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PROFILE AND PERCEPTION ABOUT THE USE OF ELECTRONIC GAMES FOR ELEMENTARY STUDENTS: RELATIONS WITH PHYSICAL EDUCATION ´ Abstract In the present times of Information and Communication Technologies it is possible that the school might be a... more
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      Educational TechnologyVideo GamesHuman DevelopmentPhysical Activity
Abstract: This Master’s Dissertation is divided into a theoretical and an empirical research component. The first component develops in a general way by approaching the present globalization procedures and the development model, of an... more
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      GlobalizationIntercultural EducationMulticultural EducationPedagogía
“Writing Home: Vocational Labor and Literary Production in Contemporary American Homesteading” By Amanda McLoughlin Advisor Una Chaudhuri New York University, 2014 This thesis examines literary production in contemporary American... more
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      American LiteratureContemporary LiteratureMemoirLiterary Self-Fashioning
"This essay has a twofold purpose: to display (i.e. to introduce) the very notion of the contemporary as a historical and aesthetic category, and to introduce it as a question of display. When we look back on how the word ‘contemporary’... more
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      Museum StudiesContemporary ArtBruno LatourHistory of Exhibitions
PROFILE AND PERCEPTION ABOUT THE USE OF ELECTRONIC GAMES FOR ELEMENTARY STUDENTS: RELATIONS WITH PHYSICAL EDUCATION ´ Abstract In the present times of Information and Communication Technologies it is possible that the school might be a... more
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      SociologyEducational TechnologyVideo GamesHuman Development
The paper identifies significant fault-lines both within the policy making and policy implementation which obstruct the much desired virtue of national harmony and integration in Pakistan. Normally, it appears that most of the federating... more
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      PakistanNational IntegrationContemporary StudiesPashtun Pakhtun Identity Nationalism
Django Unchained, an American western launched in 2012, can be perceived in many different ways. The aim of this study is to look at Quentin Tarantino’s western from the point of view of its genre tradition. Taking into account the... more
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      American StudiesFilm StudiesIntermedialityWesterns