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2005, Bulletin de Correspondance hellénique 128-129 (2004-2005)
19 pages
1 file
Kimia inti adalah kajian mengenai perubahan-perubahan dalam inti atom (proton dan neutron).
LRCW 6, 2023
The 1998 excavations in the Piazza del Duomo have brought to light evidence for an uninterrupted use of the area from the Etruscan period to the present day. This paper focuses on the 6th and 7th centuries CE; in those centuries the area was first occupied by wooden buildings (period VI), later replaced by a cemetery (period VII). Pottery from the excavations, including a number of residues from earlier periods, includes a wide range of imports, originating from almost the entire Mediterranean basin, from Gallia to the Near East. Imports and local wares both attest the prolonged vitality of the city well into the Late Antique period
To cite this article: E. J. M. Hiensch & N. Burgelman (2017): Switch Panel wear loading -a parametric study regarding governing train operational factors, Vehicle System Dynamics, ABSTRACT
Journal of Complementary and Alternative Medical Research
Background: Over the past few decades, chronic kidney disease (CKD) with high serum creatinine has turned into an intensive clinical and epidemiological research in Bangladesh as well as globally. Even though the transparency provided by the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (KDOQI) guidelines, there appears to be within the CKD with high serum creatinine research literature significant dissimilarity on how to define CKD and assess kidney function. In this situation homeopathic symptomatic treatment can play a vital role in CKD with high creatinine. Methods: The cases of four patients with CKD and high creatinine from our observations are discussed, those whom were benefited by homeopathic treatment. The more common remedies administered in the treatment of CKD with high creatinine include: Lycopodium clavatum, Apis mellifica, Apocynum cannabinum, Aurum muriticum, Cuprum metalicum Cantharis, Sarsaparilla, Glonoine, Serum anguillae, Berbaris vulgaris,… etc. The patho-physio...
Revista Mackenzie De Educacao Fisica E Esporte, 2009
One of the largest difficulties students' of graduation level is to determine the ideal age group for the work certain aspects of the soccer, of this it sorts out this study has as objective orientates the subjects of established development levels for two authors (SCAGLIA, 1999 e FREIRE, 2003), where possibilities of classification of age groups and specific contents are specified for the same ones.
Novos Estudos Jurídicos, 2023
Contextualização: Apesar da aparente relação conflituosa, o constitucionalismo é essencial para a democracia, uma vez que a limitação do poder é um dos sustentáculos dos regimes democráticos. Ocorre que, na atualidade, observa-se, em muitos Estados que se autoproclamam democráticos e constitucionais, a prática de atos voltados ao enfraquecimento dos pilares da democracia, culminando em retrocessos autoritários, tudo isso sem a necessidade de lançar mão do meio clássico de tomada do poder, qual seja, o golpe de estado, mas fazendo uso de instrumentos das próprias constituições. O constitucionalismo abusivo estuda o uso dos mecanismos constitucionais para minar a democracia e, muito embora, os estudos acerca desse fenômeno, geralmente, concentrem-se sobre o Poder Executivo, nada impede que ele seja praticado por qualquer um dos poderes, ramos ou órgãos do Estado.
Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 2009
Rationale Evidence-based medicine (EBM) has been acclaimed as a major advance in medical science, but criticized as a proposed alternative model for the practice and teaching of medicine. Ambiguity regarding the proper role of the contributions of EBM within the fabric of medicine and health care has contributed to this discrepancy. Aims and objectives We undertook a critical review of the history of the EBM movement, beginning with its origins in the 1970s and continuing through this century. We drew upon the results of an independent project that rationalized the EBM domain from the perspective of educational evaluation and assessment. We considered the content of EBM in relationship to the propositions and promises embodied in advocacy publications. Results EBM emerged in the context of the explosion of biomedical information in the decade preceding public access to the Internet in the mid-1990s and drew upon the independently derived 'information literacy' formula developed by information scientists during the 1980s. The critically important content and achievements of EBM are fully explained within the confines of the information literacy model. The thesis that EBM offers an alternative paradigm for individualized health care, asserted in the advocacy literature, is not supported by published models of evidence-based clinical practice. Conclusion A critical historical review of the origins, content and development of the EBM movement proposes that full integration of the fruits of the movement into routine clinical care remains a conceptual and practical challenge. Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? Where is the knowledge we have lost in information? T.S. Eliot 'The Rock' 1934
Nota. Esta figura representa las cinco densidades radiológicas básicas, que va desde el tono más oscuro, que es el color negro, que corresponde al aire, al tono más claro, que es de color blanco, el cual corresponde al metal.Resumen Las imágenes radiológicas han sido de gran ayuda para los diagnósticos médicos donde se pueden observar las diferentes características y anomalías que presente un cuerpo a simple vista, por medio de una escala de grises donde juega un principal papel el cual es la densidad de los elementos en la imagen, ya que esto con relación a la radiografía convencional se puedan distinguir varias tonalidades denominadas radio lúcido y radiopaco. Lo cual hace posible un diagnóstico con más claridad como también diferentes patologías, como es el caso clínico que tenemos. En este trabajo se relaciona el neumotórax, hemotorax y neumoperitoneo donde participan las cinco densidades de una radiografía e igual nos describe cuando hay presencia de cuerpos extraños (metal, hi...
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Ecology and Society, 2010
Jane Jacobs's urban vitality focusing on three-facet criteria and its confluence with urban physical complexity, 2024
Espacio Tiempo y Forma. Serie IV, Historia Moderna, 2001
Cuadiernu. Difusión, investigación y conservación del patrimonio, 6., 2018
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 2010
Bioinformatics, 2021
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Proceedings of the Workshop on Software …, 2003