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World over, potatoes are being stored at 8–12 °C (85–90 % RH). This is the most common way of long-term (up to 6 to 9 months) storage of potatoes. The benefit of storing the potatoes within the temperature range of 8–12 °C is minimum... more
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      Potato storageCIPC
It is important to suppress sprout growth during storage of potato tubers as it helps not only in reducing weight loss but also other undesirable changes that adversely affect the quality of potatoes. World over, CIPC [isopropyl... more
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      PotatoesHuman healthStorageEnvironmental Safety
Market for processed potato products in India is growing at the rate of 15-20 percent annually. Presently, around 3.1 million metric tonnes of potatoes are processed and this is about 7.5 % of the total potato production (41.5 million... more
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      Food ProcessingPotatoIndiaVarieties of Potatoes
The rapid rate of ripening of fruit and senescence of leaf or flower due to the plant hormone ethylene has direct implications on their physiology, shelf-life, storabil¬ity, postharvest losses, and management practices. The world over, on... more
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      SenescencePostharvest PhysiologySHELF LIFEFruits and vegetables