Recent papers in Banal
Abstrakt: Banálnosť môže byť chápaná ako výrazová estetická kategória pôsobiaca prostredníctvom vizuálneho diela. Pôsobenie banálnosti sa vyskytuje ako zámer v mnohých umeleckých realizáciách vizuálnej kultúry 20. storočia. Východiskom... more
The mass media in the form of advertising is extensively employed in the process of nation-building in Malaysia. Advertising has been used as an important tool for educating the public about State issues, ensuring diverse cultures are... more
Dintre cele sase cuvinte alegeti numai doua cuvinte care sunt cel mai apropiate ca inteles. 1. sfarteca, mesteca, reteza desparti, rumega, distruge R: 2. inimitabil, corespondent, neasemuit, matur, impunator, depasit R: 3. delega, sfatui,... more
This study examines the emergence of YouTube and its content creators as This study examines the emergence of YouTube and its content creators as a major platform for introducing, mediating and interpreting South Korea to a major platform... more
This essay appears 'Hyenas of the Battlefield, Machines in the Garden', a monograph of recent work by artist Lisa Barnard. London: GOST Books, 2014.
Everyday aesthetics inter alia claims: Also outside of art, there is beauty. The existence of such extra-artistic beauty is taken as a given in this branch of aesthetic research; yet the issue it faces is of a methodological kind: How... more
By examining habitual expressions, ordinary units of words and implicit but repetitive ways of representations in the crime reportages in the news coverage, this chapter illustrates that the prevalent discourse of crime reports... more
This short paper is an attempt to intersect my reading of Alexander Kremer's key ideas in his article Pragmatists on the Everyday Aesthetic Experience (2020) with my previous thoughts on banality as an aesthetic quality experienced by the... more
Quoique la critique ait unanimement enregistré une évolution essentielle du genre fantastique au XXe siècle, elle peine à s’entendre sur la nature de cette évolution plurielle. Postulant que le fantastique moderne tel qu’il a été... more
For a moment, let's look at the work of Jeff Koons in its artistic and cultural context, separating it from issues having to do with production, financing, promotion, and reception-for the latter have received ample attention in the wake... more
The mass media in the form of advertising is extensively employed in the process of nation-building in Malaysia. Advertising has been used as an important tool for educating the public about State issues, ensuring diverse cultures are... more
Exhibition essay for Ann Hirsch's show Jason's Room at Krieg Gallery
(1.10.19 - 16.11.19)
(1.10.19 - 16.11.19)
It is said that a horizontal line drawn across the center of a canvas is enough to identify an image as a landscape. In the latter half of the twentieth century, a similarly minimal approach was shared by two very different groups of... more