Ancient Greek Chronography
Recent papers in Ancient Greek Chronography
The paper picks up the question what country Cyrus was attacking in 547 BC, therefore dealing with the broken toponym of the Nabonidus Chronicle obv. ii 16. The reading of the sign(s) has been highly influenced by later classical sources,... more
The chronography of Josephus, as presented in his major work the Jewish Antiquities, with significant additions in his Against Apion, covered the entire past of his nation. The antiquity of the Jews was defended by use of Graeco-Oriental... more
Inscribed some time after 264 BCE, the Parian Marble offers a chronological list of events with an exceptional emphasis on literary matters. Literary History in the Parian Marble explores the literary and historiographical qualities of... more
Olympic victor lists are critical to our understanding of the chronological underpinnings of Greek history. Over 100 fragments from roughly twenty different Olympionikai have come down to us, but Eusebius' Chronika supplies the only... more
Les textes sont des objets fragiles et compliqués. Cette notice veut attirer l'attention des lecteurs et des étudiants sur diverses composantes du « texte » dont il est préférable d'être conscient. Le premier point est que, contrairement... more
È opportuno esordire con un chiarimento, programmatico: questa ricerca non tratterà della cronologia di Ibico, o di Anacreonte, e neppure di quella di Policrate. Non ci occuperemo, in altre parole, né della storia di Ibico, o dei... more
In a nutshell: 1. I believe that Ekloge Chronographias of George Syncellus and Chronographia of Theophanes the Confessor should be treated as a single project, undertaken in turn by two authors; 2. There are important stylistic... more
This paper reconsiders Vitruvius’s attitude toward literary auctoritas (“authority”) in the context of two related types of historiographical writing: so-called “universal” or “world” history and chronography. In short, I want to know... more
Questi Sincronismi giambici proseguono le ricerche sulla cronografia dei poeti arcaici inaugurate con I Policrati ibicei, pure apparsi negli Annali online di Ferrara -sezione Lettere ( , vol. I = Ornaghi [2008). I presupposti metodologici... more
In his monumental Histories Herodotus offers insights into the political and geographical landscape of Archaic Greece, thereby forming the basis of our modern historical understanding. In addition, Herodotus has drawn the fundamental... more
zum Dissertationsvorhaben Schriftliche Quellen und archäologische Befunde im Wechselspiel:
This paper reconsiders Vitruvius' attitude toward literary auctoritas in the context of two, related types of historiographical writing, so-called universal or "world-history" and chronography. Vitruvius' own subject matter, architectura... more
Leitung: Prof. Dr. Mischa Meier
Mitarbeiter: Dr. des. Florian Battistella, Dr. Olivier Gengler, Dr. Brendan Osswald
Mitarbeiter: Dr. des. Florian Battistella, Dr. Olivier Gengler, Dr. Brendan Osswald
Current project at Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities. The commentary is accessible online via
Classical archaeologists have established the conventional chronology of the Archaic period (c. 776-490/480 B.C.) nearly 100 years ago and assigned precise dates to historical events and archaeological findings. A relative chronology for... more
Recipient of a DOC Fellowship of the Austrian Academy of Sciences at the Institute of Ancient History, University of Innsbruck
Un poeta senza età. Note di cronografia stesicorea (e alcmanico-saffico-simonidea) Con questo studio della tradizione cronografica (e biografica) di Stesicoro si completa una breve serie di ricerche dedicate appunto alla cronografia dei... more
This paper gives the first specific source analysis of one of the longest and most interesting chapter of Malalas’ Chronicle (Chronographia XVII 16 Thurn), devoted to the ruinous earthquake in Antioch in May 526 AD. Through a close... more
The aim of this paper is to analyze a fragment by Porphyry concerning Seleucid history and transmitted by Eusebius of Caesarea's Chronicon. A short introduction on this work (par. 1) will be followed by a defense of the authorship of the... more
Text with new translation and new commentary on the Parian Marble.