Multimodal Communication 3(2)

2014 · VOLUME 3 · ISSUE 2 MULTIMODAL COMMUNICATION EDITOR Sigrid Norris, Multimodal Research Centre, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Jarret Geenen, Department of English Language and Culture, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands REVIEW EDITOR Shri Ramakrishnan, Syracuse University, USA EDITORIAL BOARD Najma Al Zidjaly, Department of English Language and Literature, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman John Bateman, Faculty of Linguistics and Literary Sciences, Bremen University, Germany Emilia Djonov, Institute of Early Childhood, Macquarie University, NSW, Australia Gaëlle Ferre, Département d'Etudes Anglaises, Chemin de la Censive du Tertre, France Rodney H. Jones, Department of English, City University of Hong Kong, China Rick Iedema, Communication Studies, University of Technology Sydney, Australia Jay Lemke, Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition, University of California, San Diego, USA Carmen Daniela Maier, Department of Business Communication, Aarhus University, Denmark David McNeill, Department of Pyschology, The University of Chicago, USA Meredith Marra, School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, Victoria University of Welington, New Zealand Sarah Pink, Department of Social Sciences, Loughborough University, UK Pirkko Raudaskoski, Deparment of Communication and Psychology, University of Aalborg, Denmark Martin Reisigl, Institut Fur Germanistik, University of Bern, Switzerland Jürgen Streeck, Department of Communication Studies, The University of Texas at Austin, USA Theo van Leeuwen, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Technology Sydney, Australia Brought to you by | Auckland University of Technology Authenticated Download Date | 12/8/14 1:47 AM ABSTRACTED/INDEXED IN Celdes, CNPIEC, EBSCO Discovery Service, Google Scholar, J-Gate, Naviga (Softweco), Primo Central (ExLibris), Summon (Serials Solutions/ProQuest), TDOne (TDNet), WorldCat (OCLC). In essence, all communication is multimodal: we use language, gesture, posture, and other non-verbal modes often at the same time as we use objects in the world and the environment itself in order to communicate. We may use many media when conducting research, so that we may use video or audio recordings. We may also employ creative ways of jotting down what we perceive, i.e. using poetry, creative writing, painting or sculpture to freeze what we understand. All of these media in turn allow us to explain the world we investigate in multimodal ways. Multimodal Communication sets out to open up a venue for researchers in diverse ields of study, who are broaching communication from an interdisciplinary perspective; for those who are exploring diverse and multimodal ways to conduct research and to illustrate indings. The Journal will include papers from anthropology, art, communication, health, interaction, linguistics, math, philosophy, psychology, science, sport, or sociology and others when these broach and/or explain communication in the broadest sense. There is no methodological boundary to this Journal, however all articles have to develop multimodality in some way. An article may use visuals/ writing/sound to explore a theme, an article may be highly theoretical and explain a philosophical point relevant to the study of multimodality, or an article may be based on an empirical study that integrates a number of modes. Style of exposition is not standardized in this Journal, so that authors may send research articles, essays, visual essays or other creative pieces. Images are published in colour. Online subscribers will have access to the online portal where readers can ind audio and video iles. Due to print-only subscriptions all published articles have to be complete in their printed form. All articles are double-blind peer-reviewed. We only publish original research. The publisher, together with the authors and editors, has taken great pains to ensure that all information presented in this work relects the standard of knowledge at the time of publication. Despite careful manuscript preparation and proof correction, errors can nevertheless occur. Authors, editors and publisher disclaim all responsibility for any errors or omissions or liability for the results obtained from use of the information, or parts thereof, contained in this work. ISSN 2230-6579 ∙ e-ISSN 2230-6587 All information regarding notes for contributors, subscriptions, Open access, back volumes and orders is available online at RESPONSIBLE EDITOR Sigrid Norris, Multimodal Research Centre, Auckland University of Technology, 55 Wellesley St E, Auckland, 1010, New Zealand. Email: JOURNAL MANAGER Aline Hötzeldt, De Gruyter, Genthiner Straße 13, 10785 Berlin, Germany. Tel.: +49 (0)30 260 05-283, Fax: +49 (0)30 260 05-250 Email: RESPONSIBLE FOR ADVERTISEMENTS Claudia Neumann, De Gruyter, Genthiner Straße 13, 10785 Berlin, Germany. Tel.: +49 (0)30 260 05-226, Fax: +49 (0)30 260 05-322 Email: TYPESETTING Integra Software Services Pvt. Ltd., Pondicherry, India. PRINTING Franz X. Stückle Druck und Verlag e.K., Ettenheim. COVER ILLUSTRATION Andrea Brandt, Independent Artist, Germany © 2014 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Munich/Boston Printed in Germany Brought to you by | Auckland University of Technology Authenticated Download Date | 12/8/14 1:47 AM Multimodal Communication 2014 | Volume 3 | Issue 2 Contents Discussion Paper Elina Tapio The Marginalisation of Finely Tuned Semiotic Practices and Misunderstandings in Relation to (Signed) Languages and Deafness 131 Articles Malene Kjær Knowledge Translation in Health Care as a Multimodal Interactional Accomplishment Jesse Pirini Producing Shared Attention/Awareness in High School Tutoring 143 163 Sigrid Norris The Impact of Literacy-Based Schooling on Learning a Creative Practice: Modal Configurations, Practices and Discourses 181 Manon Lelandais and Gaëlle Ferré Multimodal Analysis of Parentheticals inConversational Speech 197 Brought to you by | Auckland University of Technology Authenticated Download Date | 12/8/14 1:47 AM