU in addition to TME. Handand-foot syndrome (HFS), fatigue, and proctitis were more
commonly observed in patients in the capecitabine group,
while leucopenia and alopecia were more frequent in the
5-FU group. Rates of diarrhea were similar in patients in
the capecitabine and 5-FU groups during cycles where no
radiation was given, but significantly more diarrhea was
noted in patients given capecitabine at the same time as RT
compared with patients administered 5-FU and RT (P =
0.07). After 52 months of follow up, local recurrence rates
were equal in the two arms (6.1% capecitabine and 7.2%
5-FU; P = 0.7795), but fewer patients in the capecitabine
group developed distant metastases (18.8% versus 27.7%;
P = 0.0367). Fifty five of 93-reported deaths occurred in
patients in the 5-FU arm. Analysis showed that capecitabine
was noninferior compared with 5-FU in 5-year OS, which
was the study’s primary endpoint (75.7% versus 66.6%,
respectively; P = 0.0004). 3-year DFS was superior in the
capecitabine group (75.2%) compared with the 5-FU group
(66.6%; P = 0.034). Development of HFS predicted more
favorable outcomes. In the study, any patient who developed the skin disorder had significantly higher 3-year DFS
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(83.2%; P = 0.004) and 5-year OS (91.4%; P < 0.0001)
compared with patients who did not develop HFS.
Leucovorin: in a retrospective review of 297 patients with
locally advanced rectal cancer treated with 5-FU-based CT
and concurrent RT, the most common CT protocol was
5-FU bolus with leucovorin, both given for five days on weeks
1 and 5 of RT. The pCR rate was 15% [23]. In one report of
22 patients with locally advanced rectal cancer treated using
infusional 5-FU combined with leucovorin concurrent with
RT, the pCR rate was 14%. 82% of patients had a SSS, and
3-year survival rate was 69% [24]. The role of this drug in
rectal cancer is not so clear.
Oxaliplatin: two-phase III randomized studies have compared the addition of oxaliplatin to either 5-FU (STAR-01)
or capecitabine (ACCORD 12/0405) [25, 26]. The addition
of weekly oxaliplatin significantly increased toxicity without
improving the pCR or SSS. Originally designed as a twoarm study comparing capecitabine with 5-FU, oxaliplatin
was added to the study protocol (known as NSABP R04). Although, oxaliplatin has theoretical advantages as a
radiosensitizing agent, no difference was noted in patients
receiving capecitabine with or without oxaliplatin or 5-FU
with or without oxaliplatin, but greater toxicity was noted
in both oxaliplatin groups [21]. In conclusion, the addition
of oxaliplatin to fluoropyrimidine-based CRT cannot be
considered a standard approach in patients with locally
advanced rectal cancer. Oxaliplatin during RT should not be
used outside clinical trial.
Irinotecan: benefit could not be shown neither for the
addition of irinotecan to 5-FU in patients with locally
advanced rectal cancer in neoadjuvant setting. 106 patients
with locally advanced rectal cancer were randomly assigned
to continuous infusional 5-FU concurrent with hyperfractionated RT or to infusional 5-FU plus irinotecan and
concurrent conventional fractionation RT [27]. The pCR
rate was similar in both arms. In recently published results
of the phase II trial [28], the rate of pCR of MRI-defined
locally advanced rectal adenocarcinoma using concurrent
irinotecan and capecitabine was 22%. A Radiation Therapy
Oncology Group randomized study compared oxaliplatin
and capecitabine with RT versus irinotecan and capecitabine
with RT. The pCR rates were 18% in the oxaliplatin arm and
10% in the irinotecan arm [29]. Irinotecan has not benefit
in clinical response and moreover increase treatment-related
EGFR inhibitors: overexpression of EGFR is regarded as a
negative prognostic factor and is associated with resistance to
RT. In retrospective analyses, patients with EGFR-expressing
rectal cancer undergoing neoadjuvant RT had a significantly
lower DFS and lower chance of achieving a pCR [30–36].
Two types of EGFR inhibitors have been tested in patients
with locally advanced rectal cancer in neoadjuvant setting:
small-molecule EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor (gefitinib)
and monoclonal antibody to EGFR (cetuximab).
Gefitinib: in a phase I trial from Duke University
combining gefitinib, capecitabine, and RT in rectal cancer,
the combination resulted in significant toxicity, and no
recommended phase II dose could be determined [37]. In
contrast, an Italian study evaluating infusional 5-FU with
gefitinib and RT showed good tolerability with a pCR rate
of 30.3% [38]. Ongoing phase I to II studies are further
evaluating the tolerability and efficacy of gefitinib with
conventional neoadjuvant CRT regimens in patients with
locally advanced rectal cancer.
Cetuximab: cetuximab can be safely combined with
RT and CT in the neoadjuvant treatment of rectal cancer.
Two phase II studies investigating cetuximab delivered with
oxaliplatin/capecitabine-based [39] and 5-FU-based [40]
CRT yielded disappointing pCR rates of only 9% and 5%,
respectively. Another study [41] suggests EGF A + 61G polymorphism to be a predictive marker for pCR, independent
of KRAS mutation status, to cetuximab-based neoadjuvant
CRT of patients with locally advanced rectal cancer. 130
patients with locally advanced rectal cancer who were
enrolled in phase I/II clinical trials treated with cetuximabbased CRT were included. Patients with the EGF 61 G/G
genotype had pCR of 45%, compared with 21% in patients
heterozygous, and 2% in patients homozygous for the A/A
allele (P < 0.001).
Antiangiogenic agents: increased levels of vascular
endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression have been
found in the tumors and sera of patients with localized as well
as metastatic colon and rectal cancer [42–44]. High VEGF
expression has been associated with disease progression and
inferior survival.
Bevacizumab: the addition of bevacizumab to 5-FUbased CRT provides encouraging pCR rates and does not
increase acute toxicity [45, 46]. Plasma VEGF (vascular
endothelial growth factor), PlGF (placental-derived growth
factor), sVEGFR1 (soluble vascular endothelial growth factor
receptor), and IL-6 and CECs (circulating endothelial cells)
should be further evaluated as candidate biomarkers of
response for this regimen [45]. However, the impact of
this strategy on long-term outcomes and posttreatment
complications awaits the completion of phase III studies.
4. Induction Chemotherapy before
Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy in Patients
with Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer
Multimodality treatment for patients with locally advanced
rectal cancer include radiotherapy, chemotherapy, chemoradiotherapy, surgery, and eventual incorporation of molecularly targeted agents. The optimum sequence of these
modalities is being discussed. Moreover, rectal cancer local
recurrence rates are today less than 10%. The predominant
mode of failure in rectal cancer is the development of distant
metastases (30–35%). Therefore, the primary goal of adding
induction CT is not to improve local efficacy, but to better
control distant disease [5, 47]. The neoadjuvant RT/CRT has
been shown to be superior to adjuvant treatment for variety
of endpoints [5, 48]. Another consideration to underline is
the suboptimal compliance of systemic treatment in adjuvant
setting. Approximately 50% of patients are unable to receive
the planned adjuvant CT dose [5, 10, 11, 49, 50]. Two
common reasons for this are toxicity and patient refusal.
Given the fact that the cumulative doses of the new drugs
reached during neoadjuvant RT are substantially lower than
in adjuvant colon cancer trials, an innovative approach
such as to deliver systemic therapy prior to neoadjuvant
CRT was developed [5, 10, 11, 49, 50]. Induction CT
may be associated with better treatment compliance and
may enable full systemic doses of CT to be delivered.
Other theoretical advantages of induction CT include the
possibility of tumor shrinking or downstaging, thereby
facilitating more effective local treatment and early treatment
of micrometastasis. Tumor shrinkage potentially allows
improved tumor vascularity. Theoretically, the consequences
of this are improved oxygenation and higher intratumoral
concentration of cytotoxic drugs [51, 52]. Another theoretical advantage of induction CT is the potential to eradicate
distant micrometastases at an early stage in the evolution,
utilization of the embryonic tumor blood supply (in contrast
to surgical scars), and treatment of fit patient before surgery
[53]. On the other hand, this strategy may be associated
with the selection of radioresistant clones, the induction
of accelerated repopulation, possibly reduced compliance to
CRT, and a substantial delay of definitive surgery [53].
Recently, a Spanish randomized phase II trial compared
the induction CT approach with conventional neoadjuvant
CRT followed by surgery and adjuvant CT. A total of 108
patients with locally advanced resectable rectal adenocarcinoma were randomly assigned to: arm A: preoperative
CRT (5 weeks, capecitabine 1650 mg/m2 5 days/week +
oxaliplatin 50 mg/m2 weekly, pelvic RT: 50.4 Gy), followed
by surgery after 5-6 weeks and adjuvant CRT CAPOX (4
cycles, capecitabine 2000 mg/m2 for 14 days, oxaliplatin
130 mg/m2 day 1). Arm B: induction CAPOX (4 cycles,
capecitabine 2000 mg/m2 for 14 days, oxaliplatin 130 mg/m2
day 1) followed by CRT (5 weeks, capecitabine 1650 mg/m2
5 days/week + oxaliplatin 50 mg/m2 weekly, pelvic RT:
50.4 Gy), followed by surgery after 5-6 weeks. The primary
endpoint was pCR. Compared with adjuvant CAPOX, induction CAPOX before CRT had similar pCR and complete
resection rates. It did achieve more favorable compliance and
toxicity profiles [54]. Chau et al. published clinical results
of phase II trials (first published in 2006 with 77 patients
updated in 2010 with 105 patients). He examined the use
of 4 cycles of induction CT CAPOX (oxaliplatin 130 mg/m2
day 1 with capecitabine 2000 mg/m2 daily for 14 days
every 3 weeks) followed by CRT (54 Gy over 6 weeks with
capecitabine 1650 mg/m2 daily), followed by total mesorectal
excision, and 12 weeks of adjuvant capecitabine (2500 mg/m2
daily for 14 days every 3 weeks). The primary endpoint was
pCR. Radiological response rates after induction CT and
CRT were 74% and 89%, respectively. 3-year progressionfree and overall survival were 68% and 83%, respectively.
A 20 % pCR was reported. A major concern of this study
is that nine patients had cardiac and thromboembolic toxic
effects, leading to four deaths during induction CT; however,
other trials with induction CT did not confirm such a
high number of early fatal events [55]. Another phase
II study evaluated the efficacy and safety of neoadjuvant
capecitabine plus oxaliplatin and RT in patients with locally
advanced rectal cancer. Treatment consisted of one cycle of
XELOX (capecitabine 1000 mg m2 for 14 days and oxaliplatin
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130 mg m2 day 1), followed by RT (1.8 Gy fractions 5 days
per week for 5 weeks) plus CAPOX (capecitabine 825 mg m2
on days 22–35 and 43–56, and oxaliplatin 50 mg m2 on days
22, 29, 43, and 50). Surgery was recommended 5 weeks after
the completion of CRT. The primary endpoint was pCR.
Sixty patients were enrolled. The pCR rate was 23%, and
R0 resection was achieved in 98% of patients. Sphincter
preservation was achieved in 84% of patients. Tumor and/or
nodal downstaging was observed in 65% of patients. The
most common grade 3/4 adverse events were diarrhea
(20%) and lymphocytopaenia (43%) [56]. Another Spanish
study compared efficacy in terms of pathologic response
in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer treated with
neoadjuvant CRT, with or without a short-intense course
of induction oxaliplatin. 114 patients were treated with
neoadjuvant CRT (45–50.4 Gy + oral Tegafur 1200 mg/day).
52 patients additionally received induction FOLFOX-4 (2
cycles), followed by the previously described Tegafur CRT
regime. Surgery was performed in 5-6 weeks. Incidence of
pT(0) specimens was significantly increased by induction
FOLFOX-4 (P = 0.006). Total T and N downstaging was 58%
versus 75% and 42% versus 40%, respectively (P = ns). T
downstaging of > or = 2 categories was significantly superior
in FOLFOX-4 group (P = 0.029). The authors conclude that
short-intense induction FOLFOX-4 significantly improves
pCR in patients with locally advanced rectal cancer treated
with tegafur-sensitized neoadjuvant CRT [57].
In conclusion, the induction CT in patients with locally
advanced rectal cancer is feasible, does not compromise CRT
or surgical resection, and enables CT to be delivered in
adequate dose and intensity. A phase III study to definitively
test the induction strategy is warranted.
5. The Prognostic Impact of Tumor Regression
Modern neoadjuvant concurrent CRT treatment regimens
have consistently demonstrated pCR rates of up to 20%
[58, 59]. The Gastro-Intestinal Working Group of the
Italian Association of Radiation Oncology collected clinical
data for 566 patients with pCR after neoadjuvant therapy.
Locoregional recurrence occurred in 7 patients (1.6%) and
distant metastases in 49 patients (8.9%). Overall, 5-year rates
of DFS and OS were 85% and 90%, respectively. These data
confirm that in a large series of patients achieving pCR after
neoadjuvant therapy, highly favorable outcomes are achieved
[60]. Investigators from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
Center reported that response to neoadjuvant therapy was
a strong predictor of DFS. However, outcome was most
accurately estimated by final pathologic stage, which is
influenced by both preoperative stage and response to
therapy [61]. These results indicate that pathologic stage
is still the most reliable predictor of survival in patients
undergoing neoadjuvant CRT and surgery. The pCR appears
to be associated with a very favorable prognosis. The degree
of regression has been correlated to long-term survival
outcomes. In a subgroup of patients from the German Rectal
Cancer Trial, 5-year DFS ranged from 86% for patients with
complete tumor regression, to 75% for patients with 25–
75% tumor regression, and 63% for patients with <25%
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tumor regression (P = 0.006) [62]. Furthermore, OS was
improved with downstaging (P = 0.003), and the persistence of positive lymph node involvement after treatment
was strongly associated with a higher risk of recurrence
(P < 0.001) [63]. Recognizing the prognostic importance
of tumor regression, the Tumor Regression Grade (TRG)
classification became an essential component of the protocol
for pathologic reporting of rectal cancer resection specimens.
There is a question whether selected patients with
radiologic and clinical evidence of a complete response
after neoadjuvant CRT might be able to avoid surgery. No
randomized trials are available. As it is sure that some
patients with clinical complete response have microscopic
residual tumor at resection, at the present, surgery remains
the standard approach after neoadjuvant CRT, even in
patients who appear to have a complete clinical response to
neoadjuvant therapy.
6. Adjuvant Chemotherapy after
Neoadjuvant Therapy for Rectal Cancer?
There is insufficient evidence on the benefit of adjuvant
CT after neoadjuvant CRT for rectal cancer. The main
advantage of adjuvant CT is better selection of patients since
it can be based on pathologic staging [64]. In addition, the
high rate of failure in terms of distant metastases suggests
that residual malignant cells either in the primary site or
elsewhere may require more effective and additional systemic
methods of elimination [53]. The primary disadvantages
include increased toxicity [64] which may compromise the
dose intensity of adjuvant CT [53], and the compliance of
adjuvant CT is suboptimal [10, 11].
The benefit of 5-FU-based adjuvant CT in patients with
locally advanced rectal cancer undergoing neoadjuvant CRT
remains uncertain, although most oncologists recommend it.
NCCN guidelines recommend that all such patients should
receive adjuvant CT even if they have a pCR after neoadjuvant therapy [65]. The choice of regimen is unsettled. ESMO
guidelines stated that “similar to the situation in colon cancer
stages III (and “high-risk” stage II), adjuvant CT can be
provided, even if the scientific support for sufficient effect is
less.” It appears as if the efficacy of adjuvant CT is less if the
tumors have not responded to the neoadjuvant RT/CRT [66].
Experts of European Rectal Cancer Conference (EURECACC2) acknowledged that there is an insufficient evidence
on the benefit of adjuvant CT after neoadjuvant CRT to
come to consensus about its use [67]. Subgroup analysis
suggests that only patients who respond and are downstaged
from cT3-4 to ypT0-2 benefit from 5-FU-based adjuvant CT
[68]. Survival benefit of 3-4% with 5-FU-based adjuvant CT
was reported [69]. EORTC 22921 randomised trial failed to
confirm a benefit of adjuvant CT in patients with locally
advanced rectal cancer after neoadjuvant CRT in the terms
of DFS or OS [11], even in the node-positive patients [68].
Data of 785 of the 1,011 randomly assigned patients whose
disease was M0 at curative surgery were used. Although there
was no statistically significant impact of adjuvant CT on
DFS for the whole group (P > 0.5), the treatment effect
differed significantly between the ypT0-2 and the ypT3-4
patients, only the ypT0-2 patients seemed to benefit from
adjuvant CT (P = 0.011). The same pattern was observed for
OS. Exploratory analyses suggest that only good-prognosis
patients (ypT0-2) benefit from adjuvant CT. Patients in
whom no downstaging was achieved did not benefit. This
also suggests that the same prognostic factors may drive both
tumor sensitivity for the primary treatment and long-term
clinical benefit from further adjuvant CT [68]. Also Janjan
et al. [8] suggested that patients who responded to 5-FU
during neoadjuvant CRT probably would also respond to
5-FU-based adjuvant CT. It has been frequently observed
that a large number of patients who remain in a nodepositive stage after neoadjuvant CRT and surgery for rectal
cancer developed early distant metastases and not local
recurrence despite of continuing adjuvant CT [70]. Patients
downstaged to ypT0-2N0 disease after CRT or after RT alone
have a favourable prognosis [60, 71–73]. For these reasons,
according to some authors, the gain in absolute percentages
from adjuvant CT in those groups is very small [74]. It
was reported that adding adjuvant CT did not significantly
improve DFS or OS for patients with a good response (ypT02N0) following neoadjuvant CRT and curative surgery [75].
These findings are consistent with suggestion by Das et
al. [76] that adjuvant CT may be of greater benefit for
high-risk patients. Bujko et al. underlined some interesting
consideration about EORTC 22921 trial [74]. The first point
was that the intention-to-treat principle was not followed as
22% patients were excluded from the analysis. Furthermore,
the numbers of patients in whom the benefit of CT was
found (ypT0-2 disease) were imbalanced in the adjuvant CT
group versus the control group (198 versus 225, respectively).
Also, the beneficial effect of adjuvant CT was confined
only to ypT0-2 patients receiving conventionally fractionated
neoadjuvant RT and not those receiving neoadjuvant CRT
[77]. A pooled retrospective analysis reported 566 patients
with advanced rectal cancer with pCR after neoadjuvant
RT or CRT [60]. Unexpectedly, a tendency towards worse
DFS was noted in the 22% of patients given adjuvant CT,
compared with those not receiving this treatment. Therefore,
the concept of the EORTC trial subgroup analysis that
adjuvant CT provides a benefit in patients downstaged after
RT/CRT is dubious [74]. The aim of the QUASAR trial
[69] was to determine survival benefit from adjuvant CT
for patients with colorectal cancer at low risk of recurrence,
for whom the indication for such treatment is unclear. After
apparently curative resections of colon or rectal cancer, 3239
patients (2963 with stage II disease, 2291 with colon cancer),
were randomly assigned to receive CT with 5-FU and folinic
acid (n = 1622) or to observation (n = 1617). The primary
outcome was all-cause mortality. After a median follow up
of 5.5 years, there were 311 deaths in the CT group and 370
in the observation group; the relative risk of death from any
cause with CT versus observation alone was 0.82 (95% CI
0.70–0.95; P = 0.008). There were 293 recurrences in the
CT group and 359 in the observation group; the relative
risk of recurrence with CT versus observation alone was
0.78 (0.67–0.91; P = 0.001). The authors concluded that
CT with 5-FU and folinic acid could improve the survival
of patients with stage II colorectal cancer although the
absolute improvements are small (an absolute improvement
in survival of 3.6%) [74].
Another clinically relevant question is whether the
indication for adjuvant CT should be determined by clinical
staging (cTNM) or by the definitive pathological surgical
staging (ypTNM). Several reports have shown that the
postoperative pathological staging after CRT is more discriminative for prognosis than the pretreatment clinical
staging [60, 61, 72].
The role of adjuvant CT following neoadjuvant CRT
and radical surgery for patients with locally advanced rectal
cancer remains unclear. Randomized trials are needed.
7. The Problem of Low-Risk
T3N0M0 Rectal Tumors
A number of studies [78–80] have demonstrated that
patients undergoing resection of pT3N0 rectal cancer with
favorable pathologic features experience a low rate of local
failure after surgery alone, suggesting that these patients
may not require adjuvant therapy. A ten-year actuarial local
recurrence rate of these patients is less than 10% [81]. Gunderson et al. reported a retrospective analysis of pooled data
demonstrating similar 5-year OS for pT3N0 rectal cancer
patients treated with surgery and CT alone (84%) versus
those treated with CRT (74% to 80%), further suggesting
that trimodality therapy may be excessive for some patients
in the T3N0 subset [82]. In the study of Lombardi et al.,
the authors found that 28% of patients with rectal cancer
clinically staged as cT3N0 before CRT were identified to have
lymph node metastases at surgical pathology. In the large
multicenter study, 22% of patients staged before neoadjuvant
CRT as having cT3N0 rectal cancer on either EUS or MRI
have pathologically positive lymph nodes [83]. This subset
of patients differs from the remaining true node-negative
patients [84]. In meta-analysis of 90 imaging studies that
aimed to compare EUS, CT, and MRI performance for rectal
cancer staging were found low sensitivity values for nodal
staging without statistically significant differences between
each modality. Sensitivity estimates for EUS, CT, and MRI
were 67, 55, and 66%, respectively. Specificity values were
also comparable: 78% for EUS, 74% for CT, and 76% for
MRI [85]. The German study [5] demonstrated that 18%
of patients staged clinically as having cT3, cT4, or nodepositive rectal cancer on EUS were overstaged. Because
neoadjuvant CRT may not only reduce the total number of
LNs but also sterilize mesorectal LNs [86–88], the true rate of
unidentified pathologically involved LNs is likely to be higher
[83]. Adverse prognostic features, including a greater depth
of perirectal fat invasion, poor tumor differentiation, the
presence of lymphovascular invasion, abnormally elevated
pretreatment carcinoembryonic antigen levels (>5 ng/mL),
circumferential margin involvement, and a low-lying position may identify T3N0 patients at high risk for local
recurrence who may benefit from the addition of radiation
therapy. The pretherapy detection of unfavourable features
would lead to the delivery of adjuvant CRT. It is unlikely
that a pretherapy biopsy would reliably exclude unfavourable
Chemotherapy Research and Practice
pathologic features [83]. An alternative method for identifying positive nodes would be the analysis of molecular
markers which is very limited nowadays [83]—for example,
tumor location, P21, CD44v6 [89]. On the other hand,
neoadjuvant CRT could be a likely overtreatment in the
subgroup of T3N0 tumors with favourable features (low risk
of CRM involvement and location in the mid/upper rectum).
Accurate pretreatment identification of node-negative cancer
and subdivision of cT3N0 tumors into different substages
are fundamental requirements in evaluating the efficacy and
safety of tailored treatments [84].
Some institutions consider neoadjuvant short-course RT
a valid alternative in patients with cT3 rectal cancer whose
disease does not need downsizing (not threatened by CRM,
located in the upper and mild rectum), also because of the
possibility of choosing the proper adjuvant CT on the basis
of pathological data [90].
Accurate pretreatment identification of node-negative
cancer and subdivision of cT3N0 tumors into different
substages are fundamental requirements in evaluating the
efficacy and safety of tailored treatments [84]. Thus, neoadjuvant CRT shoud remain the care standard for locally
advanced rectal cancer, including cT3N0 on the grounds
of the principle that overtreatment is less hazardous than
undertreatment for cT3N0 rectal cancers (5) [84]. The
optimal treatment for these truly superficial uT3 lesions
warrants further study in the form of a randomized trial.
8. Quality of Life and Treatment Toxicity
The adverse effects after treatment for rectal cancer
include gastrointestinal disorders, genitourinary and sexual
dysfunction, and secondary cancers, pelvic or hip fractures,
and thromboembolic diseases [91–95].
8.1. Gastrointestinal Disorders. The symptoms resulting from
adverse effects of the gastrointestinal tract include diarrhea,
bleeding, abdominal pain and obstruction due to stenosis
or adhesions and more rarely malabsorption [96], necrosis,
perforation, and fistulation [97]. The incidence of small
bowel obstruction requiring surgery following adjuvant
pelvic RT for rectal cancer is 4–15% in historical series [67].
Anal and rectal dysfunction refers mainly to symptoms such
as gas, liquids or solid faeces incontinence, rectal emptying
problems, frequent bowel movements, and diarrhea. The
long-term bowel function is impaired more by adjuvant
RT than by neoadjuvant RT [5]. Patients with stomas were
more satisfied with their bowel function than those operated
with a low anterior resection without stoma; those were
independent of RT [20, 92]. In a Polish trial comparing
neoadjuvant short-course RT and CRT, no differences were
seen in the proportion of patients having incontinence to
loose stools (72% RT and 65% CRT), difficulties in discrimination between gas and stools (59% RT and 66% CRT) and
in stool frequency (median 4 RT and 5 CRT). This study
did not reveal any differences in late adverse effects from the
gastrointestinal tract [13]. Other gastrointestinal disorders
include fistulas and anastomotic strictures. Adjuvant CRT
Chemotherapy Research and Practice
increased the risk of late anastomotic strictures (12%)
compared to neoadjuvant CRT (4%, P = 0.003) [5].
8.2. Genitourinary Dysfunction. Urogenital dysfunction after
rectal cancer treatment is common. It include, incontinence,
retention, dysuria, frequency and urgency [98, 99]. Late
urinary tract symptoms were reported in 4% of all patients in
the Western Norwegian trial [100] and in 3% of all patients in
the Uppsala trial, with chronic cystitis as the most common
diagnosis [101]. Bladder problems were seen in 2% of the
preoperatively treated and 4% of the postoperatively treated
patients (P = 0.21) in the German study on pre- versus
postoperative CRT [5].
8.3. Sexual Dysfunction. As with surgery, RT can lead to
increased sexual dysfunction. In males, a long-term deterioration of ejaculatory and erectile function is due to late
radiation damage to the seminal vesicles and small vessels,
respectively. In females, RT leads to vaginal dryness and
diminished sexual satisfaction [102]. Patients who undergo
an APR have more voiding difficulties, erectile dysfunction,
and dyspareunia, compared with those who undergo a
LAR [102]. Dutch TME trial analysed the grade of sexual
dysfunction between irradiated and surgery only patients
[102]. In males, the sexual activities of those who were
still active preoperatively decreased to 67% in irradiated
patients and 76% in nonirradiated patients: this difference
was not statistically significant. A greater difference was seen
in females with a reduction to 72% for irradiated patients
and 90% nonirradiated patients.
8.4. Second Cancers. The risk was mainly related to second
cancers from organs within or adjacent to the irradiated
target. There was no individual type of cancer that could
be related to the RT, but gynaecologic and prostate cancers
were the most common second cancers from organs within
or adjacent to the irradiated target [94].
Gender differences in quality of life of patients after
treatment for rectal cancer have been previously reported.
Women have higher rates for fatigue and insomnia as shown
in general population. Men appear to have higher scores
of sexual problems, but somewhat higher scores for sexual
functioning than female [102]. The multicenter prospective
observational trial [103] evaluating quality of life in patients
with rectal cancer who receive neoadjuvant CRT. Only 14%
of patients had optimal continence. Physical/social functioning, fatigue, and body image showed a decrease just after
neoadjuvant CRT and returned to baseline levels at 1 year
after treatment. Global quality of life was stable over time.
Male sexual problems were greatly impaired throughout the
study period (P < 0.001) with major clinically meaningful
changes between baseline and 1 year after treatment.
In conclusion, neoadjuvant/adjuvant treatment for
locally advanced rectal cancer can have some negative effects
on quality of life that should be discussed with the patient
before the definitive choice of treatment.
9. Risk Factors Associated with
Local Recurrence
Due to differences in the lymphatic drainage and the
narrow anatomic space of the true pelvis, rectal cancer
behaves differently from colon cancer, particularly with
regard to an increased risk for local recurrence [104, 105].
Important prognostic factors following complete tumor
excision include the lack of distant metastases (M stage),
the depth of infiltration into the rectal wall (T stage), the
number and localization of involved lymph nodes (N stage),
the circumferential radial margin (CRM), and a positive
distal margin [106]. Pathologic findings like lymphovascular
invasion and poor differentiation have also been shown to
increase the risk of local recurrence [107, 108]. A positive
microscopic margin is defined as histological evidence of
tumor in the line of resection and results in local recurrence
rates ranging from 31 to 55% [109–111]. Some authors have
advocated that a CRM of 1 or 2 mm should be viewed as a
positive margin because high local recurrence are reported
with a 0.1 to 1 mm margin (7–28%) and with a 1.1 to
2 mm margin (5–15%) [109–111]. For distal rectal cancer, a
clear distal margin of 1 cm is thought to be an oncologically
adequate resection in patients who received neoadjuvant
CRT [112]. Finally, patients who undergo APR tend to have
a higher positive CRM rate than those who undergo SSS
[113]. Local excision was also associated with increased local
recurrence rates, particularly when excision was performed
for more advanced-stage tumors (such as any tumor greater
than a T1) or cancers with poor prognostic pathologic factors
(such as neurovascular invasion). Leibold et al. examined
the prognostic significance of the location of involved
lymph nodes in 121 rectal cancer patients (uT3-4 and/or
N+) following neoadjuvant CRT [114]. The data suggested
that, following neoadjuvant CRT, proximal lymph node
involvement (those lymph nodes along the major supplying
vessels, in contradistinction to the mesorectal lymph nodes)
is associated with a high incidence of metastatic disease at
time of surgery.
Other prognostic parameters (e.g., newer molecular
markers, genetic signatures, etc.) are of interest but cannot
yet be regarded as a routine part of clinical decision making.
10. Issues for the Future
Unfortunately, neoadjuvant CRT is not beneficial for all
patients. The treatment response ranges from a pCR to a
resistance. It is reported that 10 to 20 percent of patients
with advanced rectal cancer show pCR to neoadjuvant
CRT [58, 59]. In addition, complete or near-complete
response to neoadjuvant CRT is indicative of improved
long-term prognosis [59, 115]. Nowadays, it is not possible
to identify patients with no or minimum tumor response
to neoadjuvant CRT before its initiation. Based on our
data, group of nonresponders represents approximately 12%
of all patients [116]. Although several molecular markers
have been investigated as potential predictors of therapeutic
responses, no marker has been consistently identified as
clinically applicable. In the future, molecular predictors and
Chemotherapy Research and Practice
improved imaging could be used to individualize the therapy
of patients with locally advanced rectal adenocarcinomas,
and thus in a selected group of nonresponders avoid the
delay of surgical intervention and the eventual toxicity of
the neoadjuvant therapy. Integration of targeted therapies,
newer cytotoxic agents, and a more selective approach to the
use of adjuvant chemo-targeted therapy strategies should be
magnetic resonance imaging
endoscopic transrectal ultrasound
abdominoperineal resection
sphincter saving surgery
total mesorectal exsision
pathologic complete response
posttreatment T stage
posttreatment N stage
tumor regression grade
epidermal growth factor receptor
vascular endothelial growth factor
soluble vascular endothelial growth factor
placental-derived growth factor
circulating endothelial cell
disease-free survival
overall survival
circumferential radial margin
National Comprehensive Cancer Network
lymph node
hand-and-foot syndrome lymph node.
Conflict of Interests
The author(s) indicated no potential conflict of interests. All
authors gave final approval.
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