British Studies
Recent papers in British Studies
Nuala Zahedieh's The Capital and the Colonies explains the rise of London to preeminence in the Atlantic economy. Between 1660 and 1700, Londoners used their considerable political and economic advantages to shape a commercial system that... more
strategies of transformation his books might offer. William Shakespeare's The Tempest (1611), on the other hand, makes visible the violence and ethical cost associated with even properly done skimming. Eggert details the contortions... more
In der Diktaturforschung werden für gewöhnlich Napoleon III. und sein Regime als Vorboten faschistischer oder totalitärer Herrschaft betrachtet, sozusagen als eine protofaschistische Herrschaftsform angesehen. Dabei vernachlässigt dieser... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
En Londres, 1891, E. Whymper (1849-1911), publicó su libro Travels Amongst the Great Andes of Equator, basado en su viaje al Ecuador once años antes. Su propósito fue estudiar los efectos de la disminución de la presión atmosférica en el... more
The Cornish droll tellers were unusual and remarkable. This overview, drawing on observations presented in the author's book, The Folklore of Cornwall: The Oral Tradition of a Celtic Nation (Exeter 2018), describes how the professional... more
This volume offers new perspectives on questions which are highly relevant in the context of dementia and the arts and the humanities. The issues concern the personal identity of dementia patients, their familial relationships, advance... more
In the 20th century European countries recognised the need of young people to receive sex education within the limitations of what was perceived morally acceptable. Sweden was a pioneer in introducing sex education in its curriculum. On... more
The book chapter reviews anthropomorphic and zoomorphic country images of the five major powers from the standpoint of semiotics. The research is based on an experiment conducted in Paris, France, in July 2017, during an international... more
En 1976, le phénomène punk surgit à Londres, semble remettre en cause certains des codes sociaux et des normes culturelles la société britannique, et est le sujet d’une « panique morale ». La même année, en Irlande du Nord, 297 personnes... more
The sports film has become one of commercial cinema's most recognizable genres. From classic boxing films such as Raging Bull (1980) to soccer-themed box-office successes like Bend it Like Beckham (2002), the sports film stands at the... more
During the 1970s Britain was in danger of being the first country ever to complete the move from being a global power to being a third-world nation. This paper seeks to describe declinist narratives that delineated a pessimistic prognosis... more
The 19 th century Romanian writer Dimitrie Bolintineanu (1824-1872), who spent some time in Paris and Constantinople as a political exile, made several journeys in what was then called, with a quite inaccurate, even abusive term,... more
On July 1, 1909 in a professed act of patriotism to his Indian motherland, Madar Lal Dhingra, a nationalist revolutionary studying in England, assassinated Sir William Curzon Wyllie, political aide-de-camp to the Secretary of State of... more
This paper describes a very different, and entirely neglected, side of apprenticeship in London: the city’s system of contract dissolution. I suggest that easy dissolution played a vital role in sustaining apprenticeship in London, and... more
In the 20th century European countries recognised the need of young people to receive sex education within the limitations of what was perceived morally acceptable. Sweden was a pioneer in introducing sex education in its curriculum. On... more
This paper, published in The Trinity Papers, a compendium of undergraduate scholarship at Trinity College, concerns the perspectives on Christianity and its influence in the fall of Rome espoused by noted Enlightenment-era English... more
For the purposes of this paper, the aims of British Studies are designed to answer the question “What we are teaching it for;” the objectives focus on “why we are teaching it.” The first section looks at the aims of British Studies... more
The Edwardian mural program of 1908 constructs an all-encompassing identity for England. The Tudor panels, chosen for their connection to a significant moment of change in British history, celebrate the nation’s past. The subtext of each... more
Las dos revoluciones británicas fueron las de mayor impacto de todas las revueltas y revoluciones en la Europa del siglo XVII. La primera (1638-1649) acabó con un regicidio sin precedentes de gran conmoción en toda Europa: la ejecución... more
Mankind is a single body and each nation a part of that body. We must never say ‘What does it matter to me if some part of the world is ailing?’ If there is such an illness, we must concern ourselves with it as though we were having that... more
Memorialization of specific individuals necessitates processes of remembering and forgetting, memory work, and obfuscation. The African American Paul Robeson is considered an “honorary Welshman” and a “Welsh achiever.” How could Robeson,... more
Stable URL: JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information... more
Many critics argue that the modernist avant-garde were always in opposition to the commercial values of market-driven society. For John Xiros Cooper, the avant-garde bears a more complex relation to capitalist culture than previously... more
Ronald James explores the rich stories of Cornish folklore in relation to his book on the subject published in 2019 by the University of Exeter Press.
Michael Levi Rodkinson (1845–1904) was a journalist, author, and publisher whose literary projects spanned numerous countries and continents. Hero to some and scoundrel to others, Rodkinson was a polemical figure whose beliefs underwent... more
The interaction between masculinity and homosexuality is of interest when considering Connell’s structure of gender power relations. Here gay men are considered subordinate to heterosexual ones, thus linking them to femininity. To fight... more
В статье рассматривается вопрос о роли и месте Лиги Наций во внешнеполитических курсах Франции и Великобритании в 1920-е гг. Выделены функции международной организации как инструмента коллективной безопасности, сокращения вооружений,... more
Comment rendre compte de l'effet « trace » de la lettre viatique – de cette trace qui, dans la correspondance, peut être lue comme « le voyage même »? L'ambition de cet ouvrage, qui s’inscrit dans la continuité de la collection « Chemins... more
In a recent article for History Today, David Cannadine, currently director of the Institute for Historical Research at the University of London, calls for what he perceives as a "serious approach" to reviewing, particularly where... more
This is an overview of efforts to collect and understand the folklore of Cornwall in the south west of Britain. Cornwall is one of the six Celtic nations (the others being Ireland, Scotland, Wales, the Isle of Man, and Brittany),... more
The text discusses further excursions into glam, such as Roxy Music's adaptation of variant musical and fashion styles and Suzi Quattro as a ''female cock-rocker'' (217) who inverts and complicates the notions of the glam performer, while... more
A survey of changing obsessions in Ireland with remembrance of various episodes in the past, identifies moments of heightened commemoration and charts the development of modern memorial practices over the twentieth century. Growing... more
An argument about the utopian character of much late nineteenth and early twentieth century writing about a potential Anglo-American racial polity.
This article explores the formation of British imperial identity through a focus on the career of Sir James Mackintosh (1765–1832), a well-known Whig intellectual and imperial careerist who originally hailed from the Highlands of... more