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El paiche o paichi (Arapaima aff. gigas, Arapaimidae) es el pez con escamas más grande de la cuenca del Amazonas. Su introducción y posterior expansión a Bolivia se produjo por el río Madre de Dios alrededor de los años setenta, desde... more
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      Fish FeedingArapaima gigasOmnivore
A simple and low-cost recirculating system (RAS) for production of arapaima (Arapaima gigas) juveniles is described. Twenty arapaima fry (mean 13.0 cm, 12.0 g) were housed in three production tanks and fed a high HUFA diet resulting in... more
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      AmazoniaAquacultureArapaima gigas
El paiche (Arapaima gigas) es el pez con escamas más grande de la cuenca del Amazonas. Es conocido en su medio natural (Brasil, Perú) por su voracidad y hábitos piscívoros, pero se desconoce la dieta y nivel trófico de las poblaciones que... more
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      Invasive species ecologyArapaima gigas
Molecular detection of Edwardsiella tarda with gyrB gene isolated from pirarucu, Arapaima gigas which is exhibited in an indoor private commercial aquarium
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      Key wordsEdwardsiella TardaArapaima gigas
With around 15% of all described freshwater fish species in the world, the Amazon Basin is by far the most fish species-rich freshwater ecosystem on the planet. In this opinion paper, a rough evaluation is given on just how vulnerable... more
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      Climate ChangeFish InvasionsArapaima gigas
A B S T R A C T Aeromonas hydrophila is causing substantial economic losses in world aquaculture. This study determined the tolerance limit (LD 50-96h) of A. hydrophila in Arapaima gigas, and also investigated the clinical signs after... more
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      MicrobiologyVeterinary MicrobiologyRiversFish Diseases
A B S T R A C T Aeromonas hydrophila is causing substantial economic losses in world aquaculture. This study determined the tolerance limit (LD 50-96h) of A. hydrophila in Arapaima gigas, and also investigated the clinical signs after... more
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    • Arapaima gigas
The Bolivian Amazon is home to abundant fisheries resources that represent a source of subsistence for families as well as income generation. Despite this favorable condition, poverty levels in the region are high, and existing... more
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      FisheriesFisheries ManagementAmazoniaBolivia