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...Utilizamos las siguientes páginas de esta introducción del volumen para ofrecer un contexto historiográfico de las contribuciones que presentamos. Consideramos tres temas —o, más bien, tres procesos historiográficos—, que han influido... more
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      Cultural GeographyAndean ArchaeologyHistoriographyAmazonian Archaeology
Esta publicación intenta abordar la historia de una población que habitó el territorio de la actual región peruana de Amazonas. Se tiene conocimiento que en tiempos prehispánicos dicho territorio fue habitado por varios grupos humanos... more
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Summary of excavations at Manachaqui Cave 1988-1990, and Chachapoya development sequence
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      ChachapoyasTropical montane cloud forestsManachaqui
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      BioarchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyChachapoyasBioarchaeology of Childhood
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      Latin American StudiesLatin American History19th Century (History)Peruvian History
The book provides the first broad survey of church textiles of Spanish America and demonstrates that while overlooked, textiles were a vital part of visual culture in the Catholic Church. When Catholic churches were built in the New World... more
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      Indigenous StudiesHistory of TextilesEmbroidered TextilesHistory of Roman Catholicism
In the northeastern highlands of Peru, the Chachapoya people used above-ground tombs to place their dead. The Chachapoya were a collection of different ethnic groups who shared similar cultural practices and lived within the borderlands... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyFunerary ArchaeologyChachapoyasGIS and Landscape Archaeology
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      PeruChachapoyasTropical montane cloud forestsAbiseo
Este es el informe oficial y aprobado de proyecto PACCHA 2018, mandado al ministerio de cultural del Peru
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      Historical ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Chachapoyas
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      ChachapoyasPeruvian Archaeology
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      ChachapoyasAbiseoGran PajatenManachaqui
Se presentan los resultados de las exploraciones en el complejo arqueológico de San Pedro de Utac en la provincia de Chachapoyas, para conocer la naturaleza del sitio, los rasgos arquitectónicos y otros elementos culturales que lo... more
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      Peruvian HistoryChachapoyasArqueologiaSan Pedro
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      ViolenceBioarchaeologyAndean ArchaeologySocial Identity
askep hipertensi HIPERTENSI I. PENGERTIAN Hipertensi dapat didefinisikan sebagai tekanan darah persisten dimana tekanan sistoliknya diatas 140 mmHg dan tekanan diastoliknya diatas 90 mmHg.( Smith Tom, 1995 ) Menurut WHO, penyakit... more
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    • Chachapoyas
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      ChachapoyasArqueologiaArqueologia Peruana
A documentary on PBS entitled " Carthage's Lost Warriors " made the case for a theory that Carthaginians escaping Roman conquest had successfully crossed the Atlantic Ocean and had, over the course of time, made their way up the Amazon... more
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    • Chachapoyas
Las investigaciones anteriores en Gran Pajatén y en otros sitios de la ceja de selva atribuyen los restos de cuantiosos asentamientos antiguos a migraciones durante los últimos siglos prehispánicos por parte de poblaciones procedentes de... more
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      ChachapoyasAbiseoGran Pajaten
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    • Chachapoyas
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      PeruChachapoyasTropical montane cloud forestsAbiseo
Resumen Mediante el análisis bioarqueológico y biométrico de los restos óseos de Kuélap podemos probar los modelos de la na-turaleza física atribuidos a los chachapoya, un grupo indígena mitificado por los inka en los documentos... more
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      EthnohistoryBioarchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyChachapoyas
In this article I explore the mortuary patterning of the pre-Columbian Chachapoya. Previous researchers in the region suggest that the regional ethnogenesis of material traits associated with Chachapoya identity occurred by AD 800.... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyChachapoyas
In the Amazonian “Eyebrow of the Jungle” in northeastern Peru, an archaeological complex known as Posic has recently been investigated. Preliminary results comparing ethno-historical and archaeological records show that the site of Posic... more
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      Megalithic MonumentsPre-Columbian ArtInca ArchaeologyChachapoyas
Utilizes "Rural Landscape" concept as a framework for building a culture history for this previously unknown region.
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      Cultural HeritageLandscape ArchaeologyChachapoyasManachaqui
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      PeruChachapoyasTropical montane cloud forestsAbiseo
I sommeren 2018 brugte et stort hold danske arkæologer og arkæologistuderende deres sommerferie på to forskellige arkæologiske projekter i inkaernes land, Peru. Her havde undertegnede, foruden udførelsen af et projekt i Amazonas jungle,... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyInca ArchaeologyChachapoyasSouth American Archaeology
Objectives: Inca imperial strategies of political and territorial expansion varied across conquered regions depending on local ecology and cultural resistance, and Chachapoya peoples in Peru's for-ested northeastern Andes were renowned... more
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      Stable Isotope AnalysisAndean ArchaeologyChachapoyasBioarchaeology, Osteology, Paleopathology
Resumen: Los chachapoyas han sido percibidos como una entidad cultural periférica en relación con las otras sociedades de los Andes. Queda claro que la cultura material relacionada con los chachapoyas fue desarrollada antes de 1000 d.C.,... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyLandscape Archaeology
For more than one hundred years, archaeologists have attributed impressive monumental settlement complexes in the tropical montane forests of Chachapoyas to late pre-Hispanic population intrusions from neighboring regions, or to... more
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      ArchaeologySettlement PatternsChachapoyasTropical montane cloud forests
The province of Chachapoyas contains buildings of stone, of a conical shape, supporting large unwieldy busts. They are situated on the declivities of mountains, and in spots so inaccessible, that, in their construction, both the materials... more
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      BioarchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyDeath and Burial (Archaeology)
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      ChachapoyasAbiseoGran Pajaten
Resultados de la temporada de campo de 2018 del Proyecto Arqueologico Tambillo (Distrito Leymebamba, Provincia Chachapoyas, Departamento Amazonas, Peru)
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      Andean ArchaeologyChachapoyas
This paper analyses a diverse collection of previously undescribed cranial lesions observed from 42 individuals from the pre-Columbian site of Kuelap, eastern montane, Peru. I describe the presence of cranial lesions, their location on... more
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      BioarchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyPaleopathologyChachapoyas
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      GeneticsLanguages and LinguisticsChachapoyasQuechua
The pre-Columbian Andes are renowned for agricultural terrace systems in areas of steep terrain. Most studies have concentrated on regions characterized by seasonally-variable limited precipitation, yet research in high-precipitation and... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)ChachapoyasGIS and Landscape Archaeology
The last 2000 years in the tropical Andes was both a time of major pre-Hispanic and Hispanic period cultural developments, and increased climate variability. From c. AD 1000, Andean societies underwent significant transformation and many... more
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      Landscape EcologyArchaeologyClimate ChangePaleoecology
In early 17th century historical descriptions, Garcilaso de la Vega describes the Chachapoya people of Peru as “very brave”, “the men well-formed and the women extremely beautiful”. While the archaeological remains cannot address the... more
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      BioarchaeologyAndean ArchaeologySkeletal BiologyChachapoyas
This paper reports on the various treks to the Pishcohuañuna mountain range east of the city of Chachapoyas in northern Peru carried out between 1997 and 2010. The first two trips were made in search of wreckage of reported crashed... more
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      ArchaeologyLandscape ArchaeologyPeruChachapoyas
For more than one hundred years, archaeologists have attributed impressive monumental settlement complexes in the northeastern Peruvian montane forest, or ceja de selva, to late pre-Hispanic population intrusions from densely populated... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndesChachapoyasTropical montane cloud forests
Chachapoya bioarchaeological investigations on the eastern slopes of highland Peru are beginning to elucidate patterns in diet and social interactions in this distinctive region. We examine the importance of local ecology and subsistence... more
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      BioarchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyStable IsotopesChachapoyas
In this paper, we investigate the anthropological aspects of the ancient Egyptian mummy Cairo CG 61076 found in the royal cachette of Deir el-Bahari (DB 320) and labelled as "Baqt" by reassessing the published literature and photographs... more
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      EgyptologyAnthropologyForensic ScienceAlexander the Great
"Special edition: Archaeology and the National Park Idea
- Discusses conservation problems at Peruvian site of Gran
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      Cultural HeritageHeritage ConservationChachapoyasGran Pajaten
Esta tesis estudia los patrones acentuales en el quechua de Chachapoyas así como su relación con otros patrones acentuales descritos sobre variedades quechuas de los troncos QI y QII. La hipótesis de investigación es que las... more
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      ChachapoyasQuechuaQuechua Language and LiteraturesFonologia
Resultados de las investigaciones de la temporada 2017 del Proyecto Arqueologico Tambillo/PATA (Leymebamba, Chachapoyas, Amazonas)
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      ChachapoyasPeruvian Archaeology
Understanding how publics were constituted in specific socio-historical settings is critical to understanding political practice in past societies. Yet the persistent use of terms such as ''public space'' and ''public architecture''... more
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      Settlement PatternsVernacular ArchitectureAndesChachapoyas
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      ArchaeologyAndesChachapoyasTropical montane cloud forests
Historically and cross-culturally, communities have intentionally utilized vertical spaces, mountain peaks, and cliffs, frequently as sacred places and burial sites (Erickson 2006; Knabb et al. 2015; Man 1991; Reinhard and Ceruti 2005).... more
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      Andean ArchaeologyField Methods & Techniques (Human & Physical)Archaeology of Caves and Caverns (Archaeospeleology)Chachapoyas
Para optar el Título Profesional de:
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      ChachapoyasLenguas indígenas
regarding Imperio's history of occupation and particularly the site's special functions. The imagery enabled identification of subtle surface features that we suggest could be overlooked and inadvertently destroyed during conventional... more
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      ArchaeologyRemote SensingChachapoyasLiDAR for Archaeology
1. Introducción Si bien en la introducción revisamos el desarrollo de los estudios regionales y las rutas por las cuales llegamos al momento en que nos encontramos, en este capítulo contextualizamos los artículos anteriores entre las... more
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      EthnohistoryArchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyChachapoyas
Objective and materials: This research evaluates the presence and chronology of tuberculosis (TB) in the northeastern highlands of Peru (CE 800-1535) through the analysis of osseous lesions from Pre-Contact Kuelap, Chachapoyas. Methods:... more
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      BioarchaeologyAndean ArchaeologyPaleopathologyChachapoyas