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Memorial days of disasters represent an opportunity to evaluate the progress of recovery. This article uses sentiment analysis (SA) to assess post-disaster recovery on the 10th anniversary of L’Aquila’s earthquake using Twitter data. We... more
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      Civil EngineeringHistoryNatural Language ProcessingMachine Learning
In this paper we argue that many problems in the semantics of natural language are due to a large gap between semantics (which is an attempt at understanding what we say in language about the world) and the way the world is. This... more
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      LogicNatural Language ProcessingSemanticsKnowledge Representation and Reasoning
Traditionally, data mining algorithms and machine learning algorithms are engineered to approach the problems in isolation. These algorithms are employed to train the model in separation on a specific feature space and same distribution.... more
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      Machine LearningArtificial Neural NetworksDeep LearningArtiificial intelligence
This essay traces crossed phenomena that exist within us and attempts to formulate a hypothesis of what the implications of apophenia could be in regard to its complementary phenomenon: a failure to recognize patterns, in geology as much... more
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      NeurologyAnthropologyArt HistoryComplexity
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a collection of techniques for personality development. Meta programmes, which are habitual ways of inputting, sorting and filtering the information found in the world around us, are a vital factor in... more
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      PsychologyHuman Computer InteractionNatural Language ProcessingMachine Learning
Memorial days of disasters represent an opportunity to evaluate the progress of recovery. This article uses sentiment analysis (SA) to assess post-disaster recovery on the 10th anniversary of L'Aquila's earthquake using Twitter data. We... more
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      Natural Language ProcessingMachine LearningSentiment AnalysisTwitter
Как современному человеку найти баланс в своих отношениях с технологическим миром, чтобы не потерять в нем себя? Об этом «Культура» поговорила с философом Александром МИХАЙЛОВСКИМ, доцентом НИУ ВШЭ, известным специалистом в области... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyHuman-Robot InteractionArtiificial intelligence
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      EngineeringRoboticsControl Systems EngineeringComputer Science
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a collection of techniques for personality development. Meta programmes, which are habitual ways of inputting, sorting and filtering the information found in the world around us, are a vital factor in... more
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      PsychologyHuman Computer InteractionNatural Language ProcessingMachine Learning
Depuis plusieurs mois, des articles critiquent ce qu'il est convenu de nommer le biais de l'intelligence artificielle. Celui-ci accentuerait les préjugés et la construction des inégalités déjà présente chez les êtres humains. Ainsi, une... more
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      Gender StudiesRace and RacismNeural NetworkArtificial Neural Networks