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famously defined cultural capital as the accumulated cultural knowledge that confers power and status. Their original work explained many of the intangible advantages that allowed the upper class to obtain better status jobs, education,... more
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    •   14  
      Computational GeometryGraphic DesignCultural CapitalSTEM Education
famously defined cultural capital as the accumulated cultural knowledge that confers power and status. Their original work explained many of the intangible advantages that allowed the upper class to obtain better status jobs, education,... more
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    •   7  
      STEM EducationEthnomathematicsAgencyDesign Agency
famously defined cultural capital as the accumulated cultural knowledge that confers power and status. Their original work explained many of the intangible advantages that allowed the upper class to obtain better status jobs, education,... more
    • by 
    •   14  
      Computational GeometryGraphic DesignCultural CapitalSTEM Education