International Journal of English Language Studies
ISSN: 2707-7578
DOI: 10.32996/ijels
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The Effect of Using AR Technology on Language Learning
Victor Marrahi-Gomez1 ✉ and Jose Belda-Medina2
Assistant, Department of English linguistics, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Department of English linguistics, University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain
Corresponding Author: Victor Marrahi-Gomez, E-mail:
The recent emergence and popularity of digital tools related to Augmented Reality (AR), such as Roar or Aumentaty, has facilitated
the integration of this breakthrough technology in Language Learning, particularly in English as a Foreign Language (EFL). Thanks
to the recent worldwide availability of new technological devices, such as tablets and smartphones, AR applications can be
effectively used today in language learning with different learning purposes, such as grammar or enhancing the student’s listening
skills, among others. Thus, the main purpose of this study aims to examine the use of AR in Language Learning thoroughly and
evaluate the possibility of including the tool in today’s education by analyzing the possible advantages and limitations that
researchers may have found in their studies.
Augmented Reality; Language teaching; EFL; Immersion; Educational Technology; Advantages and Limitations
ACCEPTED: 01 February 2023
PUBLISHED: 12 February 2023
DOI: 10.32996/ijels.2023.5.1.5
1. Introduction
Given the latest technological advances in many areas, with the inclusion of AR functionality and the improvement of technological
interfaces, the researchers claim that AR has a very wide potential and numerous benefits. Although there are certain
disadvantages, this can provide a new context in education, enhancing its contextualization and effectiveness. In an educational
context, AR has been used as a complement to a pre-established and standard curriculum based mostly on a traditional
methodology. Text, 3D graphics, video, and audio can be overlaid in the student environment in real time.
The development of low-cost software and mobile applications has facilitated the use of this technology in more areas, such as
language learning. An increase in the popularity of AR tools could be found due to diverse causes, such as free-downloadable
applications such as Roar, Aumentaty, or Zapworks, among others. In addition, a set of mobile applications and games have
become quite popular such as the Ikea App, in which you can use AR furniture to analyze if you want to make that purchase. In
addition, Niantic released two AR-based games such as Ingress and Pokémon Go, which were a global phenomenon and presented
this innovative tool.
However, despite their use in apps and games, there are not many examples that suggest the adoption of AR in language teaching.
Although in the past years, some works have been published regarding this topic, the majority of them are focused on examining
the possible impact that AR could have on student engagement and motivation. That is why this article aims to study the possible
advantages and limitations of implementing AR in Language Learning as well as the possible effect of the implementation in it.
2. Literature Review
Copyright: © 2022 the Author(s). This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons
Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license ( Published by Al-Kindi Centre for Research and Development,
London, United Kingdom.
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The Effect of Using AR Technology on Language Learning
The first mentions of Augmented Reality were in the works made by Frank L. Baum in 1901 and, more specifically, in a new concept
introduced by this novelist known as character marker. According to Altınpulluk (2017), although the said author is known for his
novel Wizard of Oz, in writing appear certain elements that are called markers where reality was mixed with elements created
through the use of said technology. Likewise, Woods et al. (2016) stated that the glasses used in this work to create fictitious
elements and implement them in the real world are the basis that has been followed in the following years in the development of
technology related to AR.
Tom Caudell (1992) coined the term "augmented reality" to refer to the technological elements used in an aircraft equipment
factory where the operator received a greater amount of information through a projection of the assembly scheme on the wiring
itself in which they were working. This decade began to delve more into the use of projections in devices of non-existent elements
in a real context. However, it was not until 1992 that the first immersive system emerged, whose basic principle was based on the
use of functional AR. This system was developed by Louis Rosenberg through his project "Virtual Fixtures", in which robotic arms
were projected on the user’s arms, creating a vision of AR.
Later, Ronald T. Azuma (1997) developed a project where he explored the different uses that RA could have in different areas, such
as medicine, entertainment, or mechanics, among others. In "A survey of Augmented Reality", the author exposes, after including
a definition and characteristics of AR, a vision that explores the different uses of AR in different contexts, for example, in the field
of medicine, research, mechanics, and entertainment, among others.
2.1 AR Definition
According to Azuma (1997), Augmented Reality (AR) is a variation of Virtual Environments (VE), or Virtual Reality, as it is more
commonly called. The author states that, unlike Virtual Reality, the user has the possibility to observe the real world with
superimposed real-world objects. Instead, VR creates a completely virtual world without using elements or spaces of reality.
Therefore, it could be said that AR complements the real world by mixing elements created through external tools with elements
already existing in reality instead of completely replacing them by creating worlds and virtual elements, as VR does.
Azuma (1997) also established a set of common characteristics that were defined to describe AR.
1. AR consists of a combination between the virtual and the real world. This means that it allows the user to interact in the
real world with elements of the virtual world, and in consequence, they can experience unique experiences not possible
without this tool.
2. AR is interactive in real-time. A change or action by the user immediately impacts the scene created by the AR, resulting
in a more realistic experience.
3. The RA has elements captured in three dimensions (3D). Information is always displayed in that perspective, giving the
user a sense of belonging to the real world. Through the development of augmented reality, you can interact directly
with the physical capabilities of the environment.
Marrahi-Gomez et al. (2022) pointed out that some technological elements are essential to be considered AR. Features such as
overlays, triggers, or markers are needed in every AR application or game:
Triggers are the connection between the real world and the augmented one.
According to Rabbi et al. (2013), the concept known as tracking is the virtual alignment of objects with the real world.
Depending on how accurate such tracking will produce a better feeling in users.
The overlay could be defined as the augmented element appearing on the device used. Depending on the application
you use, such overlays might be different.
3. Objectives and methodology
This present study aims to analyze and review analyze the effect of implementing Augmented Reality technology on Language
Learning. The study will also highlight the impact and the attitudes of the students toward its integration. The research objectives
1. To analyze the possible positive and negative aspects of the implementation of AR.
2. To overview the latest projects regarding the use of AR technology in Language Learning.
3. To discuss the future implementation of AR-based projects in the EFL classroom.
4. To observe the effects that AR may have on language acquisition.
To fulfill this purpose, a total of six research works were analyzed. Following the criteria:
Articles published between 2013 and 2023.
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Articles that study English Language Teaching.
Research projects that were published in WOS and Scopus.
No excluding any educational level.
4. Results and Discussion
4.1 Overview of the latest projects
With the recent introduction of AR in language education, the literature focuses on the development of the use and
implementation of AR. Some of the most recent studies focus not only on its development but also on the implementation of
certain tools or their feasibility and usefulness in the classroom. Among the principal research works that have AR in language
acquisition as a topic we highlight the following:
Hsu (2017) performed an experiment in which 38 third-graders from Taiwan students took part in a research program.
The paper aimed to analyze the effect of two different AR games on language learners. The research paper concluded
that both AR game systems produced an enhancement in their performance, although there were no significant
differences regarding cognitive load.
Chen et al. (2019) aimed their quasi-experimental study to analyze the effects that AR flashcards could have in contrast
with traditional flashcards on English learners from kindergarten. 98 children aged from 5 to 6 years took part in the
experiment with both pre and post-tests and, in addition, with interviews with their teachers. The experiment lasted 4
weeks, and the results pointed out that students enjoyed taking part in all the processes and also using the AR. Chen also
stated that a more detailed lesson could be applied in kindergarten to teach English.
Taskiran (2019) aimed the research to observe if EFL learners experienced enhanced motivation, interest, and enjoyment
by using AR learning materials. A total of 83 learners from the University in Turkey took part in this experiment. The results
demonstrated that the learners who took part had positive attitudes toward the implementation of AR in language
learning. Not only were their results enhanced, but also their enjoyment of the activities, the motivation that the students
felt during and after the experiment, and their interest in the topic. In addition, they believed that it was a beneficial
experience that could enhance their experience while learning English.
Yeh et al. (2020) conducted an experiment that involved 52 English language students at the University of Taiwan. To
observe if an AR environment could enhance their multimodal literacy for communication, they used an AR tourist app.
The students had to use various ways to communicate with each other such as visual and auditory. The results showed
that AR enhances the students’ learning and motivation and that the adaptation to language learning would provide the
students with some benefits that could affect a direct way to their behavior toward language acquisition and multimodal
Cheng et al. (2020) carried out an experiment in Taiwan which involved 204 students belonging to the 9th grade to observe
their English proficiency and their achievement with the use of AR. They also wanted to observe the motivation and the
attitudes the students experienced during the experimentation. Two AR video-enhanced contextualized systems were
designed to be able to fulfill their objectives. The study concluded that the AR environment was significant in improving
their meaningful learning and their motivation. In addition, their adaptive attitudes toward learning were also improved
in comparison with other methodologies.
Binhomran et al. (2021) aimed to discover the effect that AR may have on the motivation and vocabulary retention of 73
6th graders from Saudi Arabia. They were exposed to an AR storybook with some target words for a total of four weeks;
at the end, they had to complete a test; also, interviews were carried out to observe their attitude toward the activity. The
results of their study showed no significant differences between both methodologies in relation to vocabulary retention
and learning, carrying some negative aspects such as the lack of technological knowledge. However, regarding
motivation, the AR group showed and experienced more motivation than the traditional methodology group.
4.2 Advantages and limitations
According to Küçuk and Yilmaz (2014), the rapid advancement of technology has provided a great opportunity for new
technologies in education. Augmented reality is one of those technologies that has benefited in different contexts. This is because
AR allows the user to interact with both virtual and real objects in different fields of education. For example, different augmented
items in textbooks in the classroom or create a textbook that is completely enhanced with the use of AR, and, according to
Hawkinson’s studies (2014), the initial reaction of students is surprisingly positive.
Authors like Wu (2013) and Belda-Medina (2022), among the main advantages of the implementation, either total or partial, of
Augmented Reality we can observe, it is necessary to highlight the following:
Motivating factor. Being an everyday element with which students possess considerable familiarity, the motivation of
students to use mobile devices for the acquisition of knowledge is growing compared to that produced by materials used
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The Effect of Using AR Technology on Language Learning
in traditional education. This motivation is a direct consequence of another significant advantage, according to studies
by Belda-Medina (2022) which stated that there was a sensory interaction that was considered to be "related to how
children learn in their natural mode, using several of their senses in a constructive process. In addition, Cheng et al. (2013)
stated that when various senses of the students are activated, the brain speeds up the constructive process, which is
considered a great advance in the learning process.
Economic factor. According to Liu (2010), mobile learning is superior to traditional learning in terms of flexibility, cost,
portability, and ease of use since it is carried out with materials that students of all ages possess, whether mobile or an
electronic tablet and is already used to their everyday use.
Better emotional relationship outcomes. As stated by Wu (2013), AR systems can help students develop skills and
knowledge more effectively, building on students' emotions toward learning.
Interactivity factor. According to Barroso and Cabero (2016), one of the properties that characterize Augmented Reality
systems is that there is an interactive implementation in real-time. This means that the student can modify activities based
on AR.
A better understanding of abstract concepts. According to the studies of Belda-Medina (2022), one of the advantages
of using AR in the educational field is that it has the possibility of facilitating the understanding of elements considered
Retention factor. Studies by Chiang et al. (2014) showed that one of the advantages of education with the
implementation of AR in their curriculum is the greater retention of concepts.
Autonomy factor. The combination of the virtual world increases, according to Ibáñez et al. (2014); the incorporation of
the virtual world into teaching increases the autonomy of students because they show natural skills and great motivation
to use technological tools. RA creates the possibility for students to learn and share knowledge among themselves
through interaction.
Despite the educational advantages of AR, there are certain challenges and disadvantages in terms of its use regarding pedagogical
and educational problems. According to Wu (2013), Herpich et al. (2014), Belda-Medina (2022), and Marrahi-Gomez et al. (2022),
they could be grouped into five general disadvantages that can be observed in their implementation in the educational field. These
Distraction factor. The use of AR in the classroom generates a lot of information that the student must assimilate; this
fact, added to the different tools, such as mobile phones, that they must use, may generate a multitasking failure. It can
also be caused by a lack of technological knowledge on the part of the student or by poor collaboration between them.
Finally, it should be noted that the distraction may be caused by the technological tool itself. Due to a lack of
concentration on the part of the student, the student may decide to use the time required for the activity in other
recreational or communicative activities outside the initial objective of the use of AR in the classroom.
Complexity factor. There is some complexity in the use of AR, and the lack of previous technological knowledge could
become an impediment. This disadvantage, however, is easy to solve since, over the years and the use of AR in the
educational field could lead to an acquisition of methodology and, therefore, greater efficiency in its use.
Control factor. Wu et al. (2013) stated that it might be caused by a lack of experience and ignorance of instructions by
students, which would hinder their learning. It is also claimed that, despite recognizing the advantages of RA, many
teachers tend to prefer to have full control of their student’s education. The AR allows collective learning against the more
traditional methodology, which affects the individual. In addition, for students to interpret the notions is necessary the
teacher’s guide; students may experience certain difficulties recognizing the information and navigating between the
virtual and reality. And finally, this control could pose a problem when working with children who lack the technological
and disciplinary skills to be able to take care of self-learning. This could lead to a loss of attention on the part of the
students, to an excessive time in the realization of the activities, and, ultimately, to undesirable educational effects.
Skill factor. The low training of the faculty could lead to technical problems that may arise through the use of AR in the
classroom. Wu et al. (2013) and Herpich et al. (2014) add that teachers should believe that the implementation of AR can
be beneficial in the educational process and understand what strategies they should follow.
Content factor. Wu et al. (2013) also indicate that there are certain disadvantages in terms of the content of the subject
taught and, more specifically, in its flexibility. That is to say. The teaching staff does not have the possibility to
accommodate the knowledge to be imparted to all students since it is used in a generalized way and, therefore, certain
students may have a sense of exclusion that is tried to avoid in educational centers.
4.3 AR implementation in Language Learning
The great majority of studies showed that AR is important for language acquisition. Not only enhance student performance in the
academic field, it means in areas such as reading comprehension, grammar, and vocabulary acquisition, but the findings also show
that engagement in the classroom is superior to using other methodologies. According to Punar Özçelik (2022), certain studies
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conclude that AR could increase engagement when they are faced with reading comprehension activities. Among the benefits that
come with the implementation of AR in Language Learning, we can highlight that the satisfaction of the students and their attitudes
towards the subject is significantly superior with the use of AR. In addition, students can find their anxiety reduced, which could
help them to feel safer and more comfortable when learning a new language.
The integration of tools such as AR in language teaching, although in the early stages, is an emerging topic. However, it is often
criticized for not being enclosed in any pre-existing theoretical framework, and it might not lead to language acquisition by the
mere fact of using AR. However, as it could be seen, many different researchers have shown that in the educational field, the
implementation of AR in Language Learning could be considered Situational language due to the fact that it needs a specific
context and a quality of education, including aspects such as the space or the interaction with other students and with the teacher
to be worth to use AR in the classroom.
5. Conclusion
This study is based on a review of the impact of AR on Language Acquisition in which some affordances and limitations have been
considered. These results are based on a comparative method through which several works published in WOS and SCOPUS have
been analyzed.
In relation to the research, we have found evidence to conclude that the vast number of studies carried out on AR-based projects
in Language Acquisition reported an improvement, not only in the student performances but in their attitudes while using AR as
an educational tool. It is worth mentioning that some limitations have been highlighted, but they are outnumbered by the
advantages that researchers have found.
As previously seen, all six studies focus on language learning and the outcomes, positives or negatives, that can be observed during
the experimentation. In addition, all the research papers concluded that the implementation of AR in language acquisition could
not be significant in the learning process, as seen in the last research; however, the motivation outcomes and the attitudes toward
the subject have better results using this tool instead of a traditional methodology.
Finally, the advantages and limitations of the implementation of AR in an Educational Context have been pointed out. The
improvement of students regarding some different areas, for example, grammar or reading comprehension, among others, has
been proven to be superior while using AR. In addition, motivation and attitudes have also improved in the student, allowing them
to reduce the anxiety that acquiring a new language could produce. However, some of the researchers have also stated that the
limitation found during the performance of the studies could have a negative impact on the students.
Despite the growing interest in the use of AR technology in language learning, there is limited research on the different areas of
Education. Thus, this could bring some limitations to the current research due to the fact that, although the number of studies
regarding this topic is growing, it has few research papers on this topic. In addition, further research could appear due to the last
trend of using AR-based tools in language learning.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Publisher’s Note: All claims expressed in this article are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of
their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, the editors and the reviewers.
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