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Recent geological-geophysical investigations in the Ross Sea region (namely Victoria Land and the Ross Sea) highlighted complex Cenozoic geodynamics dominated by intraplate, right-lateral strike-slip tectonics inducing a signifi cant oblique component in the rifting process [6]. This, and the spatial, structural, and chronological distribution of plutons and dyke swarms recently found on the western Ross Sea shoulder (e.g., [7-10]), casts doubts on the plume scenario and may support a transtension-related source for the Cenozoic magmatism of the Ross Sea region. In this webpage, the geochemical, chronological and structural evidence is critically compared with the main features expected for a plume-powered system, and a model is © proposed that is an alternative to both plume-driven and purely passive rifting.
Journal of Geophysical Research, 2002
1] Geochemical and chronological data for Cenozoic plutons and dikes from northern Victoria Land (Antarctica), were used to propose a tectonic-magmatic model for this portion of the West Antarctic Rift System (WARS). The seven major plutons are compositionally bimodal, with gabbroic and syenitic portions. Among the 180 studied dikes, most are 1 m thick and have alkali basalt-basanite-tephrite compositions, along with minor intermediate rocks. Trachytic-rhyolitic dikes (up to 50 m thick) are by far less common. The 40 Ar-39 Ar data for dikes indicate middle Eocene to early Oligocene ages, the oldest found to date for igneous activity throughout the WARS. The geochronological-structural framework provides evidence for coeval emplacement of dikes on two main NW-SE and N-S striking trends, whereas plutonic-subvolcanic activity occurred in adjacent crustal sectors at different times. Mafic dikes display major and trace element distribution typical of basalts from oceanic islands, such as high ratios of Nb and Ta to large ion lithophile and heavy rare earth elements, coupled with prominent negative K and Pb anomalies in the primitive mantle-normalized multielement diagrams. Initial isotopic compositions are within the ranges of 0.70299-0.70372 for 87 Sr/ 86 Sr and 4.2-6.3 for e Nd . These features are shared by younger Neogene lavas. Geochemical modeling for both mafic dikes and lavas indicates an enriched magma source characterized by a residual potassic hydrous phase, thus pointing out a mantle source nearly uniform throughout 50 m.y. Comparable geochemical signature are reported for the magma source of the other Cenozoic volcanic provinces of the WARS and the whole Antarctic Plate. The new data for the early igneous rocks of the rift put in evidence a chronologic-structural link between magmatic evolution, regional tectonics and plate dynamics which suggests a model for WARS magmatism that is alternative to current plume hypotheses. We propose that magma genesis and emplacement are related to reactivation of preexisting translithospheric faults, which promoted local decompression melting of an enriched mantle that was previously veined during the decompression episode associated with the amagmatic late Cretaceous extensional rift phase.
Antarctica: A Keystone in a Changing World. …, 2008
Global and Planetary Change, 1999
The active West Antarctic Rift System, which extends from the continental shelf of the Ross Sea, beneath the Ross Ice Shelf and the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, is comparable in size to the Basin and Range in North America, or the East African Ž. rift systems. Geophysical surveys primarily marine seismic and aeromagnetic combined with radar ice sounding have extended the information provided by sparse geologic exposures and a few drill holes over the ice and sea covered area. Rift basins developed in the early Cretaceous accompanied by the major extension of the region. Tectonic activity has continued episodically in the Cenozoic to the present, including major uplift of the Transantarctic Mountains. The West Antarctic ice sheet, and the late Cenozoic volcanic activity in the West Antarctic Rift System, through which it flows, have been coeval since at least Miocene time. The rift is characterized by sparse exposures of late Cenozoic alkaline volcanic rocks extending from northern Victoria Land throughout Marie Byrd Land. The aeromagnetic interpretations indicate the presence of 5 2 Ž 6
Finite element geodynamic models of the West Antarctic Rift System reproduce the transition from prolonged diffuse extension throughout the rift system during the Cretaceous and early Cenozoic to later focused extension in the Victoria Land Basin during the middle Paleogene. The change in the style of rifting is due to intraplate processes, and does not require changes in plate motions or impingement of a mantle plume. The models are consistent with the Paleogene onset of magmatism in the West Antarctic Rift System under normal mantle thermal conditions. However, the preliminary models indicate that spatially widespread magmatism may require mantle temperatures elevated approximately 100 °C above normal, supporting arguments favoring the presence of a plume.
Tectonics, 1991
The West Antarctic rift system extends over a 3000 x 750 km, largely ice covered area from the Ross Sea to the base of the Antarctic Peninsula, comparable in area to the Basin and Range and the East African rift system. A spectacular rift shoulder scarp along which peaks reach 4-5 km maximum elevation marks one flank and extends from northern Victoria Land-Queen Maud Mountains to the Ellsworth-Whitmore-Horlick Mountains. The rift shoulder has maximum present physiographic relief of 5 km in the Ross Embayment and 7 km in the Ellsworth Mountains-Byrd Subglacial Basin area. The Transantarctic Mountains part of the rift shoulder (and probably the entire shoulder) has been interpreted as rising since about 60 Ma, at episodic rates of-• 1 km/m.y., most recently since mid-Pliocene time, rather than continuously at the mean rate of 100 m/m.y. The rift system is characterized by bimodal alkaline volcanic rocks ranging from at least Oligocene to the present. These are exposed asymmetrically along the rift flanks and at the south end of the Antarctic Peninsula. The trend of the Jurassic tholeiites (Ferrar dolerites, Kirkpatric basalts) marking the Jurassic Transantarctic rift is coincident with exposures of the late Cenozoic volcanic rocks along the section of the Transantarctic Mountains from northern Victoria Land to the Horlick Mountains. The Cenozoic rift shoulder diverges here from the Jurassic tholeiite trend, and the tholeiites are exposed continuously (including the Dufek intrusion) along the lower-elevation (1-2 kin) section of Transantarctic Mountains to the Weddell Sea. Widely spaced aeromagnetic profiles in West Antarctica indicate the absence of Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the ice covered part of the Whitmore-Ellsworth-Mountain block and suggest their widespread occurrence beneath the western part of the ice sheet overlying the Byrd Subglacial Basin.
s (part 1), 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy, 2004, Abstract 86-9, p. 423. Scott, J. M., and A. F. Cooper. 2006. Early Cretaceous extensional exhumation of the lower crust of a magmatic arc: Evidence from the Mount Irene Shear Zone, Fiordland, New Zealand. Tectonics 25, doi.10.1029/2005TC001890. Siddoway, C. S., S. Baldwin, G. Fitzgerald, C. M. Fanning, and B. P. Luyendyk. 2004a. Ross Sea mylonites and the timing of intracontinental extension within the West Antarctic rift system. Geology 32:57-60. Siddoway, C. S., S. M. Richard, C. M. Fanning, and B. P. Luyendyk. 2004b. Origin and emplacement of a middle Cretaceous gneiss dome, Fosdick Mountains, West Antarctica. In Gneiss Domes in Orogeny, eds. D. L. Whitney, C. Teyssier, and C. S. Siddoway, Geological Society of America Special Paper 380:267-294. Siddoway, C. S., L. C. Sass III, and R. Esser. 2005. Kinematic history of Marie Byrd Land terrane, West Antarctica: Direct evidence from Cretaceous mafic dykes. In...
The West Antarctic rift system (WARS) is largely buried beneath 1-4 km of ice, obscuring vast areas that could provide clues about the potential for active volcanism beneath the ice sheet, and whether significant tectonic extension has taken place in Cenozoic time. This study explores the consequences of viewing the ice as basin fill, and of approximating the mass equivalent of ice as unconsolidated sediment. It then compares the results with active rift systems elsewhere in the world. The results suggest (1) that the interior rift trough is relatively cool and volcanically inactive, (2) that extension and over-deepening of interior basins, like the Bentley Subglacial Trench, has taken place beneath the ice sheet in late Cenozoic time, and (3) that dome uplift and the growth of large central volcanoes along the Marie Byrd Land coast, together with subsidence of interior basins, have significantly increased the relief within the rift system in Neogene time.
The American Journal of Biblical Theology, 2015
The aim of this article is to take the Center for Inquiry's ((CFI) a highly influential organization in the west), mission statement to task with respect to their critique of supposed extraordinary claims through the application of Carl Sagan's quote: " extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. " Specifically those which are defensible through rational argumentation (God's existence) i.e., in order to question whether or not they are actually promoting rigorous critical thought through the utilization of science and reason. A look will be also taken into whether they are actually fostering freedom of inquiry or if they are becoming masterful at insulating themselves from any criticisms against their own respective position. This will be carried forth through the examination of the following: i) emotions and non-belief, ii) the epistemology of Carl Sagan's quote, iii) philosophy, science and the question of God, iv) the presumption of atheism and its relation to Sagan's quote, v) proper basicality and Sagan's quote and vi) Jesus' resurrection as a test case.
Cet ouvrage vient a son heure, celle qu’autorise le recul du temps, sinon la resolution des problemes poses au syndicalisme. La periode 1975-1995, difficile pour le mouvement syndical francais, fut catastrophique pour la CGT. L’histoire de la Confederation ne manque pas d’episodes douloureux, voire tragiques. Jamais les revers et les reculs ne s’etaient toutefois prolonges aussi longtemps. Fruit de la cooperation de specialistes reconnus et de jeunes chercheurs – historiens, sociologues, politistes – ainsi que de syndicalistes, l’ouvrage interroge la maniere dont la CGT a traverse ces deux decennies. Au fil des chapitres, la quarantaine d’auteurs reunis offre une exploration inedite de l’organisation et de ses militants, observes du Bureau confederal aux echelons les plus elementaires et dans les contextes les plus varies.
Nenhuma parte desta publicação poderá ser reproduzida por qualquer meio ou forma sem a prévia autorização da Editora Saraiva. A violação dos direitos autorais é crime estabelecido na Lei n. 9.610/98 e punido pelo artigo 184 do Código Penal.
A Lost Cargo: An Archaeological Study of Amphorae of a Late Roman Merchant Ship in the Western Black Sea, 2023
ΧΡΟΝΟΣ. Церковно-исторический альманах, 2024
Journal of Public Health Policy , 2019
Pubblicazioni Italiane, 2021
Gestão & Produção, 2014
The Sport Psychologist, 2014
Seminário Internacional - Entre o 3º e o 2º milénio AC: Que tipo de viragem? - Pré Actas, 2018
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2010
International Journal of Medical Students, 2015
Journal of Thoracic Oncology, 2018
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2018
Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu, vol. XCIII, fasc. 186 (2024-II), 2024
Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1989