Christianity and Greek Paideia
Recent papers in Christianity and Greek Paideia
[JAEGER, Werner. Cristianismo primitivo e paideia grega. Trad. Daniel da Costa. Santo André (SP): Academia cristã, 2014 (128p)] Luís Gabriel Provinciatto 1 O que se encontra na obra Cristianismo primitivo e Paideia grega de Werner Jaeger... more
The question of the monophysism of St. Cyril of Alexandria is a debated one. He uses frequently phrases like "united according to nature" to indicate the union of divinity and humanity in Christ, against the council of Chalcedon which... more
Much of the history of scholarship on " hell " has been devoted to tracing genetic relationships between older texts and more recent ones, typically based upon generic elements or the specific features of hell's landscape. This paper... more
This paper wants to be a reading on the works of Justin (martyr and apologist of II century BC) and the assimilation of the classical culture, giving emphasis to Socrates as a factor of union between the classical 'paideia' and the... more
In the second century Christians began to educate and instruct their children in a Christian fashion. This new form of paideia signifies a step in the formation of Christianity as an independent social movement. It originated as an... more
Coimbra, 27 June 2019.
12th Celtic Conference in Classics;
Panel 10: Transition and Transformation: the Early Reception of the Greek and Roman Inheritance (3th-8th c. CE).
12th Celtic Conference in Classics;
Panel 10: Transition and Transformation: the Early Reception of the Greek and Roman Inheritance (3th-8th c. CE).
A norma del codice civile italiano, è vietata la riproduzione, totale o parziale (compresi estratti, ecc.), di questa pubblicazione in qualsiasi forma e versione (comprese bozze, ecc.), originale o derivata, e con qualsiasi mezzo a stampa... more
Examen del Método de Jaeger. Análisis del programa metodológico esbozado en el Prólogo de 1944 a la edición castellana de la obra y los seis pasos sinópticos de averiguación resumidos por el autor veintisiete años después de la primera... more