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An historic-ethnographical research about the studies and implementations of aural paradigms through history presented as final research project for the doctoral courses in Universidad de Barcelona.
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      Sound studiesAural and Visual Cultures
"Unter dem viel beschworenen Stichwort des iconic turn galt die wissenschaftliche Aufmerksamkeit der jüngsten Zeit verstärkt den Bildwelten und visuellen Wandlungsprozessen von Kultur. Über diese einseitige Tendenz hinausgehend fragen die... more
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      Cultural HistoryPerformance StudiesRadio And Sound StudiesCultural Theory
on voice and voice over in Chantal Akerman's film Je tu il elle.
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      Voice TheoryAural and Visual CulturesSexual difference theoryChantal Akerman
essay-poem / performative text presented as part of the conference #FOMO at ICA in London, may 31st, 2015 (with accompanying audiovisual media)....sci-fi reflections on club cosmologies, mutations, trans-formation, speciation, ontological... more
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      Media AnthropologyQueer TheoryScience FictionAural and Visual Cultures
Título: Analizar con el oído. Propuesta didáctica y estudio empírico sobre el análisis auditivo
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      Music Theory PedagogyAural SkillsAural and Visual CulturesMusic analysis
A translation of Günther Anders' 1958 essay 'The Obsolescence of Privacy' - on Electronic Surveillance, The Nature of Privacy, Acoustic Unfreedom and McCarthy’s America.
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyPrivacySurveillance Studies
"Representations", N. 129, Winter 2015. The essay analyzes the project of maintaining the body of V. I. Lenin in the Mausoleum in Moscow for the past ninety years, focusing on the unique biological science that developed around this... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyModern History
Recent years have seen not just a revival, but a rebirth of the analogue record. More than merely a nostalgic craze, vinyl has become a cultural icon. As music consumption migrated to digital and online, this seemingly obsolete medium... more
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      MarketingCultural StudiesMedia SociologySociology of Culture
While place-based pilgrimage is an embodied practice, can it be experienced in its fullness through built environments, assemblages of souvenirs, and music? Imaging Pilgrimage explores contemporary art that is created after a pilgrimage... more
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      Art HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesMaterial culture of religionAnthropology of Pilgrimage
S’interrogeant sur la capacité de la photographie à figurer ce qui n’est pas visible et qui se situe au-delà de l’« ici-et-maintenant », cet ouvrage s’intéresse au projet de la photographie contemporaine, qui ambitionne de se libérer des... more
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      Visual StudiesWalter BenjaminRoland BarthesSacred (Religion)
Come e da chi è stato pubblicato il Vangelo secondo Giovanni? Una domanda di straordinario interesse a cui è difficile dare una risposta semplice. Cosa significa infatti esattamente “pubblicare” quando parliamo di un testo antico? Con... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesJohannine LiteratureBiblical TheologyAural and Visual Cultures
En un interesante artículo Jean-François Augoyard se pregunta si acaso el lazo social es independiente de los canales sensoriales por medio de los cuales una colectividad percibe y actua. El objetivo de este trabajo es aventurar una... more
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      Soundscape StudiesSound studiesSoundSensory Ethnography
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      Cultural StudiesMusicArt HistoryMedia and Cultural Studies
The phrase "stream of consciousness" to indicate the flow of inner experience was first used by William James in Principles of Psychology (1890) yet writers throughout the ages have described the altered states of consciousness which... more
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      Creative WritingAnthropologyCreativity studiesCreativity
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      AestheticsVisual StudiesWalter BenjaminMarcel Proust
Halk müziğinde bağlama ile yapılan açış icrası günümüzde önemini korumaktadır. Gelenekte usta-çırak ilişkisi çerçevesinde gözleme dayalı olarak yapılan bu icra türünün nasıl bir değişime uğradığının analizi ve nasıl bir öğrenim yöntemi... more
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      Performance ArtAural and Visual CulturesMusic ImprovisationGeleneksel Türk Halk Müziği Kuramı Açısından Âşıklık Geleneğinde Kullanılan Ayak Kavramı
While place-based pilgrimage is an embodied practice, can it be experienced in its fullness through built environments, assemblages of souvenirs, and music? Imaging Pilgrimage explores contemporary art that is created after a pilgrimage... more
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      Art HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesMaterial culture of religionSynaesthesia
Las sensaciones auditivas están implicadas, desde antes de nuestro nacimiento y a lo largo de la vida, en los mecanismos mediante los cuales adquirimos conciencia de nosotros mismos y nos vinculamos con los demás. De esta forma, el sonido... more
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      Anthropology of the SensesAural and Visual CulturesSensory StudiesSociologia De Las Emociones
Resumo: Nunca será excessivo lembrar que o tema da experiência é um dos conceitos nucleares no pensamento de Benjamin, estando subjacente à análise da história e à sua teoria crítico-literária e desenvolvendo-se em complexas ramificações... more
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      CultureWalter BenjaminFranz KafkaMarcel Proust
This essay assesses the interpretative consequence of the now wide and uncontrollable dissemination of an error, identifying three variants in an early poem by Sylvia Plath entitled "Black Rook in Rainy Weather" (1957). The first of these... more
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      American LiteratureEmily DickinsonPoetryTextual Criticism
Immanuel Kant said that the character of art consists in making people think. But what thoughts are aroused by works such as Brillo Box or Duchamp’s urinal? The aim of the present essay is to analyse art, and conceptual art in particular,... more
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      OntologyPerceptionAural and Visual CulturesSemiology of the work of art
57] Domingo de sol, por volta de meio dia. Estamos na simpática Praça São Salvador, na zona sul da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Como ocorre toda semana, um grupo de cerca de duas dezenas de músicos se reúne em torno de um pequeno coreto no... more
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      Popular MusicSound studiesAural and Visual CulturesConflitos sociais
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      HagiographyMedieval German LiteratureSpiritualityAutobiography
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      ArchaeologyAcousticsSound and ImageSound Anthropology
En la última literatura hispánica hay varias para posibilidades dirigidas a construir objetos ontológicos. En las actuales narrativa y poesía no es difícil establecer dos categorías de fundación ontológica: las cosas auráticas y las... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyCultural Studies
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      Native American StudiesOral historyOral TraditionsFirst Nations Literature and Oral Culture
Session 1518 will focus on sonic otherness. Listening to sonic and vocal differences sets up an almost instinctive boundary, which both defines and rejects the Other. Alex Rodriguez Suarez will measure how the adhan intervenes in the... more
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      MusicMusicologyMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      IconographyVisual AnthropologyVisual CultureSocial and Cultural Anthropology
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      AcousticsArchitectureAural and Visual CulturesAural Architecture
""In 1958, for a international conference titled Man and the Atom, physicist Werner Heisenberg argued that modern physics and its applications have overcome and renewed philosophy from Antiquity to Kant in the dispute over the formation... more
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      Nuclear PhysicsModern ArtColonialismAural and Visual Cultures
"Palavra-ensaio" é uma iniciativa associada aos 20 anos da FAL (UBI).
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      Aural SkillsFilm SoundSoundscape StudiesSound Design
After World War II, the technical perfection of radio technology increased and its popularity grew. This period was characterized by the arrival of a massmedia toolkit: the transmission of information in the form of electromagnetic... more
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      Information TechnologyRadioConceptual ArtAural and Visual Cultures
pecqueux, Anthony (a cura di) Les bruits de la ville «Communications» [numero monografico], 90 paris, Seuil, 2012, 232 pp. il rapporto tra la città e la dimensione percettiva sensoriale è un tema ampio che suscita sempre più interesse tra... more
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      Urban StudiesValue TheoryAural and Visual CulturesTerritory and Territorialization Processes
In this chapter, I discuss how theories of the disembodied voice call for a cultural understanding of our listening attitudes in music and musical theatre, which goes beyond genre restrictions. I contend that the enhanced interest in... more
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      Performance StudiesAuditory CultureNoise And MusicAural and Visual Cultures
During the first two decades of new millennium Serbian frula playing has been transformed from traditional to neotraditional practice, grew from aural to digitally mediated musical expression and shifted from a relative continuity with... more
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      Eastern European StudiesMusicMusicologyAnthropology
Que el ruido se convierta en un objeto legal se considera un logro importantísimo en el camino hacia la construcción de una ciudadanía sana; sin embargo, también supone la solución de los problemas por la vía de la vigilancia y la... more
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      Aural and Visual CulturesSonidoContaminacion AmbientalNoise Control
Pieter Verstraete’s chapter examines how the interactions between the visual and acoustic elements in contemporary musical theatre create a critical distance that allows audiences to reflect on the effects of theatre itself as a medium.... more
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      MusicologyMedia and Cultural StudiesNarrativeAuditory Perception
Greek religious festivals were multi-sensory social practices involving the whole of the human senses beyond the visual cues of place and action. The festivals at the sanctuary of Apollo of Delos were distinguished by a rich aural... more
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      Anthropology of PilgrimageIdentity (Culture)Pilgrimage RoutesCultural Identity
Séminaire interlaboratoire soutenu par la Maison méditerranéenne des sciences de l'homme d'Aix-en-Provence. Les sources historiques fourmillent d’indications sonores. On y découvre les voix du collectif, les différents textures sonores... more
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      HistoryMusicOral historySoundscape Studies
This article considers the use of sound in screen based installation art across the globe. The line of argument considers environmental and aesthetic design within the museum space.
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      Memory (Cognitive Psychology)Museum StudiesImaginationVisual Arts
Nuclear-related artworks provide a favorable terrain for investigation of our contemporary epoch, for they relate to a science whose applications are highly political and that is spreading beyond the Western world. In times of global... more
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      Nuclear PhysicsContemporary ArtModern ArtColonialism
Proposes that the sense of the past in Renaissance England was conditioned as much by the sense of hearing as by visual perception, noting in particular the contemporary preference for conceiving of history as an aural, performative genre... more
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      Perceptions of the PastSpeech CommunicationTime PerceptionAural and Visual Cultures
In this article, Pieter Verstraete focuses on ‘auditory distress’ as a constitutive aspect of listening to the extent that it bears a new perspective on sound experiences in contemporary performance practice. As a departure point, he... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusicologyFolklore
Jorge De La Barre (2021) Sound, image, silence: Art and the aural imagination in the Atlantic world, Visual Studies, DOI: 10.1080/1472586X.2020.1827022 LINK:... more
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryAtlantic WorldAural and Visual Cultures
During the first two decades of new millennium Serbian frula playing has been transformed from traditional to neotraditional practice, grew from aural to digitally mediated musical expression and shifted from a relative continuity with... more
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      PsychologyEastern European StudiesMusicMusicology
The space of the architectural imagination resides within the discourses of line. This space defines the boundaries of a practice of conceptualising the laws of the place, whereby through an array of ordinances, the architectural line... more
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      Teaching and LearningArchitectureCyprus StudiesSlavery
In der Einleitung zum Sammelband „Auditive Wissenskulturen – Das Wissen klanglicher Praxis“ stellen die Autoren zuerst die Diskrepanzen der jeweiligen Beziehungen des Visuellen und des Auditiven zu Wissen anhand einiger Beispiele vor. Sie... more
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Three Five-Part Inventions A graphic score for two hands and one piano. Gordon Shrigley and John Snijders, 2017. I was first introduced to the idea of experimental graphic scores during my stay at Academy Schloss Solitude,... more
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      SemioticsMusicologyPhilosophy Of LanguageCommunication
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      Experimental MusicAural and Visual CulturesContemporary Art BeirutLebanese art