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2023, International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing (IJCSMC)…
12 pages
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A simple and easy to implement method of data cryptography will be introduced. This method can be easily used to encrypt-decrypt digital images with any type and size, it can be used to treat gray images, color images and secret messages. The simplified encryption and decryption function will minimize the required time for cryptography and they will use a simple operation of pixels' values rearrangement to apply encryption and decryption. The values rearrangement is to be applied using a generated index key. The index key is generated using the chaotic logistic key formed by running a chaotic logistic map model using a selected values of chaotic parameters. The proposed method will increase the level of image protection by using a private key which is capable to increase the key space to resist hacking attacks. The proposed method will be tested and implemented using various images, the obtained results will be analyzed to prove the quality, efficiency and sensitivity of the proposed method.
International Journal of Computer Science and Mobile Computing
Digital image is an important data type due to the wide applications requiring this data type. Some applications require image securing to protect the image from being hacked. Increasing the complicity of the private key will enhance the security level of the image by increasing the kay space size. In this paper research a chaotic logistic map model will be used to generate the required key for data cryptography. A modification in the CLMM will be added to generate a 3D chaotic key, this key will be converted to integer key, then the obtained key will be rotated left using another information imbedded in the PK, the rotated key will be resized to match the color channel size using simple and efficient method of image resizing. Each color channel will be encrypted-decrypted separately using its own generated key. The proposed method will be implemented using various images, the obtained results will be analyzed using various methods of data analysis. The quality analysis will be use ...
Encryption of images is different from that of texts due to some basic features of images such as bulk data capacity and high redundancy, which are generally difficult to handle by traditional means. Most of the available ciphers cannot be used directly to encrypt digital images in real-time systems because their encryption speed is not fast. In this paper, a chaotic image encryption schemes which uses a two-dimensional discretized Arnold's cat map was used for pixel permutation and a logistic map which is a one-dimensional chaotic map was used for key stream generator where the control parameter b is used as part of the secret key. The work was implemented using Microsoft Visual Basic 2008. The result shows an encrypted image which is decrypted by inverse of the map and the use of the secret keys. The chaotic system employed shows its simplicity in form and complexity in dynamics.
Journal of Information Systems and Telecommunication (JIST), 2019
With the development of the internet and social networks, the multimedia data, particularly digital images, has been of increasing interest to scientists. Due to their advantages including high speed, high security, and complexity, chaotic functions have been broadly employed in image encryption. The present paper proposed a modified logistic map function which resulted in higher scattering in the obtained results. Confusion and diffusion functions, as the two main actions in cryptography, are not necessarily performed in order, i.e. each of these two functions can be applied on the image in either order, provided that the sum of total functions does not exceed 10. So, to calculate the sum of functions, confusion has the factor of 1 and diffusion has the factor of 2. To simulate this method, a binary stack was used. Application of binary stack and pseudo-random numbers obtained from the modified chaotic function increased the complexity of the proposed encryption algorithm. The security key length, entropy value, NPCR and UACI values, and correlation coefficient represented in the analytical results revealed the capability and validity of the proposed method. Analyzing the obtained results and comparing the algorithm to other investigated methods clearly verified high efficiency of the proposed method.
Image and Vision Computing, 2006
In recent years, the chaos based cryptographic algorithms have suggested some new and efficient ways to develop secure image encryption techniques. In this communication, we propose a new approach for image encryption based on chaotic logistic maps in order to meet the requirements of the secure image transfer. In the proposed image encryption scheme, an external secret key of 80-bit and two chaotic logistic maps are employed. The initial conditions for the both logistic maps are derived using the external secret key by providing different weightage to all its bits. Further, in the proposed encryption process, eight different types of operations are used to encrypt the pixels of an image and which one of them will be used for a particular pixel is decided by the outcome of the logistic map. To make the cipher more robust against any attack, the secret key is modified after encrypting each block of sixteen pixels of the image. The results of several experimental, statistical analysis and key sensitivity tests show that the proposed image encryption scheme provides an efficient and secure way for real-time image encryption and transmission. q
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2020
In this paper, a novel grayscale image cryptosystem based on hybrid chaotic maps is proposed. The scheme employs both confusion phase to scramble the location of pixels and diffusion phase for changing the content of pixels in consecutive manner. In this scheme, Arnold's cat map is introduced to perform confusion operation and the principle of diffusion is achieved by using the proper selection of combined Sine map, Logistic map, and Tent map. Furthermore, exclusive OR (XOR), exchange, and transform operations are used to enhance the efficiency of diffusion phase. Accordingly, the use of chaotic maps and XOR operation provides a dual layer of security. Depending on the average absolute value of horizontal, vertical, and diagonal correlation coefficient of plain image as well as bifurcation properties of chaotic maps, one of the mentioned chaotic maps is selected for diffusion phase. First, original gray scale image matrix is extended to square matrix by adding the sequences generated with proper chaotic maps to implement the first step of diffusion phase. Then the Arnold's cat map changes pixels location of new extended matrix by means of certain equation as confusion phase. The encrypted image is generated after applying XOR, exchange and transform operations on the content of pixels as second step of diffusion phase. Thus the system is able to build several more complicated chaotic structures. In addition the encryption and decryption processing time directly depend on the value of correlation coefficient of original image. Plain images with less correlation coefficient have less encryption and decryption processing time, and vice versa. Compared with several existing methods, the proposed scheme has more better properties, including wider chaotic ranges and more complex chaotic behavior. Experimental results show that the proposed system has proper encryption and decryption processing time, unified average changing intensity (UACI), number of pixel change rate (NPCR), and extensive security analysis for kind of images.
This research paper presents a novel digital color image encryption approach that ensures high-level security while remaining simple and efficient. The proposed method utilizes a composite key r and x of 128-bits to create a small in-dimension private key (a chaotic map), which is then resized to match the color matrix dimension. The proposed method is uncomplicated and can be applied to any image without any modification. Image quality, sensitivity analysis, security analysis, correlation analysis, quality analysis, speed analysis, and attack robustness analysis are conducted to prove the efficiency and security aspects of the proposed method. The speed analysis shows that the proposed method improves the performance of image cryptography by minimizing encryption–decryption time and maximizing the throughput of the process of color cryptography. The results demonstrate that the proposed method provides better throughput than existing methods. Overall, this research paper provides a...
Computer and Information Science, 2014
In this paper, an implementation of digital image encryption scheme based on one dimensional logistic map is proposed. The chaotic cryptography technique concentrates in general on the symmetric key cryptographic technique. In the proposed algorithm, a random key table lookup criterion was combined with a one-dimensional chaotic map were used for high degree 2-stage security image encryption while maintaining acceptable overhead delay time. The proposed algorithm is based on image row shuffling and pixel-wise XOR encryption. To increase the security of row shuffling variable rotation and inversion were applied to each shuffled row, based on the difference between old and new row location. The experimental results showed that the proposed algorithm is effective and applicable. The combination of logistic map and key table lookup shows advantages of large random key space and high-level of security. The resulting cipher image is suitable for practical use in secure image storing and t...
Nota del traductor Respondiendo a un apremiante requerimiento del Fondo de Cultura Económica, he afrontado la ardua y penosa tarea de ofrecer al lector de había española una versión directa y completa de la Fenomenología del espíritu de C. W. F. Hegel. Es éste, que yo sepa, el primer intento, llevado a las prensas, que se hace de traducir al español, directamente del alemán, el texto integro de la Fenomenología. En 1935 publicó el profesor español Xavier Zubiri, en la colección de "Textos Filosóficos" de la Revista de Occidente, una breve selección de la obra, que abarcaba el Prólogo, la Introducción y el capítulo final sobre "el Saber absoluto". Era realmente extraño que una obra como ésta, que ocupa un lugar tan destacado en la teoría filosófica del mundo entero y que ha dejado una huella tan profunda en muchos campos del saber y en las disciplinas de la acción política y social, no se hubiese hecho aun asequible, en su totalidad, al público lector de había española. A llenar esta laguna, muy sensible, tiende el empeño del Fondo de Cultura Económica, con la presente edición. Por su parte, el traductor, después de enfrentarse con las ímprobas dificultades de su tarea, no siempre vencidas airosamente, cree comprender ahora, a la luz de su propia espinosa experiencia, por qué la empresa no había sido abordada o, por lo menos, llevada a cabo hasta hoy. No por prurito de modestia, sino porque realmente es así, califico de primer intento esta versión española que aquí ve la luz. Estoy absolutamente seguro de que una labor de esta naturaleza, por mucho que se aquilate, no puede alcanzar resultados satisfactorios en un primero y personal empeño. De que sólo la critica de muchos brindará los elementos necesarios para ir superando sobre la marcha, en un proceso de corrección y perfeccionamiento, el texto español que aquí se establece como punto de partida. Al abordar inicialmente los problemas de esta traducción, había abrigado yo la ilusión de poder infundir al texto español una mayor claridad y una mayor soltura, adoptando una actitud más libre en la reproducción del pensamiento hegeliano. Pronto hube de comprender, en el transcurso del trabajo, los peligros de este modo de proceder, en obra tan oscura y difícil como la Fenomenología. Al cabo, se impuso el criterio de ajustarse por entero a las características peculiares de lenguaje y el propio estilo del autor y hasta de su sintaxis, inseparables muchas veces de su pensamiento. Afrontando el riesgo 2 NOTA DEL TRADUCTOR de la oscuridad, la inelegancia e incluso, en ocasiones, la incorrección literaria de la prosa de nuestra versión, para no dar contra el escollo, mucho más amenazador evidentemente, en libro de tanta riqueza filosófica conceptual y de fisonomía tan acusada como éste, de infidelidad o desviación en cuanto al contenido. He tenido presente en todo momento que el encargo recibido por mí y la responsabilidad por mí asumida eran traducir a Hegel, y no ofrecer una paráfrasis de su obra. Por eso también, y a diferencia de otras versiones de la Fenomenología-respaldadas, evidentemente, por la personalidad de los traductores-, como la francesa de Hyppolite y la italiana de De Negri, se convino con la editorial en que esta traducción no fuese acompañada de notas explicativas o aclaratorias, fuera de las muy contadas que el propio autor pone al que de página.
PERATURAN MENTERI PENDAYAGUNAAN APARATUR NEGARA DAN REFORMASI BIROKRASI REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 52 TAHUN 2022 TENTANG JABATAN FUNGSIONAL PENYULUH KELUARGA BERENCANA BAB III KATEGORI DAN JENJANG JABATAN FUNGSIONAL PENYULUH KB Pasal 5 (1) Jabatan Fungsional Penyuluh KB merupakan Jabatan Fungsional kategori keahlian. (2) Jenjang Jabatan Fungsional Penyuluh KB sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) terdiri atas: a. Penyuluh KB Ahli Pertama; b. Penyuluh KB Ahli Muda; c. Penyuluh KB Ahli Madya; dan d. Penyuluh KB Ahli Utama. Bagian Kedua Unsur dan Subunsur Kegiatan Pasal 7 (1) Unsur kegiatan dari tugas Jabatan Fungsional Penyuluh KB sebagaimana dimaksud dalam Pasal 6 yang dapat dinilai Angka Kredit nya terdiri atas: a. Penyuluhan; b. Pelayanan; c. Penggerakan; dan d. Pengembangan. (2) Subunsur dari unsur kegiatan sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) terdiri atas: a. Penyuluhan meliputi: 1. komunikasi, informasi dan edukasi; dan 2. analisis Penyuluhan; b. Pelayanan meliputi: 1. fasilitasi Pelayanan; dan 2. analisis Pelayanan; c. Penggerakan meliputi: 1. advokasi ke pemangku kebijakan dan mitra terkait; 2. analisis advokasi; 3. kemitraan; dan 4. analisis kemitraan; dan d. Pengembangan meliputi: 1. Pengembangan model Penyuluhan; 2. Pengembangan model Pelayanan; dan 3. Pengembangan model Penggerakan. BAB XVII KETENTUAN PENUTUP Pasal 55 Pada saat Peraturan Menteri ini mulai berlaku, semua peraturan perundang-undangan yang merupakan peraturan pelaksanaan dari Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Nomor 21 Tahun 2018 tentang Jabatan Fungsional Penyuluh Keluarga Berencana (Berita Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2015 Nomor 488) sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Nomor 10 Tahun 2021 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Nomor 21 Tahun 2018 tentang Jabatan Fungsional Penyuluh Keluarga Berencana (Berita Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2021 Nomor 209), dinyatakan masih tetap berlaku sepanjang tidak bertentangan dengan ketentuan dalam Peraturan Menteri ini. Pasal 56 Pada saat Peraturan Menteri ini mulai berlaku, Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Nomor 21 Tahun 2018 tentang Jabatan Fungsional Penyuluh Keluarga Berencana (Berita Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2018 Nomor 455) sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Nomor 10 Tahun 2021 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Nomor 21 Tahun 2018 tentang Jabatan Fungsional Penyuluh Keluarga Berencana (Berita Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2021 Nomor 209), dicabut dan dinyatakan tidak berlaku. Pasal 57 Peraturan Menteri ini mulai berlaku pada tanggal diundangkan. Agar setiap orang mengetahuinya, memerintahkan pengundangan Peraturan Menteri ini dengan penempatannya dalam Berita Negara Republik Indonesia. Ditetapkan di Jakarta pada tanggal 19 Desember 2022 MENTERI PENDAYAGUNAAN APARATUR NEGARA DAN REFORMASI BIROKRASI REPUBLIK INDONESIA, ttd ABDULLAH AZWAR ANAS Diundangkan di Jakarta pada tanggal 23 Desember 2022 MENTERI HUKUM DAN HAK ASASI MANUSIA REPUBLIK INDONESIA, ttd YASONNA H. LAOLY BERITA NEGARA REPUBLIK INDONESIA TAHUN 2022 NOMOR 1314
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