Recent papers in Calculator
Finance and investment has become a headache for most of the people even the educated ones who are king in their business or service. There are various financial instruments available in market which confuses the choice of the investor.... more
This article includes a simple design of Vedic square calculator for Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). This is a straightforward and innovative design of Vedic calculator using only few basic digital logic gates. Among the... more
This article includes a simple design of Vedic square calculator for Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). This is a straightforward and innovative design of Vedic calculator using only few basic digital logic gates. Among the... more
The discussions that arise when demonstration in mathematics is dealt with often cause opposing positions regarding the wisdom of its use. How can it be conducted in the classroom? How to discern which proofs enrich the academic formation... more
What is the impact of calculator use on the acquisition of arithmetic facts? Some, but not all, prior research reports that mental practice promotes better subsequent performance than calculator practice (i.e., the generation effect). Is... more
Nowadays, many people using smartphone to connet to her colleague. The electronic device using capacitor and transistor. The electronic device’s size recently become smaller. The capacitor can be used to the most important function that... more
Using a newly developed software application entitled The Community College Transfer Calculator©, this article both quantifies the effect of specific course-taking patterns and stresses the need for an easy to understand tool for... more
this article describes the collaborative research conducted by three groups (Lyon, Montpellier and Paris IREM (Research Institute on Mathematical Education) and INRP (National Institute on Education Research ) on a new calculator from... more
Those of you who already have some experience of programming, or experience of simply using a computer, will know that computers can be very unforgiving. They are fussy, and unless you get things exactly right they will complain. The... more
this article describes the collaborative research conducted by three groups (Lyon, Montpellier and Paris IREM (Research Institute on Mathematical Education) and INRP (National Institute on Education Research ) on a new calculator from... more