Greek and Roman History
Recent papers in Greek and Roman History
New Approaches to Greek and Roman Warfare brings together essays from specialists in ancient history who employ contemporary tools and approaches to reveal new evidence and increase knowledge of ancient militaries and warfare. In-depth... more
The grid model was used to plan cities world-wide in the nineteenth century. By redeveloping and expanding on rectilinear schemes, these cities were brought into line with the image of a rational, productive and modern industrial age, a... more
This is a review of *Race: Antiquity and its Legacy*, by Denise Eileen McCoskey (I.B Tauris, 2012).
William Gurnee Sinnigen was a Classicist and Roman historian, active in the mid-to-late 20 th century. Trained at the University of Michigan by noted Roman administrative historian Arthur E. R. Boak, Sinnigen continued his mentor's work... more
Studio sul famoso Artemision di Sardi, capitale dell'antico regno di Lidia. In questo testo si tratta della cronologia del sito archeologico, della storia degli scavi, dell'analisi tipologica e architettonica del complesso cultuale e di... more
This paper deals with the House of Leukaktios, which has been discovered during Polish excavations at Ptolemais, Libya, in 2001 2007. The house has almost completely preserved mosaic pavements and the plan of Graeco-Roman type with an... more
Il sito romano di Ad Medias e il suo territorio. Primi risultati di un progetto archeologico per ricostruire la storia insediativa della pianura pontina.
Lo studio traccia le linee dello sviluppo della superficie in diritto romano. L’istituto sorse tra secondo e primo secolo a.C., in conseguenza di rilevanti mutamenti demografici e urbanistici e fu probabilmente modellato sulle concessioni... more
Experts have recently reported false bronze nummi with large reverse monograms of late Roman Imperial and Ostrogothic leaders. The experts include Alain Gennari and other members of, but not the present author. He is simply... more
In the Laudatio Turiae, Turia saved her property from her male relatives, and provided her husband (who was under her protection) with money. She also gave financial support to her sister, who was under legitimate guardianship. During the... more
Let me start with the term Enlightenment, which plays a crucial role in both Western and Eastern history.
From: G. CIFANI, L'architettura romana arcaica. Edilizia e società tra Monarchia e Repubblica, Roma: L'Erma di Bretschneider, 2008, pages 80 -109. 80 182 Sintesi schematica sul monumento, con riferimenti alle fonti letterarie, epigrafiche... more
The Roman father and son of the same name, P. Decius Mus, became paragon patriotic heroes by deliberately giving their lives in battle that Rome might win over a fierce enemy. Both engaged in a special ritual called devotio... more
Challenges the suggestion that both Emperor Claudius I and
Franklin Delano Roosevelt had Polio. Both world leaders had major physical impairments before they came to public office.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt had Polio. Both world leaders had major physical impairments before they came to public office.
For students and scholars who need help with the Greek, a translation as close to literal as possible of key passages from Thucydides
L’indagine svolta ha permesso di fare apparire come meglio condivisibile, tra le varie prospettive in tema di origine della compravendita consensuale romana, quella secondo cui essa sorse come istituto sganciato dalle radici del ius... more
rapports de fouille constituent des documents administratifs communicables au public dès leur remise au Service Régional de l'Archéologie, suivant les prescriptions de la loi n° 78-753 du 17 juillet modifié relative à l'amélioration des... more
Η εργασία αυτή, διδακτορική διατριβή του Σωτήρη Ραπτόπουλου εξετάζει ζητήματα οικονομικής ιστορίας των Κυκλάδων, μέσω της επαναξιολόγησης των παλαιότερων ερευνών και της παρουσίασης νέων. Στόχος είναι η εύρεση των βασικών στοιχείων των... more
The Marble Stoa at Hierapolis was a representative marble portico, which was funded by a local elite family in the middle of the 1st century AD. The aim of this paper is to assess the socio-economic dimensions of this building project by... more
The aim is to study ancient fountains in their architectural context, in the belief that the context will reveal their function in the dwelling. This article first analyzes the fountain structures and examines the relationship between... more
The ancient monument known as the Kasta Mound lying just outside the ancient Macedonian city of Amphipolis has been subject to continual excavation since the 1960s, but in August of 2014, the site came to extraordinary prominence when its... more
Die Quintilier sind zweifellos die berühmteste und am besten dokumentierte Familie aus Alexandria Troas. Insbesondere die letzten vier Generationen haben durch ihre Tätigkeit in der römischen Reichsverwaltung, ihre engen Verbindungen zu... more
The article focuses on the author's research on the chronographical background of the Zodiac Mosaic Calendar in Synagogue at Hammath-Tiberias. He researched to find the origin of mosaic decoration, the twelve zodiac sign, the four... more
Il contributo analizza l'immagine ufficiale dell'imperatore romano Giuliano (Cesare 359-361; Augusto 361-363), a noi nota soprattutto attraverso la sua monetazione. L'esame dei cambiamenti cui fu sottoposto il ritratto dell'imperatore nel... more
The discovery of the Sungai Batu complex by the Centre for Global Archaeological Research, Universiti Sains Malaysia in 2007 is of great significant in understanding the early civilisations in Malaysia. The complex was found during a... more
A Latin acceleration reader for beginning and intermediate students, with pari passu translation. The formatting allows students to learn to grasp sentences sequentially and in phrases. The content is famous Roman stories and... more
Beyond the devastation and tragedy of human lives precipitated by the conflict in Syria, priceless representations of ancient culture and history have likewise fallen victim to a seemingly never-ending maelstrom of destruction. Ancient... more