This COM 499 Capstone Seminar syllabus is designed to prepare graduating seniors to complete their time in the Department of Communication Studies by showcasing their competence in communication. A capstone course provides a venue for...
moreThis COM 499 Capstone Seminar syllabus is designed to prepare graduating seniors to complete their time in the Department of Communication Studies by showcasing their competence in communication. A capstone course provides a venue for "assessing how successfully the major has attained the overall goals" (Wagenaar, 1993, p. 214). As such, many departments require a fairly involved capstone project that counts for a significant part of the grade and allows students to showcase a variety of desired student learning outcomes. In this COM 499 course, students are asked to complete assignments that demonstrate their academic development (e.g., capstone project) and professional development (e.g., resume, interview, portfolio, self-reflection papers). The discipline of communication studies is a rich tapestry that includes threads from both the social sciences and the humanities, which can be both exciting and confusing for students as they navigate the major. Olsen, Weber, and Trimble (2002) wrote that a holistic capstone course helps to clarify disciplinary identity and to defuse dialectical tensions for fields and majors that combine multiple scholarly traditions. COM 499 Capstone Seminar seeks to give students an opportunity to integrate and synthesize what they have learned in the Communication Studies major by completing their own original research projects to demonstrate what they have learned. Rodrick and Dickmeyer (2002) wrote that "the capstone experience not only benefits our students' understanding of communication, it also provides them with the values and benefits of undergraduate research in general" (p. 47). Undergraduate research is a central component of the COM 499 capstone course. The COM 499 course challenges students not only to locate and cite academic sources that illuminate a central research question, but also to conduct their own original research. In short, students in COM 499 should receive the message that knowing how to conduct and interpret research will benefit them in their future chosen professions and careers. Taught as a seminar class, this COM 499 course syllabus offers flexibility for professors to mentor students' capstone projects in a way that fits with their own academic background and strengths. This introductory essay provides context and explanation to help instructors implement this course syllabus if they choose to do so. ASSESSING COMMUNICATION COMPETENCY IN THE CAPSTONE COURSE The capstone project in communication studies allows students to showcase a variety of desired learning outcomes, such as the ones provided by the National Communication Association (NCA) in 2015. Integrating NCA's communication competencies into this course syllabus and assignments allows COM 499 students to reflect on the work products they have created that best demonstrate their communication proficiency.