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“Mindfulness” in modern discourse – whether among meditation teachers or clinicians – is defined in various ways, but generally circle around “bare, non-judgmental, present-moment awareness.” Nonetheless, although mindfulness (in Pali,... more
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      Mindfulnessearly BuddhismBuddhist modernismSatipatthana
1-0-+1-runs. Khedrup Gyatso, it turns out, acts as both the secular center's fi gurehead and the family's moral anchor, sharing his time between the center, where he greets visitors and helps run a foreign-funded NGO off ering... more
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      Buddhist StudiesSri LankaBuddhist modernism
In an engaging and comprehensive scholarly and ethnographic study of current trends in meditation-based convert Buddhist groups in North America, Ann Gleig attempts to answer McMahan’s question. Her volume reveals that central modernist... more
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      BuddhismBuddhist modernism
In recent years, contemplative practices of meditation have become increasingly mainstream in American culture, part of a phenomenon that scholars call “Buddhist modernism.” Connecting the embodied practice of meditation with the embodied... more
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      Democratic TheoryZen BuddhismJacques RancièreDemocratic Theory and Practice
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      BuddhismZen BuddhismBuddhist modernismD.T. Suzuki
Reflections on contemporary Buddhist modernism and the science-Buddhism dialogue and one philosopher's critique thereof.
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      Buddhist PhilosophyBuddhist StudiesCross-Cultural StudiesComparative Cultural Studies
Open Access Link here: In this article, I examine the popular Victorian poem The Light of Asia (1879) and its reception and adaptation in late nineteenth and early twentieth century colonial... more
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      ReligionPostcolonial StudiesColonialismVictorian Literature
Scholarship on religion has often centered on the gaps between academic analysis and the self-understanding of religious people. In the study of Buddhism in America, however, many scholars and practitioners share cultural histories,... more
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      Buddhism in the 'WestBuddhist modernismAmerican Buddhism
This paper questions Buddhist modernism and the overlay of Western cultural accretions upon the ancient faith. It suggests that the heart is being ripped out and advocates its restoration.
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      BuddhismModernityFaithReligious Studies
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      Pali literature & languageEngaged BuddhismSocially Engaged BuddhismDalit studies
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      Evan ThompsonMindfulness MeditationBuddhist modernismBuddhism and Science
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      John CageBuddhist modernismModern Buddhism (Humanistic Buddhism
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      Zen BuddhismHistory of Buddhism in Modern JapanBuddhist modernismD.T. Suzuki
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      Tibetan StudiesPilgrimageMongolian StudiesTibeto-Mongolian Buddhism
‘Mindfulness’ has become a buzzword, yet its meaning and origins have received relatively little critical consideration. This article places the current ‘mindfulness movement’ in context, examining the evolving discourse surrounding the... more
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      BuddhismMindfulnessMindfulness MeditationBuddhist modernism
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      BuddhismPsychologyBuddhist PhilosophyBuddhist Studies
As the first of three articles, the present essay explores the character of selected aspects of early Buddhism in order to assess its potential relevance as a reference point for those engaged in research on mindfulness in psychology. The... more
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      PsychologyMindfulnessModernismFrancisco Varela
The Buddha and the barcode is a short (85-page) introduction to contemporary Buddhism. Beautifully designed by artist Bernadette Acht, its chapters cover the basics of Buddhism, its rise in popularity in the west, Buddhism and the modern... more
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      New Religious MovementsBuddhist StudiesWestern BuddhismBuddhist modernism
The review is in Reading Religion of the American Academy of Religion and is available online at the following link:
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      BuddhismPsychologySocial PsychologyBuddhist Philosophy
The Sasana is Buddhism as it occurs in time and space, that is, in its social, historical and personal contexts. This book looks at the Buddha-Sasana as an organism, that was structured in a certain way by the Buddha, largely through the... more
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      Buddhist Studiesearly BuddhismBuddhist modernismBuddhist History
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      BuddhismTheravada BuddhismWestern BuddhismBuddhist modernism
A strand of Sri Lankan Buddhist revivalism that emerged in 2008 offers an unconventional rejoinder to evangelical efforts to intensify conversions. Pentecostals assert that Christ offers instantaneous salvation whereas Theravada Buddhism... more
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      BuddhismAnthropologyBuddhist StudiesSocial and Cultural Anthropology
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      Buddhist StudiesWestern BuddhismBuddhist modernism
Sidkeong Namgyal Tulku was a colourful figure in the history of Sikkim. This crown prince was an incarnated lama as well as a student at Oxford, and a member of the Royal Asiatic Society. This article considers the various roles of... more
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      Tibetan StudiesColonialismBritish EmpireModern Indian History
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      Theravada BuddhismContemporary BuddhismBuddhist modernism
(note: this is the corrected DOI) A primary conceptual framework for Buddhism in contemporary popular religious culture is as a kind of psychology. This representation dates from the nineteenth century, when apologists took advantage of... more
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      BuddhismBuddhist StudiesBuddhist PsychologyBuddhism and Psychology
The Sutra on the White Lotus of the Sublime Dharma (Sk., Saddharmapuṇḍarīka-sūtra; Ch., Miàofǎ liánhuá jīng; Jp., Myōhō renge kyō), commonly known as the Lotus Sutra, is arguably the most influential sutra of Mahāyāna Buddhism, and... more
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      Asian StudiesJapanese StudiesBuddhist PhilosophyJapanese Religions
In contemporary Western meditation-based convert Buddhist lineages, the term ‘dark night’ has been adopted in order to describe a variety of meditation-related difficulties. While the term dark night is not a Buddhist term - rather it is... more
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      MindfulnessEffects of MeditationMindfulness MeditationBuddhist modernism
Between the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century China experienced an important moment of transformation, involving shifts in the political system, social customs, and intercultural relations; an overall... more
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      Chinese BuddhismIndian Buddhismearly BuddhismBuddhist modernism
This article explores the online debate in the Tibetan-language blogosphere over a burgeoning ethical reform movement. Annually, whole villages and clans in nomadic areas along the eastern reaches of the Tibetan plateau are committing to... more
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      Tibetan BuddhismBuddhist EthicsReligion and MediaSecularism
This article challenges two general assumptions shared by scholars of Western Buddhism: (1) that the earliest Buddhist missions to the West were those established in California from 1899 onwards; and (2) that Ananda Metteyya’s (Allan... more
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      BuddhismBuddhist StudiesJodo ShinshuTheosophy
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      Cambodian HistoryBuddhist modernismCambodian Buddhism
The first westerners recorded as becoming lay Buddhists on Asian terms were members of the Buddhist Theosophical Society in Ceylon who took pansil (refuges and precepts) between 1880 to 1907 or later, tied to their work with the BTS’... more
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      ReligionBuddhismSociologyIrish Studies
Open access article in themed section entitled: Global Encounters, Local Places. Connected Histories of Darjeeling, Kalimpong, and the Himalayas. Alexandra David-Neel had already been acquainted with the Himalayas for a long time before... more
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      Fiction WritingReligionBuddhismWorld Literatures
As a result of the unique social and geopolitical position of Hong Kong, Buddhism in the former British colony since the early 20 th century has gone on a course different from its Mainland counterpart. The favorable environment in Hong... more
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      Post-ColonialismTheravada BuddhismHistory of Hong KongBuddhist modernism
From the late nineteenth century onwards, Asian Buddhist monks have been associated in American thought with science, rationality and anti-coloni-alism. Though the narrative of nineteenth century 'Buddhist Modernism' is routinely invoked... more
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      Anti-CatholicismBuddhist modernismAnagarika Dharmapala
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      BuddhismPsychologyCognitive PsychologyBuddhist Philosophy
Panel presentations at the 77th Annual Convention of the Japanese Association for Religious Studies 第77回学術大会パネル報告 Chair and commentator: Yoshinaga Shin'ichi 吉永進一 Presenters: Hioki Naoko 日沖直子, Suemura Masayo 末村正代, Okamoto Yoshiko 岡本佳子,... more
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      Japanese BuddhismTransnational HistoryBuddhist modernismD.T. Suzuki
Shinnyo-en, and other twentieth-century Buddhist lay movements emerging from older monastic and temple institutions, reconfigures elements of “traditional” Buddhism and “folk” religion to meet the conditions of modernity. Shinnyo-en’s... more
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      Japanese ReligionsNew ReligionsBuddhist modernismShinnyo-en
This paper studies the ways that "Walker," a short film by the Malaysian-Taiwanese auteur Tsai Ming-Liang, visualizes the relationship between Buddhism and modernity. Via detailed film analysis as well as attention to sources in premodern... more
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      Zen BuddhismHong Kong CinemaContemplative StudiesChinese Cinema
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      BuddhismPsychologyCognitive PsychologyBuddhist Philosophy
This article synthesizes and clarifies the significance of the last half-century's developments in Bhutan's politics within the frame of Buddhist political thought. During this time, Bhutan has held a curious position in the international... more
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      Gross National HappinessNāgārjunaBuddhist modernism
“Humanistic Buddhism” is generally acknowledged as a purely modern phenomenon in the history of Chinese Buddhism which came into being only after the advent of reformist activities in both monastic and lay circles since the late... more
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      BuddhismChinese ReligionsChinese BuddhismEngaged Buddhism
In his later life Maurice Merleau Ponty changed his understanding of how human beings know Being and how human beings know phenomena. His mature understanding went far beyond the early phenomenology of Husserl. His understanding and... more
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      Critical TheoryReligionGnosticismBuddhism
Der Gebrauch von psychoaktiven Substanzen zu religiösen oder spirituellen Zwecken ist unweigerlich verbunden mit Fragen nach dem Verhältnis dieses „set“ und „setting“ zu konventionelleren und traditionellen Formen von Religiosität und... more
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      BuddhismBuddhist PhilosophyBuddhist StudiesPsychedelics
Buddhism: New Perspectives on a Dynamic Tradition uses contemporary and historical perspectives to map out the diversity of secularization processes in Buddhism, and introduces crucial topics for scholars and Buddhist practitioners... more
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      SecularizationReligious StudiesBuddhist modernismBuddhist Meditation
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      BuddhismReligious EducationBuddhist StudiesKorean Studies
In the frame story of Heart of Darkness, Marlow is compared several times to a meditating Buddha. While Conrad criticism has considered these references from a philosophical point of view, it has not yet engaged how they relate to the... more
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      BuddhismEnlightenmentModernist Literature (Literary Modernism)Modernism
The Record of Buddhist Kingdoms is a classic travelogue that records the Chinese monk Faxian's journey in the early fifth century CE to Buddhist sites in Central and South Asia in search of sacred texts. In the nineteenth century, it... more
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      Asian StudiesHumanitiesChinese BuddhismTibetan Buddhism
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      BuddhismBuddhist PhilosophyBuddhist StudiesTheravada Buddhism