Recent papers in Cystectomy
Objectives. To investigate the effectiveness and morbidity of percutaneous laser endoureterotomy in the management of ureterointestinal anastomotic strictures after radical cystectomy and urinary diversion. Methods. Between May 1997 and... more
Multiple prospective Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG) protocols have evaluated bladder-preserving combined-modality therapy (CMT) for muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC), reserving cystectomy for salvage treatment. We performed a... more
1 What ' s known on the subject? and What does the study add? Bladder cancer is one of the costliest malignancies to treat throughout the life of a patient. The most cost-effective management for low -risk non-muscle-invasive bladder... more
Background: The reorganisation of cancer services in England will result in the creation of specialist high volume cancer surgery centres. Studies have suggested a relationship between increasing surgical volume and improved outcomes in... more
Cancer Committee of the French Association of Urology (CCAFU) conducted a review of the epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of intradiverticular bladder tumours (TVID) and proposed therapeutic management. A bibliographic research in... more
For other articles on a related topic see pages 741 and 749. Purpose: We compared 3 predictive models for survival after radical cystectomy, risk group stratification, nomogram and artificial neural networks, in terms of their accuracy,... more
Purpose: We evaluated the survival of patients with muscle invasive bladder cancer undergoing radical cystectomy without neoadjuvant chemotherapy to confirm the utility of existing clinical tools to identify low risk patients who could be... more
Bien que le placenta percreta reste une pathologie rare, sa fréquence tend à augmenter avec celle des césariennes. Ce sont donc des situations auxquelles les obstétriciens vont être de plus en plus souvent confrontés or il peut entraîner... more
Pelvic surgeries are among the most common causes of organic sexual dysfunction in men and women. The impact of nerve-sparing surgery on potency has been well documented in radical prostatectomy. However, its impact on potency needs to be... more
a v a i l a b l e a t w w w . s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w . e u r o p e a n u r o l o g y . c o m Abstract Context: Pathology standards for the diagnosis of bladder cancer (BCa) have recently... more
An ileal conduit is the most common urinary diversion following radical cystectomy for invasive bladder cancer. Unlike internal complications commonly described in urological literature, reports about the incidence of external... more
Purpose: Enhanced recovery after surgery protocols aim to improve patient care and decrease complications and hospital stay. We evaluated our enhanced recovery after surgery protocol, focusing on length of stay, early complication and... more
were accepted for analysis. The level of evidence and the grade of the recommendations were established using the GRADE system.
Purpose:To developa Korean version of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy(FACT)-Vanderbilt Cystectomy Index (VCI) from the original English version,with subsequent linguistic validationin Korean patients who underwent radical... more
KEY WORDS: bladder diseases; cystectomy; urinary reservoirs, continent; urinary diversion Currently, the classical, time-honored ileal conduit as well as the stoma1 continent urinary diversions have given way to the increasingly frequent... more
Recently, nonabsorbable staples have been safely used in a variety of urologic open and laparoscopic extirpative and reconstructive procedures. We report the surgical steps of our technique of U-shaped orthotopic ileal neobladder created... more
Study design: Prospective monocentric follow-up study. Objectives: To assess the results of cutaneous non-continent diversion for neurogenic bladder management. Settings:
Context: The incidence of bladder cancer increases with advancing age. Considering the increasing life expectancy and the increasing proportion of elderly people in the general population, radical cystectomy will be considered for a... more
To analyze the complications after robot-assisted radical cystectomy (RARC) by use of a standardized reporting methodology by a single surgeon. We prospectively reviewed a maintained institutional database of 52 patients who underwent... more
La cystite interstitielle (CI) est une pathologie de la vessie qui reste largement méconnue du monde médical français. Cette pathologie touche plus les femmes que les hommes. L'étiologie de la CI reste indéterminée. Les différentes études... more
The role of surgery in the treatment of patients with metastatic urothelial bladder cancer is controversial. The aim was to review situations where surgical resection of the bladder tumor and/or metastatic urothelial carcinoma has been... more
Objective: Laparoscopic radical cystectomy is a feasible procedure but there is still controversy if laparoscopic treatment of transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) of the bladder is oncologically safe. We report our experience with... more
Ipsilateral multiple synchronous primary renal neoplasms is an uncommon presentation, and only a few cases have been reported in published studies. We report the case of a 57-year-old woman with acute pyelonephritis as the initial... more
Abbreviations: (R)RC , (robotic) radical cystectomy; DVC , dorsal venous complex.
detubularized U-shaped ileocystoplasties (Camey II) following radical cystectomy were carried out in our Department of Urology (CMC Foch Suresnes, France). Our first evaluation of this procedure was carried out in 1989 and reviewed... more
Although calcifications in the prostate are a common manifestation, the relationship between calcifications and prostate cancer is not clearly documented as in breast cancer. In addition, anatomical distribution of calcifications by zones... more
To report oncological and functional results in women undergoing radical cystectomy and orthotopic bladder replacement.
To analyze the practice of surgical intensive care unit (SICU) admission of postoperative urologic patients and to define objective criteria to predict active treatment requirements and length of stay in the SICU. The records of 90... more
Context: Muscle-invasive bladder cancer (MIBC) is a disease with a pattern of predominantly distant and early recurrences. Neoadjuvant cisplatin-based combination chemotherapy has demonstrated improved outcomes for MIBC. Objective: To... more
Purpose: The aim of this Phase II study was to determine a bladder-sparing treatment in patients with invasive bladder cancer, allowing a better quality of life. Objectives were to test toxicity and disease-free and overall survival of... more
Lap a r osc opic ra dic al cys t ec t omy wit h or t hot opic ile al ne obla dde r : rep or t of 33 c as es HUAN G Jian , XU Ke2wei , YAO You2sheng , GUO Zheng2hui , XIE Wen2lian , J IAN G Chun , HAN Jin2li and L I Si2yao Keywords : bl a... more
Invasive urinary tumours are relatively rare, and their treatment may cause important changes in urinary, sexual and social functions. A systematic review of external radiation therapy studies in urinary cancers was performed. This... more
Purpose: The number of centers performing robotic assisted radical cystectomy has recently increased, spurring greater concerns about oncological outcomes. In this review we summarize the most comprehensive articles published on the... more