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The final closure veneer for municipal solid waste landfills must be designed to withstand an allowable annual soil loss from wind erosion over its design life. Veneer sensitivity to wind erosion depends on a multiplicity of intertwined... more
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      Civil EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceRemote sensing and GISLandfills
Des rejets de la laverie minière de Hammam Zriba (Zaghouan, Tunisie) sont mis en place au cours de l’édification de la digue à fond plat par décantation. Cette zone est soumise souvent à des phénomènes météorologiques (tempêtes de vent... more
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      Environmental StudiesAir pollutionMiningTunisie
full citation: Ford, R.L., Gillman, S.J., Wilkins, D.E., Clement, W.P., and Nicoll, K. 2010. Geology and Geomorphology of Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park, Utah. In Anderson, P.B.; Chidsey, T.C. and Sprinkel, D.A. (Eds) Geology of Utah's... more
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      Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)DendrochronologyQuaternary GeologyAeolian Geomorphology
Bu çalışmada, Kyme kentinin güneyinde yer alan ve Güney Nekropolisi'ni oluşturan mezarlık alanlardan biri olan Batı Liman Nekropolisi'nde bulunan bir çocuk mezarı buluntularıyla birlikte incelenmiştir. Söz konusu çocuk mezarı, İzmir Müze... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyArchaeology of ChildhoodDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Terracotta Figurines
Dune management along developed coasts has traditionally focussed on the suppression of the geomor-phic dynamics of the foredune to improve its role in sea defence. Because a stabilized foredune acts as an almost total barrier to aeolian... more
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      Coastal ManagementCoastal ProcessesCoastal GeomorphologyCoastal Dunes
Yeni Foça-İzmir karayolunun batısında, Kyme Antik Kenti’nden yaklaşık 1 km uzaklıkta, kentin güney nekropolisi içerisine giren tepelerin batıya bakan yamaçları Batı Liman Nekropolisi olarak isimlendirilmiştir. 2011 yılında... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Ceramics (Archaeology)Hellenistic period
The paper describes the operation of a Thyristor Switched Series Capacitors (TSSC) circuit for wind turbines. The TSSC circuit belongs to the Controlled Series Capacitor (CSC) circuits that have been used in power transmission lines to... more
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      ThyristorsAeolian Research
This paper presents the first attempt at qualitatively and quantitatively evaluating the sedimentary contribution of the Puna plateau to the loess and soils of the Argentinean Pampas. The origin of the Pampean sediment has been... more
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      AltiplanoAeolian DustAeolian Research
Απόσπασμα από τα πρώτα αποτελέσματα της γεωλογικής έρευνας σχετικής με τα Νεώρια Χανίων
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      Small Shelly FossilsAeolian DustAeolian ResearchΕνετοκρατία
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      Apotropaic ObjectsCult of Demeter and KoreHellenistic GreeceLesbos
The new tools for 3D survey and modelling (as portable scanners and software packages), often in combination with diagnostics, are nowadays able to provide indispensable elements for the study of archaeological artefacts; their... more
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      Digital ArchaeologyLipariAeolian Research
The plains ripples of Meridiani Planum are the first paleo-aeolian bedforms on Mars to have had their last migration episode constrained in time (to ~50-200 ka). Here we test how variations in orbital configuration, air pressure, and... more
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      Aeolian GeomorphologyAeolian / eolian geomorphologyAeolian Processes in Cool ClimatesAeolian Research
The identities of Count Roger I of Sicily's sons and the succession crisis that threatened to envelop the state he had worked for some 40 years to build have not yet been fully understood, notwithstanding attempts by a number of talented... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval HistoriographyMedieval Europe
The identities of Count Roger I of Sicily's sons and the succession crisis that threatened to envelop the state he had worked for some 40 years to build have not yet been fully understood, notwithstanding attempts by a number of talented... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval HistoriographyMedieval Europe
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      Anatolian ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyMortuary archaeologyFunerary Architecture
Gypsum (CaSO 4 Á2H 2 O) has been identified as a major component of part of Olympia Undae in the northern polar region of Mars, along with the mafic minerals more typical of Martian dune fields. The source and age of the gypsum is... more
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      SedimentologyQuaternary Sedimentology and GeomorphologySediment transportAeolian sedimentology
The new tools for 3D survey and modelling (as portable scanners and software packages), often in combination with diagnostics, are nowadays able to provide indispensable elements for the study of archaeological artefacts; their... more
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      Digital Archaeology3d Reconstructions in ArchaeologyLipariAeolian Research
Analyses of aeolianites and associated dune, surficial carbonate and marine terrace sediments from north-central Chile (27° 54′ S) yield a record of environmental change for the coastal southern Atacama Desert spanning at least the last... more
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      SedimentologyStable Isotope GeochemistryAeolian GeomorphologySea Level
The new tools for 3D survey and modelling (as portable scanners and software packages), often in combination with diagnostics, are nowadays able to provide indispensable elements for the study of archaeological artefacts; their... more
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      Digital ArchaeologyVirtual ArchaeologyLipariAeolian Research
Abstract This paper presents the first attempt at qualitatively and quantitatively evaluating the sedimentary contribution of the Puna plateau to the loess and soils of the Argentinean Pampas. The origin of the Pampean sediment has been... more
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