Philia 8 (2022)

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The research paper presents two distinct studies: one focusing on a Hellenistic treasure trove featuring gold staters located in the museum of Uşak, and the other detailing new Christian inscriptions discovered in Saimbeyli, Southeast Cappadocia. These findings contribute to the understanding of early Hellenistic culture and the influence of Christianity in the region, highlighting the archaeological significance of these sites.

PHILIA I N T E R N A T I O N A L J O U R N A L O F A N CI EN T M ED I T ER R A N EA N S T U D I ES VOLUME 8 • 2022 EDITORS MUSTAFA ADAK RIET VAN BREMEN THOMAS CORSTEN KORAY KONUK KONRAD STAUNER BURAK TAKMER Bandrol Uygulamasına İlişkin Usul ve Esaslar Hakkında Yönetmeliğin 5. maddesinin 2. fıkrası çerçevesinde bandrol taşıması zorunlu değildir. P H I L I A INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANCIENT MEDITERRANEAN STUDIES VOLUME VIII • 2022 EDITORS Mustafa ADAK Riet VAN BREMEN Thomas CORSTEN Koray KONUK Konrad STAUNER Burak TAKMER P H I L I A is a peer-reviewed journal published once a year. The journal is independent from any institution, and is owned collectively by the editorial board. Philia is indexed in L’Année philologique and SOBIAD. For submission guidelines, please visit Scholarly Advisory Board Christof Berns, Angelos Chaniotis, Madalina Dana, Denis Feissel, Patrice Hamon, Musa Kadıoğlu, Christina Kokkinia, John Ma, Christian Marek, Sophie Minon, Selene Psoma, Denis Rousset, Olli Salomies, Ivana Savalli-Lestrade, Peter Thonemann Manuscripts are requested to one of the following addresses: Prof. Dr. Mustafa Adak Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi Eskiçağ Dilleri ve Kültürleri Bölümü Kampüs 07058 Antalya - TURKEY Dr. Riet van Bremen University College London, Department of History Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT – UK Prof. Dr. Thomas Corsten Universität Wien, Institut für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde, Papyrologie und Epigraphik, Universitätsring 1 1010 Vienna - AUSTRIA Dr. Koray Konuk Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique Institut Ausonius, Université Bordeaux Montaigne 33607 Pessac - FRANCE Dr. Konrad Stauner FernUniversität in Hagen Historisches Institut 58084 Hagen - GERMANY Dr. Burak Takmer Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Edebiyat Fakültesi Eskiçağ Dilleri ve Kültürleri Bölümü Kampüs 07058 Antalya - TURKEY Editorial staff: Erkan Kurul, Fatih Yılmaz English Proofreading: Robert Booker, MA ISSN 2149-505X Copyright 2022 © All Rights reserved. Sorumlu Yazıişleri Müdürü: Murat Ceyişakar KUZGUN YAYINEVİ DAĞITIM PAZARLAMA LTD. ŞTİ. internetten satış: Sertifika No. 21894 Baskı: Ertem Basım Yayın Dağıtım San. Ltd. Şti Tel.: (0312) 284 18 14 Eskişehir Yolu 40. km. Başkent Org. San. Böl. 22. Cad. No. 6 Malıköy-Sincan-Ankara - Sertifika No. 48083 Table of Contents Melih ARSLAN – Bekircan TAHBERER Ein frühhellenistischer Schatzfund mit Goldstateren im Museum von Uşak .…......…….......1 Ferit BAZ New Christian Inscriptions from Saimbeyli in Southeast Cappadocia …………......……......8 Tønnes BEKKER-NIELSEN North Anatolian Rivers and the Chronology of Xenophon’s Anabasis: A Note on An. 5.6..16 Altay COŞKUN The Stephanephorate of Apollo and the Historical Context of the Milesian Decree for Queen Apama (I.Didyma 480)..……..….....………………………………………………...23 René CZEITSCHNER Neues aus den Skizzenbüchern Rudolf Heberdeys: Inschriften aus Olbasa (Pisidien)……...41 Werner ECK Zur Laufbahn des Dillius Aponianus, Provinzstatthalter und Konsul in der Frühzeit Vespasians………………………………….….……..……...……………………………....54 Werner ECK Zur Reihenfolge der severischen Familie in IGR IV 881, einer Bauinschrift aus Takina in Lycia-Pamphylia unter dem Prokonsul Tarius Titianus…..…...………………………….61 Klaus HALLOF Das Datum des Briefes von König Antiochos in Baitokaike……………....………………..66 Karl-Joachim HÖLKESKAMP Prozesse von Anfängen her denken. Neue Griechische Geschichte(n) im Kontext aktueller Entwicklungen in den Geschichtswissenschaften …………………....………………..71 Vera HOFMANN Neue Inschriften zum Artemision von Ephesos III: Neopoioi-Inschriften ..………………..79 Paweł NOWAKOWSKI – Hale GÜNEY A Funerary Epigram with a Quotation from Odyssey I 4, found at the Junction of the Asian–Galatian Border ………………………………………………………………….......88 Flavio SANTINI Neue Inschriften aus der Kabalis………………………………………………………….…98 Benjamin SCHROTT Eine griechische Grabinschrift mit Totenmahlrelief aus Amaseia im Wiener Mechitaristenkloster …………………....………………………………………………………...…...113 Diether SCHÜRR Trqqas asati: eine lykische Formel mit langer Vorgeschichte..........................................…123 Diether SCHÜRR Zagabas und die Verwendung von Lykisch B……..………………………………………134 Peter THONEMANN A Hellenistic Decree from Apollonia under Salbake ….……………...……..…………….137 Güray ÜNVER New Inscriptions from Idyma…………………………………………………………..…..145 Riet VAN BREMEN Stratonikeian Incerta. I.Stratonikeia 1504: A Fragment of a Letter to the Chrysaoreis..…..155