Black Sea
Recent papers in Black Sea
Published by Lazika Yayin (2016) Turkish, Hardcover 280 pages, ISBN: 978-6054567522
Tarafımızdan kaleme alınan bu yazıda Karadeniz Bölgesi’nin, XIX. yüzyıl başından yani Pontusçuluğun kültürel alt yapısının oluşturulmaya çalışıldığı dönemden Pontus meselesinin gerek Türkiye içersinde gerek Türkiye dışında yürütülen... more
Bu kitap, Pontos Kralı Mithradates VI Eupator Dionysos’un biyografisidir. 2003 yılında Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Eskiçağ Dilleri ve Kültürleri Bölümü’nde tamamladığım Mithradates VI Eupator ve Roma başlıklı doktora tezimin dört senelik... more
The importance of the ports of Braila (Wallachia) and Galati (Moldavia) in European trade increased greatly in the 1840s, following the massive British involvement in the Danubian grain market. However, these promising possibilities were... more
Theos Hypsistos known as The Supreme God has attracted attention as a cult since the time of the first researches until now. In conclusion to the curiosity for the Ancient Civilizations, inscriptions, starting at 19th Century, about that... more
2013 yılından günümüze kadar Ukrayna genelinde yaşanan iç olaylar ve bu olaylarla ilintili dış etkenler, inişli çıkışlı karşılıklı etkileşimler neticesinde günümüze kadar gelişim göstermiş ve Kırım özelinde sıcak çatışma ihtimalini... more
The native distribution of the blue crab Callinectes sapidus in the western Atlantic extends from Nova Scotia to Argentina. Introduced to Europe at the beginning of the 20th century, it is currently recorded almost ubiquitously in the... more The Black Sea separates the territory of the Russian Federation from that of the Republic of Turkey. While Russia has massive oil and gas reserves, Turkey has limited oil and gas sources and is... more
Offered by the School of Humanities of the International Hellenic University. See more at
Within the greater of Istanbul, well outside the historic precinct, chance finds and systematic excavtions are revealing the extent of this region's prehistory. The periods represented extend from the Palaeolithic, through Mesolithic... more
All significant geopolitical events - evolution or stagnation - developed around the Black Sea carry out, more or less, the mark of global geopolitical developments. All the geostrategic maps sketch the Black Sea region as a triangle... more
XÜLASƏ Qara Dəniz İqtisadi Əməkdaşlıq Təşkilatı (QDİƏT) Soyuq Müharibədən sonra Türkiyənin başçılığı ilə qurulan və əhatə dairəsinə görə əsasən köhnə Şərq Bloku ölkələrindən ibarətdir. Bu təşkilat, özündə sosialist sistemə mənsub olan... more
Today's province Ordu, called as ''Kotyora'' in the ancient time, is a city located between the two big coastal cities Amisos (Samsun) and Trapezous (Trabzon) in the south coasts of Black Sea. It is one of the colonies established by... more
Tanulmányomban bemutatom egy nagy jelentőségű kereskedelmi vállalat, a Magyar Keleti Tengerhajózási Részvénytársaság megalakulásának és működésének történetét az 1898–1913 közötti években. Ez a vállalat volt az, amelyik továbbvitte a... more
Chapter Six (pp. 124-137) in The Hemshin, History, Society and Identity in the Highlands of Northeast Turkey (London: Routledge, 2007).
In the last decade, physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models have increasingly been developed to explain the kinetics of environmental pollutants in wildlife. For marine mammals specifically, these models provide a new,... more
Access Archaeology offers a different publishing model for specialist academic material that might traditionally prove commercially unviable, perhaps due to its sheer extent or volume of colour content, or simply due to its relatively... more
Odessa, berceau de la Grèce moderne : Aux origines secrètes de la Philiki Eteria Stella GHERVAS (CES, Harvard University) Résumé C’est à Odessa, ville neuve au bord de la mer Noire, que fut fondée en septembre 1814 la célèbre... more
Turkey-Ukraine relations which have made important progress since the dissolution of the Soviet Union have a high strategical value for both countries. Whereas being riparian states of the Black Sea becomes prominent as one of determinant... more
Τμήμα: Ιστορίας και Αρχαιολογίας Εξάμηνο: 7 ο Διδάσκων: Γεώργιος Αντωνίου Προπτυχιακή Εργασία για ΙΝΕ603 με θέμα την: ΓΕΝΟΚΤΟΝΙΑ ΑΡΜΕΝΙΩΝ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΝΤΙΩΝ ΑΠΟ ΤΟΥΣ ΟΘΩΜΑΝΟΥΣ Η σύγκρισή τους και ο αγώνας προς την αναγνώρισή τους.
The seaport is a location settled on the coast of a sea and other waterways, guarded by the streams and waves, and in principle, equipped with all equipment necessary for the loading and discharging of ships as well as for repair and... more
Asırlardır Karadeniz’in çevresinde birlikte yaşayan ve dünya politikalarını yönlendiren bu iki devlet, önümüzdeki süreçte de Karadeniz bölgesinde kriz yerine iş birliğini seçerek bölgede istikrar ve refahı egemen kılacaktır. Aksi bir... more
The Black Sea Port-city in the Road of Modernization. The First Modern Attempts in Varna during the 1840s – 1870s. – in: Port cities of the Western Black sea coast and the Danube. Economic and social development in the long nineteenth... more
Черное море традиционно было местом преимущественного столкновения интересов внерегиональных и региональных стран, определенный баланс между которыми обеспечивает Конвенция Монтрё 1936 г. После вхождения Крыма в состав России, получившей... more
Coastal protected areas and historical heritage sites in Bulgaria are established by national policy in-struments/laws and EU Directives to protect a wide range of natural and cultural resources. This paper demonstrated the development of... more
2011 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced the construction of a new canal bypassing the Bosphorus, which will connect the Mediterranean with the Black Sea. The Turkish press called it Erdogan's "crazy project". The article... more
A review of Brian Davies' The Russo-Turkish War, 1768–1774: Catherine II and the Ottoman Empire
In connection with Romania’s efforts to defend her sovereignty at the Lower Danube, Great Britain reacted according to her own interests, opposing Romania’s intentions to name the Port Captain of Sulina and the Navigation Inspector or to... more
Nasturi keşiş Bar Şauma'nın Batı seyahatinde kullandığı Karadeniz rotası üzerine yeni bir yorum ve düzeltme önerisi.
Long-term monitoring of marine litter composition and density has been conducted between 2009 and 2018 on eleven beaches of Trabzon city located on the southeastern Black Sea coast in Turkey. All unnatural litter items were collected from... more
The ancient site of Tios (modern Filyos) lies at the mouth of the river Billaios (Filyos Çayı), towards the western end of the southern Black Sea coast, in Zonguldak province. In ancient sources the city is spelt in various ways,... more
Salgın hastalıklar insanlık tarihi boyunca ortaya çıkmıĢ, insanların ölümüne sebep olmuĢtur. Bu hastalıklardan birisi de çiçek hastalığıdır. Osmanlı Devleti"nde de zaman zaman çiçek salgınlarına maruz kalarak kayıplara uğramıĢtır. Ölümcül... more
The monograph "Geology and Non-traditional resources of the Black Sea" examines the origin, properties and application of deep sea organogenic mineral sediments (DSOMS) formed during the newest ages of the geological history of the Black... more
This report is prepared to recall the significance of The Montreux Convention Regarding the Regime of the Straits which entrusted Turkey with the full control of the Turkish Straits and restored Turkey’s absolute sovereignty over one of... more