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Bár a detektívtörténet egy viszonylag merev sémára építkező műfaj, mégis olyan sokoldalú szövegtípus, hogy a legkülönbözőbb irodalomelméleti megközelítések fedezték fel a maguk elméleti premisszáinak igazolását benne. Kedvelt témája volt... more
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      Cognitive NarratologyDetective FictionCognitive Literary TheoryLiterary Darwinism Or Evolutionary Literary Theory
Curated colloquy with an initial cluster of contributions by Jason Crawford, Walter Melion and Bart M. Ramakers, Michael Silk, and Nicolette Zeeman. // "What has allegory to do with personification, and personification with allegory? Are... more
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      Intellectual HistoryMythologyClassicsEnglish Literature
La poetologia della conoscenza di Heinrich von Kleist si configura come un viaggio nella mente umana, nelle sue capacità conoscitive e immaginative, nelle sue labilità e nei suoi trascendimenti. La totalità romantica è infranta e il... more
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      German LiteratureGerman IdealismHeinrich von KleistEkphrasis
ILICIA International Conference plantea en esta nueva edición diversas propuestas de estudio dedicadas a los vínculos y espacios transitivos generados en el cruce de las disciplinas científicas y la literatura. El congreso está abierto a... more
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      Cognitive ScienceTransdisciplinarityLiterary TheoryLiterature And Science
Following Wolfgang Iser’s studies, literary criticism could no longer avoid a confrontation with the phenomenology of the act of reading. This has led the analysis of a literary text towards new researches regarding the reader’s response... more
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      Cognitive ScienceAnthropologyPhilosophy of MindArt
This book investigates how writers and readers of Renaissance literature deployed ‘kinesic intelligence’, a combination of pre-reflective bodily response and reflective interpretation. Through analyses of authors including Petrarch,... more
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      Embodied CognitionRenaissance literatureCognitive Literary Theory
Introduction Well, I'd like to meet you, Why, You have doubtless already noticed that our voices are identical, They do seem to be rather similar, No, not similar, identical José Saramago, The Double A man is sitting in his favourite... more
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      Film StudiesFilm TheoryFilm AnalysisCognitive Film Theory
A klasszikus detektívtörténet bizonyos szempontból tekinthető egyfajta modern népmesének, mivel a meglehetősen merev sémára épülő műfaj egyik állandó eleme a történet végén minden esetben bekövetkező igazságszolgáltatás. Az olvasó... more
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      Moral PsychologyCognitive NarratologyDetective FictionCognitive Literary Theory
Az árulás olyan alapvető emberi tapasztalat, amely nagyon határozott és erőteljes érzelmeket vált ki bennünk, akár szemlélői, akár elszenvedői vagyunk, ennek ellenére racionálisan nehezen megragadható jelenség, amelyre sem a... more
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      Cognitive Literary TheoryLiterary Darwinism Or Evolutionary Literary Theory
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      Embodied CognitionTrauma StudiesMemory StudiesCultural Memory
This essay uses cognitive theories of reading immersion, simulation, and quarantine theory to study anomalous readers in Don Quijote: not only the protagonist but also the secondary characters. It also explores the connections between... more
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      Cognitive Literary TheoryLiterature and cognitionDon QuijoteFanfiction
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      LiteratureAutism Spectrum DisordersCognitive Literary TheoryAlbert Camus
Peak End Rule (Kahneman, 1993; 2011) suggests that the average of the peak and end moments of an event disproportionately affect memory and thus perception of the experience. We investigate PER's application to the experience of... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceFilm Theory
Marshalling history and contemporary science, Banks investigates what happens when writers revive the embodied content of “dead metaphors” or Latin etymons. Analysing Rabelais’s Prologue to Gargantua and Dolet’s Commentaries on the Latin... more
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      Embodied CognitionMetaphorLexicographyHumanism
This chapter offers a way of understanding the effects of poetic images (metaphorical or literal). It employs and extends the notion of ‘emergent properties’, as well as relevance theory’s account of how communicative acts can ‘show’ as... more
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      English LiteratureLiteratureContemporary ArtEmbodiment
The article focuses on the psychological dimensions of readers’ engagements with young adult climate change fiction. It argues that that the embodied simulation of a fictional climate-changed world can offer much more than simple... more
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      American LiteratureCultural StudiesEmotionAmerican Studies
The aim of this paper is to discuss Iain Banks’s Use of Weapons (1990) and Wasp Factory (1984) in the context of the presentation of the workings of the human mind in both novels – paying special attention to the rela-tionships this... more
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      Cognitive Literary TheoryIain BanksIain M. BanksCognitive Literary Studies
Non sappiamo perché e come l’Homo sapiens abbia sviluppato la capacità di costruire storie. Possiamo però ipotizzare come presumibilmente siano andate le cose. Cioè come un ominide abbia sviluppato la facoltà di narrare storie e come... more
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      Cognitive ScienceLiterary TheoryNarrative TheoryCognitive Literary Theory
What cognitive effects characterise science fiction (SF)? Using construal level theory (CLT), I show that SF typically maximises psychological distance along the dimensions of space, time, sociality and hypotheticality. As per the... more
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      Cognitive ScienceHumanitiesNarrativeLiterary Stylistics
The role and identity of the warrior: self-reflection and awareness in Old Norse literary and social spaces Stefka G. Eriksen Medieval war could be led on many levels, for numerous reasons, and in different ways. War could imply fighting... more
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      Old Norse LiteratureKingship (Medieval History)Cognitive Literary TheoryMedieval Kingship and Government, State Formation, Ancient and Medieval Warfare
Many fields in the social sciences and humanities have recently been influenced by evolutionary theory and cognitive science. Of these, few have produced richer results than evolutionary and cognitive approaches to religion. Researchers... more
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      ReligionComparative LiteratureDigital HumanitiesLiterature
This essay investigates the phenomenon of "embedded" mental states in fiction (i.e., a mental state within a mental state within yet another mental state, as in, "Mrs. Banks wished that Mary Poppins wouldn't know so very much more about... more
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      Cultural HistoryCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceDevelopmental Psychology
Review of Rhonda Blair and Amy Cooks, ed., Theatre, Performance, and Cognition: Languages, Bodies and Ecologies and Clelia Falletti, Gabriele Sofia, and Victor Jacono, eds., Theatre and Cognitive Neuroscience. Performance and Science:... more
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      Cognitive Literary TheoryCognitive Literary Theory, Literature and Cognition, Evolutionary Psychology and LiteratureCognitive Approaches to Literature & FilmTheater and Performance Studies
What is the role of interpretation—the close reading of individual texts—in cognitive literary studies? In attempting to come to grips with this vexed question, my article focuses on the complex divides that separate the practice of... more
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      Cognitive Literary TheoryInterpretationCognitive Approaches to Literature & FilmCognitive Literary Studies
The aim of this paper is to use cognitive approach in order to analyse the topic of religion in two novels by Iain Banks. I argue that in both "The Wasp Factory" and "Consider Phlebas" Banks presents divine thoughts as cognitively natural... more
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      Cognitive Science of ReligionCognitive Literary TheoryCognitive NeuroscienceIain Banks
В гуманитарном мире сложился устойчивый образ О. Мандельштама — сложного, «темного» поэта, чьи стихи нуждаются в кропотливой дешифровке. Увлеченные поисками интертекстуальных связей, филологи зачастую игнорируют первооснову... more
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      Russian StudiesPerceptionSemanticsLiterary Stylistics
What makes a narrative text a narrative? This is the central question of the paper which functions as an introduction to the edited volume "Perspectivization on narrativity and narrative perspectivization" (2016, John Benjamins). Based... more
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      SemioticsLanguages and LinguisticsCognitive NarratologyNarratology
Em texto merecidamente célebre, “O direito à literatura”, Antonio Candido sublinhou a centralidade do literário na constituição da pólis. Aqui proponho que o desafio presente exige o desenvolvimento de uma nova ideia: o direito à leitura... more
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      Latin American StudiesComparative LiteratureMedia StudiesDigital Humanities
Understanding others’ mental states is a crucial skill that enables the complex social relationships that characterize human societies. Yet little research has investigated what fosters this skill, which is known as Theory of Mind (ToM),... more
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      Social PsychologySocial CognitionTheory of MindCognitive Literary Theory
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      MetafictionCognitive Literary TheoryJohn Barth
Affective Ecologies is an exploration of our emotional engagement with environmental narrative. Focusing on the American cultural context, the book develops an ecocritical approach that draws on the insights of affective science and... more
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      American LiteratureEthologyEmotionAmerican Studies
This paper organizes traditional and modern literary standards and values into objective assessment matrices to establish frameworks for examining contemporary masterpiece poetry within the contexts of the changing roles of literary... more
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureStructuralism (Literary Criticism)
This paper examines narrative literature from various Philippine literary periods to identify and articulate a national philosophy of Philippine narrative literature.
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      World LiteraturesComparative LiteratureEnglish LiteratureLiterature
The aim of this article is to explore how non-Christian deities are described, in comparison to the Christian God, in three Old Norse texts, belonging to different genres: Heimskringla, Barlaams saga og Jósafats, Elíss saga ok Rosamundu.... more
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      Old Norse LiteratureCognitive Literary TheoryMedieval ChristianityEmpathy
E. T. A. Ho mann's tale The Nutcracker and the Mouse King (1816) contains several wonderful, one may even say magical, events. First, it celebrates the birthday of a man who died in his early thirties, then came back from the dead for a... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceDevelopmental PsychologyEvolutionary Psychology
Intervento nel panel "Fictional minds: modi di rappresentazione della coscienza in letteratura", XXIII Congresso Nazionale ADI (Pisa, 12-14 settembre 2019)
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      Italian StudiesItalian LiteratureCognitive Literary Theory20th Century Italian Literature
Cognitively -oriented literary studies, if they are to appeal to a broad array of literary scholars, will need to link together cognition and culture. This essay brings together cognitive-psychological studies of the metarepresentational... more
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      Psychology of ReligionNarrative TheoryCognitive Literary TheoryHistory of the Novel
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceComparative LiteratureMedia Studies
This chapter starts with an overview of important topics, perspectives, and problems in Cognitive Poetics, and next takes poetic *metaphor theory* as a central case. First, it discusses Conceptual Metaphor Theory in relation to Aristotle... more
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      Literary StylisticsRelevance TheoryPoeticsTheory of Metaphor and Rhetorics
“Narrative Sequence in Contemporary Narratology coheres very strongly as a series of explorations of current research from various perspectives on what narrative theory can tell us about sequence—mostly sequence of discourse, though... more
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      Comparative LiteratureLiteratureNarrativeLiterary Criticism
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      Horror FilmCognitive Literary TheoryLiterary Darwinism Or Evolutionary Literary TheoryHorror Literature
This article presents a theoretical framework for an evolutionary understanding of minds and meaning in fictional narratives. The article aims to demonstrate that meaning in fiction can be incorporated in an explanatory network that... more
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      Cultural StudiesEvolutionary PsychologyNarrativeCultural Theory
Since its early formulation by Theodor Lipps, the concept of “negative empathy” has rarely received the attention it deserves in the scholarly debate on empathy. The present paper is an attempt to reconstruct its rough history and to... more
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      Comparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureAestheticsHistory of Ideas
[fr] La thèse réunit cinq travaux portant sur le rôle joué par la fiction dans notre expérience et notre appréhension du monde. La fiction peut-elle véhiculer des contenus de savoir ou constituer en elle-même une source de connaissance ?... more
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      Sociology of KnowledgeGeorge OrwellNarrative TheoryCognitive Literary Theory
The paper analyzes uses a cognitive ecocritical approach to demonstrate that Paolo Bacigalupi’s climate change novel The Water Knife uses the human body and its sensual and affective capacities in order to allow readers to imaginatively... more
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      American LiteratureCultural StudiesEmotionAmerican Studies
This article provides an overview of scholarship on Victorian literature and neuroscience, especially books and articles written in the last ten years. These works tend to fall into one of three categories: literary scholarship that draws... more
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      PsychologyNeurologyVictorian StudiesVictorian Literature
Palimpsest is an international journal for linguistic, literary and cultural research founded at the Faculty of Philology in Stip in 2016. It is published in printed form and electronically twice a year, the first issue in May and the... more
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      Literary JournalismSociology of CultureTeaching and LearningScholarship of Teaching and Learning
This article adds to the rich array of scholarly work on the moral dimensions of fairy tales by inverting key aspects of what has so far been theorized, and suggesting a basis for the evaluation of moral agency that arises from reciprocal... more
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      Comparative LiteratureMoral PsychologyLiteratureNarrative