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Par une analyse lexicale systématique il est possible de reconnaître dans l’œuvre de Nostradamus plusieurs éléments sémiologiques appartenant au registre d’un syndrome obsessionnel associé au domaine autistique. Une étude comparative des... more
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      Renaissance HumanismSpirituality & MysticismAutism and LanguageMystical Theology
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      AutismAutism Spectrum DisordersAttentionAttentional Control
چکیده هدف از پژوهش حاضر، تعیین اثربخشی آموزش بازی های گروهی بر مهارت های اجتماعی کودکان دارای اختلال اتیسم با عملکرد بالا بود. روش پژوهش از نوع نیمه آزمایشی با طرح پیش آزمون-پس آزمون با گروه کنترل بود. جامعه آماری این پژوهش را کلیه کودکان... more
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      AutismAutism Spectrum DisordersAutism and creativityAspergers and High Functioning Autism
Recent work suggests that we are better at interpreting the movements of others who move like us, and that individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) move in a quantifiably different way from typical individuals. Therefore,... more
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      PsychologyAbnormal PsychologyEmotionAutism
This article argues that Canada fails to meet its obligation under article 24 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities to provide students with autism with access to inclusive education. Moving beyond... more
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      AutismDisability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesAutism Spectrum Disorders
This paper reports on a framework of thinking, memory and learning that emerged from a qualitative research study into the nature of learning for individuals with autism. The framework is useful for professional development of teachers... more
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      Christian EducationNeurodiversityAspergers and High Functioning Autism
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      AutismAutism Spectrum DisordersParentingAutism (Education)
This interview relates to my book Naming Adult Autism: Culture, Science, Identity (Rowman & Littlefield International, 2017) and took place at Leeds Beckett University.* Some of my answers to questions at the end are quite unfocused – see... more
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      NeuroscienceSociologyPsychologySocial Psychology
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersDiagnosticsFemalesAspergers and High Functioning Autism
EBM and Testimonials of Autism Cure. Autism Success Stories worldwide from Authentic Autism Solutions:
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      Special EducationAutismAutism Spectrum DisordersSpeech Communication
La perception musicale chez les autistes, le double regard de la musicothérapie : Approche clinique et approche scientifique
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      PsychoacousticsAutism Spectrum DisordersMusic PerceptionAspergers and High Functioning Autism
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapyGroup TherapyCommunication DisordersAutism
Approaching a decade ago, my academic life took a new turn. This was after a meeting that I did not expect to have any bearing on my research – or on public engagement, let alone on any impact my research might have beyond the ‘academy.’... more
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      ClassicsAutismAutism Spectrum DisordersAutism (Education)
If there is one thing that every parent with a child with Autism grapples with on a daily basis, it is dealing with expectations or the lack of it and the fear of disappointment, where it concerns their autistic child. The understanding... more
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      AutismAutism Spectrum DisordersChild DevelopmentChild Clinical Psychology
Resumen: El trastorno del espectro autista (TEA) y la esquizofrenia son dos de los trastornos psiquiátricos más comunes, ambos se caracterizan por ser de curso crónico, pervasivo e incapacitante y en ocasiones que se pueden manifestar de... more
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      SchizophreniaAutism Spectrum DisordersAutismoAspergers and High Functioning Autism
Concepts of "the self" and "self-awareness", and aspects of the experience of types of consciousness, are explored in terms of "cognitive" systems and their interactions. Some roles of the cerebrum, the cerebellum, and their interactions... more
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      NeurosciencePsychologyBehavioural ScienceClinical Psychology
For many families, having a child with autism can be a long-term worry and involvement. Parents worry how their children will cope beyond the family home and they worry about the impact on their siblings. For parents, siblings, partners... more
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      PsychoanalysisPsychotherapyAutismPsychotherapy and Counseling
Module code: 1PSY628
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      PsychologySensory processingSensory IntegrationAspergers and High Functioning Autism
Asperger Guia Practica
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      Sindrome De AspergerAspergers and High Functioning Autism
Neurodiversity is an umbrella term, including dyspraxia, dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyscalculia, autistic spectrum and Tourette syndrome. The increasing number of students with learning difficulties associated... more
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      AutismADHD (Psychology)Higher EducationAutism Spectrum Disorders
Prezentowane badania dotyczą nieobecnego w dostatecznym stopniu w literaturze naukowej wątku dorosłych osób z diagnozą zaburzeń ze spektrum autyzmu. Ich podmiotem uczyniłam osoby szczególne: takie, które swoją diagnozę otrzymały będąc... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersAdulthoodAspergers and High Functioning AutismBiographical Research
Neurodiversity is an umbrella term, including dyspraxia, dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyscalculia, autistic spectrum and Tourette syndrome. The increasing number of students with learning difficulties associated... more
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      PsychologyAutismADHD (Psychology)Higher Education
Le présent mémoire de CIU relate une expérience d'accompagnement à la reconstruction de soi d'une victime-témoin (ex-compagne d'un adepte de mouvement sectaire), victime de traumatisation indirecte dite secondaire. Le parcours d'Inès vers... more
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      SociologyPhilosophyADHD (Psychology)Narrative Therapy
In recent years, much focus has been put on employing technology to make novel behavioral aids for those with autism. Most of these are digital adaptations of tools used in standard behavioral therapy to enforce normative skills. These... more
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      PsychologyClinical PsychologyCognitive Behavioral TherapyCognitive Psychology
This study used the bibliographic scattering analysis to explore the scientific publications trends on gifted individuals with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) over the past 23 years. The study examined the applicability and... more
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      Special EducationBibliometricsAutism Spectrum DisordersTwice Exceptional Students and Education
This literature review brings together almost all of the literature available worldwide for person-centred counselling for autistic people. The review demonstrates that person-centred counselling can be a highly effective therapy type for... more
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapyMental HealthPerson-centred TherapyAutism Spectrum Disorders
Purpose – Case formulation has gained increasing prominence as a guide to intervention across a range of clinical problems. It offers a contrasting orientation to diagnosis and its value is considered in the context of clinical work with... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersAttachment TheoryAttachmentAspergers and High Functioning Autism
This paper is my dissertation thesis investigating the relationship among Museums, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Well-Being. This triptych is the main core of the theoritical approach of my research, while the necessary information about... more
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      Museum learningMuseum StudiesAutism Spectrum DisordersMuseum Education
This edition of Context opens up a conversation about systemic ideas about autism, about therapeutic practice and about lived experience. It is made up of warm, moving, funny, politicised and intellectually challenging pieces of writing.
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      Family TherapyAutismChildren and FamiliesAutism Spectrum Disorders
Neurodiversity is an umbrella term, including dyspraxia, dyslexia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, dyscalculia, autistic spectrum and Tourette syndrome. The increasing number of students with learning difficulties associated... more
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      PsychologyAutismADHD (Psychology)Higher Education
This paper analyses published research literature concerning teaching strategies in EFL classes and how these should be thought in terms of the wellbeing of high functioning autistic and/or Asperger adolescents and young adults students.... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersTeaching EFLAspergers and High Functioning Autism
Inclusive education requires teachers to adapt to children’s learning styles. Children with autism spectrum disorder bring challenges to classroom teaching, often exhibiting interests restricted to particular topics. Teachers can be faced... more
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      Learning and TeachingAutism Spectrum DisordersIntersubjectivityInclusive Education
1. Bevezetés Árnyalt képet adnak azok a kutatások, melyek azt vizsgálják, hogy az autizmussal élő személyek mennyire és hogyan értik a humor különféle fajtáit. Szakértői egyetértés áll fenn azon tekintetben, hogy inkább az egyszerű, akár... more
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      HumorAutism and LanguageAspergers and High Functioning Autism
In this dissertation I will analyse the films of Stanley Kubrick to see how these may display stylistic, aesthetic and narrative features which in my opinion reveal Asperger's-like traits. The research is conducted within an Auteurist... more
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      Media StudiesFilm StudiesFilm TheoryAutism
PDF of manuscript before final corrections.
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      ComedyAutismDisability StudiesSociolinguistics
This paper presents a model of Asperger Syndrome as a hypodopaminergic condition. Several genetic factors lead to a faster than normal turnover of dopamine and chronically low dopaminergic tone reminiscent of pre-clinical Parkinson’s... more
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      AutismAutism Spectrum DisordersADHDDopaminergic Neurotransmision
The Aim is to provide a socializing space for children suffering from autism by providing them essential spaces with necessary activities and harmonious interior spaces.
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      AutismAutism Spectrum DisordersAutism and creativityAutism (Education)
This paper will examine the autism epidemic from the perspective of Quantum Medicine. It will look at individuals who have followed conventional allopathic medical approaches that focus on managing symptoms, chemically and behaviorally,... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersAsperger Syndrome LanguageAspergers and High Functioning AutismAutism Spectrum Treatment
Un libro que aborda el diagnóstico y tratamiento de los trastornos del espectro autista. Brinda herramientas prácticas desde distintos modelos, conductuales, relacionales y del desarrollo. Un manual para padres desde la crianza respetuosa
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersAutism and its psychological and early interventionAspergers and High Functioning AutismAutism Spectrum Treatment
1. mgr Kamila Wierzbicka Motyw Lilit w Biblii i kulturze na przestrzeni wieków 2. mgr lic. Małgorzata Walczak Zmartwychwstanie w Nowym Testamencie ujęte w perspektywie trynitarnej – wybrane aspekty 3. mgr Marta Migdał... more
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      ChristianityHomerMedieval LiteratureNew Testament
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      MusicMusic EducationCreativity studiesPopular Music
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      PsychologyAutismSpiritualityAutism Spectrum Disorders
This paper wants to explore the possible neurological similarities between Greta Garbo and Queen Christina taking a cue from the homonymous movie.
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryAutismAutism Spectrum Disorders
A 17 year old boy diagnosed as a case of Autism became completely independent and free from all the limiting symptoms of autism that he had been suffering from since the age of 2 years and started earning on his own for the first time in... more
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      Special EducationAutismAutism Spectrum DisordersAutism and creativity
Parents and teachers who care for and educate young people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) face unique challenges associated with their roles. In this review we investigated the efficacy of mindfulness-based interventions in reducing... more
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      Special EducationAutismMindfulnessAutism Spectrum Disorders
يهدف هذا البحث الى محاولة تحديد منحى تكفلي يعتمد على مؤشرات الجودة الشاملة للتكفل بمشكلات الطفل التوحدي و اسرته في الجزائر
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      Special EducationAutismAutism Spectrum DisordersAutism and its psychological and early intervention
This research explored five primary school teachers’ perceptions about their preparedness to teach and include students with Autism Spectrum Disorder in a regular classroom. Taking a qualitative approach, these teachers were interviewed... more
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      Autism Spectrum DisordersInclusionDiversity & InclusionInclusive Education