Associative learning
Most cited papers in Associative learning
The vertebrate brain continues to produce new neurons throughout life. In the rat hippocampus, several thousand are produced each day, many of which die within weeks. Associative learning can enhance their survival; however, until now it... more
letters to nature NATURE | VOL 401 | 2 SEPTEMBER 1999 | 63 Methods Wild radish experiments.
The authors present a Bayesian framework for understanding how adults and children learn the meanings of words. The theory explains how learners can generalize meaningfully from just one or a few positive examples of a novel word's... more
Reinforcement learning is bedeviled by the curse of dimensionality: the number of parameters to be learned grows exponentially with the size of any compact encoding of a state. Recent attempts to combat the curse of dimensionality have... more
Our decisions are guided by information learnt from our environment. This information may come via personal experiences of reward, but also from the behaviour of social partners. Social learning is widely held to be distinct from other... more
The main aim of the paper is to present an up-to-date computational theory of hippocampal function and the predictions it makes about the different subregions (dentate gyrus, CA3 and CA1), and to examine behavioral and... more
A group of ten patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD) was tested on a series of automated tests of learning, memory, planning and attention whilst either on or offl-dopa medication. Controlled with-drawal ofl-dopa interfered... more
CITATIONS 353 READS 43 3 authors: Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Synchrony of beta oscillations in the frontoparietal network View project Category representations in parietal and... more
Three groups of neurosurgical patients with temporal lobe excisions, frontal lobe excisions or unilateral amygdalo-hippocampectomy were assessed on a computerized battery of tasks designed to investigate visuo-spatial short-term... more
Behavioral ecologists and economists emphasize that potential costs, as well as rewards, influence decision making. Although neuroscientists assume that frontal areas are central to decision making, the evidence is contradictory and the... more
Imitation poses a unique problem: how does the imitator know what pattern of motor activation will make their action look like that of the model? Specialist theories suggest that this correspondence problem has a unique solution; there... more
In a classical conditioning procedure, honeybees associate an odor with sucrose resulting in the capacity of the odor to evoke an appetitive response, the extension of the proboscis (PER). Here, we study the effects of pairing an odor... more
The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is crucial for changing established behaviour in the face of unexpected outcomes. This function has been attributed to the role of the OFC in response inhibition or to the idea that the OFC is a rapidly... more
To determine general or species-specific properties in neural systems, it is necessary to use comparative data in evaluating experimental findings. Presented here are data on associative learning and memory formation in honeybees,... more
Abstract Rationale. Modafinil, a novel wake-promoting agent, has been shown to have a similar clinical profile to that of conventional stimulants such as methylphenidate. We were therefore interested in assessing whether modafinil, with... more
Long-term depression (LTD) of the synapse formed between cortical pyramidal neurons and striatal medium spiny neurons is central to many theories of motor plasticity and associative learning. The induction of LTD at this synapse is... more
In 5 experiments, the authors examined the development of automatic response inhibition in the go/no-go paradigm and a modified version of the stop-signal paradigm. They hypothesized that automatic response inhibition may develop over... more
The heterogeneity of ␥-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptors contributes to the diversity of neuronal inhibition in the regulation of information processing. Although most GABA A receptors are located synaptically, the small... more
68 Clark, R.E. and Squire, L.R. (1998) Classical conditioning and brain systems: the role of awareness. Science 280, 77-81 69 Squire, L.R. (1992) Declarative and non-declarative memory: multiple brain systems supporting learning and memory.
As one of the most extensively studied protein hormones, insulin and its receptor have been known to play key roles in a variety of important biological functions. Until recent years, the functions of insulin and insulin receptor (IR) in... more
26 Menard, M.T. et al. (1996) Encoding words and pictures: a positron emission tomography study Neuropsychologia 34,[185][186][187][188][189][190][191][192][193][194] 27 Puce, A. et al. (1996) Differential sensitivity of human visual... more
Equipped with a mini brain smaller than one cubic millimeter and containing only 950,000 neurons, honeybees could be indeed considered as having rather limited cognitive abilities. However, bees display a rich and interesting behavioral... more
Time-dependent, learning-related changes in hippocampal excitability were evaluated by recording from rabbit CA1 pyramidal neurons in slices prepared at various times after acquisition of trace eyeblink conditioning. Increased... more
Dendritic spines are sources of synaptic contact that can be altered by experience and, as such, may be involved in memories for that experience. Here we tested whether the acquisition of new memories is associated with changes in the... more
AND CONCLUSIONS 1. The orbitofrontal cortex is implicated in the rapid learning of new associations between visual stimuli and primary reinforcers such as taste. It is also the site of convergence of information from olfactory, gustatory,... more
From beverages to consumer electronics, marketers are using color in innovative ways. Despite this, little academic research has investigated the role that color plays in marketing. This paper examines how color affects consumer... more
Although many psychopharmacological factors contribute to nicotine addiction, midbrain dopaminergic systems have received much attention because of their roles in reinforcement and associative learning. It is generally thought that the... more
Some researchers have suggested that although feedback may enhance performance during associative learning, it does so at the expense of later retention. To examine this issue, subjects (N = 258) learned Luganda-English word pairs. After... more
When subjects switch between a pair of stimulus-response tasks, reaction time is slower on trial N if a different task was performed on trial N Ϫ 1. We present a parallel distributed processing (PDP) model that simulates this effect when... more
Can direct change in state of consciousness through specific mental techniques extend human life and reverse age-related declines? To address this question, 73 residents of 8 homes for the elderly (mean age = 81 years) were randomly... more
Mental imagery improves paired-associate (PA) learning relative to overt rehearsal. The effect might be due to increased reliability of stimulus encoding or to increased relational association produced by imagery. These hypotheses expect... more
Current etiological models of anxiety disorders emphasize both internal diatheses, or risk factors, and external stressors as important in the development and maintenance of clinical anxiety. Although considerable evidence suggests... more
The effects of perirhinal (Prh) and fornix (Fx) lesions were compared on a series of spatial and nonspatial memory tests. These tests included delayed nonmatching-to-position in an operant chamber, a spatial (lever) discrimination and its... more
Seabird chicks respond to food shortages by increasing corticosterone (cort) secretion, which is probably associated with fitness benefits and costs. To examine this, we experimentally increased levels of circulating cort in captive... more
showed that adults were able to segment into words an artificial language that included no pauses or other prosodic cues for word boundaries. We propose an account of their results that requires only limited computational abilities and... more
The results of a previous study have suggested that impaired performance on one neuropsychological test, CANTAB Paired Associates Learning (PAL), may serve as a marker for preclinical Alzheimer's disease (AD). In a group of individuals... more
Free recall and recognition are simulated in a network model of the hippocampal formation, incorporating simplified simulations of neurons, synaptic connections, and the effects of acetylcholine. Simulations focus on modeling the effects... more
We tested the hypothesis that schizophrenia is primarily a frontostriatal disorder by examining executive function in first-episode patients. Previous studies have shown either equal decrements in many cognitive domains or specific... more
N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs) act as molecular coincidence detectors and allow for association or dissociation between preand postsynaptic neurons. NMDA receptors are central to remodeling of synaptic connections during... more
Trace memories are formed when a stimulus event becomes associated with another event that occurs later in time and is discontinuous with the first event. The formation of trace memories enhances the survival of newly generated neurons in... more