Anglo Saxon, Merovingian garnet
Recent papers in Anglo Saxon, Merovingian garnet
Эпоха викингов стала главным потрясением для Европы в конце раннего Средневековья. Однако "внезапное" начало походов скандинавов на Запад в дейстительности не было таким уж спонтанным – ему предшествовал длительный и чрезвычайно... more
Philippe Schiesser, Des deniers mérovingiens de Rennes imitant des sceattas, un exemple parmi d’autres d’imitation, dans les textes publiés par D. Hollard et K. Meziane, Numismatique bretonne / Les faux monétaires, actes du Colloque... more
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Rot leuchtende Granatplättchen schmückten während der Merowingerzeit (5. bis 8. Jahrhundert n.
Paper presented at the 67th International Sachsensymposium in Antwerp.
Were early medieval burial objects the personal property of the person who had died? This book looks at the case study of brooches to critically examine this question. The key component is an empirical study on the potential correlation... more
The ‘Isenbüttel gold necklace’, now in the Lower Saxony State Museum in Hanover, was found almost a century ago in Lower Saxony, an area with no history of early medieval gold finds or richly furnished burials. As no parallels are known... more
Ambiguity in later Merovingian art: An example from Schwetzingen, South-West Germany.