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[JAEGER, Werner. Cristianismo primitivo e paideia grega. Trad. Daniel da Costa. Santo André (SP): Academia cristã, 2014 (128p)] Luís Gabriel Provinciatto 1 O que se encontra na obra Cristianismo primitivo e Paideia grega de Werner Jaeger... more
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      CristianismoWerner JaegerCristianismo PrimitivoPaideia
The question of the monophysism of St. Cyril of Alexandria is a debated one. He uses frequently phrases like "united according to nature" to indicate the union of divinity and humanity in Christ, against the council of Chalcedon which... more
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      Early ChristianityOrthodox ChristianityChristianity and Greek Paideia
Much of the history of scholarship on " hell " has been devoted to tracing genetic relationships between older texts and more recent ones, typically based upon generic elements or the specific features of hell's landscape. This paper... more
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      ApocalypticismEarly ChristianityEkphrasisHell
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      EthnographyPhilostratusTravel LiteratureHellenism
This paper wants to be a reading on the works of Justin (martyr and apologist of II century BC) and the assimilation of the classical culture, giving emphasis to Socrates as a factor of union between the classical 'paideia' and the... more
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      PlatónGreek ApologistsPatrísticaSócrates
In the second century Christians began to educate and instruct their children in a Christian fashion. This new form of paideia signifies a step in the formation of Christianity as an independent social movement. It originated as an... more
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      New TestamentEarly ChristianityNew Testament and Christian OriginsGreek Paideia
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      PatristicsEarly ChristianityGraeco-Roman AlexandriaClement of Alexandria
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      Early ChristianityPseudo-Clementine LiteraturePseudo-Clement of Romeapostle Peter
Coimbra, 27 June 2019.
12th Celtic Conference in Classics;
Panel 10: Transition and Transformation: the Early Reception of the Greek and Roman Inheritance (3th-8th c. CE).
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      Armenian StudiesPlatoClassical Reception StudiesAncient armenian translations from greek
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      MythologyLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesTextilesEgyptian Archaeology
A norma del codice civile italiano, è vietata la riproduzione, totale o parziale (compresi estratti, ecc.), di questa pubblicazione in qualsiasi forma e versione (comprese bozze, ecc.), originale o derivata, e con qualsiasi mezzo a stampa... more
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      Greek EpigraphyGreek EpigramGreek PaideiaChristianity and Greek Paideia
Examen del Método de Jaeger. Análisis del programa metodológico esbozado en el Prólogo de 1944 a la edición castellana de la obra y los seis pasos sinópticos de averiguación resumidos por el autor veintisiete años después de la primera... more
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      Philosophy of PaideiaWerner JaegerPaideiaMétodo Paidéia
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      PatristicsEarly ChristianityPatristics and Late AntiquityLatin and Greek Literature of Early Christianity