Control Mechanisms
Recent papers in Control Mechanisms
Sociology of Mafias Assignment submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Sociology at the University of Oxford. Trust and reputation are essential control mechanisms for the Mafia to... more
De momento solo disponible en ingles. Con sus setenta y dos entradas, Konrad Becker pretende abrir las puertas de la realidad estratégica: su construcción a lo largo de los siglos, su imposición a través del sigilo y la fuerza, su... more
La brujería del poder y como recuperar(nos).
Society is a collectivity consisting of free individuals living with harmony, solidarity, and order. Yet, the "freedom" of the individuals is questionable. For the continuity of the order, human beings have to be kept under control.... more
La evasión tributaria es considerada como un fenómeno preocupante para el Estado ecuatoriano, porque a pesar de los esfuerzos realizados por parte del Servicio de Rentas Internas en fortalecer los controles para reducir el nivel de... more
Jedan od važnih instrumenata za vršenje nadzora nad državnim tužilaštvom i policijom, kao i za ocjenu njihovog rada, je putem redovnog izvještaja o radu. Uslov da ovaj mehanizam funkcioniše je da su izvještaji pravovremeni, precizni,... more
Studies were conducted to determine farmers ’ perception on Striga control options and their potential for adoption in two Extension Planning Areas (EPAs) in Central Malawi. Individual interviews were conducted in Mpingu (Lilongwe... more
This work focuses on the mathematical model for the dynamic behavior of two competing plant species. We introduced a control mechanism and a growth enhancer to reduce the population of the weed and enhance the growth of the foodcrop... more
Over the past few decades, caring for special patients has taken center stage in healthcare systems. Moreover, what necessitates conducting a comparative study into the conditions of special patients and designing a suitable model are as... more