Sustainable Management of
Soil in Oil Palm Plantings
Soil fertility, evolving concepts
and assessments
Cécile Bessou1, Raphaël Marichal2
Many authors have discussed the concept of soil fertility. Despite some disagreement on the exact terminology, soil fertility retrospectively appeared to focus generally on the use of soil for agriculture. It was defined
some 150 years ago, while agricultural sciences mostly focused on soil physical and chemical properties.
More recently, with the increasing awareness of environmental issues related to agricultural land use and
the development of new knowledge on ecosystems, more comprehensive approaches to soil quality were
developed. Since the 1980s, growing knowledge on the roles of soil organic matter and living organisms has
emphasised the importance of understanding and assessing the biological components of the soil and their
functions alongside the physical and chemical components. Soil is described as a living system that fulfils
several functions, such as primary production, environmental filter and climate regulation. Following the
metaphor of a complex living ‘organism’, the term ‘soil health’ is thus used by some authors instead of soil
quality. Soil quality is hence defined as the soil fitness for use, which cannot be measured directly. It must be
assessed in a sensitive and holistic way that accounts for both inherent properties and dynamic responses to
management and resistance to environmental stress. Several sets of indicators and more integrated methods
have been developed. However, further research is still needed to consolidate assessment guidelines that
would help to model better the impact of agricultural practices on soil quality and to define strategies for a
sustainable management of soil quality.
early stage of soil fertility conception, agricultural
sciences hence mostly emphasised the role of physical and chemical properties of soil to support plant
growth. From there on, soil fertility became a matter
for both disciplines of agronomy and soil sciences.
The mainstream approach considered soil fertility as
dependent on some inherent qualities resulting from
the expression of soil-forming factors. This approach
led to work on soil classification and survey tables,
where a land capability concept overlapped with a
soil fertility one.
The concept of soil fertility has been chronically
debated as background knowledge and social and
political contexts evolved. Its circumscription varies
widely, from literature where actual yield or productivity is identical with or fully representative of soil
fertility, to literature introducing more or less complex definitions based on the combinations of several
factors including soil properties, climate, work and
History of soil fertility and soil
quality concepts
The scientific notion of soil fertility originated,
around the 1850s, from the focus in agronomy on
the use of soil to support production (Patzel et al.
2000) (ferre means ‘to carry’, ‘to support’ in Latin).
It coincided with the beginning of the ‘mineralist
period’ (1840s–1940s) that started with the first scientific demonstration of the origin of plant dry matter
from mineral compounds, leading to the conclusion
that carbon comes from carbon dioxide, hydrogen
from water and other nutrients from solubilised
salts in soil and water (Manlay et al. 2007). In this
CIRAD, UPR Systèmes de pérennes, F-34398
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CIRAD, UPR Systèmes de pérennes, F-34398
Montpellier, France. Email:
social or cultural parameters (Patzel et al. 2000).
Until the 1980s, there was no clear chronological
evolution of the concept. The various interpretations
co-existed. For instance, one of the earliest definitions stated that ‘soil fertility is a product of soil and
manpower’ (von Wulffen 1847). This focus on work
or cultivation can be found again in later definitions
(e.g. Blohm 1964). Further definitions have run
through the times concomitantly. In their analytical
review, the authors concluded that the concept of
soil fertility cannot be grasped in one single technical definition. First, it refers to a disposition which
is never present at hand. Second, it cannot escape
the trade-off relationship between distinctness and
completeness due to the plurality of significant
aspects transgressing the realm of natural sciences
(Patzel et al. 2000).
At the end of the ‘mineralist period’, concomitant increasing scientific knowledge of soils and
rising concern about the environmental impact of
inadequate agricultural practices, notably erosion
impact, led to a renewed interest in the study of soil
organic matter (SOM) (Lewandowski et al. 1999;
Manlay et al. 2007). This period marked a turning
point in the analysis of soil with a widening of the
perception beyond the plant nutrition theories to
further ecosystem functions. But it was not until the
concerns about the economic and ecological costs of
the intensive use of synthetic fertilisers had become
more severe following the green revolution, that the
soil fertility focus on nutrient storage and productivity was abandoned for a wider vision of soil as a
complex living organo-mineral system (Manlay et al.
2007). A political change towards sustainable agriculture was called for (WCED 1987).
In the 1980s, North American authors started
to discuss and define a new concept—soil quality—accounting for the multiple dimensions
(physical, chemical and biological) and functions
of soil (Warkentin and Fletcher 1977 (the authors
who introduced the term ‘soil quality’); Doran and
Parkin 1994; Patzel et al. 2000; Karlen et al. 2003).
The first definitions of soil quality were close to those
of sustainable agriculture. In essence, preserving or
improving soil quality is about maintaining the longterm functions of soils, i.e. it is about sustainability
(Doran et al. 1996). The current most common definition is: ‘Soil quality is the fitness of a specific kind
of soil to function within its surroundings, support
plant and animal productivity, maintain or enhance
water and air quality, and support human health and
habitation’ (Karlen et al. 1997). Emphasis is put on
both inherent properties of soil (‘a specific kind of
soil’) and dynamic interactive processes (Larson and
Pierce 1991). Nowadays, some authors still argue that
soil fertility and soil quality may be interchangeable,
and the terminology remains relative to the discipline
or the application sector. Soil health may be also used
instead of soil quality by some authors who want to
insist on the metaphoric holistic approach of soil as
a living organism (Idowu et al. 2007). Setting aside
some ideological considerations linked to the terminology, authors tend to agree that ‘(1) soils have both
inherent and dynamic properties and processes, and
that (2) soil quality assessment must reflect biological, chemical, and physical properties, processes and
their interactions’ (Karlen et al. 2003).
The comprehensive approach
Soil conditions are defined by physical, chemical and
biological properties. All these proprieties depend on
land-use practices but also inherent soil properties
(texture, type of clay, cation exchange capacity).
These properties are not independent but linked
with complex interactions, and affect soil processes
and functions (Larson and Pierce 1991). Physical
properties are an important aspect of soil quality;
for example, soil storage capacity of plant-available
water, bulk density and water infiltration (Grimaldi et
al. 2002; Moebius et al. 2007). Chemical properties,
such as content of phosphorus and nitrogen and ions
of calcium, magnesium and potassium, are essential
for plant nutrition and thus contribute to productivity. Soil organic matter is also essential and linked to
several soil properties and functions. For example, its
composition affects soil structure and porosity, water
infiltration, moisture, plant nutrient availability and
soil organisms (Bot and Benites 2005). In summary,
soil organic matter influences almost all important
properties that contribute to soil quality (Bot and
Benites 2005).
Another important aspect is living organisms (a
component of soil organic matter). Soil organisms
can be divided into four metric categories: microorganisms (<100 µm), mesofauna (100 µm – 2 mm),
macrofauna (2 mm – 20 mm) and megafauna
(>20 mm) (Swift et al. 1979). These organisms
contribute to several soil functions: decomposition,
nutrient cycling etc. (Lavelle 1997; Lavelle et al.
1994, 2006). Soil organisms can also be divided into
functional categories: detritivores, predators/grazers,
decomposers, pathogens, herbivores and ecosystem
engineers (sensu Jones et al. 1994), i.e. organisms
that create or significantly modify habitats).
Interactions between chemical, physical and
biological properties are strong and complex. Soil
organism communities are influenced by soil properties acting like an environmental filter but soil
fauna can also impact soil properties—physical or
chemical. For example, bioturbation of ecosystem
engineers in soil can impact macroporosity and, as
a consequence, water infiltration. By the fragmentation and decomposition of litter, soil organisms also
affect chemical properties, such as plant-available
nitrogen. Earthworms can also help to reduce plant
diseases. For example, it has been shown than
earthworms improve resistance of rice against
pathogen nematodes (Blouin et al. 2005), although
the mechanisms remain unclear. For all these reasons,
soil organisms are often considered as good indicators of soil quality/fertility, as part of an integrative
and holistic approach. Some approaches consider
empirically that higher values are better considering
biomass, abundance or diversity of soil organisms.
Other approaches try to identify organisms or traits
responsible for precise functions and try to quantify
The different approaches developed to assess
soil quality using soil organisms are thus based
on quantity, structure or function (Table 1): total
biomass of soil micro-organisms (bacteria and
fungi) can be evaluated with the classical method
of fumigation-extraction (Wu et al. 1990) or, more
recently, quantitative polymerase chain reaction
(qPCR) (El Azhari et al. 2008). Soil enzymes,
produced by micro-organisms, are also good indicators to assess soil quality through soil biochemical
functioning (Dick et al. 1997; Alkorta et al. 2003).
This approach allows evaluating functions of interest.
Molecular methods, like PCR denaturing gradient gel
electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) or phospholipid fatty
acid (PLFA) profiling (Bloem et al. 2006) assess soil
micro-organism diversity. Nematodes are also used
as bio-indicators for soil quality (Neher 2001; Yeates
2003) and indicators using micro-arthropods (e.g.
Collembola, Acari) have also been developed (Parisi
et al. 2005). Earthworms (biomass, abundance,
diversity and proportion of ecological categories—
epigeics, anecics, endogeics) are also classically
used to assess soil quality (Paoletti 1999; Peres et
al. 2008).
Assessment of soil quality
Since it is a broad, integrative and context-dependent concept, soil quality cannot be measured directly.
Instead several proxy measurements, called soil quality indicators, may together provide clues about how
the soil is functioning as viewed from one or more
soil-use perspectives. There exist various methods
based on more or less numerous and integrated indicators (Figure 1), and not much international agreement on a proper harmonised framework (Nortcliff
2002). Nowadays, the most prevalent research theme
on soil quality focuses on indicator selection and
evaluation (Karlen et al. 2003).
The lack of success in quantifying soil quality
through minimum data sets and indexes has highlighted the local and long-term nature of trends in
soil quality (Lewandowski et al. 1999). Given some
inherent specific properties of each soil and the multiple functions that may be investigated, there cannot
be a unique turnkey assessment, or a rating system
against which all soils can be compared (Karlen
et al. 2003). The selection of appropriate indicators must aim to account for (i) site specificities in
terms of both soil type and land-use objectives, and
(ii) the dynamic nature of processes and temporal
Table 1. Biological indicators of soil quality: fauna classification and information level
Information level
Enzyme activities
TSBF, formalin extraction,
mustard extraction
Biodiversity index
Functional traits
Ecological categories
Biodiversity index
Functional traits
Ecological categories
Figure 1.
Types of soil quality (SQ) assessment tools and their predicted accuracy. Resource webpage: (accessed 30 January 2014)
Conclusion and research tracks
patterns of soil characteristics. Therefore, proposed
indicators must be measured and assessed across a
representative set of lands and management practices.
As emphasised by Karlen et al. (2003), site-specific
expertise may also be needed in order to weight various indicators into an aggregated index (Figure 2).
An efficient indicator set should be used to inform
land management decisions at specific sites and then
be used to monitor trends in soil function after changing practices and over time.
Implementing useful and efficient indicators of
soil quality requires robust scientific background
combined with reliable practical sense to define
consistent and informative indicators. In particular,
difficulties arise when assessing interactions between
processes and parameters. It is paramount to avoid
overlapping indicators and unreliable measurements (Moebius-Clune et al. 2011). More research
is needed to better understand and model the links
between management – processes – soil quality.
Soil quality is itself a field of active research to
find fruitful approaches and reliable indicators. For
example, new approaches were proposed in soil
microbiology, such as taking into account functional
ecology concepts, i.e. vigour, organisation, stability, suppressiveness and redundancy (Garbisu et al.
2011), or organisms rarely used, e.g. testate amoebae
or diatoms (Heger et al. 2012), which are good bioindicators (Payne 2013) and sensitive to farming
practices (Heger et al. 2012). Functional traits of soil
macro-invertebrates are also increasingly used (Yan et
al. 2012). Another promising approach is the integration of farmers’ knowledge (Barrios et al. 2006; Pauli
et al. 2012; Rousseau et al. 2013), including to find
indicating species. Finally, modelling can provide
interesting perspectives (Torbert et al. 2008; Xue et
al. 2010), especially to account for the temporal frame
of dynamic processes and their evolution.
Figure 2.
Processes to select and weight soil quality (SQ) indicators, according
to functions and management goals (a) and using site-specific
expertise to weight scores (b). Adapted from Karlen et al. (2003)
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